Oakville Beaver, 27 Sep 2000, C6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 27, 2000 HALTON, DUFFERIN Full and Part time ...and Snowboards Too!! Flexible hours Mississauga & Collingwood Fax resume: (905)275-4538 E-mail: skiis@interlog.com iis & 'tikes Help Wanted COME join our fast growing team. Need immed. Owner/ Operator with 5 ton trucks & cargo vans. Must be ex perienced in GTA & USA Call (905)693-1218. Ask for Doug______________________ C LE A N E R S needed im m ediately for retail depart ment stores. Heavy and/or lig h t duty e xpe rienced cle aners. V a rious s h ifts. O akville/ Burlington areas. Call Sue 1-800-565-3756 D anier Leather Hiring at Job Fair FULL & PART-TIME Sales Associates 1 Managers in Training S U B C O N T R A C T O R S required for postal sorting and d e liv e ry . E arly m orning. R e lia ble vehicle required. Forward resume: SCV Con tracting. R.R. #2. Burlington. L7P-4X9 U -H A U L Now h irin g fo r part-time Customer Service Rep/ Counter help Please a pp ly in person w ith re sume to: 478 Woody Rd.. O a k v ille . No Phone C a lls P lease! An equal opportumty employer._____________ I telemarketers PE R M A N E N T eve n in g s Burlington call centre No cold c a llin g . No s e llin g . S e ttin g a p p o in tm e n ts fo r our re p re s e n ta tiv e s Full training provided. Call Mrs. Kane 333-8180 a tth e .. International Centre I E x h ib it H a l l 1 6900Airport Road, Southeast comer of Aiqxort B i n d Derry Rd., Mississauga Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. FREE A D M I S S I O N Coordinated by: Centre for Education and Training Funded by: 1 *1 Human Raaourcaa Development Canada raaaourcaa humalnaa Canada What' s In Store For You -- At The MARKET-- Meet 75+ Top Employers: Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd., CineplexOdeon, Gap Inc., Macdonald Dettwiler Space & Advanced Robotics Ltd., Business Depot, Scotiabank, Martin Sprocket & Gear Canada Inc. and many more... Hiring for 1,000' s of jobs in Administration, Customer Service, Sales, IT Specialists and Drivers to name just a few... KELLY S e rv ic e s SHIPPERS / RECEIVERS ORDER PICKERS FORKLIFT OPERATORS BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS RECEPTIONISTS TELLERS REQUIRED FULL & PART-TIME. Submit resume to: · Customer Service Representatives · Customer Service Managers for all Halton locations! See us - Booth 170 GENERAL w a reh ouse help- $8/hr. part-tim e/ full tim e w o rk- som e m orn ing and afternoon shifts/ hours vary. Fax resume 905-3317472 Attn: Noralyn. (Main way/ Appleby) R E LIA B LE Driver needed, w ith ow n ve h ic le , fo r tw o children to & from school. Burlington- Hamilton. 50km round trip . S200/w eek. (905)319-8271, after 7pm FA C TO R Y W orker H a rd w orking in dividual to work in frie n d ly e n viro n m e n t. Room fo r a d va ncem ent. Some heavy liftin g . (O a k v ille ) Fax resum e: (905)825-5656. HELP n e e ded-- at w atch re p a ir c o u n te rE x p e ri ence an asset but will train. Full or part-time. Call Sears 632-4111 ext.578 or apply at lower level watch repair counter GAS bar attendants required for full time night shift posi tions (Sun - Thurs). Apply in person to Esso. 305 Dundas St. W. (at Trafalgar) tairstylists - FT/PT Burl./Waterdown/Mil. «Min. $8/hr Guaranteed · C om m issions starting at 40% > Exc. Benefits · Flex. Schedule · Busy locations , · On-going Advanced ' Training (905)319-3155 R E C E P TIO N IS T- P/T required for Salon/ Spa. Must. have e xce p tio n a l people> skills and some computer. Please call Shelly 681-2582 H A IR S T Y L IS T S needed with clientele for new salorr in good Burlington location. For in fo rm a tio n call 905-1 632-5130, ask for Corey I skilled & I technical help DZ DR IVER m ust have clean DZ Lie. 35-40/hrs/wk. No weekends. Deliveries to GTA only. Mon-Fri. 6am start. $12./hr. Fax resume' or in person w ith resume^ before noon 905-844-0797.' Sunsprout N atural Foods.' 431 Wycroft Rd.. Oakville NOW HIRING MONEY MART 645 Plains Rd.E. Burlington L7T 4J5 Fax:(905)634-1197 C A L L C e ntre 5 10 /hou rG reat opp ortunity for w ell spoken tele p h o n e CSR's looking for a career with huge earning potential. Full train ing provided in a computer ized enviro nm e nt. B rant Street (905)-637-8228 O A K V IL L E Area MFG/ Assembly position. $9.00/hr to sta rt. R eview a fte r 3 months. Some heavy lifting involved. Must speak & read English. Non-smoking environment. Employer will train. Valid Class G drivers license required. Forklift certification preferred. Fax resume: 905844-2533__________________ INDEPENDENT contractor required for snow removal for townhouse complex in Bur lington. for details call before W ed O ct. 4th: T rish , (9 05)633-9720 o r Ray (905)637-1338 H A IR S T Y LE A p pre ntice re q u ire d fu ll tim e fo r The Beehive H air Studio. O ak ville. Call 905-338-6193 OAKVILLE'S Premier Salon & Spa requires an e xpe ri enced R.M.T. and part-time experienced Esthetician, and part tim e reception ist with basic computer skills Please call Judy at (905)338-3333 S e e us a t the Job F a ir Thursday, S e p te m b er 2 8 Burlington C onvention C entre Ftesume/References/ SIN card/ Void cheque Hotl ine ( 905) 4 5 7 - 4 7 4 7 ent. 29? !/; or call 1 -8 8 8 -G 0 -4 -K E L L Y 1 -8 8 8 -4 6 4 -5 3 5 5 Canada general help wanted Licensed Truck Mechanic wanted lor large fleet. Top wages and benefits Apply in person: ... / / J r K a An N t1 G s/ PRODUCTION Teckmark Label, a well established roll label printer, requires an Inspection Slitter/ Rewinder Operator to join a fast paced production team. We offer straight days, com pany paid benefits, training and a friendly work environment (or a highly motivated individual with an eye for detail. Send your resume by fax to (905) 681-7072 or by mail to: Teckmark Label Systems, Inc. 850 #23 Legion Rd., Burlington, Ont L7S 1T5 The Co-operators HIRING ACC0UNT/SALES REPRESENTATIVES See us at the Hatton Job & Career Fair on Sept 28 In the Lobby Booth Creative Lighting - Unique decor - Since 1920 requires SESCOLITE f -. B U R L IN G T O N · SHIPPER RECEIVER · SATURDAY WAREHOUSE HELP · P/T SALES PERSON Experience an asset, but will train the right individu als. Indicate which position is being applied tor. Apply in person at: 4175 Fairview Street, Burlington. No phone ca lls please! LABOUR READY Perm & Temp Placements 2111 L a k e s h o re Road W est M ISSISSA U G A, O n ta rio ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS: General Labourers Factory Workers Landscapers Construction Clerical Personnel SEE US AT Booth 105 at the Job Fair PREPARATION S U R FA C E 5 1 0 ^ general help wanted 5 1 0 general help wanted 5 1 0 general help wanted Trailer M echanics wanted for fleet repairs. Top wages and benefits. Apply in person: / , ... / / G J H r A a N n t I/? s G R O W W IT H U S USF Surface Preparation is the world's leader in proriding equipment for industrial surface preparation. We are also owned by one o f the world's largest pollution abatement companies. Locally we are expanding our Environmental Control Croup and are seeking to hire a top candidate to fill the following vacancy in our Milton facility. LCAKnGE> CANADA CARTAGE SYSTEM A Leader in Contract Trucking Is now h irin g fo r A M A JO R FOOD C H AIN BASED IN ' M IL T O N , O NTARIO W e are looking fo r 5 0 ex p e rie n c e d AZ D riv e rs S atu rd ay, S e p te m b e r 3 0 ,h and Sunday, O ctober 1 st, 2 0 0 0 At the Q u ality Inn 161 C h ish olm D riv e , M ilto n 9 a .m . u n til 3 p .m . (9 0 5 ) 8 7 5 -3 8 1 8 (Hwy. # 25 and 401 near the Fifth Wheel Truck Stop, exit 0320) You require: · A Z license · C u rre n t D rivers A b stra ct · 2 ye a rs ve rifia b le d rivin g e xp e rie n ce · Be p re p a re d for a w ritte n a n d /o r roa d te s t J O B F A IR TUh b o tto m . STOREFRONT Day, Night Shift BAKERY Nights · Paid training · Free uniforms · Valuable experience Apply 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville PART-TIM E 3-4 shirts per week, sports m inded p e r son, suit student or retired person. Phone 332-4652 DR IV E R S - Paid D aily. C o n tra c t p o s itio n . M ust have own tra n s p o ra tio n . Valid D.L. Evening shifts. C all J e n n ife r/ Anna 8477774 or in person 1395 Abbeywood Drive, Oakville GENERAL Labourer required fulltime, preferably with ex perience in the flooring indus try. Must have reliable vehi cle. Scott. (905)639-2200 2111 L a ke sh o re Road W est M ISSISSAUG A, O n ta rio D U S T C O L L E C T O R D E S IG N E R / D E T A IL E R The successful candidate will have 5-10 years' experience in Dust Collector design and detailing.This is a progressive position for an energetic individual to take a lead position in collector design and detailing. If your ambition is to grow w ith an international com pany w hose mission is to be param ount in its field, then w e w ant to hear from you. P lease fo r w a rd y o u r re s u m e to : 1219 C o r p o r a te D riv e, B u rlin g to n , O n ta rio L7L 5V5; Fax: (9 0 5 ) 319-7881. E -m ail: sto d u lsk is@ u sfsp g .c o m Service Advisor (M/F) Busy General Motors dealer requires 2 Service Advisors You must be: · Customer satisfaction driven · Have superior communication skills · Self-motivated · Self starter · Reynolds & Reynolds computer system experience an asset Contact Dale Cogswell (905) 845-1681 or fax (905) 845-4394 Kerr Cadillac Pontiac Buick Inc. www.usfilter.com office-clerical 5 2 5 office-clerical 5 2 5 office-clerical 5 2 5 office-clerical H ERBAL MAGIC F /T H E A L T H C O U N S E L O R TEMPORARY BILINGUAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Thermadyne International, requires a Temporary Long Term Accounts Receivable Clerk lor the Oakville Ontario Customer Service Center located in Oakville. This is a challenging position, collecting from our Latin American customers. The ideal candidate will have: Fluency in English and Spanish (Portuguese would be an asset) Collection experience An accounting background Excellent verbal and written communication skills Good business skills Please forward your resume lo: THERMADYNE INTERNATIONAL 2070 Wyecrolt Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 5V6 Fax: (905)827-5876, e-mail: ruth-ann hussev@thermadvne.com (Word attachment) Thermadyne International, is an equal opportunity employer. We wish lo thank all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted . R E C E P TIO N /O rder Entry for Margarine Co. Hwy 1W 401. Fax resume (905)-890f; 1964 ORDER Desk C lerks........« required fu ll/ part-tim e for; O a kville com pany. Fax' resumes attention Agnes to! 905-339-2286 ACCOUNTING Clerk (6-mo., contract, m aternity) M on.-` Fri., 9-5. Must have Yardi1 software experience, receiv-, ables, payables. GST. Bur-, lington office. (905)333-0613 · MISSISSAUGA based prop-* erty management/relocatiorr' firm has F/T position avail^ able for Int/S r. bookkeeperfull set of books, A/R and A/ P. Minimum 4 years expert ence. su p e rio r computer skills. Fax 416-499-7408 email:efrands@interiog.com o A c tio n F o rc e HIRING: General Labourers Fork Lift Operators Welders Light Assemblers & Packagers, etc. See us at the Job Fair Sept. 28/Booth 140 positions available Provide weight management counseling & sell herbal products in a clinic setting. Sales experience preferred, excellent opportunity for advancement. W e offer: C o m p e titive h o u rly rate o f $ 1 6 .7 5 S afe ty b o n u s p ro gra m :elle U n it e r m p a cka g e · Late m odel e q u ip m e n t Call for further information (905) 637-6019 ask for Kathy Grow & learn with our progressive organizationI Please c o n ta c t o u r H um an R e so u rce s D e p a rtm e n t 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 8 -2 2 2 8 o r 4 1 6 -2 5 9 -5 4 5 4 fo r fu r th e r d e ta ils C A N A D IA N T IR E WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR COSTCO Hiring enthusiastic, career oriented staff to work in a terrilic environment with great benefits. Fulltime · Part-time All Positions! See us at Booth 165 at the Job Fair on Sept. 28th, Burl. Convention Centre ARE you tire d of w orking nights and weekends? You need to join our team! Cafe teria help. Straight days, no weekends. Finish daily at 3pm. Halton Regional Build ing, 1151 Bronte Rd. Oak ville on bus route. Katharine ^Shoppers Drug Mart Mapleview Centre requires Full-time MERCHANDISER Fax resume: 905-681-2494, or drop off resume at store. DAYS- Mon-Fri- full/ parttim e c le a n e rs fo r team spirited residential cleaning com pany. C ar a v a ila b le . Please call C a roline 905336-7901 tV f t All Fired Up! Ltd. Ceramic giftware mlr accepting applications lor lu ll time permanent craft production positions, Mon.-Fri., 7am-4pm. ($9/hr start + bonuses & profit sharing). Strong se lf-in itiative , teamwork, communication, problem solving & manual dexterity required. Individ uals will work to bring out their own, their teams' and the business' potential, through performing many different types of work. Heavy lifting required. Apply w ith resume : Wed. Sept. 27 to Mon. Oct. 2 ,7am-4pm at 180 Nipissing Rd, i 1, Milton, ON. H ard w are S u p e rv is o r Hardware Experience Preferred. Fax: (905) 844-3395 Call: (905) 844-0202, Ext. 301 Attn: Terry LaFlamme 550 Kerr St. Oakville Ralston Purina C a n a d a Inc www.adecco.ca A d ecca P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R E E R & J O B O P P O R T U N IT IE S Adecco is currentyly recruiting for the following positions: O f f ic e A d m *i n "is s ti r a t ` o r : O ur O akville client is looking for an outgoing and organized individual who will be respon sible for the adm inistrative and account ing functions. This individual will be doing reports, answering phones, pro cessing invoices, perform ing month end duties in accounting, coordinating pro je c ts and ge n e ra l c le rica l duties, kno w le dg e o fW o rd and Excel is a must and Q uickbooks is an asset. M inim um of 3 years accounting/adm inistrative expe rience. 30k-35k. A d m i n is t r a t i v e A s s is t a n t : Contract positions include correspon dence, data entry, doing reports, client services, m aintaining databases and assisting in coordinating special projects.. Mi lu st have strong knowledge of Word, Excel and PowerPoint. o ro i Access is an asset. Contract 3-6 m onths/ $13$15/hr. R e c e p t i o n i s t : A nsw erin g phones, distrib u tin g m ail, filin g , and faxing. Knowledge of W ord and Excel is an asset. $11 -$13/hr. Ralston Purina is a leading pet food manufadurer in the Mississauga area. We currently require Bilingual Part-time Assistance in our Consumer Relations area preferably Tuesday and Thursday's with flexibility to assist in covering vacations/ illness or seasonal demands. The successful applicant should be confident, well organized, customer service oriented with a good telephone personality and a strong desire to deliver. You will assist the Consumer Relations Coordinator in responding to all verbal and written consumer complaints/ enquiries, answering the 1-800 lines, opening and sorting mail, photocopying, filing and any other administrative duties as required. Qualifications for this position include excellent communication skills, both written and oral, working knowledge ot PCs and software applications such as Microsoft Work, Excel and e-mail, excellent key board/ data entry skills, fully bilingual, French and English. Call Centre experience would be an asset. It you have the above qualifications & are interested in ; part-time work, please forward your resume by mail to 1 Human Resources, or fax to 905-855-5920. We thank all applicants, however only those selected for an interview w ill be contacted.______________ S hipper/ R eceiver / Dispatch A pplicant w ill be versatile, w ell-organized and have ability to perform such duties as shipping/ receiving, adm inistration support and inventory related re s p o n s ib ilitie s . M u st be able to deal d ire c tly w ith c a rrie rs and n eg o tia te rates. M inim um 3 years experience required. Forklift cert, preferred. Box 6299, c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4 LUMBERYARD in CAMPBELLVILLE Requires: NEW faces needed for Fall/ W inter work. M/F. All ages, all s ize s fo r fa s h io n / hair s h o w s / cata lo g w o rk/ TV e xtra s. 5 20 -90 /hr. (905) 336-5455 GENERAL LABOURERS S T A R T IN G A T S 1 0 /H R + B E N E F IT S A F T E R 3 M O N T H S . F A X R E S U M E TO FAX: (9 0 5 ) 8 7 5 -2 8 1 8 STUDENTS THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Requires P/T Collection Buddies You Need: · Good Telephone Manner · Organizational Skills · Problem - Solving ability For General Circulation Office Duties (and some route work) Applications at 467 Speers Rd (ask at reception) or fax resume to (905)337-5557 C hristm as Holiday Lighting Co. requires general labourer positions to install holiday lights & decorations - could lead to other F/T positions with company ® 8 2 7 -1 4 4 1 er requires a Shop Labour er, F/T, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . M -F, fo r pro d u ct a s sembly. involves heavy lift ing, S8.50/hr. Apply in per son to 930 S h eldo n C t... Burlington 905-634-7751 CASH Daily! Drivers need ed for light delivery service in Burlington/ Oakville. Ve h ic le re q u ire d . F le xib le hou rs. 6 3 9 -6 0 9 3 , 11am4pm F U L L -T IM E & P a rt-tim e p o s itio n s a v a ila b le fo r a new Tanning Salon ope n ing Nov.1 at Maple Grove V illage. Must be depend able and have a po s itiv e and frie n d ly a ttitud e. Full tra in in g p ro v id e d . C all Debbie 905-842-1716 LO T person re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly . M on-Fri. 8 :3 0 a m -4 :3 0 p m . Some weekends. Working inside and out. Must have excel lent driving record. Fax re sume to Sean Draper 905844-4472 M O LL Y M aid is seeking m atu re, dep endable, c u s tomer service oriented indi v id u a ls -fu ll-tim e , M-F. Training/ benefits/ transpor tation provided. C all 905681-7484 SH U TT E R S U n lim ite d is e x pa nding aga in! We re q u ire an e x p e rie n c e d In s ta lle r for C a lifo rn ia s h u t ters. 2-3 days/wk. Carpen try e x p e rie n c e a d e fin ite asset P lease ca ll fo r an appointment. 634-4869 AD U LT C arriers to deliver door to door early mornings 7 days a week R equired for O a k v ille & B u rlin g to n . Excellent delivery com m is sions. Vehicle is required. Please call (905) 829-3670 8 a.m . to 1p.m ., Mon. to Thurs. Ask for Mr. Brad Lu cas C a n a d ia n T ir e 1011 Upper Middle Rd East. Oakville will accept applications for ALL DEPTS, ALL POSITIONS. ALL SHIFTS! See us at The Job Fair, Sept. 28th in Booth #132 and la bourers lawn m a in tenance p o s itio n s a v a il able. Own transportation a must, call 905-690-0314 CORRUGATED BOX PLANT Seeks experienced people to help us grow. Opportunity for advancements. 2 shifts. Modern facility/equipment. Send resume to: Brown Packaging, 4331 Mainway Dr. Burlington, ON L7L 5N9. Fax 905-335-8911 D R IV E R S Fulltime & Part-time Earn $80 to $150/shitt take-home! Apply in person Mon.-Fri:, 9am-5pm: BURLINGTON/ DELUXE TAXI 1364 Plains Rd.E. Burlington TV/FILM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED A du lts & Kids (2 & Up) ne eded for T V & Film A ssignm ents. No fees, No Courses. IN TE R E S TE D A P P L IC A N T M U S T S U B M IT R E S U M E TO T H E A D E C C O IN O A K V IL LE ONLY Tel: 905-842-5173 Fax: 905-842-6468 Email: charla.temeriskl@adecco.com BILINGUAL OPERATORS The Royal Canadian Golf Association is searching lor several Bilingual Operators to answer phone calls regarding the 2001 Bell Canadian Open The positions are 3 and 6 month Contract positions. The successlul candidate(s) w ill have outstanding organizational s k ills and are biling u a l (English/ French). Interested candidates should send a de tailed resume, via lax or e-mail, by September 29. 2000 to: Call (416) 221 -3 8 2 9 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Our member services department requires an adminis trative assistant. The successlul candidate will be an energetic highly organized individual with excellent computer skills, particularly in database management and MS Office, th e successful candidate w ill also have at least 5 years ot experience, superior adminis trative and people skills and the ability to work with a minimum of supervision. It you have an interest in goll and enjoy working in a challenging and fast-paced en vironment forward your resume by October 6.2000 to: Personnel, Golf House Fax 905-845-7040 email: gaskin@rcga.org No phone calls will be accepted. " ` The RCGA thanks all applicants, however only those selected lor an interview will be contacted. Visit website: www.rcga.org/about-careerop.htm P art-Tim e Driver LABOURERS Milton Warehouse P/T leading lo F/T. Must be flexible to work various hours. Own transportation & safety boots required. Some heavy lifting. Fax resume: (905) 712-1460 SALESPERSON, part-time, ladies accessory dept, at well known dept store. Burlington Mall. (905)335-2080, leave message B U R LIN G TO N sw im m ing poo l com pany requires p e rson to help w ith Pool closing. Call 333-5520 C L E A N IN G p o s itio n ........ R iv ie ra M otel is now a c cepting application for parttim e c le a n e r. $ 8 .2 5 / to s ta rt. A p p lic a n t m ust be able to w o rk w eekends. Experience not necessary w illin g to tra in . Bring re sume in person Riviera onth e -la k e M otel. 2048 Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington TH E OAKVILLE BEAVER LOA DER W ANTED Early morning shifts must have Safety Shoes Apply in person to Val at 427 Speers Rd Unit 21 Shifts throughout week 4pm-8pm and Saturdays 1pm-6pm Applications available at front reception or call Erin Faught (905)632-0588 Burlington Post Burlington Post REQUIRES Personnel, Golf House 1333 Donral Dr., Oakville, ON L6J 4Z3 Email: gaskin@rcga.org No phone calls will be accepted. ` " The RCGA thanks all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted Visit website: www.rcga org/about-careerop.htm BOOKKEEPER/ RECEPTIONIST Busy local Marketing and Design company requires Bookkeeper/ Receptionist. Duties include book keeping on QuickBooks Pro, telephone reception on Mitel system as well as general administrative duties. The ability to multi-task and be adaptable is a must. Salary commensurate with experience. HELP WANTED D iffe re n t S h ifts A v a ila b le M o n d a y to S a tu rd a y Safety Shoes Required Apply in person to Laurie at: ADULT CARRIERS Must have a car. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Door to Door Delivery · Inglewood Dr. Lakeshore Rd ·Arden Cres ·Spruce Ave · Birett Dr ·Lantern Lane »Strathcona Dr ·McIntosh Place · McNichol Cres ·Shoreacres Rd ·Belvenia Rd ·Melba Lane Membership Secretary Fulltime Position. Must: Have computer ex perience; Be competent in Windows '98, MS Word and Excel; Be an accurate, multi task ing team player with good communication and keyboard skills; Have an interest in health & wellness. FAX resume (with earning history) to: Email resume: staylor@ogiivierothchild.com Warehouse- Burlington Post 4057 Fairview Street, Burlington (East Entrance of Clegg Glass BuildingEast of Walker's Line) Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm I Cedar Springs Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Attn: Jack, (905)632-4041 Call Tara 632-0588 PERSON Friday- P/T. $8 hr for data entry and answer pho nes. M ust be hard working, outgoing, friendly, b u sin e ss o rie n te d , and able to do some lifting. Ap ply by c a llin g M ichele at 905-827-8230 FULL-TIME Office person req u ire d . 40hrs/week. s/week/ 8am-4:30pm including Sat urdays. Rate commensu rate with expenence. Gen- 1 eral office duties including *' telephone, data entry, filing i t etc. Send resume to Royal Mattress. 5041 Fairview 5t_ Burlington, Mon-Fri. 8am4pm or fax resume 681- | 2294. i

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