13, 2 0 1 7 | 18 BEAVER | Thursday, April A ffordable. Everything. Data, talk and text. · S A M S U N G 4G B d a ta (2GB+2GB bonus) www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE · U n lim ite d C anada ta lk · U n lim ite d g lo b a l te xt, p ic tu re & v id e o m e ssag in g $40 Freedom O a k v ille S m a rt C e n tr e 261 O a k W a lk D riv e U n it J 2 , O a k v ille 2 8 9 .2 9 1 .3 2 6 1 W a lk e rs L in e 3 5 0 5 U p p e r M id d le R o a d B u r lin g to n 2 8 9 .4 2 7 .5 2 6 0 Samsung r Ontario Labour Minister and Oakville MP Kevin Flynn an nounced that Sheridan College is receiving $2.8 million in funding as part of the government's $50 million in special funding for the provinces college's as it recognizes 50 years of community colleges. | Graham Paine/Metroland mobile A p p le b y V illa g e 5 1 1 1 N e w S tr e e t B u r lin g to n 9 0 5 .6 3 5 .0 5 8 4 GALAXY A 5 freedom m obile.ca FREE »ories ($30 value) W ith any new activation on a $40+ Pay A fte r plan. Must activate at stores listed. O ffer ends soon or while quantities last. Ontario celebrates college historyw ith $2.8Mfor Sheridan by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff Learn more at freedommobile.ca. The bonus 2GB o f data is available fo r a limited tim e and is subject to change or cancellation w ithout notice. Bonus 2GB of data w ill be applied to Pay Before and Pay A fter lines fo r new activations on, or existing customers w ho migrate to , an " Eligible Plan" (current in-market $40, $49 or $59 plans) during the promotion period. Bonus 2GB o f data will remain on your account as long as you remain an active customer on an Eligible Plan. Offer may not be combined with any other in-market offer, w ith some exceptions. Additional terms and conditions apply. Applicable taxes extra. Samsung and Samsung Galaxy A5 are registered trademarks or trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Screen image simulated. The Freedom Mobile name and logos and other words, titles, phrases, marks, logos, icons, graphics are trademarks of, or are used under license by, Freedom Mobile Inc. W hile recognizing Sheridan College' s past, Ontario is looking to the college' s future with a near $3-m illion investment. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ontario' s colleges, the Province declared April 3-9 as Colleges' W eek and invested in each of its 2 4 publicly-assisted colleges to enhance the student experience. The provincial governm ent is contributing $ 4 8 million in capital funding for new see Province on p.22 H a m ilto n | B u rlin g to n | O a k v ille