Oakville Beaver, 6 Sep 2000, D6

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D6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 6, 2000 TIGER WOODS' ... Two record breaking years TIGER WOODS 2000, so far tournament name Dale 1st 2nd 8 1/02/00 Williams World Challenge 10 65 70 1/09/00 Mercedes Championships PI 71 66 2/06/00 AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am 1 68 73 2/13/00 Buick Invitational T2 71 68 2/20/00 Nissan Open T18 68 70 2/27/00 WGC Andersen Consulting Match Play 2 3/19/00 Bay Hill Invitational 1 69 6» 3/26/00 THE PLAYERS Championship 2 71 71 4/09/00 Masters Tournament 5 75 72 T4 73 67 5/14/00 GTE Byron Nelson Classic 5/28/00 Memorial Tournament 1 71 63 6/18/00 U.S. Open Championship 1 65 69 7/09/00 Advil Western Open T23 70 69 7/23/00 British Open Championship 1 67 66 8/13/00 Buick Open Til 70 70 8/20/00 PGA Championship PI 66 67 8/27/00 WGC NEC Invitational 1 64 61 1st « . . . 2nd 3 . . . 3 r d O ... to p 10 1 3 ... lo p 2 5 16 C u ts m a d e 1 6 ... c u t 0 . .. w ith d ra w 0 E v e n ts 16 ... m o n e y $7.6 9 2 ,8 2 1 ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Saturday, Sept 9 Doors open at 8 a.m. ... winning ways P G A T O U R V I C T O R I E S : (23) 20% 8 0 % OFF selected merchandise Full range ofproducts for your home M on-W ed 10-5:30, Thurs-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-5:30, Sun 12-5 [d is c o u n t (Jnt& doi ^W cadiouAe. "Where good taste isn't expensive" 2 # ^ iV 4155 Fairview St. Unit 16, (in behind Dairy Queen) Burlington (9 0 5 )6 3 4 -3 4 3 9 1996 (2): Las Vegas Invitational, W alt Disney W orld/O ldsm obile Classic. 1997 (4): M ercedes C ham pionships, M asters Tournam ent, G T E B yron Nelson G olf C lassic, M otorola W estern Open. 1998(1): B ellSouth Classic. 1999 (8): Buick Invitational, M em orial Tournam ent, M otorola W estern O pen, PG A C ham pionship, W G C N EC Invitational, National C ar Rental G o lf Classic/Disney, THE TOUR C ham pionship. W GC A m erican E xpress Cham pionship. 2000 (8, so far): M ercedes C h am p io n sh ip s, AT& T P ebble B each National Pro-A m , B ay Hill Invitational, M em orial T ournam ent, U .S. O pen C ham pionship, B ritish O pen Cham pionship, PG A C ham pionship, W G C N EC Invitational. IN T E R N A T IO N A L V I C T O R I E S : 3rd 71 71 68 67 69 67 66 68 67 65 71 70 67 67 70 67 4th 76 68 64 68 72 70 71 69 63 70 67 72 69 68 67 67 tot 282 276 273 274 279 270 279 284 270 269 272 281 269 275 270 259 par +2 -16 -15 -14 -5 -18 -9 -4 -10 -19 -12 -7 -19 -13 -18 -21 earned $130,000 $522,000 $720,000 $264,000 $37,731 $500,000 $540,000 $648,000 $184,000 $176,000 $558,000 $800,000 $26,700 $759,150 $57,240 $900,000 $1,000,000 1997 (1): Asten H onda Classic. 1998 (1): Jo h n n ie W alker C lassic (Asia). 1999 (1): D eutsche B ank O pen - T PC o f E urope (Eur). ... tale of the tape STA N D A RD STATS D riving D istance 296.4 Driving Accuracy Percentage 71.5% G reens in Regulation Pet. 74.9% Putting Average 1.719 Eagles (H oles per) 77.1 B irdie Average 4.93 Scoring Average 67.68 Sand Save Percentage 58.0% Total D riving 62 A ll-A round R anking 116 M oney L eaders $7,692,821 P ar B reakers Putts P er R ound B IR D IE STATS. P ar 3 B irdie Leaders P ar 4 B irdie Leaders Par 5 B irdie Leaders B irdie C onversion % SC O R IN G AVG. STATS. Scoring Avg (actual) Scoring Avg Before Cut Scoring Avg 3rd R nd Scoring Avg Final Rnd 28.7% 28.86 2nd 60th 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st 48th 3rd 1st 1st 1st 60th 1999 Date 1/10/99 1/31/99 2/07/99 2/14/99 2/21/99 2/28/99 3/21/99 3/28/99 4/11/99 4/18/99 5/16/99 6/06/99 6/20/99 7/04/99 7/18/99 8/15/99 8/22/99 8/29/99 9/26/99 10/24/99 10/31/99 11/07/99 11/21/99 tournament name Mercedes Championships Phoenix Open AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am Buick Invitational Nissan Open WGC Andersen Consulting Match Play Bay Hill Invitational THE PLAYERS Championship Masters Tournament MCI Classic GTE Byron Nelson Classic Memorial Tournament U.S. Open Championship Motorola Western Open British Open Championship PGA Championship Sprint International WGC NEC Invitational Ryder Cup National Car Rental Golf Classic/Disney THE TOUR Championship WGC American Express Championship ·The World Cup of Golf # T5 3 T53 1 T2 T5 T56 T10 T18 TI8 T7 1 T3 1 T7 1 T37 1 1 1 PI T! 1st 69 71 72 68 69 74 70 72 70 61 68 68 68 74 70 66 66 67 71 67 2nd 69 67 69 71 68 72 71 72 70 67 66 71 66 72 67 71 66 66 69 68 3rd 67 70 78 62 65 72 75 70 69 74 70 72 68 74 68 62 66 67 70 63 4th 72 68 65 70 72 75 75 71 69 69 70 71 74 72 71 73 69 68 65 tot 277 276 219 266 272 290 291 289 280 271 273 ·281 273 294 277 270 271 269 278 263 par -15 -8 +3 -22 -12 +2 +3 +1 -4 -9 -15 +1 -15 + 10 -11 -10 -17 -15 -6 earned $94,900 $204,000 $6,220 $486,000 $209,066 $150,000 $5,625 $107,142 $52,160 $28,333 $%,750 $459,000 $1%,791 $450,000 $78,115 $630,000 $12,480 $1,000,000 $450,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $200,000 Offer expires Sepf. 13/00 1 s t - 8 . . . 2 n d 1 ... 3 r d 2 . . . to p 1 0 1 6 ... to p 2 5 18 C u ts m a d e 2 1 ... c u t 0 ... w ith d ra w 0 E v e n ts 21 . .. m o n e y $ 6 ,6 1 6 ,5 8 5 KELLY Lost: 42 lbs, 50" "The girls were so helpful and supportive. I really appreciated that the most. And I lost it all in only 16 weeks! Thanks Herbal Magic! Sabbatini won last week's Tour stop R o r y S a b b a ti n i b e c a m e th e e i g h t h f i r s t - t i m e w i n n e r o n t h e P G A - T o u r t h i s y e a r , t h a n k s t o a 3 0 - f o o t b i r d i e p u t t o n th e 1 8 th h o l e a t l a s t w e e k e n d 's A i r C a n a d a C h a m p i o n s h i p in S u r r e y B .C . T h e y o u n g S o u t h A f r i c a n 's b o g e y - f r e e f i n a l r o u n d o f s i x - u n d e r - p a r 6 5 g a v e h i m a 7 2 - h o l e to ta l o f 2 6 8 , 1 6 u n d e r p a r. T h a t w a s g o o d e n o u g h f o r a o n e - s h o t v i c t o r y o v e r N e w Z e a l a n d 's G r a n t W a ite . S a b b a ti n i e a r n e d $ 5 4 0 , 0 0 0 ( U .S .) , n e a r l y m a t c h i n g t h e to t a l h e h a d p i c k e d u p in 2 0 p re v io u s to u r n a m e n ts th is y e a r. P G A t o u r v e te r a n a n d f o r m e r e v e n t c h a m p i o n M a r k C a l c a v e c c h i a c l o s e d w ith a 6 7 t o f i n i s h a l o n e in t h i r d p l a c e , t w o s h o t s b a c k o f t h e w in n e r . H e r e 's a c o m p l e t e r e c a p o f l a s t w e e k 's t o u r n a m e n t i f y o u w a n t t o s e e w h o 's h o t o r c o l d c o m i n g i n t o t h e B e ll C a n a d i a n O p e n . I n c i d e n t a l l y , a ll t h r e e g o l f e r s m e n tio n e d a b o v e a re c o m in g . l £< M e / 'B a ta d o n f u ll p ro gram E xclu de s p ro d u c t 18.8% 20.7% 57.4% 36.3% 3rd 1st 1st 1st · · · · · - Full service programs. Guaranteed weight loss. Lose up to 7 Ibs./wk. No prepackaged foods. Safe, easy & effective! 68.33 68.48 68.00 68.33 1st 1st 1st 1st O T H E R STATS 14 Total Eagles 2nd Total B irdies 296 11th C areer M oney Leaders $19,007,950 1st C onsecutive # o f C uts Top 10 Finishes B all Striking Longest D rive Scram bling B ounce B ack P ar 3 Perform ance Par 4 Perform ance Par 5 Perform ance 55 13 4 384 65.6% 37.9% -16 -51 -133 1st 1st 1st 2nd 6th 1st 1st 2nd 1st Course: Northview Golf and Country Club Purse: $3 million; Par: 71 Rory Sabbatini Grant Waite Mari; Calcavecchia Doug Bairon Michael Clark II Seigio Garcia Chris Riley KJ. Choi Brent Geiberger Dave Stockton, Jr Bob Bums J.L. Lewis 1 2 3 T4 T4 T4 T4 T8 T8 T8 Til Til 68-68-67-65 65-67-68-69 68-70-65-67 65-69-70-67 68-70-70-63 68-67-69-67 71-64-68-68 68-68-68-68 71-65-69-67 65-72-67-68 67-69-70-67 67-66-68-72 268 269 270 271 271 271 271 272 272 272 273 273 $540,000 $324,000 $204,000 $118,125 $118,125 $118,125 $118,125 $87,000 $87,000 $87,000 $72,000 $72,000 NOW LET THE MAGIC '3 WORK FOR YOU! ENROLL TODAY! CALL... W e iy ltt M a n a g e m e n t a n dN u tritio nt c n tic s www.herbalmagicsystems.com 637-60(9 175 Plains Rd. E. BLRUSGTOS (next tn La Feminique) 469-4532 1395 Abbeywood Rd. OAKVILLE (In the Bruno's Fine Foods plaza) Visit Club Link ENNISCLARE INTERIORS C lu b L in k , w h ic h p u rc h a s e d G le n A b b e y la s t y e a r, is a p ro u d h o s t o f th e B e ll C a n a d ia n O p e n . V is i t th e C lu b L in k in fo b o o th , lo c a te d n e x t t o th e S p e c ta to r v illa g e a n d y o u c o u ld w in a m e m b e r s h ip a t o n e o f fiv e C lu b L in k p riv a te g o lf c lu b s in th e a r e a -- C h e rry D o w n s, B lu e S p rin g s , K a n a ta , G re e n h ills o r H e r o n P o in t. A ls o , e n q u ire a b o u t th e ir P in e h u rs t p ro m o ti o n a n d f a l l s p e c i a l s a t th e i r M u s k o k a re s o rts -- G ra n d v ie w In n , R o c k y C re st G o lf R e s o rt, S h e rw o o d In n and L ak e Jo sep h C lu b . A nd, of c o u r s e , v i s i t th e G le n A b b e y G o l f S h o p , o p e n t o a ll s p e c ta to rs , lo c a t e d in th e m a i n c lu b h o u s e . Display Model Clearance '06 LIMITED QUANTITIES Wood Side Chair Reg. 247.00 Lamp Table Reg. 647.00 Metal Side Chair Reg. 257 Sale *129 Bookcase, Solid Wood Reg. 1237.00 Sale *258 Console, Metal with Glass Top Reg. 1237.00 Sale *167 Sleep Sofa, Rust & Sage Reg. 999.00 Sale *619 Sofa, Autumn Gold Reg. 1895.00 Sale *479 Sleep Sofa, Off White Reg. 999.00 Sale *699 Sofa, Floral Reg. 2147.00 Sale s799 Snyder Chair Reg. 2320.00 Sale *749 Oak Chest with Clock Reg. 2686.00 Sale *799 Curved Curio Reg. 3159.00 Sale *999 Children's Bed Set, Oak Single Bed, Night Stand Desk with Hutch Reg. 3027.00 Sale *1339 Cherry Bed Suite, Queen Sleigh Bed Dresser, Mirror, 2 Night Stands & Armoire Reg. 10,813.00 Sale *1739 Round Dining Table, 2 Side Chair, 2 Arm Chair, Oak Reg. 6759.00 , Joel Edwards TI3 6671-7067 274 $48,333 Mathew Goggin T13 67-70-68-69 274 $48,333 Jim McGovern TI3 73-656769 274 $48,333 Tommy Armour III T13 68-65-68-73 274 $48,333 Joe Durant T13 71656672 274 $48,333 Retief Goosen T13 69-6668-71 274 $48,333 Jerry Kelly T13 67-68-68-71 274' $48,333 Steve Lowery T13 7063-71-70 274 $48,333 Shaun Micheel TI3 6769-68-70 274 $481333 Scott Dunlap T22 7168-7165 275 $28,800 T22 72-6867-68 275 $28,800 Greg Kraft Jesper Pamevik T22 6665-70-74 275 $28,800 Hidemichi Tanaka T22 6867-68-72 275 $28,800 Esteban Toledo T22 6969-7667 275 $28,800 Robert Allenby T27 7465-7265 276 $21,750 T27 67-72-68-69 276 $21,750 Jimmy Green Scott Hoch T27 69-69-7668 276 $21,750 Scott McCarron T27 69-667368 276 $21,750 Rich Beem T31 69-767068 277 $17,014 Peter Jacobsen T31 7169-6968 277 $17,014 Naomichi Joe Ozaki T31 667672-69 277 $17,014 Craig Parry T jl 6673-7668 277 $17,014 Jason Buha T31 65-72-7367 277 $17,014 Greg Chalmers T31 7269-68-68 277 $17,014 Gabriel Hjertstedt T31 7269-68-68 277 $17,014 Todd Barranger T38 68-68-73-69 278 $12,600 Bart Bryant T38 7465-7669 278 $12,600 Jeff Gove T38 73-68-7667 278 $12,600 Tim Herron T38 7669-64-75 278 $12,600 David Peoples T38 71-767265 278 $12,600 Mike Weir T38 67-69-69-73 278 $12,600 Carl Paulson T44 7669-69-71 279 $ 10,200 Adam Scott T44 736768-71 279 $ 10,200 Steve Alker T46 7167-7369 280 $8,160 Olin Browne T46 767069-71 280 $8,160 Rick Fehr T46 7269-7366 280 $8,160 Pete Jordan T46 76767670 280 $8,160 Frank Nobilo T46 706868-74 280 $8,160 Tommy Tolies T46 667268-74 280 $8,160 Emlyn Aubrey T52 71-7067-73 28 * $6,796 Brian Henninger T52 756 6 67-73 281 $6.7% Yoshinori MizumakiT52 706968-74 281 $6,7% David Sutherland T52 69-7267-73 281 $6,7% Guy Boros T52 7671-7466 281 $6,7% Mark Brooks T52 67-7169-74 281 $6.7% Doug Dunakey T52 69-72-7268 281 $6.7% Scott Gump T52 767671-70 281 $6,7% Jonathan Kaye T52 69-71-7269 281 $6,7% Dicky Pride T52 6868-7675 281 $6,7% Kelly Gibson T63 74667672 282 $6,270 Paul Goydos T63 7069-72-71 282 $6,270 Casey Martin T63 767169-72 282 $6,270 Rob McMillan T63 716968-74 282 $6,270 Craig Perks T63 767168-73 282 $6,270 Larry Rinker T63 66767670 282 $6,270 Eric Booker T69 726674-71 283 $5,970 Steve Han T69 7169-71-72 283 $5,970 Dick Mast T69 767068-75 283 $5,970 Gary Nicklaus T69 7365-71-74 283 $5,970 Jay Delsing T73 7268-7674 284 $5,640 Jim Gallagher, Jr. T73 7467-71-72 284 $5,640 Gary Hallberg T73 7268 67-77 284 $5,640 Nolan Henke T73 7671-7568 284 $5,640 Brandt Jobe T73 67-7369-75 284 $5,640 Andy Miller T73 7267-72-73 284 $5,640 Craig Stadler T73 7068-72-74 284 $5,640 Glen Hnatiuk T80 7269-73-71 285 $5,370 Jetry Smith T80 67-7369-76 285 $5,370 JeffCoston T82 71-7671-74 286 $5,220 Sean Mutphy T82 746673-73 286 $5,220 Joe Ogilvie T82 69-72-72-73 286 $5,220 Jason Caron T85 7269-74-72 287 $5,070 Willie Wood T85 7169-70-77 287 $5,070 Brad Elder 87 70-70-77-71 288 $4,980 The following players did not finish Craig Barlow CUT 73-69 Aaron Bengoechea CUT 73-69 Barry Cheesman CUT 73-69 Steve Gotsche CUT 70-72 Arron Oberholser CUT 72-70 Mike Reid CUT 71-71 Brent Schwarzrock CUT 72-70 Mike Standly CUT 72-70 Ted Tryba CUT 74-68 Omar Uresti CUT 70-72 Cameron Beckman CUT 72-71 Phil Blackmar CUT 72-71 Danny Briggs CUT 75-68 Paul Curry CUT 70-73 Robert Gamez CUT 74-69 Matt Gogel CUT 75-68 David Gossett CUT 70-73 Charles Howell III CUT 78-65 Ian Leggatt CUT 74-69 Len Mattiace CUT 68-75 Craig A. Spence CUT 72-71 Ray Stewart CUT 68-75 Richard Zokol CUT 68-75 Andy Bean CUT 74-70 Tom Byrum CUT 72-72 Trevor Dodds CUT 73-71 Brad Fabel CUT 72-72 Fred Funk CUT 72-72 Bob Gilder CUT 74-70 Bradley Hughes CUT 71-73 Mike Hulbert CUT 73-71 Philip Jonas CUT 71-73 John Maginnes CUT 74-70 Stephen Ames CUT 75-70 Ben Bates CUT 71-74 Jason Bohn CUT 74-71 Michael Combs CUT 76-69 (See 'Airi page D7) 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 145 145 145 145 Sale *1799 Bed Suite, King Poster Bed Dressing Chest, Mirror, Master Chest, Bachelor Chest Reg. 13,455.00 Sale *5989 Queen Sleigh Bed Reg. 3469.00 Sale *2999 Matching Curio Reg. 4867.00 Sale *2249 4-Pc. Oak Bedroom with Iron Bed Reg. 9802.00 Sale *2189 Leather Recliners Reg. 3329.00 S ta y s a fe In c a s e o f w e a th e r w a rn in g , a v o i d th e f o l l o w in g ... h il lt o p s , h ig h p l a c e s , o p e n f i e ld s , i s o la t e d tr e e s , g o l f c a r t s , m e t a l a n d w ir e fe n ces. Sale *8296 Cherry Dresser, Wing Mirror and Night Stand Reg. 6981.00 ea. Sale *4599 Carved Poster Bed, 2 Night Stands, Gentlemen's Chest Reg. 23,166.00 Sale *1999 Carved Bed Suite, Sleigh Bed Armoire, Dresser, 2 Night Stand Reg. 34,875.00 Sale *2399 Sale *11,999 Sale *19,999 Promo T h e p e r fe c t g ift th a t's a lw a y s w e lc o m e E a c h tim e a p ro sin k s an e a g le , o n e lu c k y f a n w in s a d i g i t a l L E D h ig h -s p e e d p r i n te r . S t o p b y th e O K I b o o t h in th e S p e c ta to r V illa g e . ENNISCLARE INTERIORS 1075 NORTH SERVICE RD. WEST, OAKVILLE. Tel: (905) 825-2450 STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Sat.10:00 am to 5:30 pm Thurs. & Fri. 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. Sun. 12 noon to 5:00 pm Excellent employment opportunities are now available at Ennisclare Interiors t

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