Wednesdsay September 27, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 C a n a d ia n d u b s lin k fo r M ille n n iu m C onference The Association of Canadian Clubs moves into a new century in the same city where the first club was founded 107 years ago. From Sept. 29th through Oct. 1st, the Canadian Club of Hamilton, in con junction with the Women's Canadian Club of Hamilton and the Oakville Canadian Club, will welcome delegates and guests of more than 50 Canadian Clubs from across Canada and abroad to attend the Millennium Conference. It promises to be unlike any in the Association's history. The three-day event has attracted such noted speakers as ABC News anchor Peter Jennings; former External Affairs Minister Flora MacDonald; and Tom Axworthy, one-time chief of staff to Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. In addition to the 200-plus delegates and spouses expected to register for business sessions and speakers' func tions, the Millennium Conference is pleased to have as its major sponsor Merrill Lynch Canada, who will arrange to bring Canadian Club supporters from Western Ontario to Hamilton Place for the Peter Jennings address, which will follow the gala dinner on Saturday evening. The Canadian Club welcomes mem bers of the community to both Hamilton . Place and the gala dinner, which will feature all guest speakers at the head table. A limited number of tickets have been set aside for the public. Reservations for tickets can be made by telephoning Diane in Hamilton 905388-0740, or Shelley at 905-526-7702. The annual general meeting, includ ing the gala dinner, will take place at the Sheraton Hamilton Hotel. Keynote speaker will be Ron Foxcroft, President of Fluke Transportation Group and Fox 40 International. Founded in Hamilton in 1893, the Association's mission is to celebrate what's great about Canada. For further information, please con sult the 2000 Annual General Meeting website at Exercise gives participants investigative experience (Continued from page A1) The course - offered in conjunction with OFM, the Centre of Forensic Science and others - was hosted by the Oakville Fire Department. On Tuesday, local fire fighters torched three automobiles and four rooms in the former Grace House on Old Mill Road so that participants could deter mine just how each blaze was set. "Most investigators get in after the fact," said Oakville Fire Chief Wayne Gould. `T his gets them in right on the ground floor." The stakes, are high: according to Stewart, there are 15,000 fires in Ontario each year of which a thousand are scrutinized by the OFM's 27 inves tigators. Yet more than just figuring out the cause of the course's seven deliberate fires, attendees from area fire depart ments and police services also learned everything from preserving evidence and interviewing witnesses to fire pat terns and advances in technology. This knowledge will be acquired both theo retically in the classroom and in the field to resolve, for example, whether a body found in a destroyed car is the result of murder, suicide or accident. "We will duplicate the kind of sce narios that have happened in the past that (investigators) may encounter," said Deputy Oakville Fire Chief John deHooge. With 80% of all vehicle fires attrib- classes which will each examine one of utable to arson, for example, three cars the seven fire scenes. Each blaze has were set ablaze by different means, been videotaped so that on Friday, near allowed to bum for a time, then extin the course's conclusion, attendees will guished. The same went for the rooms see exactly how each was set. Gould is particularly pleased that in Grace House, where four unique tableaux were created, · such as a the course involves a variety of emer kitchen burned by multiple ignition gency personnel so that in the field everyone remains on the same page. sources. "One of the real benefits of the In this And other parts of the house, several possible red herrings - such as course is that it complements the work laundry dumped on a space heater and ing relationship between agencies," he a plugged-in curling iron - tested the said. Stewart - a 24-year OPP veteran expertise of participants. In real life, explained Gould, determining a cause who has been with the OFM for three can take an hour or a month depending years - said that the three-day course on a host of complex factors. was offered 12 times across Ontario in `They will be learning all the tech 1999 and 13 times so far this year and is so popular that potential participants niques of how fire travels," he said. The participants are divided into have to be turned away. o C en tre m ay appeal (Continued from page A 1 ) The funding cut was contained in a confidential fax sent to the centre, said Walter. The centre's board of director's met Monday night and has drafted a letter to the Ontario Women's Directorate asking for an explanation. "We're also looking into the appeal process, because we're thinking of appealing." Walter is seeking community sup port in hopes of reversing the Ontario Women's Directorate's funding deci sion. "We're asking concerned citizens to voice their concerns to MPP Gary Carr and MP Bonnie Brown." For information, call 847-9104 or 847-5520. ,et double S e a rs ub p o in ts Use your Sears Card and on all major appliances *0 n approved c re d it. O ffer does not apply to deferral fees, delivery, m aintenance agreem ent or in s ta lla tio n charges. Excludes Catalogue purchases. O ffer ends Sunday, October 1, 2 0 0 0 . 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Free Parking · Great Door Prizes A D M IS S IO N $3.°° Presented by The Trajan Publishing Corporation, publisher o f Canadian Coin News F O R A D D IT IO N A L IN F O R M A T IO N C A L L 9 0 5 -6 4 6 -7 7 4 4 r* * m v a 4 C O R R E C TIO N N O T IC E The Lysol W ip e s advertised at $3.97 (P ag e 2) and E sm o n d B la n ke ts (Page 7) o f th is w e ek's flye r w ill not be a v a ila b le . F e b re ze R e g u la r S tre n g th w ill be a va ila b le but Febreze Extra S trength will not (back page). T he E.D. Sm ith C h erry Pie Filling and B urns P astry Lard also show n on the back page w ill be late but rainchecks w ill be issued. Lastly, the Ladies M icro A rctic Fleece Tops advertised on Page 4 will not be available due to the sup plier's inability to ship. W e apologize for any inconvenience this m ay have caused.____________ ·. * 1 . V N P 0 95 030 0A C o p yrig h t 20 00 . S e a rs C a n a d a Inc. S ears. F o r th e m a n y s id e s o f yo u . 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