Oakville Beaver, 18 May 2017, p. 23

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23 | Thursday, May 1 8, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Police Beat Have a question Oakville? The Halton Regional Police Service answers your questions as they relate to traffic, crime and community policing. driving, please report it. ··· Have a question for police? Click on the Ask a Cop link on the top right-hand side of the InsideHalton homepage to submit a question for this fea ture, which is published monthly in the Burlington Post, Milton Canadian Champion, Oakville Beaver and online. · · · by Staff Sgt Craig Platt H ALTO N REGIONAL PO LICE SERVICE The Halton Regional Police Service answers your questions as they relate to traffic, crime and com munity policing. ··· Visit www.insidehalton.com and click on the Ask a Cop link on the top right-hand side of the homepage to submit a questionfor this monthly feature. Q U E S T IO N : 1.(i) With most police forces around the world using high visibility vehicles, why are so many Halton police vehicles unmarked or using low visibility markings? It seems less safe to identify police in an emergency and designed to let traffic offenses occur to "catch" offenders rather than prevent infractions in the first place. (ii) W hy do you have unmarked cars, and some cars with dark logos against dark paint? Are you try ing to trick us into giving tickets? A N S W E R : Halton police continue to advance traffic safety in our community in an effort to keep Halton the safest large municipality in Canada. We employ a multi-faceted proactive approach utiliz ing social media, conventional media, electronic message boards, public speaking engagements and other community-based programs and initiatives aimed at focusing public attention on road safety Daily our officers vigorously monitor driving be haviours focusing on impaired driving (drug and/ or alcohol), distracted driving, aggressive driving, proper seat belt use, and speeding. We utilize the most effective equip ment for the task at hand. Like other Services across the country, Halton Police conducts traffic enforcement ac tivities using a variety of vehicles, includ ing both fully marked (approximately three-quarters of our fleet) and uniquely marked vehicles (approximately onequarter of our fleet). Our front line ve hicles are equipped with full emergency lighting packages and include an audible siren, which can be activated by an offi O'C onn orM acL eod H an na LLP, H alton 's full serv ice la w firm , is pleased to w elcom e K aleigh D ry laan d E velyn Y o u sso u fian to o u rte a m of cer in an emergency to increase his/her specialized p rofession als, and to an noun ce th at Orie N iedzviecki h asjo in ed o u r P artn ersh ip . K aleigh, Evelyn and O rie will con tinu e to build on ou r visibility to other drivers. firm 's highly resp ected ex p e rtise in co m m ercial and estate litigation. to encourage drivers to voluntarily com ply with traffic laws. Halton police moni tor events and trends and tailor education al and enforcement initiatives to ensure our roadways are the safest for motor Staff Sgt. Craig Platt vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Halton police will continue to take a strategic approach to traffic safety in order to achieve opti mal community safety and well-being. Road safety is a shared responsibility Thank you for your ques tions and remember: if you witness dangerous O 'C o n n o r M a c L e o d H a n n a L L P Q U E S T IO N : Do the police have a monthly ticket quota? A N S W E R : Each police officer has performance measures based on the type of job they are doing. For front line of ficers, relevant and appropriate Provin cial Offence Notice ("ticket") issuance is expected and monitored regularly, but there is no specific quota sought. Halton' s residents continue to identify traff c issues as being a major concern, specifically: impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving and speeding, and enforcement activities focus on these areas. In 2016, there were more than 7,500 motor vehicle collisions, close to 1,100 injury collisions and 12 fatal mo tor vehicle collisions on Halton road ways. Two of the fatal collisions were the result of excessive speed and culminated in the deaths of five persons. The objective of traffic enforcement is K a le igh w as re c e n tly c a lle d to th e b a r an d is d ed ica ted to p r o v id in g le g a l s e r v ic e s in a c o m p a s s io n a te a n d a p p r o a c h a b le m a n n er. K a le ig h 's p r a c t ic e is la r g e ly focused on con stru ction litigation, com m ercial conflicts, debt collections, and residential and com m ercial ten an cy d is p u te s . K a le ig h h a s e x p e r ie n c e a p p e a r in g b e fo re v a rio u s c o u rts a n d tr ib u n a ls in c lu d in g th e S u p e rio r C o u rt o f J u stic e , S m a ll C laim s C o u rt, an d th e O n ta rio H um an R ights Tribunal. H aving gro w n up in the H alton Com m unity, K aleigh is proud to be a part o f a firm th at is attu n ed to the n eed s o f its clien ts and h as an exceptional rep u ta tio n fo r se rv in g th e com m un ity. Kaleigh can be reached d irectly at: Tel: 905.842.8030 x 3379 Fax: 905.842. 2460 Email: dryla@ om h.ca E velyn P e re zY o u sso u fia n b rin gs over a decade o fv a rie d e x p e rie n ce to th e p ra ctice o f law . She b e lie v e s clien ts n eed a sou n d a d v iso r w h en d e a lin g w ith le g a l issu es. Her experience, com m on sense, creativity, and practical approach ensure she provides her clients w ith the utm ost cost-effectivelegalsolu tionsforth eirparticu larsitu ation . H er p r a c tic e in clu d e s e m p lo y m e n t law , s h a re h o ld e r d ispu tes, p a rtn e rsh ip d ispu tes, con tract d ispu tes, lib el an d sla n d e r d efa m a tio n , m a licio u s p r o se cu tio n , and en forcem en t o ffo re ig n ju d g m e n ts. E velyn is flu e n t in b oth S p an ish and A rm e n ia n , and is in vo lve d in b o th co m m u n itie s. S h e is co n v e rsa tio n a l in F re n c h . Evelyn ca n b e rea ched directly at: Tel: 905.842.8030 x3 3 2 7 Fax: 905.842. 2460 Email: perez@ omh.ca O rie is an e x p e rie n ce d b u sin ess litig a tio n a n d e state s la w yer w h o u n derstan ds th e n eeds o fh is clien ts, lo ca lly and globally. L icen sed in b oth O n tario and W ashin gton D.C., he h a s b ro u g h t h is 20 ye a rs o f e x p e rie n ce b efore a v a r ie ty o f co u rts, a rb itra l p an els, an d a d m in istra tiv e b o a rd s to p ro vid e clie n ts w ith so u n d a d v ice , sen sib le s o lu tio n s a n d e x p e r ie n c e d a d v o c a c y . H e p r a c t ic e s in th e a re a s o f b u s in e s s litig a tio n , e m p lo y m e n t law , in te r n a tio n a l ju d g m e n t e n fo rc e m e n t, c o n s tr u c tio n litigation, libel and slander including internet defam ation and estate litigation. O rie jo in e d us in 2015 as th e head of our litiga tion d ep artm en t, w here h e uses his exp erien ce to fu r th e r re fin e o u r te a m o f fin e litiga to rs. Orie can be reached d irectly at: Tel: 905.842.8030 x 3342 Fax: 905.842. 2460 Email: niedzviecki@ om h.ca 700 K e rr Street, O a kville , ON, L 6K 3W 5 w w w .om h.ca

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