18 M a rc h 3 1 , 2 0 1 7 | Every week we showcase youths in our community SEND US YOUR NEWS: If you are a youth and you have a story or photo to share, we'll do our best to publish it on this page. Em ail it to ablackburn@ oakvillebeaver. com, along with your nam e and a brief paragraph about why you w ant to share it with our readers. OAKVILLE BEAVER |Friday, w w w .in s id e H A L T O N .c o m | R O C K Y O U R L O C K S Clockwise from above, Kimberley Coughlin, a brain cancer survivor who lost her hair during treatment, consoles Sofia Pelaccia, 7, who started to weep mid-hair cut at the inaugural Rock Your Locks event recently atT.A. Blakelock Secondary School. Coughlin showed Pelaccia a photo where she herself had no hair, helping to remind her why the youth signed up for the challenge. Pelaccia was all-smiles by the end of her haircut and she proudly gave her hair to Coughlin. Coughlin spoke about her own cancer journey at five assemblies at schools in Oakville to teach students about hair donation for women and children undergoing cancer treatment. The assemblies were an introduction to the inaugu ral Rock Your Locks event. Students and family members from Pine Grove, Eastview, Brookdale, Morden, Gladys Speers and Oakwood public elementary schools were invited to donate eight inches of hair toward making wigs made of real hair.The event was held atT.A. Blakelock High School last Thursday, March 23. Raea McLeod, 8, preps to look like dad Brad McLeod (left) at the event on Thursday night. " I'm trying to help people and I wanted to give as much hair as possible," she said about the decision to shave her head - seen having it shaved by stylist Jean Meldrum. Pippa Stirling, 6, rocks her new locks while Clara DiCesare, 6, is delighted as she looks into a mirror to see her new haircut. At top, Peyton Eadie and Caitlin Le Fevre, both 9, show off their new 'dos. Donated hair will be used to make wigs of real hair for girls and women undergoing treatment for cancer. | Nikki Wesley/Metroland Find help with your spring clean in g . | HAXELL LAW l [ Buying? Selling? Re-financing? Call us for a quote at Jameson Glas D. Kevin Haxell *ii rt tradyo Visit www.tradyo.com 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -0 7 6 7 e x t. 2 2 2 /2 2 3 is p S i p is p PersonalP rofession al Serviceat C mpeMfe PateS 1276 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville Ontario, L6J 7W5 T: 905-845-0767 ·F: 905-845-5552 ·w w w .h a xe llla w .co m · law ye rs@ h axelllaw .com