29 |Thursday, May 18, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Oakville Lions Club supported the original Oakville hospital continued from p.28 started up twice, almost, you could say," Carter. "But, it has been around and has been a huge part of the hospital, right from the very first hospital, which was a house." The house/hospital was on the com er of McDonald and Chartwell streets. In 1943-44, the club helped purchase a property on First Street, which became known as the Oakville Temporary Hospital -- the first health care facility in town, Allison said. "W e look at the community, w e see needs that are there. W e try to help to meet those needs, large and small. That's who we are and that's what we do," said Allison. The Oakville Lions eventually turned over the deed to the property to the board of governors of the now-Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Proceeds of the sale were used to help finance the OTMH on Reynolds Street at the time. The temporary hospital became a private residence. To celebrate the club's 80th anniversary in 2 0 1 5 , it donated The numbers and activity participation gradually improved in the '5Os and the club took on its largest pledge at the time -- $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 to the OTMH for a pediatric wing. While isn't known how many members it had when it began, there are currently 44, according to Allison. He said the popularity of service clubs has created competition among them to attract new members, leading to a depletion in numbers in some chapters including Oakville's. "Most service clubs are going through a shortage of members now, due mainly to the need for (them). Everybody is going after the same people," said Allison. "Our emphasis is on getting younger members," Allison said. see Club on p.31 Chiropody (Foot Care & Custom Made Orthotics) Sore Feet/Arch/Heel? Ingrown Toenails? Plantar Warts? Hard to Cut Toenails? Corns/Calluses? The Oakville Lions Club donated $24,180 to Oakville Trafalgar Memo rial Hospital (OTMH) for the purchase of equipment in the ophthalmology department. Pictured, in front, from left, Dr. Brad Kates, with Oakville Lions Les Baker, Graham Knight, club president Tim Carter and Bill Allison. They are joined by local politicians, other Oakville Lions Club members and ophthal mology department staff. | Graham Paine/Metroland $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 for the purchase of equipment for the then-brand new hospital on Hospital Gate. "The Oakville Lions have always supported the hospital, in promoting equipment. W e're supporting the new hospital as m uch as we can," said Carter. While the club has enjoyed m any years of success, there have been challenges -- most notably trying to deal with a decline in membership during the Second World War, which resulted in a curtailing of activities. 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