Oakville Beaver, 8 Nov 2000, C4

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, November 8, 2000 B e s t W h e e l s O a k v i l l e chsck 'j& O M r. Sports · N ews · Entertainm ent ^O akvilleBeaver no m a iiii HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE A w a r d b a u d o n h i g h e s t l a r i of c u s t o m e r s a t i s f a c t i o n f o r s a le s a n d s e r v ii e . m nn H E " T IM E A President's " Award Winner 1 b AM/FM CD Playtr w ith tvery n e w a tvw vi r . c T h » i h x w A c c e n t ie a s p o rty , h jn -to -O h v e , e c o n o m y c a r lo a d e d w ith ! · 1 .5 L 9 2 H P m ultivalve e n g in e · D rive r's sid e airbag · T a ch o m e tre · 5 -s p e e d m a n u a l ove rd rive tra n sm issio n · D u al e xte rio r m a nu a l re m o te co n tro l m irrors · R e m o te rele a se fu e l fille r d oo r · 6 0 /4 0 sp lit fold ing re a rs Introducing 1 1 *ea,urss striking Euro-inspired styling that just might trigger Insecura ladings In passing cars. Its roomy cabin and impressive array ot safety features such as crumple zones and side impact beams w ill make Its occupants leal very secure. Featuring a 2.0 litre, 140 HP engine that may intimidate the competition. Plus a very accessible price that won't be scaring anybody away. Elantra GL Sadan Standard Features: D u l (de-ponrerwd) trout alrbaps · Till eteerlng w ko l · 4M/FI4/C0 audio lydam win < ipeikerc · Remote fuel door led Inn* release · 2.0 litre. 140 horsepower 00HC, 16-walve. mulll-porl lueNalected eipioe · 5-speed maaeal onrdrtea traaamlsaloa · (DUO spllt-totding rear aval · awheel Independent supeealoo · Gas-tilled shock absorbers The 2001 Hyundai Elantra has adopted a more family look with grille and character lines from the Sonata and XG300 sedans. Elantra VE Model adds: Aatomatlc transmission · CFC-Free air condltloniai · Cruise control · Power windows, tonka and boated mirrors. IT MAKES OTHER 4-DOOR SEDANS FEEL INADEQUATE. Hyundai Elantra offers more for less I t's hard to believe I'm writing about the third generation Hyundai Elantra when the first is still so fresh in my memory. Once the Korean standard bearer in Canada, Hyundai is in the midst of a no-holds-barred fight for the hearts and wallets of the entry-level buyer against Daewoo and even Kia which Hyundai owns. The battle isn't just about dollars and market share, it's also about ability. For all its perceived faults, the Hyundai Pony got, I believe, a bad rap. If you followed the m aintenance schedule as you would with a Buick or a BMW, the little Pony would give years o f service. Somehow people thought a cheap car wasn't worth the time and trouble to keep in tune, and the result left people with a negative image. And while the follow-up Hyundai Stellar proved to be anything but stellar, the Scoupe and the Accent and first-generation Elantra were tough little cars that gave consumers, in my opinion, more than they paid for in terms of car for less money. I notice Hyundai has used that line in their current description of the 2001 Elantra, and not without some justifi cation. Just hitting showrooms now, the 2001 offers more of everything, from longer wheelbase to more room, to more safety features. www.hyundaicanadi.com uaa ustws noTEcrea vsnwasjw ta- hmeer-seawwir' L M S Wwrmtr. t-raa>l«.M to hwartrea wenMy · Sner InmPertneha Wwimt,. breerldua to M lew 0 · M e*enr sanwc del are Wwwho WelnW arte i. wnw swwm me aen. M aw Wd-beew l a w M was ew THE N EW H Y U N D A I D R I V I N G IS B E L IE V IN G * Luang program M itt front Hyuntta Hnancal S aras te td on ww 2001 Etantn 'A nmM MSRP Iron $17,075. infctwJ rate 535V 029 pw ntondi for a 48 monfi «aOaway test Total lust oMeaaon ot $12,487 m3 o ia W S Dow paymeni o( SV495 pk* ir« monWy {ayrrwt rwjuwd Scanty fcpotf (SO) Fr»*t » d PM. i n * * T m . Icmm M l S350 idnanstnlon «xtn 20.0U In pc ynr ^ A d d M Irt chagi of S0.1& " 3J% pmOiM ftnaneng a va l** on al 2000 Barrna S tfm tor 24.36 or 48 rnonltlrrm Faanong uampte $10,000 « 3JV pc wmm equate S224 90 parmonD lor 48 monte C M *179520 tori tot* ottgaton of S10.79620 U w g pwgnm base or new2000 t a r t GSMSRP $11596. S179 per manti tor a 46 marm tM aAoway teasetor Accent GS. OAG [>>«rc0yrnert of SOpke fist montty payrnent mqtNnij Secur«y deposit (SOAczBnt GS) and PDS nckjdBd In s . Icsnse and S350 acquBikar teasefee e®a 20HDn mtepe A m o n pw ynr apple. AN purchase and Is m often are tor a Imtad Urn 0A.C. M l may not be combrod with any other oflir. See dealer for diWs HYUNDAI OF O A K V ILLE Q0 5 .a d 5 . 7 7 Q 1 1»71 S P K K R S R O A D UustWiM of 4lh l inn V »Tw / 1 1 0 1 T h e 2001 Ford W indstar LX. W ith fe a tu re s th a t m a k e it a s ta n d -o u t. $1,700 Value Group At No Extra Charge: · Speed Control · Tilt Steering · Privacy Glass · Roof Rack IV®II Equipped with P e rs o n a l Safety S y s te m : S e c o n d G e n e ra tio n D u a l S ta g e A ir B a g s · C ra s h S e ve rity S e n s o rs ·A B S B ra k e s · L o w T ire W a rn in g S y s te m · SeeurtLockTM Anti-Theft S yste m · Sta nda rd D ual Sliding D o o rs · 2 0 0 h p V 6 E n g in e · A u to m a tic ·A ir C o n d itio n in g · P o w e r W in d o w s/Lo cks/M irro rs · Plus Over 40 Standard Safety Faaturas LEASE FULL-SIZE COM FORT FOR ONLY* * p a r m o n th / 3 6 M o n th s P lu s $ 4 , 6 0 0 D o w n P a y n 'S e n t a n d $ 9 4 5 F r e ig h t O r le a s e fo r $ 3 8 6 p e r m o n t h for 3 6 m o n t h s w ith $ 1 ,0 0 0 d o w n p a y m e n t SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED C a n a d a 's BEST-selling full-size minivan*. th e N E W 2001 W in d sta r S p o rt < tJi A M Sama O groat R E A M O N TH a w faaturas am tha Windstar LX plum: · 16" A lu m in u m W h e e ls · Liftgate S p o ile r · D riv in g L a m p s · R e m o te K e y le s s E n try · R e a r -S e a t C lim a te C o n tro l * Q u a d B u c k e t S e a ts L im it e d T im e O ffe r. w w w .fo rd .c a / o ffe rs YOUR ONTARIO T FORD DEALERS. * 'S E B fiF ii* liE » O T H S lE S A t C O ? * lM » r w ^ 1 W W s i» ix i3 fc 4 T e R !'3 l^ lessee or icpronS tre a t Tool ease oM racn s {14.644IJ14.B96 Of. least a n s 2001 W rdsar Sport tor S32S4435 p r monti « *i 54.500*1.000 (taro payment ot bquMJert bade based on an n u b least me ol 4 9% « l a 36 monti lease taro Foul Crer* » Queued lessees on ip p a a d Croat total lease oQkganon Is I16.40W16.660 Some contains and a mSeage restrictor ct 60.000 km tver bust years apply A charge of B celts per Ion owe mbeage restnetor applies, plus apokcabie taros Value ot extras based on MSF1P tor accessories tetual prices may wydependhg on pnee negotiated Fra monb's paymert and no seerrty deposk a repined Odets exclude fregr* (t945). kcenca, nsuiance. aitow w iatoi lees and a l * * * * * taxes Dealer may lease lot leas United Una Odets Odets may be raraked al m trie w idotl trace See Dealer tor detais t*s compared to a slton n/teefcasa model adwttsed w » mosl o t* mkuian models Based on LWBccntpact bus deliveriee CYTD September 2000. Ortarto FDA. P0 t a 2000 0 *tv*e Ontarc L6J 5E4 The longer wheelbase rors and, cruise control. (2,610 mm vs. 2,550 mm) That is a heck o f a lot for benefits those in the back just over two grand. seat as does the more ellipti Here's another little bar cal roofline. Hyundai has gain for you. The "destinataken a cue from tion" or shipping Europe and made charge of a cer the 2001 Elantra tain four-door taller yet the coef vehicle built here ficient of drag is in Ontario sent to improved by 12 your dealer is per cent to a $895. The ship svelte 0.333. ping charge to dealer all the way Much o f this has from Korea for to do with the swoopy character the Elantra is lines which are $375. Paul obviously EuroMartin, listen up! influenced. I don't have Visually the nose T r a n s p o r t RoadWorthy Canada fuel conis much changed sum ption num with a m id-size radiator grille that takes a lot bers on the Elantra because from the bigger Sonata mid it is so new, but Hyundai size sedan and the coming claim s 9.6L/100 km city, XG300 luxury sedan. 6.5L/100 km highway for a True to nature, Hyundai combined 8.2L/100 km for includes a lot o f items as the VE. The five-speed is standard equipm ent that listed as using the same might be considered option amount of gas and they both al or extra cost by others. run on regular. This includes: 15-inch In term s o f driving wheels, gas shocks, remote im pressions, the 2001 trunk release, rear split/fold- Elantra performs and deliv ing seats, tilt steering wheel, ers what buyers expect and tach and a CD player. The that's predictable and safe VE model as tested here handling under normal also includes as standard air operating conditions with conditioning, four-speed no surprises. autom atic transm ission, I would personally con cruise control, power win sider fitting a more pliant dows and locks and even tire to my Elantra. The aspower heated mirrors. equipped Kumho tires are Pow er is the 2.0-litre engineered to be long on "Beta" engine from wear. The necessarily hard Hyundai. A four-cylinder er compound can be a con with 16-valve technology, it cern in ice and slush condi produces 140 hp and 133 tions where grip is a factor. ft/lb o f torque. The version My suggestion would be to in the Elantra has an eight- buy four steel wheels and fit weight countershaft instead dedicated snow tires in the of the previous four-weight winter and let the Kumhos countershaft to quell the do their long-wearing thing inherent roughness of four- the rest of the year. cylinder engines. The Beta Two things immediately can run rough, so the addi struck me about the tion o f the four extra Elantra. First the am ount of weights is a welcome thing. glass and the way it is graft This front-drive sedan in ed into the 'greenhouse' VE trim as tested comes makes for great vision for standard with a four-speed the driver. The new nose electronic automatic trans gives the car more charac mission with fuzzy logic cir ter as opposed to m any cuits to optimize shift pat Pacific Rim cars in this seg terns especially under load. ment that go to pains not to In uphill and downhill con have anything showy at the ditions, the transmission lets front. itself skip a gear during Trunk volume is 12.9 cu. shifts to give more power to ft. The Elantra's rear seat the engine. hiproom o f 1,412 mm is Like Honda's four-speed actually bigger than the automatic, the driver/owner front seat at 1,345 mm. must be aware that when On the highway, the VE he/she pulls the shifter from is quite capable o f keeping Park, it defaults automati up with the big dogs in the cally to 3rd instead o f outside lane. Drive/4th. Honda's explana W hile the engine has tion is that 3rd is for around more than enough power, it town and 4th is for high starts to boom when pass ways. N orth Americans ing and the engine is under used to placing the automat full load. ic shifter in "D" will find the On the plus side, the system frustrating until they Beta engine seemed ready get used to nudging the and willing to go and meet shifter up a notch by rote. the redline if desired. Suspension follows stan Hyundai has also made sure dard small car industry prac heating/cooling is up to tice in being coil springs snuff. W ith big vents, over MacPherson struts at Elantra can put out enough the nose and a dual link type air conditioned cold to rear end with coil springs numb the extremities. and anti-sway bar rear. It's W hile it is approaching simple and effective. m id-size in capacity and The Elantra for 2001 utility, the 2001 Elantra VE begins with the GL at remains true to the Hyundai $14,875 with standard five- policy o f striving to offer speed transm ission. The more for less. autom atic transm ission C om petent, reliable if bumps that to $15,875. The m aintenance is respected premium trim VE starts at and offering a lot for the $17,075. You can also dial loonie, the 2001 Hyundai in a $2,200 package (as test Elantra VE is worthy o f a ed here) that includes the long look by those who autom atic transm ission, only have so much money CFC-free air conditioning, to spend and want to spend power locks, doors and mir- it wisely. JIM ROBINSON i i I S

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