Oakville Beaver, 20 Apr 2017, p. 20

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www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, April 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 | 2 0 For m ore news, visit oakvillebeaver.com 905 876-7671 - Gala of Hope Saturday to benefit Radius Child & Youth Services Oakville residents looking to get a taste of Mardi Gras can do so Saturday, April 22, all while supporting a local organization. The Gala for Hope will take place at the Le Dom e Banquet Hall to raise funds for Radius Child & Youth Services -- a specialized com munity-based agency that provides clinical as sessment and treatment services to children, adolescents and families affected by interper sonal abuse, as well as resources for mental health professionals, teachers, social workers, parents and those working with youths. Saturday' s event, with Celebrate Mardi Gras as its theme, will feature a cocktail reception, dinner, dancing, a silent and live auction, a performance from singer Kim Erin and appearance/book signing from author Tracey McGruthers, w ho wrote Empowered Mindset. The Gala for Hope will take place Satur day, April 22 at Le Dome Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Rd. E. Cocktail reception is from 5:30-6:45 p.m., while dinner starts at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $125 each and can be pur chased online at http://bit.ly/2pam8g3 or by contacting Margaret McConnell at 905-825 3242, ext. 229, or mmcconnell@radiuschildyouthservices.ca. Alternatively, people can purchase tickets by contacting Leasa Hennessy at 905-825 3242, ext. 221, or lhennessy@radiuschildyouthservices.ca. For more information, visit http://radiuschild-youthservices.ca/event/gala-for-hope/. Toll Free 1.866.414.0022 miltonhardwood.com SPECIALIZING IN: Sales & Installations Hand Scraped/Engineered I f Pre-Finished/Exotic Floors UnfinishedFlooring Sanding & Refinishing Builders/Contractors SHOP ONLINE! W EW ILL BEA TA N Y W RITTEN Qu0TE! Hours: Mon-Wed: 9am-6pm Thurs-Fri: 9am-8pm Sat: 10am-4pm Sun: Closed 53 Steeles Ave. E. Milton , On I cL E »N IN gkIt FREE P uR cH »S| H Produc,s M ade inCanada Halton D C C IA II halton.ca (| 311 fffl Yotiim REGION PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Feedermain Construction from Dorval Drive to the Davis Road Pum ping Station Town of Oakville PR-2998 H a lto n R egion has c o m m e n c e d c o n s tru c tio n o f a 9 00 m m F e ed erm ain on Speers Road fro m D o rva l D rive to th e D avis Road P u m p in g S ta tio n , in c lu d in g w o rk s o n Speers Road, Kerr S treet, S h e p h e rd Road, Cross A v e n u e a nd A rg u s Road, in th e T o w n o f O a kville . A d ro p -in P u b lic In fo rm a tio n C en tre w ill be h e ld to u p d a te re s id e n ts a nd business o w n e rs w h o w a n t to learn m o re a b o u t th e c o n s tru c tio n p ro je c t. H a lto n re p re s e n ta tiv e s w ill be a v a ila b le to a n s w e r y o u r q u e s tio n s a nd a ddress a n y con cern s. D a te : T im e : Place: Tuesday, A p ril 2 5 ,2 0 1 7 6 p .m .- 8 p.m . T o w n o f O a k ville (S o uth A triu m ) 1225 T ra fa lg a r Road, O a k ville NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION Watermain on North Service Road West from Bronte Road to Intersection and North to Existing Loop Town of Oakville If y o u w o u ld like to learn m o re a b o u t th e p ro je c t and are u n a b le to a tte n d th e P u b lic In fo rm a tio n C entre, please c o n ta c t: J o e P r o ie tti P ro je ct M a n a g e r P ublic W orks 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 e x t. 7 6 1 3 jo e .p ro ie tti@ h a lto n .c a C o n tr a c t N u m b e r : S c h e d u le d S ta r t D a te : S c h e d u le d C o m p le tio n D a te : C o n tr a c to r: P ro je c t M a n a g e r : W -3 1 2 3 A -1 7 A pril 2 0 1 7 J une 2 0 1 7 M a rin i & Sons C o n s tru c tio n Inc. C o n s t r u c t io n > a Better 'H a l t o n B uild in g S a n je e v S h a r m a P ro je c t M a n a g e r Public W orks 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 x 3 5 1 4 s an jeev.sh arm a@ h alto n .ca 't o o

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