Oakville Beaver, 19 Jul 2000, A5

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Wednesdsay July 19, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 Te e n on e xp e rie n ce oflifetim e in Tall ShipsM illennium C hallenge B y W ilm a B lo k h u is OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Anna Davies could hardly contain her excite ment. The Oakville teen embarked on the sailing trip of a lifetime aboard the Picton Castle, one of two ships Canada has entered in the Tall Ships Millennium Challenge, an international race. The other is Eye of the Wind. Davies was chosen as a crew member on the final leg of the race. She left New York on-July 5th and expects to arrive in Halifax on July 23rd. "The Tall Ship Millennium Challenge is not a fancy name for a single boat bobbing aimlessly in the middle of the ocean," wrote Davies in a letter to corporations, individuals and service clubs seeking financial support. She had to raise $2,500 from com munity sponsors to help cover expenses. The feder al government has contributed $811,520 through its Canada Millennium Partnership programs, covering one-third of the cost. The Tall Ships Millennium Challenge is one of 1,000 projects funded this year. "It is an international race, involving 150 ships from around the world, the largest tall ship competi tion ever to take place," she continued in her letter. "Started in April, the race is well on its way, beginning in Southampton, UK, and traveling through Spain, Bermuda, up the east coast of the United States and finally, will end up in Halifax, where all of the ships will unit in one spectacular event" Canada's two Tall Ships will carry 500 youth aged 15 to 25, making scheduled crew changes along the way. Davies was lucky to be accepted on the final leg, and will be there for the end of race fes tivities in Halifax. She left a few days early to visit cousins in New York before boarding the Picton Castle, a classic 85-ton square-rigger with 175 lines of rigging and 12,450 sq. ft. of sail, a British Navy World War II ship built in 1955 and refitted in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, in 1997. "I'm very excited," she said just days before leaving. "I can't believe it's actually happening. "I can't wait to climb the mast." Having seen a TV commercial looking for par ticipants in the Tall Ship Millennium Challenge, she applied, obtaining the application through a friend of her father's in Halifax. "I applied in March and then I heard nothing until midJune, when I received a letter that I've been accepted, said Davies, who enters Grade 12 at Oakville Trafalgar High School this fall. "I've never sailed," he admitted, "not even when we lived in Newfoundland. We had a motor ^ but we never SEWING MACHINE STORE REPAIRS TO SINGER and all other makes dr models W m . E X P E R T P IN K IN G S H E A R S & S C IS S O R S H A R P E N I N G V M 198 SPEERS RD. 842-2033 Inside Oakville Vacuum this is your personal Invitation to... You could w in a T riu m p h bra & panty set of y o u r choice. G ift w ith every purchase. S atu rd ay J u ly 22nd, 2000 1:30pm & 7:30pm intercessory Prayer at 1pm and 7pm AB,C,D,E,EC,H,UK; 3052 calif T he O a k v ille C u rlin g C lu b 224 Allan Street, Oakville Ontario fo r more info, ce ll (416) 937-4621 or vrww.theslorynetwork.com Petite to l u M g u r e sizes _ . . Anna D aves: expenence of a lifetime sailed." She is part of a crew of 21 selected from all parts of the country, accompanied by 16 trained and sea son sailors. As part of her application, she had to submit a 300-word essay about why should would like to sail aboard a Tall Ship this summer. "When I was younger, about nine or 10 years old," she began, "I used to love to read adventure stories. Nothing was more thrilling than a daring escapade through the mountains, or an exciting quest across the ocean, or an impossible escape from the impenetrable jungle. "When I first heard about the Tall Ship Millennium Challenge, the picture that immediately came to mind was that of a small ship, lost in the grip of a merciless ocean, under a threatening sky, and being tossed like a rag doll amidst the thunder ing waves. "Undoubtedly, the next image was that of an exhausted, but victorious crew sailing into a har bour, cheered by the throngs of people lined up to congratulate them on their successful voyage . . . "I would really love to be part of the Tall Ship Millennium Challenge," she concluded. "The idea of teaming up with youth from all over the country to represent Canada worldwide is mind-boggling. It would be an amazing opportunity to meet people from all across the country, and to put teamwork skills to the test, providing an experience that won't soon be forgotten." FIN E LINIitlll 1 W M Recipient of the Oakville Chamber s Oakville Business Excel!ence Award 100 Bronte Rood (South of Lakeshore), Unit #3, Oakville · 847-1512 www.goodnightgoodmorning.com Experience God' s presence and love! Auxiliary honours $350,000 pledge to hospital, one year early The Auxiliary to the Oakville Trafalgar continue to be, an integral part of the every M em orial Hospital has handed over day operation of the hospital," said Barbara $350,000 to OTMH as Burton, Vice-Chair, part of its four-year Halton Healthcare $750,000 pledge, one Services Board of year ahead of schedDirectors. "They con 1ule. tinue to amaze us The original pledge with the eagerness of 1 M was made four years their members to take \ J Jm sm * ago to support the on more services, to Renal D ialysis Unit fundraise for our cap T (RDU) when it ital needs and make opened in April 1997. | our hospital a more The Auxiliary has caring place for the $ 350,000 also pledged to raise community." another $650,000 over The money was · < ' x . fiky the next four years for raised through vari the continued expan ous foyer sales and sion of the RDU. that th e AwxiVaiyx to the O T j V f / ? raffles. The Auxiliary will double the num Gift Shop (also ber of dialysis stations known as the ** ------------- * T and number of patients Treasure Cove) ! > raised $150,000, the that can be accommo * N dated. Those renova BINGO group raised tions should be com- C aro* Kirkwood, (right) outgoing Auxiliary $28,000 and HELPP President presents $350,000 cheque to Lottery plete by November. raised `T h e Auxiliary has Barbara Burton, Vice-Chair, Halton $17,800. always been, and will Healthcare Services Board of Directors. Ha. Filling stations! I mock you. TDI Mileage 4.41/lOOkm Highway W h a t hig h g a s prices? V o lksw a g e n 's a d v a n c e d TDI e n g in e can g o o ve r 1 ,0 0 0 kilom etres on a sin gle tan k o f diesel fuel. * (O th e r nice ad van ces in diesel science in clud e quieter engines a n d h ig h e r po w e r.) Test d riv e a Jetta TDI today. Right on past a city's w o rth o f g a s stations. um B ` Receive 200 LITRES o f Fuel on purchase o f a n y C a r w ith a co p y o f this aa. 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V a lid u n t il J u l y 3 1 / 2 0 0 N o t v a lid w it h a n y o t h e r o f f e r Any Batch of Regular or Premium Beer J G J L M 5 OFF^ ( e x c lu d e s f u l l g r a in ) p re p a re d b y y o u o n s ite ! V a lid u n t il J u l y 3 1 / 2 0 0 N o t v a lid w it h a n y o t h e r o f f e r please call S im o ne at: Book yo ur brew tim e now! 825 -B E E R (2 3 3 7 ) North Service Rrt. ein stein (905) 8 4 2 - 2 3 6 6 474 Iroquois Shore Road, Oakville ,**Tiroe femited offer. Membership valid at the location of enroBment only. Some restrictions apply. 0041NW ^ lEm Utem &reu> $tou;s^ "ip1 481 N o rth Service , Q.E.W. I 481 f o · i Rd. (just west of Dorval) HOURS: M0N.-FRL 12-8, SAT. 9-5, SUN. 11-3

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