Oakville Beaver, 8 Nov 2000, Business, D5

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Wednesday November 8, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 2000 United Way of Oakville Campaign -- raised ------------- OUR GOAL * 2 .7 m il lio n > 1 ,3 1 2 ,0 0 0 t U n ite d W a y For more info: 845-5571 Business To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 * New chapter for administrative professionals HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. Hopedale Shopping Centre at Third Line and Rebecca Street, marked a milestone in Oakville retailing recently when it cele brated its 40th anniversary. Lucky shoppers also received a sweet treat to mark the occasion courtesy of Diane Carpenter. Photo by Riziero Vertolli In an effort to provide an additional resource to office professionals in the Burlington and Oakville areas, the Are you looking for a caterer? B y K y m Fun ne ll A d v e r t is in g F ea tu re International Administrative Association of Professionals TM v .? W "<< - t ? rW | v . . , - " .* · a · ' V* * Mother of seven-turned-author cooks up meals for the rushed Her criteria were simple: food had to be fast, it had to be delicious, and you had to know what you were going to be eating for dinner at the As the m other o f seven children, Sandi beginning of the day so you would know how to Richard could easily be forgiven for being on a eat throughout the day. "I began to dissect my life and delve into my first-name basis with the pizza delivery boy. Instead, this energetic lady has made it her mis problem," says Richard. `T he areas that mad me sion to show families how they can cook nutri fail became very clear. I was do disorganized that tious meals on a daily basis with a minimum of I didn't have a clue what I would be eating that night. How could I possibly know what to eat all time, effort and stress. Richard, who hails from Cochrane, Alberta, is day if I didn't know what I was eating for supper. currently on an exhausting cross-country tour to Let's say I've taken out the stuff to make Beef promote here best-selling cookbook, L ife' s On Enchilada Casserole. This is a very cheesy pasta dish. If I know I'm eating this for supper, I don't Fire: Cooking For The Rushed. even feel like pasta, or cheese for that matter, at She will be visiting O akville tom orrow evening, Thurs. Nov. 9th, where she will make an lunch. On the other hand, if I didn't know what I appearance at Longo's (Trafalgar Road and Hwy. was having, in the day I might eat a fatty, high5) at 7 p.m. to meet with customers and offer a carb lunch and by the time hunger set in at sup per, my main desire was to fill my tummy with cooking demonstration. Richard is the first to admit that mealtime great food. If that food happened to be high in fat chaos used to be the norm at her house, with last- or cards, oh well, hunger had taken over my brain." minute, pre-packaged foods often filling the bill. Richard's answer to all of this nutritional guilt "I was failing miserably at preparing dinner," she admits. "I'd be standing in the grocery store and mealtime stress was to get organized. Her cookbook, Life's On Fire, offers a very at 5 o 'clock trying to decide on dinner that night, knowing we had to get kids to the hockey arena structured approach to mealtimes, featuring 12 recommended weekly rotations of five easy and or a dozen other places." On top of that, Richard had often battled delicious dinners. Meals are designed to be prepared on the fly or weight problems and knew that proper planning and nutrition were essential in keeping things popped into the oven while running errands or spending time with family. under control. All recipes are easy to read and colour-coded In short, mealtimes were providing her with plenty o f stress but precious little else -- a famil to indicate prep-time (20 mins, max) and the amount o f time from start to sit-down. iar scenario in many households. The book also features photos of "real food" All of that changed in a hurry, she says, after without any photography tricks or touch-ups. she read a magazine article about supper time As Richard notes, it's real food for real people being the m ost stressful part of a woman's day. Richard recognized herself as one of the harried who need ways to take the stress out of meal moms in the article and decided on the spot, that times. Since her book hit the stands just over a year cooking and eating did not have to be as difficult ago, Richard says she has had letters from thou as she was making it. Thus began a 10-year quest to find the best sands of people who say the book has changed method to feed her family with a minimum of their lives for the better. A second book, Getting You Through The Summer, is due out in March. muss and fuss. B y N a n c y A le x a n d e r SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER (IAAPTM) has established a local chap ter. The mission of IAAP is to enhance the image of the administrative profes sion and to inspire and equip all office professionals to attain excellence through education, networking and teamwork. Ontario Division of IAAP acknowl edges the efforts of Kim Harasen, from AGRA Monenco, and Tracy Bryce, from Boart Longyear, members of IAAP since 1992 and 1996 respective ly, who spearheaded the efforts to establish the BurlOak Bay Chapter. On Nov. 16th, the following Executive Board of the BurlOak Bay Chapter will be installed: · President, Kim Harasen, Adm inistrative Assistant, AGRA Monenco · Vice-President, Marilyn Dunn, Adm inistrative Assistant, AGRA Monenco · Secretary, Gail Gray, Adm inistrative Assistant, SelfEmployed Additional local business firms rep resented by members of the BurlOak Bay Chapter include: Acres International, Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Ltd., Dana Corporation, Halton Catholic District School Board, Rosart Properties, Siemens, and WSIB. The BurlOak Bay Chapter of IAAP will be officially chartered on Thurs. Nov. 16th, 2000, at a Chartering Reception in the Britannia Room at the Black Bull British Pub in Burlington. Cost is $20. To reserve your space, contact Kim Harasen at kim. harasen @agra.com. IAAP is the world's largest associa tion of administrative professionals, with 700 chapters in the United States and Canada, and 40,000 members and affiliates worldwide. I n just a little over three years, English Bay Fish and Chips has carved a niche in the Oakville area as a high er class of fish and chips restaurant, and the couple that brought you this award-winning dining establishment and Miss Robyn's Ice Cream Parlour has yet another surprise for you. "People are continually asking if we offer catering ser vices," explains James Stewart, owner of English Bay Fish and Chips, and executive chef for 15 years. "We get calls all the time, and now we're finally able to say, `Where can we help you?'" Although he keeps busy with English Bay Fish and Chips and as the Executive Chef at a local golf course, James has offered his abilities for private functions in the past, catering to the occasional wedding or corporate lunch affair. As his delectable cuisine has been well-received by various groups and gatherings before, James made the decision to officially open d w u j/is /iG & a iy G a te ririy G o m fia /u /. the answer to all your catering needs! Upon calling for catering inquiries, one will realize the ease in which they have created this new side of English Bay. James' wife Tricia will meet with clients to customize a menu for your special event, creating a menu to suit your tastes and budget. Once the menu has been designed to meet your preferences, this certified Chef du Cuisine applies his talent and passion to prepare exquisite dishes and savoury entrees. English Bay Catering is awaiting your call to serve your group, from a private family dinner to a wedding or corpo rate function (whether it be breakfast, lunch or dinner). Call today for a free menu, (905) 337-3378. Stock M arket Boom or Bust? How to profit either way. Learn about a Revolutionary Investment Strategy Tuesday, November 14,h, 2000 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Holiday Inn Oakville 590 Argus Road "Trafalgar B" Room Oakville (Registration at 6:30 p.m · Refreshments served) Through this unique strategy ZEN0N in $10 m deal ZENON Environmental Inc. has entered into a commercial agreement with OTV (a subsidiary of Vivendi Water). The agreement consists of up-front net proceeds of approximately Cdn. $10 million and a supply agreement for the purchase of approximately Cdn. $4 million of ZENON's proprietary immersed membranes. Additional information is available at the com pany's website www.zenonenv.com. MISSISSAUGA ! · . 1 you will discover that there is a better way to build your financial future. ·························a * Investorplus.com is in the business o f helping you build wealth through real estate investing properties. Seating is com plim entary but lim ited so please RSVP early to request your reservation 1 · 800 · 308 · 5135 #224 q| | Investorplus^ Leading today Sts for tomorrow City of Mississauga 300 City Centre Drive Mississauga ON L5B 3C1 o«*ce t» n» o»ai For in fo rm a tio n : 896-5000 896-5151 w w w .city.m ississauga.on.ca MISSISSAUGA m ille n n iu m BY-LAW NOTICE PLANNING ACT NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF ZONING BY-LAWS BY THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MISSISSAUGA IT s h o w to m o rro w The 2000 GTA Technology Information Show takes place on Thurs., Nov. 9th, from 1 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Mississauga Convention Centre (Highway #10 and Derry Road). The one-day exhibition will put the spotlight on leading firms in the area of busi ness technology development hardware and sophisticated soft ware to eBusiness specialists and Internet access providers. Admission is $25 and FREE for online pre-registered. For addi tional informa tion, call 519-7418795 or visit www.technologyshow.com/gta. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Mississauga passed By-laws 0545-2000,05462000 and 0547-2000 on October 25, 2000 which repeal By-laws 0484-2000,0485-2000 and 0486-2000 due to interpretative problems. By-laws 0484-2000, 0485-2000 and 0486-2000 were advertised previously on October 18,2000. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council o f the Corporation o f the City o f Mississauga passed By-laws 0548-2000, 0549-2000 and 0549-2000 on the 25® day o f October, 2000, under Section 34 of the Planning Act R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13, as amended. These three By-laws replace the repealed By-laws 0484-2000,0485-2000 and 0486-2000. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect o f the By laws by filing with the Clerk of the City of Mississauga not later than the 28th day o f November, 2000, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection, together with a cheque in the amount of $125.00 payable to the Minister of Finance for each of the By-laws. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a Zoning By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a norice o f appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or group on its behalf. Cleaner, Competitive Electricity for Ontario's New, Open Market As part of Sithe's continuing dialogue with the community, Sithe is holding an Air Quality Public Meeting to address local air quality concerns. Explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-laws: By-law 0548-2000 to amend Zoning By-law 5500 (former Town of Mississauga), By law 0549-2000 to amend Zoning By-law 65-30 (former Town of Streetsville) and By-law 0550-2000 to amend Zoning By-law 1 22 7 (fo rm e r Tow n o f P ort C red it) pertaining to accessory buildings and structures (inclusive of attach ed and d e ta ch e d private g a ra g e s ) and play equipment on residential lots used for a detached, sem i-detached or street row dwellings, by: · defining the termsaccessory building, height of accessory building other than an attached private garage, flat roof of a d e ta ch e d p riv ate ga rag e and play equipment; further regulate the number, height, size and siting of accessory buildings and s tru c tu re s (in clu d in g a tta c h e d and detached private garages) on residential lots. In some cases, the zone provisions vary based on the area of the host residential lot. These replacement By-laws differ from their predecessors by including new or additional provisions that, among other things: - restrict the size of an garage to 75 m2; and attached private Thursday, N ovem b er 9, 20 00 C larkson S econdary S ch o o l 2 5 2 4 B rom sgrove Road 7 :0 0 - 9 :3 0 p.m . Representatives from Sithe will make a short presentation and scientists, engineers, medical health experts and regulatory specialists will be available to answer questions. - continue to allow an attached private garage to project beyond the front wall of a dwelling, unless otherwise prohibited; Further information regarding these By-laws may be obtained from David Harrold (905) 896-5851 or Carol-Anne M unroe (905) 8965 7 3 3 of the P lann in g and B u ild in g Department Dated at Mississauga November, 2000. Arthur D. Grannum City Clerk 122180 this 8th day of I i A ft I

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