Oakville Beaver, 20 Sep 2000, B6

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B6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 20, 2000 Christie festival of ART & CRAFTS · Spectacular Fall show! Juried artisans from across Ontario The Nerd selling high quality hand made crafts and original art · Be entertained! Live music, children's entertainment, Great acting but script drags By Carol Baldwin ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Rick S teadm an is the ultim ate unw anted guest. O r is he? Although he comes for an evening and decides to remain indefinitely as the house guest of a man he has never met, Steadman shakes up that man's life, a life that has become stale and drab and devoid o f risks. Steadman, a.k.a. the nerd (Andrew Finnigan), upsets the life of his gracious host, Willum Cubbert (Mark St. Jean), by filling it with colour, challenges, and ultimately with risks. And, of course, dealing with those changes is the premise of Larry Shue's The Nerd , currently being pre sented by West End Studio Theatre at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts. I must, in all fairness, preface my comments about the play by stating, up front, that physical comedy seldom tickles my funny bone. Witty words and subtle humour are my comedic preference. Consequently, the first 15 or 20 minutes of The Nerd demonstrations by talented artists · Enjoy! The park's natural beauty, picnic areas, trails, lakeside Theatre Review are great as far as I'm concerned. They are filled with wonderful lines delivered with precision, mostly by Axel Hammond, played by M ike Tadic. In fact, Hammond is not only the catalyst for the comedy, he's the catalyst for the action. W ithout him, there is no story, despite the play's title. And Tadic does a superb job. For me, once the nerd steps on stage, the witticisms slowly slip into physical humour and the dialogue gradu ally gives way to gestures. Now, if you're a fan o f farces, that's a good thing. But if you're not, it is not. However, having said that, Kevin St. Jean, who plays Thor, the mischievous young son of W amock and Clelia W aldgrave (Steve Dashney and Audrey Adams, respec tively), is the king o f gestures and antics in this produc tion. This performing prodigy is fabulous as he screams, tumbles and runs about the stage, alternating between fury and fear, hell-raising and hiding. His presence skill fully upstages all the adult actors. Keep an eye on this emerging actor. If he is as talented in adolescence and adulthood as he is as a youngster, you'll be seeing this young m an's name in theatre pro grams and on marquee for years to come. Actually, all o f the acting in this production is flaw less. The entire cast is a talented lot. It's just that Tadic and the younger St. Jean shine a bit brighter; and perhaps that's because they have the script and the director, respectively, to enhance their talents. And yet, it is the script to a large extent, and the direc tor to a lesser extent, that are responsible for the play's switch from snappy scenes with witty dialogue to a slowmoving storyline with farcical antics. Maybe the gradual increase in farcical actions was director S. G ur's attempt at com pensating for the story line that begins to drag at the end o f the first act. And, once again, it may have worked for those who like comedic clowning. For me, however, editing is the only solution to a slow-moving script, although editing may prove more difficult than trying to work around the slug gish snags. So, in essence, this three-hour play (intermission included) takes too, too long to make its point, so much so that the comedy starts to unravel. And therein lies its biggest flaw. With superior acting, an excellent premise and a crowning surprise ending, it has all the makings of an entertaining evening, which it would be, if the gam e playing scene and the execution o f the plot to get rid o f the nerd were quicker paced. Trimmed by 30 minutes or so, The Nerd could well be the comedy hit o f the season. The Nerd will continue at The Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, Sept. 20th to 23rd. Tickets are $16 and are available by visiting or calling the box office at 130 Navy St., 815-2021, weekdays from noon to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. September 23 & 24 Under huge festival tents / 10 am-5 pm daily Admission $5.00 / Free parking on site Children 12 and under free. No pets please Christie Conservation Area Dundas, Ontario Hwy 5, nine km west of Hwy 6 Easy access from Q EW and 403 Information 1-800-667-0619 Making welfare work Your success is helping others succeed. Congratulations to the entire team in Halton Region. Since 1995, the Harris government has been reforming the welfare system and the results have been tremendous. The welfare caseload in Ontario has declined by more than 50 per cent and a big reason for this success has been the hard work of people in communities like Halton Region. Taxpayers demand high standards and the team in Halton Region has not only met, but exceeded those standards. Halton Region is one of 28 communities in Ontario to exceed its work-for-welfare placement target. Placements offer welfare recipients the chance to get practical work experience, skills and the self-confidence to get and hold a job. The efforts of senior management, the caseworkers, and the entire welfare staff are making a huge difference in the lives of many people. Moving people from welfare to work benefits us all. Ontario Community Notices Deaths C HAPM AN, R O B E R T ALLA N -B o rn M a rc h 2 9 , 1 9 4 5 in H a lif a x N o v a S c o tia . P a s s e d a w a y S e p te m b e r 14, 2 0 0 0 a t th e a g e o f 5 5 . L o v in g h u s b a n d o f J o a n (M a c le o d ). F a th e r o f G ra n t, P a m , a n d R o b . S o n o f th e la te S id n e y a n d K a y (C re ig h to n ) C h a p m a n . B ig b ro th e r o f L e d a , M ic h a e l, a n d P e r ry . L ittle b r o th e r o f P a u l. V is ita tio n w a s h e ld S u n d a y a t O a k v ie w F u n e ra l H o m e , 5 6 L a k e s h o re R o a d , W e s t (1 B lo c k e a s t o f K e r r S t. ) O a k v ille . F u n e r a l S e r v ic e w a s h e ld M o n d a y S e p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 0 0 in th e C h a p e l. F o llo w e d b y c re m a tio n . H e w ill b e re m e m b e re d , H o n o u re d , a n d lo v e d . A lw a y s Deaths NELSON, Dorothy A. (nee Broad) ( A mem ber of the Eastern Star). Peacefully on Sunday, Sep tem ber 17, 2000 at O a kville-T ra la lga r M em orial Hospital in her 81st year. Dorothy, beloved wife of the late James. Loved mother ot Sharron and her hus band Ray Courchesne. Wayne and his wile Barbara and Jama and her husband Keith Ballantyne. Dorothy w ill be m issed by many gran d ch ild re n and great gran d ch ild re n . D orothy was predeceased by her brother Gordon Broad. V is ita tio n at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. Wednesday, Sep tember 20, 2000 from 2 -4 and 7 -9 p.m. Funeral Service 3:30 p.m. Thursday, September 21, 2000 in the chapel. Visitation will also be held 2-4 p.m. Sat urday September 2 3 ,2 0 0 0 at the M iron-W ilson Fu neral Home, 150 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. Fu neral Service 7 p.m. Saturday, September 23, 2000 in the chapel. Interm ent M onday, September 25, 2000 at Timmins Memorial Cemetery. PAUL, Lawrence - Peacefully, after a lengthy illness on Monday. August 21, 2000, at Milton District Hos pital, In his 85th year. Lawrence, beloved husband of the late Doris (Payne). Devoted and loving father to his 8 children: Beverley, Judy, Karen, Bill and his wife Mary, Tim, Jett and his partner Joyce. James and his wife Mary, Jenny and her husband Fernando. He w ill be fo n d ly remembered by his 18 grandchildren. 8 great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews Lawrence was not only a loving family man but also a giving person and a true Iriend to anyone in need. He w ill be sadly missed by many friends, neighbours and all ol those whose lives he touched. Friends will be re ceived at Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, on Saturday September 23,2000, Irom 1pm until the time ot the Memorial Service at 2pm in the chapel. Reception lo follow. Those wishing, may make a memorial donation to the Heart and Stroke Founda tion. A special thank you to the doctors and nurses at O.T.M.H. and to the Chronic Care Unit staff at M ilton District Hospital. SEALE: W ILLIAM (BILL) - Member Oakville Rod & Gun Club, Member Oakville Legion Br. 114, Former owner ot White Oak Texaco and Bill's Service. Peacelully alter a brief illness on Sunday September 17, 2000 at Ian Anderson House. B ill Seale beloved husband ol the late Elizabeth 'B e s sie ' (McGowan). Dear father ot Garry and his w ile Pat, Wayne, Cindy Van Hoogenhuize and her husband Bill. Loved brother of Betty Van Sickle and the late Mercia Heath. Loving ly remembered by his grandchildren, Dylan, Dalis, Am ber, C rystal and Bobby. V is ita tio n at the K opriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville on Tuesday trbm 7-9 pm and Wednes day from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. A Service to Celebrate the life of B ill w ill be held 1:30pm Thursday September 21, 2000 at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca Street. Oakville. In lieu ot (lowers donations to the Ian Anderson House would be Appreciated by the family. Special Thanks to Dr. D. Leslie, Olga Bosada and Grace Salvary. Deaths SMITH, Darrell James A t C a m b rid g e M e m o ria l H o s p ita l on M on d a y, S eptem ber 18, 2000. Darrell James in his 65th y e a r, o f F la m b o ro u g h , fo rm e r ly o f O a k v ille . B eloved h u sband o f Anne (C a m p b e ll). L o vin g father ot Heather D illon, Cheryl and her husband R onald Gall and D ouglas. Cherished Poppa of Heidi and Barrett Dillon. Dear brother of the late M e rvy n . B ro th e r-in -la w o f N o rm a S m ith and Fra n k C a m p b e ll. F o n d ly re m e m b e re d by h is nieces and nephews and many friends and fam ily. F rie n d s m ay c a ll a t th e K IT C H IN G -S T E E P E FUNERAL HOME, 146 M ill St. N ,, W aterdown, on W ednesday 7-9 and Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 P.M., w h e re Funeral S ervice w ill be held on Friday, Septem ber 22nd at 11 A.M . Private interm ent to fo llo w . If d e s ire d , d o n a tio n m ay be m ade in D arrell's m em ory to Cambridge M em orial Hospital F o u n d a tio n - C a n ce r C lin ic o r th e C h a rity of yo u r choice. KITCHING-STEEPE FUNERAL HOME (905)689-4852 IM '/ i O a k v iew FUNERAL H O M E HESLIP, Elinor - (B o rn J a n u a ry 7, 1 9 2 4 ). O n S u n d a y , S e p te m b e r 17, 2000. A lo v in g m o th e r, g ra n d m o th e r, a u n t a n d frie n d to s o m a n y . S h e liv e d a fu ll life o f la u g h te r a n d k in d n e s s , m u s ic a n d jo y s h a r e d w ith h e r f a m ily a n d f r ie n d s . P r e d e c e a s e d b y h e r h u s b a n d M a rs h H e s lip , h e r p a re n ts G e o rg e a n d C o ra L e w is a n d b ro th e rs M ille r a n d B ill L e w is . S h e le a v e s b e h in d h e r c h ild re n , J a n e B e s t a n d h e r h u s b a n d R o b e rt. P e g g y N e e ly a n d h e r h u s b a n d M ik e , D o u g H e s lip a n d h is w ife K e rry S u e , T o m H e s lip a n d h is w ife J o d y a n d T im o th y H e s lip a n d h is p a r t n e r D a v e D ew an. S h e w ill b e s a d ly m is s e d b y te n g ra n d c h ild re n : E m ily , S a m a n d W illie B e s t, L in d s e y , K a c e y a n d J a im e N e e ly , B e n , J o s h a n d S a m H e s l ip a n d B r a d y H e s l ip . A M e m o ria l S e rv ic e w ill b e h e ld a t H o p e d a le P r e s b y t e r ia n C h u r c h , 1 5 6 T h ir d L in e , O a k v ille , w h e r e E lin o r w a s a n e ld e r a n d m e m b e r o f th e c h o ir fo r o v e r th re e d e c a d e s , o n T h u rs d a y , S e p te m b e r 21 s t a t 2 p .m . In lie u o f flo w e rs , d o n a tio n s to th e C a n a d ia n D ia b e te s A s s o c ia tio n o r th e H o s p ita l F o r S ic k C h ild re n w o u ld b e a p p r e c ia te d b y th e fa m ily . A rra n g e m e n ts e n tru s te d to W A R D F U N E R A L H O M E , O A K V IL L E , 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -3 2 2 1 . ^ M ake room in yo u r garage! Sell those u n w an ted item s! InMemoriam C A R LE Y , G e o r g e : In loving memory of a dear husband. August 2,1911 - Seotember 22,1997 For all the years we shared together Our memories will live on. Everyday we miss you. Wife Violet and Family. HASSALL, G le n In L o v in g M e m o ry o f G le n H a s s a ll W h o P a s s e d A w a y o n S e p te m b e r 2 0 th , 1 9 8 7 Mmm a mmi It's been thirteen years since you passed away. The pain an d sadness still remains, As fresh an d vivid a s that cold Septem ber day. Almost everyday a special mem ory com es to mind, Leaving us still smiling deep inside. A lw a y s lo v e d a n d re m e m b e re d b y w ife L in d a , s o n T re v o r, M o m a n d J o h n m Put your Garage Sale ad in the special Garage Sale section of Fridays Oakville Beaver and receive your Complete Garage Sale Kit with signs and information on how to have a successful Garage Sale. Call Classified Advertising Passed Away DAVA-LYNNE McNEIL The family of Dava-Lynne sadly announces her sudden passing as a result ol a motor vehicle accident Sep tember 15,2000 near Grand Valley at age 27. DavaLynne (Hoeksema) McNeil will be deeply missed by husband Marc and children Nicole and Austin. Dear daughter ol Laura and the late Hedde Hoeksema ot Hillsburg. Sister ot Randy Hoeksema. Dearly missed by grandmother, Vera Powell, and many aunts, uncles, nieces and cousins. Predeceased by Maya (Hoekse ma) Thornton and Harvey Powell. Friends will be received at the funeral home Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A memorial service will be held at Bethel Christian Reform Church, Acton, Wednesday September 20,2000, at 1 P.M Remembrances may be made to the East Wellington Advisory Group (EWAG) Blue Springs Funeral Home 12 Church Street East, Acton 519-853-2399 Funeral Directors O a k v iew FUNERAL H O M E 845-3824 O ur family serving your family Family Services_________ A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s If you drink, th at's y o u r b usiness If you w a n t to quit, T h a t's O urs! (4 16 ) 487-5591 (9 05 ) 631 -8784 56 LA K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V ILLE Funeral D irectors · D o n C la rk e ·G re g o ry S id o ra ·T in a Q u e n n e v ille ·J o h n M u rp h y · P a tric k M c D e rm o tt 842-2252

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