Police and MADD urge drivers to make the right callf CD continued from p.1 Lucienne Croghan, president of MADD Halton, said Campaign 911 has made a tremendous impact reducing impaired driving. "Impaired driving is indeed an emergency situation," Croghan added. "Impaired driving is the No. 1 criminal cause of death in Canada, yet Halton motorists are still making the choice to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs," said Deputy Chief Nishan Duraiappah, Halton Regional Po lice Service. Despite years of awareness campaigns illus trating why driving a vehicle when impaired by drugs or alcohol is dangerous, impaired driving remains the top criminal cause of death in Can ada. In 2016, 265 Halton motorists were criminally charged for driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Impaired motorists place all Halton resi dents at risk, said Duraiappah. He urged anyone who observes a vehicle be ing operated in any manner that places you or anyone else in danger, to make the call to 911 for an immediate police response. "The Halton Regional Police Service is implor ing citizens to take action by calling 911 and re porting suspected impaired drivers to police. We want to mobilize the community to share the re sponsibility for keeping Halton safe. By making the right call, members of the public are keeping our roads, and our communities, safe," said Du- raiappah. "Community safety is a shared responsibility," said Duraiappah. Community safety is not only the responsibil ity of HRPS, but also Halton Region, local busi ness and the community working to stop im paired drivers, Duraiappah added. ----------------------------------------------- 1 law n -) you grow we m ow B R )S ffiW NOWBOOKiNGPROFESSiONAL WEEKLY GRASS CUTTiNG PROGRAMS B o o k Y o u r W e e k ly L aw n M a in te n a n c e To d ay! Lawn Bros are th e m o s t Professional, Reliable, C o m p e titiv e ly Priced & A w a rd W in n in g Lawn Care C o m p a n y Readers C hoice D ia m o n d A w a rd W in n e r 4 co n s e c u tiv e years. Serving O akville, Burlington & M ilton Call Today For a Free Quote (9 0 5 ) 4 6 7 - 1 5 0 7 · w w w .la w n b ro s .c a PAEDIATRIC D EN TIST D r. K e n n e th H u n e FAMILY D EN TIST Halton police, fire and EMS from Oakville, Burlington and Milton joined forces Saturday, April 22 to launch Campaign 911, a Canada-wide campaign to encourage and empower the Canadian public to report suspected impaired driving by calling 911. | Marta Marychuk photo D r. A u stin K aye 13 charged in Cam paign911 No sooner had Halton Regional Police Ser vice (HRPS) and MADD Halton put the fi nal touches on #Campaign911 #MakeTheCall911, a program aimed at educating and empowering members of the public to report suspected impaired drivers, than the occur rences began. The Traffic Services Unit reports that over the past 72 hours, 13 motorists were charged with driving under the influence of alcohol on Halton roadways. Six of these occurred in Oakville, six in Milton and Halton Hills, and one in Burlington. #Campaign911 and #MakeTheCall911 of ficially launched on Saturday morning. "There are two sides to these figures," said Sgt. Ryan Snow of the Traffic Services Unit. 1 O r t h o d o n t ic s & In v is a liq n S a m e V is it C r o w n s & B r id g e s In O f f i c e W h i t e n i n g O ra l S u rg e ry D e n ta l Im p la n ts S le e p D e n t is t r y R o o t C a n a T re a tm e n t w w w . m 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -0 8 7 2 1 5 4 0 N orth Service Road W e s t O akville, O n ta rio N e w P a tie n ts W e lc o m e HUNE KAYE C o n n see Police on p.4 SAVE ON TIRES! REBATES UP TO $100 OFF S c h a n g e , so s h o u ld Terry G et * e rig h t t i r e s O A K V IL L E TOYOTA TIR E STORAGE 2375 W YECROFT RD., OAKVILLE ON (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 -8 4 0 0 WWW.OAKVILLETOYOTA.CA a l ig n m e n t in s p e c t io n m o u n t in g , b a l a n c in g & in s t a l l a t io n P R IC E M A T C H TO YO TA $ ONLY .95 +S tAASON FREE $2 4 .9 ! WITH THE PURCHASE OF 2 OR MORE TIRES. only +tax