FRIDAY M AY 19, 2017 $ 1 .0 0 C O N N E C T E D T O Y O U R C O M M U N IT Y INSIDEHALTON.CO M 40 pages W agJag Sign up Online W i'N N S W Delayeddream The sche du led b o a t launch a t th e O akville Power B o a t C lub has been postponed in d e fin ite ly as th e bank, pier and docks are all under w ate r due to recent flo o d in g . Last w eek end, club m em bers tried to fill in holes alon g th e edges of th e ba nk being eroded by waves com ing upstream fro m Lake O ntario. Here boater Colin S m ith surveys th e dam age. Town moves Children's festival Page 4 | Nikki Wesley/Metroland F lo o d e d d o c k s p o s tp o n e p o w e r b o a t la u n c h by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff ter levels in Lake Ontario. Still, launch date has been indefinitely post poned in what' s become a waiting game be tween the club, and Lake Ontario and Mother Nature. Originally scheduled for April 2 9 , the boat launch was rescheduled to May 13 because of Taking on water but not sunk, the Oakville Power Boat Club (OPBC) is working hard to get its members' boats in the water as soon as possible after two delays due to high wa high water in the lake, resulting from heavy rains that created unsafe dock conditions. Two days before the original launch date, the OPBC determined the crane used for the job would not have sufficient support to safely lift a 35,000-lb boat and cancelled. Canada Daystill onfor Bronte Page 10 see Forecasts on p.5 O P E N A L L V IC T O R IA D A Y L O N G W E E K E N D ' rikg usjj vT y ,0" ' ` [RaCenoSk L 1842-SO U - p e iiiie T c a