Oakville Beaver, 30 Jun 2017, p. 22

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news ca Oakville l O b it u a r ie s l O b it u a r ie s MEYER, Joean Estate Sale (u n u s u a l as u su al) R in o D e B e llis April 30,1967 Fri, June 30th 4 pm - 9 pm Sat. July 1st 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 385 Galt Ave. Antiques, collectibles, memorabilia, vintage items, miscellaneous and much MORE! A 19* To book your G arage Sale ad call BROWN, Donald Victor G lenn G ibney N o v e m b e r 2 8 ,1 9 6 7 905.632.4440 or fa x 905-632-8165 W ith saddened hearts w e announce th e passing o f D onald a t th e O a kville T ra fa lg a r H ospital on June 27, 2017, in his 8 0th year. Beloved husband fo r 35 years to Helen. Lo vin g fa th e r to Jacquelynn (M a rio ), Steven (D io n ) and C hristine (D avid). Lo vin g g ra n d fa th e r to Jessie, A ngie, Jordan, Devin, N olan and M a rie and G re a t-G ra n d fa th e r to Joshua, K aleb and N oah. D onald w ill also be d e e p ly missed by extended fa m ily and m a ny friends. He was a passionate Ham R adio O perator, car enthusiast, never w ith o u t a w itty re m a rk/ jo k e and loved to sing and play his g u ita r fo r fa m ily and frie n d s. Fam ily w ish to th a n k all th e s ta ff a t th e O akville T rafalgar H ospital. S igning o ff is Ham O p e ra to r VE3IUX. A ce le b ra tio n o f his life w ill be announced a t a la te r date. Passed aw ay on Friday June 23, 2017, a t th e O akville T rafalgar M e m o ria l H ospital a t th e age o f 81. Loving m o th e r o f Beth Giles, M ichele Sm ith (W ayne), Jacqueline Rooke (Chris), T im o th y Sm ith (Susan). Joean was th e m uch loved and adored gra n d y o f Jenna (Paul), Laura (Derek), TJ (Kerry), K evin, M a tth e w , M ichael, Tyler, M itc h ell, V icto ria , S tephanie, Spencer and H u n te r and g re a t-g ra n d m o th e r o f Tegan, Oliver, Luca, Stella and baby g irl on th e way. For m any years Joean was a lo vin g s te p m o th e r to Sandee, Robin, John, C ollin and K im b e rle y and g ra n d m o th e r to th e ir ch ild ren - Lindsay, Jenni, Bryan, B randon, Devin, S heldon, C ourtney, Tracy and Tori. She w ill be missed by her lo vin g brother, V in ce n t Roney and his w ife M illie . She was preceded in death by her beloved husband W a lte r (W ally) M eyer and her firs t husband M aurice (Jack) S m ith; bro th e rs Fred and Joseph Roney. A m em o ria l service w ill be held a t th e Glen Oaks Funeral Hom e, 3164 N in th Line, O akville, 905 257-8822, on Friday, July 7, 2017 a t 11 a.m . A re ception to fo llo w . The fa m ily respectfully declines flo w e rs, in Joean's m em ory, d o n a tion s may be m ade to th e O akville T ra fa lg a r M em o ria l H ospital V o lu n te e r A ssociation. O n lin e condolences may be m ade at w w w .glenoaks.ca Karen Jones February 2 6 ,1 9 6 7 How To Make Your Washer Disappear... Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results quickly! OOKVII1£ ^P b Beaver. The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. 1632-4440 email: classified® metrolandwest.com Quickly Find the Best G arage Sales. Go to www.tradyo.com to check out Garage Sales in your neighbourhood. Download on th e B mmamirrm · AppStore I Google-play metrolandmedia to your community' Buy a n d sell in y o u r n e ig h b o u rh o o d .

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