www.insidehalton.com | O A K V ILLE B EA V ER | Thursday, May 2 5 , 2 0 1 7 |1 6 POOL HEATER REPAIR Police advise caution with door-to-door solicitation W E S E R V IC E & C AR R Y PARTS FO R : f k Solving Problems S in ce 1982 ORIG/^ TD LAARS, JANDY, HAYWARD, RAYPAK, PENTAIR, MINI MAX, STA-RITE Manufacturer Trained Service Technicians Read our client reviews www.gasfixrepair.HomeStars.com by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff Experience is the D ifferen ce! 905-84 5 -0 7 01 Email: scott@ gasfix.ca Good food. Good Morning* I EARLY RISERWEEKEND FEATURE Sat & Sun OPEN 7 DAYS A W EEK 7 AM -3 PM 7 to 9 With the warmer weather here and daylight extending into the evening hours, Halton residents should use caution when answering, or acting upon, door-to-door solicitation, police say. An Oakville resident recently complained to the Oakville Beaver of donating to a charity for which she was solicited, but was unable to find online. Halton police urge residents to contact them if they have a complaint about a possible scam or fraud, especially if there is a person at your door being pushy or aggressive. Halton Regional Police Service' s fraud unit has identified a few common types of cons/ swindles involving door-to-door solicitations. nv *Terms and conditionsapply. Notvalid with anyother promotion.This coupon must be presented for redemption. Offerends may31,2017. 2 Home improvement One of the most prolific schemes is the doorto-door renovating company. These salespeople claim they " just happen to be in the neighbourhood" and offer a good deal for improvements you might want done. business when you are satisfied they are legitimately representing a reputable company and that you actually need the work done. Always be skeptical of salespeople who offer to inspect your roof, chimney, or furnace at no cost. 2501 prince michael drive, Oakville L6H 0E9 O ff Dundas St. (#5 Hwy) between M eadowridge Dr. & Eighth Line - Shoppes on Dundas Plaza 905.257.5126 ·www.sunnysidegrill.com J Don't feel pressured. Ask questions and only commit to the see Double-check on p.18 Benefits to becoming a Halton Employer of Choice Award winner: ·Reduced turnover ·Lower operating costs ·Increased productivity ·Positive employer branding and PR ·More engaged and committed workforce ·Higher customer satisfaction and loyalty Businesses eligible to take part must meet the following criteria: ·A private or public company/organization ·Government/municipality or nonprofit organization ·Havea physical presenceinthe Halton region ·Have 20 or more full time employees ·Have been in business for 1 year or more The winners will receive: ·GlassTrophy presented at special event ·Special presentation ·Unlimited use of the HEOC logo ·Winners listings in the Burlington Post and www.insidehalton.com ·Press release for use in marketing and promotional campaigns Deadline for submissions isJuly31,2O17 All interested organizations can contact CCEOC at ccemployerofchoice.com or call: 416-886-7007 SPONSORED BY : TheBi Beaver. The P o s t. Canadian C ham pion. ^ IPU®"