Oakville Beaver, 29 Nov 2000, C9

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Wednesday, November 29, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C9 S E A S O N One small step for m a n .... B y K ym Funnell ADVERTISING FEATURE ...... Can be onto your very own piece of celestial property! G r a n d O p e n i n g S a l e C o n t i n u e s upl1 05 0 % on* E veryone has that one individual on his or her Christmas list, the person who's impossible to shop for, the person who has everything. What do you get for someone like that? Well, no less than a piece of the solar system of course! Offer them the moon, and then deliver. Join the mil lions of people who have already purchased property out of this world. Join the likes of Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Tom Hanks, John Travolta, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan - just to name a few - who all own acres of celestial property. You never know, maybe one of them will be your neighbour! And yes, it's legal. Everybody's first question is, "How is this possible?", it's really quite simple. Moon Land Registry Inc. explains: "In 1967 there was an Outer Space Treaty that every Nation in the world signed. It basically said that no Nation or Government could claim title to the Solar System. It did not however say that no individual could claim title to it. So, in 1980 an individual by the name of Dennis Hope filed a "Declaration of Ownership" stating that he owned the Moon, all the planets and all their moons. He filed his "Declaration" with the San Francisco County Offices and then subsequently filed it with the United Nations General Assembly, the former U.S.S.R., and the United States government. Since 1980 he has been selling Celestial Property worldwide. Moon Land Registry Inc. has obtained the exclusive rights to sell Celestial Property in Canada. All Authorized Distributors are licensed through Moon Land Registry Inc." What is important in The Outer Space Treaty, is what it doesn't state. It does n't say whether commercial enterprises or individuals can claim, exploit or appropriate the celestial bodies for profit. Since the signing of the Treaty in 1967, the United Nations has made many attempts to ratify an amendment to the Treaty to include individuals and corporations, but to no avail. The only other grounds people can argue the validity of Moon Land Registry property sales on, is the Moon Treaty. The Moon Treaty forbids the exploitation of Space, the Moon, and other celestial bodies for profit motives. According to the Moon Treaty, individ uals may not claim the Moon and other celestial bodies. Although, of the approx imately 185 member states of the United Nations, only six states supported this Treaty. All other member states, including Russia, China, the United States, refused to sign the Treaty. The United States refused to sign on the grounds that it would inhibit the exploitation of Lunar and other celestial resources for profit by corporations and individuals. Many websites incorrectly show the Moon Treaty as ratified, but this is not true. So before choosing where you want to buy land, here are some fast facts on three of your options. The Moon is a ball of rock that circles around the Earth once every 28 days. The Moon does not make its own light, shining in the sky only because the Sun is shining on it all the time. Mars, otherwise known as the Red Planet (due to its reddish appearance from Earth), is the farthest rocky planet from the Sun. Like Earth, Mars has ice at its North and South Poles. Although there is no known running water, dry riverbeds on the surface show the possibility that there was water long ago. Also, Mars has two potato-shaped moons called Phobos and Deimos. If you decide to purchase property on Venus, remember that it appears just after sunset, when it is called the evening star. The second planet from the sun and the closest to Earth, Venus is easily seen from our planet as it's the brightest object in the sky except for the moon. Although if you buy land on Venus, you may not be visiting any time soon, as it currently impossible to land on. Venus' clouds trap the heat from the Sun, making the planet even hotter than Mercury. But never fear, technology is advancing in leaps and bounds! Moon Land Registry Inc. is offering an acre of land for sale on either the Moon, Mars, or Venus. With each property purchase you will receive a Deed, Constitution, Property Map, Mineral Rights and a copy of the original Declaration of Ownership. The possibilities are endless, and the opportu nity to good to pass up. It's a great gift, a great investment, and great fun. Own your own Celestial Property, visit Moon Land Registry on the upper level at Oakville Place Mall (next to The Bay), or visit them on the Internet at www.moonlandregistry.com. L et A v a n t e 's c l o t h e s e x c i t e y o u M ak e a n d o u r s e rv ic e g iv e a im p re s s y o u ! n e v e r fo rg e t. C h r is tm a s s p e c ia l th is y e a r a n d g i f t t h e y 'l l *Some exceptions apply. FINE LADIES W EAR FOR TO D AY'S LIFESTYLE sizes 4 - 1 8 3 0 2 L a k e sh o re R o a d E a s t, O a k v ille Join us for Christmas Magic Fri. December 1st; 10 am -1 0 pm Hours: Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs. & Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-6 & Sun 12-5 (b e tw e e n T ra fa lg a r & R eynolds) (9 0 5 ) 8 1 5 - 9 1 3 0 BIG on C a b le w in s th e ra c e e v e ry tim e . G et C O G E C O @ H o m e h ig h speed In t e r n e t o v e r c a b le . TM th e P J* ® , ?ce o f d *a' J ? - v \9 i Downloading graphics and video clips isn't supposed to feel like your skiing uphill. 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