Masonry & Concrete N Masonry & Concrete N T E R R A F IR M A In terlocking & M a s o n r Specializing in New installation of Driveways, Patios, Walkways, Pool Surrounds and Steps. Exterior Parging & Restoration of all aspects of interlocking brick work. Highest quality workmanship and products only. call an expert home services J . C a n o n In te r lo c k in g g a r a g e s a le s -s h o w s -b a z a a r s BURLINGTON 01 Q. IO 03 03 Oakville Interlock Specialist Lim ited Tim e Discount 15% off Call Today 647-701-7507 www.terrafirm Plumbing Roofing VILA ROOFING Roof replacement and repair, experienced quality work, various as phalt shingle options to fit any budget, licensed and insured. Shingles guaranteed 10 year la bour warranty. Free esti mates. (647)272-9476 \ Tree/ Stump Service NEW INSTALLATION · driveways · patios · walkways · pool surrounds · steps · masonry · retaining walls ESTATE SALE May 20th 8 am - 2 pm 4493 Cottonwood Drive New Street and Appleby, just south of new and west off of Appleby. TOOLS, TOOLS, TOOLS G IANT SALE Sat., May 20th, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1520 Elm Road (Upper Middle and 6th Line) DESIGN · BUILD · MAINTAIN Est. 2001. Senior discounts. Free estimates. Call John, 289-922-8754 Email 2186 Mountain Grove Avenue, Burlington Asphalt ·iricioc* *{lontre-fi iv a BJ House is sold remaining furniture and artwork, lots of tools. Model trains, LGB, and HO buildings, glass bricks, a dryer is available. Also a natural gas barbeque. Garden ornaments. Sale will be in the house - No Rain Date. Brico Drill Press, Lathe, Ryobi Oscillating Sander, Delta Mitre Saw w/ Stand, 2 Ext. Ladders, Work Tables, Wood Working Chisels, Power and Hand Tools, Weslo Treadmill + Lots of Misc. Items! Oakville Oakville Horticultural Society's PLANT SALE Sat., May 20th: 8:30 - 11:30am M unn's United Church 5 Dundas Street East Perennials, ground covers, hostas etc. Great Plants -- Great Advice to N3 O o > m Oakville -GARAGE SA L E 1 Sat. May 20th · 9 am - 2 pm 147 W edgew ood Drive Various household items, furniture, patio furniture, BBQ and much more! OAKVILLE Small jobs, plugged drain, faucet repairs, etc. Be it big or be it small, do it well or not at all. Lez (905) 271-1783. Roofing Oakville MULTI-FAMILY G ARAG E SALE Sat., May 20th · 7:30am 10 W est River Street -and- G ia n t R u m m a g e & P la n t S a le · N o deposit required · P ay upon com pletion · G u a ra n te e d St. J o h n 's U n ite d C h u rc h Saturday May 20 8:30 am - 11:30 am Don't miss it ! 250 families of treasure! Housewares, decor items, yard and garden, gently used clothing and shoes, too much to list! Also a huge selection of locally grown perennials, at great prices! Sat/Sun May 20th/21st · 7:30am 60 & 62 W est River Street Tent full of treasures. ~Rain or Shine~ Asphalt Interlocking & Concrete Work Residential/ Commercial/ Industrial 3' w o! CD IT EARLY BOOKING SPECIAL Ask for Vince O: 905-333-8900 C: 416-989-5712 Email: GIANT GARAGE SALE A ll M ay Long W eekend Saturday, M ay 20th, Sunday, M ay 21st, & M onday, M ay 22nd From 7 a.m . - ? $$ AAA ROOF! All types, new roof installs and repairs. Lifetime warranty on shingles. Available 7 days a week. Great rates. Free Estimates !!!! 416-995-4105 905-693-9950. RE- ROOFING, Roof installations and re pairs, Chimney and bricks. Quality work. Reasonable prices. Call First Roofing, 416-624-2630 for a free estimate. STUMP REMOVAL, tree and hedge removal. Fence repairs and builds. Fully insured. Timberwood Property Services. Call for your free esti mate. 905-659-2657 PLANT SALE & EXTRAVAGANZA Saturday, May 20~ 9 a.m .- 2 p.m. 141 Bronte Road Church of the Epiphany (Bronte / Lakeshore) BBQ, Vendors, Silent Auction & Bake Sale South East Oakville 03. O 3 o 3 PEYO MASONRY Ltd. For ALL masonry jobs: Bricks, stones, chimneys, etc. Remove basement metal window frames & install bigger windows, no flashing. All jobs guaranteed. 35 years of experience. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -0 9 4 5 262 Randall Street, corner of Randall and Dunn in downtown Oakville. Lots of parking! Visit our website at Burlington 1215 Pinegrove Road DOWNSIZING SALE, lots to go ... Camper Trailer, Power & Garden Tools, Collectables, 2 NEW Adult Bicycles, plus MANY MORE items, inside and out. Come and check it out. Oakville Oakville To book your classified ad call 905 .632.4440 · · · · Bricklayer C h im n e y s P o rc h e s S id e w a lk s B lo c k a n d S to n e w o rk Free Est.~Licensed CALL ROB M . R IL E Y TREE CARE T re e Pruning & R e m o v a l, H e d g e & S hrub Trim m ing, S tu m p R e m o v a l, Fully Insured. Moving Sale Sat. May 20 7 am - 1 pm 4681 Tassie Rd Rain or shine! Place ads in your Local C om m unity N ew spaper Print & O nline 25 Years Experience Senior Discounts Certified Arborist 9 0 5 -3 35 -8 94 3 **BURLOAK** PAINTING Season Special Book now & $ave up to 35% off!!! Prep & Paint Specialist R e side n tial, c o m m e rcia l & in d u stria l Over 23 yrs exp. 905-483-2930 at Keyboard & books, power tools, electronics, computer, record player, records sewing machine furniture, misc. Oakville O akville GARAGE/ BAKE SALE Sat. May 27 8 am - 12 pm Grace Lutheran Church 304 S p ru ce S treet 100% of proceeds go to Sleeping Children Around the World. To donate itemsFriday, May 26th 5 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church MOVING Sale Sat. May 20 8 am - noon 2102 Constance Drive Furniture, Tools, Baby items, kids table set, play saucer and more; Pine Kitchen set with hutch. V) 33 S L M M House Content Sale Fri. May 19 12 pm - 6pm Sat. May 20 10 am - ?? 229 Tweedsdale 80 Royal Doulton figures, hundreds of dolls, linens and quilts, furniture and appliances, barn lanterns, hundreds of frames, costume jewellery and more!! Plant Sale Sat. May 20th 8:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Bronte Village Mall (Sobeys Parking Lot) S a m 's M O V IN G & D E L IV E R IE S Big or Small Moves Physical Help Also Donation Trips & Decluttering 20 Yrs Experience C Being held by the Bronte Horticulture Society LOST & FOUND S jA liJf How To Make Your Washer Disappear... Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results quickly! Call Jake for Free Estim ate 905-330-9968 CALL or TEXT 905-633-6880 Sat., May 20 8 am -12 noon 128 Trelawn Avenue Furniture, CDs, books, kids bikes, decor & housewares! G\assif iec/s SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES W E ARE ALWAYS OPEN Ontario SELL 905 632.4440 . 905.632.4440 |T h e Beaver^ I OAKVILLE To b o o k y o u r classified ad call Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 email: classifed@ 1632-4440 email: classified® 8 Quickly Find the Best G arage Sales. G o to w w w .tra d y o .c o m to c h e c k out G a ra g e S a le s in yo u r n e ig h b o u rh o o d Download on the I andm ibappon A p p S to re I ^ G o o g l e - play , metroland munity* ' · * Connected to your com Buy and sell in your neighbourhood. tradyo