Oakville Beaver, 13 Apr 2017, p. 33

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33 |Thursday, April 13, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Health by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff "Connected to your Community " Appleby College student working to raise awareness of autism Oakville' s Appleby College student Carter Horan is on a mission to help families affected by autism, including his own. The 16-year-old Grade 11 student spearheaded an initiative at Appleby April 10 14 with num erous activities planned, including handing out about 1,000 autism awareness pins, fact sheets and organizing a bake sale to raise m oney for U nity for Autism -- a Toronto-based charitable organization to support those with autism and their families. The school campaign to prom ote autism awareness is an idea Horan had for a while -- his brother has autism. "I thought it would be great to do an initiative I was passionate about and really had a personal connection to. M y brother is really the person w ho inspired m e," said Horan. "Throughout his life, he' s been involved in a multitude of different services and programs to aid his development. In recent years, I've had the chance to volunteer at his school, W oodview Learning Centre." Horan kicked-started the w eek of activities on Monday handing out awareness pins. That afternoon, Horan did a presentation for the student body, to provide background on his familiarity with autism and his brother' s experience. On Tuesday, there was a coin collection and distribution of fact sheets to parents and a bake sale on Wednesday, and Thursday with treats provided by a local bakery. "That' s going to be one of our main sources of funding, "Fundraising is sort of a byproduct of the week. Unity for Autism is an awesome organization, but w e're going to take this initiative as far as w e can go, to have a greater com m unity reach," he said. F o r the Oakville student, it' s particularly crucial for others to understand there needs to be m ore accessible services for individuals with autism, Horan explained. "The m ost im portant thing is awareness. It' s having people being educated on w hat the disorder actually is and w hat it m eans for those people who have it," said Horan. "A lot of people don't understand the ins-and-outs of w hat it means to have autism. It' s just something that is there and they don't really consider w hat the implications of it are." Horan has volunteered for and supported Unity for Autism for several years. His father, Matthew, is currently president of the organization, a "really great charity" that provides financial aid for autism services, he said. "It can be expensive and it can be difficult to get services like speech therapy or special one-on-one education. I got really great exposure to w hat autism is, w hat it looks like and how impactful those services actually are." From left, C arter Horan, Peter M acD o na ld , Braeden Kerr, a n d Lauren Power co lle c t d o n a tio n s a n d h a n d o u t p in s fo r a u tism aw areness before classes a t A pp le by College. | Gracie Postma photo along with that coin collection. All those funds will go towards Unity for Autism," said Horan. The goal of the week-long initiative, in w hich Horan hopes to raise $ 5 0 0 , is to support the charity and get as m any students as possible in conversation about autism. A R E Y O U S IC K A N D T IR E D O F B E IN G S I C K A N D T IR E D ? 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