Oakville Beaver, 18 May 2017, p. 16

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www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, May 1 8 , 2 0 1 7 | 16 S k y w a y J e w e lle r s L o v e a n d C h e h ib k Officer investigated over possible drug evidence tampering Chief sought Ontario police service to conduct probe by Tim Whitnell Metroland West Media D IA M O N D JEWELLERY 10K A N D 14K GOLD CUSTOM DESIGN JEWELLERY REPAIRS 2 5 0 1 T h ird L in e , O a k v ille 9 0 5 .8 2 7 .0 7 0 0 w w w .s k y w a y j e w e l l e r s .c o m H alton' s police chief says one uniform officer is the subject of an external investigation as to w hether evidence in multiple d ru g cases w as tam pered with or com prom ised in som e way. Stephen Tanner told the Oakville Beaver on M ay 12 that he is con cerned and anxiously awaiting the result of a probe into "a small num ber of (evid en ce) exhibits (th a t) m ay have been com prom ised/ altered in som e way. "W e view this as very serious in n atu re." The form al review has potential widespread im plications for the status of a num ber of Halton police' s drug-related cou rt cases. "In the latter part of last fall, w e com pleted a com prehensive audit of over 2 ,0 0 0 drug exhibits in our drug vau lt," said Tanner, alluding to w hat he described as one in a regular series of internal audits conducted by H alton police, w hich occurred in m idN ovem ber 2 0 1 6 . T h e service' s audit team consists of two civilian m em bers of H alton police, he said. The Toronto Star has reported that 36 drug evidence exhibits out of 2 ,1 8 5 m ay have had packaging or contents tam pered with. H alton police' s drug evidence vault is located at the Oakville police station. The exhibit locker is a feature that is expected to be expanded and transferred to the new police headquarters once its con struction is com pleted. The curren t external investigation of som e of the service' s drug evidence is being con du cted by another O ntario police service, confirm ed Tanner. "It w as m y decision to get a com plete investigation done by an independent service," he said, noting that service has asked him n ot to n am e it at this point. B L U E J A Y S T IC K E T S ! H E L P S U P P O R T O A K V IL L E 'S IA N A N D E R S O N H O U S E Register For the Online Auction & Be Entered Into A Draw For A Chance To WIN Blue Jay's Tickets! Online Auction Includes Gam e Tickets vs. 4 PLATINUM seats for the LEAFS vs the CANADIENS at the A ir Canada C entre including a m eet & g ree t w ith coach Babcock before the game! Hom e Furnishings Paintings ...a sw e ll a sA w e s o m eS p o rts M e m o ra b ilia ,G ift C e rtific a te sa n dM a n y M o reA m a z in g Ite m s to C h o o s eF ro m !! V is it link b e lo wfor a u c tio nd e ta ils . 9 VISIT w w w .IAH auction.com AND REGISTER TODAY

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