Oakville Beaver, 29 Nov 2000, Classified, D5

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Wednesday, November 29, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 WEIGHT LOSS HEALTHY INSPIRATIONS WEIGHT LOSS AND LIFESTYLE CENTRE is expanding to Burlington at ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Milton area. Large distributor requires a self-motivated, results-oriented individ ual to provide administrative support to various finance departments. Your re sponsibilities will encompass spreadsheets, reports, travel arrange ments, filing and maintaining the accid ent and insurance files. A high level of computer proficiency, interpersonal skills and 3-5 years office administrative experience are essential. Forward resume and salary expectation to: A c c o u n tin g M anager, P.O. Box 70, M ilto n , O nt. L9T 2Y3 or fax to (905)-875-4744 fe>eWXJNG Canada's leading publication for 50+ consumers requires an experienced Sales professional to sell display advertising and Consumer Show exhibit space in the Golden Horseshoe area. This is a full time position offering salary, auto expenses and a generous commission and bonus package. The ideal candidate for this position is self motivated with a proven track record in media sales, and fully appreciates the potential in representing a publication that targets the fastest growing and most affluent demographic groups - the 50+ consumer. To apply for this position please toward resume along with compensation expectations prior to Dec. 1,2000 to: Director of Advertising, Forever Young 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 or fax (905) 337-5571 C A F E T E R IA STA FF DANA HOSPITALITY is a lw a ys in te re ste d in m e e t ing people w ho w ou ld like to jo in o u r grow ing team ot: CLASSIFICATION INDEX R EA L ESTATE 10O houses fo r sale 105 tow nhouses for sale 110 apartments & condos for sale 115 farms for sale, rent & wanted 120 out of tow n properties 125 property outside C anada 130 houses w anted to buy 135 lots & acreages 140 investm ent/business prop. 145 industrial/commerical space 150 office & business space 155 stores fo r sale, rent & wtd 160 business opportunities 161 franchises 165 m ortgages, loans R EN TALS 170 apartm ents & flats fo r rent 172 rentals 175 apartm ents & flats w anted 176 duplexes fo r rent 180 condom inium s for rent 185 houses for rent 186 housing w anted 190 tow nhouses fo r rent 191 housing w anted to rent 192 room s fo r rent & w anted 193 room & board avail & wtd 194 shared accom m odation 195 retirem ent living 196 halls & lodges LE IS U R E LIVING 200 vacation properties 205 vacation rentals 210 m obile hom es & parks 215 cam pers, trailers, sites 220 cam pers, trailers 225 cottages fo r rent 235 boats & supplies 240 snow m obiles 245 pools & supplies 250 resorts, cam ps 255 travel 260 hobbies & crafts 261 health & fitness 265 self-im provem ent 366 w om en's colum n M ER C H AN D ISE 300 m arket basket 303 industrial equipm ent 304 antiques & art 305 baby needs 306 com puter/electronics 307 cam p/sports equipm ent 308 m usical instrum ents 309 pools & supplies 310 articles fo r sale 311 sw ap & trade 312 articles w anted 315 vendors w anted 319 craft sales 320 garage/yard sales 325 auctions, sales 326 liquidation sales 327 antique/flea m arkets 330 firew ood 335 Christmas trees 370 pet, supplies 371 kennels-boarding 372 horses, livestock 373 equestrian 374 hay & feed 375 photography/video 385 tickets for events A U TO 400 cars fo r sale 405 cars w anted 410 trucks fo r sale 415 trucks w anted 420 vans, 4 w heel drive 425 sports cars 430 antique cars 435 m otorcycles 436 snow m obiles 440 auto parts, supplies & repairs 445 auto leasing, rentals 450 auto care 451 auto insurance 455 garage & storage space 458 driving schools 460 em ploym ent w anted H ELP W A N TE D 500 career training 501 career councelling 502 resum es 505 careers 506 professional 507 em ploym ent agencies 510 general help w anted 511 telem arketers 512 hair, beauty salon help 515 skilled & technical help 520 com puter/data processing 525 office/clerical help 530 sales help & agents 535 hospital, m edical, dental 536 health care 540 hotel restaurant 545 teaching opportunities 549 janitorial services 550 dom estic help w anted 555 dom estic help available 556 hom e health care avble 558 senior living 565 volunteers C O M M U N IT Y N O TIC ES 600 tenders 605 legal notices 607 bankruptcy 610 public notices 612 health research/study 615 births 620 adoptions 625 engagem ents 630 forthcom ing m arriages 635 m arriages 640 anniversaries 642 retirem ents 645 deaths 655 in m em oriam s 660 card of thanks 662 prayers 665 funeral directors 668 m onum ents 670 cem etery plots 675 announcem ents 678 graduation 680 com ing events 682 hayrides 685 personals 686 fam ily services 688 ticket w inners 690 birthdays 692 am usem ents, clubs 693 com panions 694 transportation w anted/avail. 696 lost and found S E R V IC E S 700 hom e im provem ents 701 household services 705 handym an 710 painting & decorating 715 m oving & storage 720 drapes & upholstery 725 dressm aking tailoring 730 flooring carpeting 734 top soil 735 gardening landscaping 740 snow rem oval 741 sw im m ing pools 745 catering 746 services 750 rentals 751 house/pet sitting 755 music, dancing & dram atic 757 fitness instruction 760 private tuition/schools 761 tutorial 765 nursery schools 770 daycare available 775 daycare w anted 780 m other's helpers/nannies 781 health services 790 insurance 791 business services 792 paralegal services 793 chartered accountants 794 tax & financial directory 797 consultants 800 business directory________ _ Cedar Springs Health, Racquet and Sportsclub We are looking tor self-motivated, fitnessoriented individuals with a true desire to help clients reach goals. Sales experience a plus but not required. Paid training, hourly, plus commission. Include earning history and FAX YOUR RESUME TO: (905) 632-4041 Cafeteria Managers · Cooks Dishwashers · Kitchen Service Staff We offer F/T or P/T Mon. - Fri. work sched ules and the opportunity to grow with us in Burlington, Mississauga and Oakville. Tired of working nights, weekends & holidays? Fax your resum e to us a t 1-905-608-6288 DIRECTORY DISTRIBUTORS Earn m one y, w ith o u t s e llin g , by d e liv e rin g telepho ne directories in the OAKVILLE area. Start Immediately. M ust be m in im u m 16 years and have own vehicle. I tutorial IS your child falling behind in reading, spelling, w rit ing? Private tutoring by elementary teacher. 8259990 I daycare available LOTS of TLC! CPR & ex cellent references. Receipts available. Any age wel come. Call 639-6028. I w L ] daycare wanted BABYSITTER required occasional afternoons and evenings. My home. 2 children 2 years and 6 months. References re quired. 849-8978 EAST Oakville. Live-in or live- out nanny to look after 3 children (full time at school). Start now. Apart ment and car supplied with job. French or english speaking. 337-1627 EAST Oakville. Required, french or english speaking loving person to look after 3 children. (All in school) from 7-9am and 3-6:30pm. Driv er preferred (car supplied) Available immediately. 337-1627 F O RM O R EIN F O R M AT IO NP LE A SEC A L L : CANWEST DIRECTORY DISTRIBUTORS (905) 565-9875 or 1-877-265-1674 (Toll Free) High energy, enthusiastic person want ed for permanent, PART-TIME & FULL-TIME (2 POSITIONS) FRONT DESK RECEPTION position at rapidly expanding Chiroprac tic and Wellness Clinic. These positions require flexibility of hours, including some evenings and some Saturdays. If you are team-oriented, are comfortable with helping people and have a flexible start date, please call (905)335-3901 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, Nov 30/00 ONLY PLEASE ^ T ( h 6 o l f » w, B U S D R IV E R S W A N T E D For the Burlington, Oakville areas. This progressive family oriented company will provide free training to interested applicants. Enroll now for large or mini bus training. Excellent wages for retirees and all applicants wishing part-tim e employment. Apply in person or telephone 1-888-749-1515 Attridge Transportation Inc. 5439 Harvester Rd. Burlington, ON L7L 5J7 Part-time o r Full-time YES, We can help!.... Mortgages and Business Financing on equipmentReceivables...more. S20K$20 million. Carmen 905632-3793, pfs@primus.ca Telephone Sales Person Required fo r o u r Burlington paper The successful candidate w ill have excellent telephone mannerisms and abilities. You w ill w o rk from o u r Oakville South Service Rd. office to sell via the FULLTIME Nanny for 3 school aged children. Good working conditions. Must have valid drivers license and be a non-smoker. S/E OakviBe. (905)842-5613 LIVE-IN Certified Nan nies/ Housekeepers avail able from Phillipines. Call Ontario Employment Agen cy, (416)699-6931 (No fee to employers) MOTHER S Helper need ed immediately to care for 9-mo. old. Some house keeping. Flexible hours. References & own trans portation. Oakville. (905)337-2841 LIVE-IN Filipino Nanny avail able. No fee to employer. Please call Amah Interna tional at (416)221-3303 SERVICE MERCHANDISING REP. Required to call on Home Depot stores in Southern O n ta rio . E ntry leve l p o s itio n . S alary, car a llo w a n c e , b e n e fits. E xp erien ce h e lp fu l b u t n o t necessary. We w ill train. Reply w ith a brief resume to: MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 telephone special features, sections, sponsor/charity pages and any other special ideas that you know w ill w ork. You are self-motivated and willing to p u t in the e ffo rt required to be success ful. H ours are flexible. $8.50 per hour, plus commission fo r part-tim e. Salary plus commission for full-tim e. D ro p yo u r resume to o u r office o r fax it attention: General D irector FREE Consultation. We fix bad credit. Guaranteed!! 1-877-319-7459 MCDONALD SALES & MERCHANDISING DZ DRIVERS Wanted For RECYCLING COMPANY We offer 2861 Sherwood Heights Dr,, #28, Oakville, ON, L6J 7K1, Fax (905)-855-8559 e-m ail: em ail@ m cdonaldsales.com Benefits Package Overtime 4-day Work W eek Company Uniform Competitive W age Level Please fax resume and copy of recent abstract to: (905)-336-3034 FULL TIME LUMBER SALES Full time career opportunity in our Lumber and Building Materials Department. Successful applicants must be organized and customer service oriented. Will offer training if required. Comprehensive bene fit package included. If you are looking for a career in the retail building materials business, mail or fax your resume to: SCHUYLER HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 385 STEELES AVE. MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 3G8 FAX (905J-878-4049 PHONE (905)-878-9222 fax 905.827-9950 1158 South Service Road (between 3rd & 4th line) Oakville LOST & FOUND Found S om e th in g ? P lace yo u r "Found" ad FREE of charge. B url 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 For DENTAL/ MEDICAL RECEPTION COURSE MUNN'S Child Care Cen tre. N/E Oakville requires. 1. Assistant Supervisor (ECE) minimum 3 years ex perience. 2. Part-time staff (1:30-4:15pm) daily and casual supply staff as needed. Experience with children essential. Call Sharon 849-9740________ BRANT Children's Centre requires full-time preschool teacher and an Infant/ tod dler teacher. ECE pre ferred. Phone 634-5518 or fax resume to 634-5510. TEACHER required to cover for maternity leave for primary class from Jan.2001-Jan.2002. Private School. Please phone 905-854-0890 HELP WANTED ·MAILROOM INSERTERS* -Safety shoes required Tuesday to Saturday Different sh ifts available FAST service, FA X your classified ads. If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post/Oakville Beaver fax line. Indicate ad size, classification and the days and newspapers you would like it to run in. We will take it from there! If you have any questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632-4440 today! Applications available at: QAKMHLUS Unit 21 - 427 Speers Rd., Oakville 9am-5pm Mon-Fri N o p h o n e c a lls p le a s e ! · Certified · Full & Part-time · Computerized B u r lin g to n P o s t REQUIRES AM etroland N e w s m a g a z in eF o rC ity F a m ilie s Canada's largest parenting publication requires an experienced S a le s professional to sell display advertising and consumer show exhibit space in the Halton/Peel/Toronto regions. This is a full time position offering salary, auto expenses and a generous commission/bonus package. The ideal candidate for this position is self motivated with a proven track record in media sales and excells in new business development. To apply for this position, please toward resume, along with compensation expectations prior to Dec. 1,2000 to: City Parent Director of Advertising 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 or fax (905) 337-5571 Pc arent __ C ITY HALTON BUSINESS IN STITU TE BOYS & GIRLS CARRIERS Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Door to Door Delivery Bennett Rd Forsythe Blvd Amelia Cres Blue Spruce Ave Dynes Rd Keswick Crt Cumberland Ave Hillfair Place Spruce Ave Oakwood Crt Lani Cr Appleby Line Pinedale Ave Forest Grove Cr Oak Grove Cr Maplehill Dr Rosedale Cr Fenwick Place Sprucehill Ave Starview Rd Bridlewood Montego Cr 637*3415 RPN'S required. VERY COMPETITIVE PAY RATE. For M aternity Belief & Permanent F /T a n d P /F LOOKING for Mrs. Doubtfire or Alice from the Brady Bunch! Housekeeper for busy household in S/E Oakville. Must be a nonsmoker with valid drivers li cense. Good working con ditions. Should enjoy work ing with school aged children. (905)842-5613_______ HOUSEKEEPER needed 15 hours per week. Licence an asset. Nonsmoker. Burlington: 3377979__________ _______ HOUSEKEEPER re quired, Mon - Fri., part-time hours, Burlington area. No childcare required. Will in clude housecleaning & laundry. (905)331-5693 HOUSEKEEPER re quired for busy family, Mon - Fri., 4-7pm. Laundry, cooking, light cleaning. Glen Abbey. (905)4699098 V istam ere R e tire m e n t O akville ^905-847-1413 or fax 847-1765 MEDICAL Secretary, fulltor part time for specialist. Proficiency in Word/Excel. Experience in dictatyping, OHIP billing. Fast-paced environment. Forward re sume/ references/salary expectations: Box 6312, do Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers. Oakville, L6K 3S4 or fax (905)-815-8911, MATURE person required for a permanent part-time receptionist position at a chiropractic & physiothera py clinic. Evening and wee kend shifts. Medical office certificate needed. Experi ence and knowledge of nu trition an asset but not re quired. Fax resume to 6337357__________________ DENTAL Receptionist: Our modern progressive prac tice has a fulltime position available. We require a warm, people oriented per son with experience in dental and computers. Please fax resume to: (905)897-1384___________ CDAFull-time for busy downtown Burlington office. Continuing Education. Team work are an import ant part of our high energy office. Discretion assured. Fax resume 905-634-2550 DENTAL Assistant- Certi fied full-time required for busy Oakville office. Some experience required. Call 905-845-1031 C a ll C irc u la tio n , 632-0588 beauty, hair salon help 1 Experienced P rem ier Consum e)'Shows NORTH AMERICA S MOST DYNAMIC CHAIN of salons requires Seeking an Advertising Sales professional who loves golf and travel. Premier Consumer Shows, producers of the Toronto Golf & Travel Show, National Bridal Shows and 50 Plus Lifestyle & Travel Shows is launching exciting vertical publications to compliment successful consumer show events. The ideal candidate for this position is a seif motivated individual with a proven track record in media sales and a passion for the golf and travel industry. Interested applicants are invited to apply in w riting, including compensation expectations prior to Dec. 1, 2000 to: ^ HAIRSTYLISTS 3 Oakville · Mississauga · Burlington W e offer: S ta rtin g b o n u s $ 2 5 0 -$ 5 0 0 ; Great c o m m is sio n s; Career advancem ent th ro u g h o u t N orth A m erica; Flex, w o rk ho u rs; S o lid be nefit p rogram TIRED of coming home to a messy house after work ing hard all day? Why not let me clean it for you! Call Sue (905)331-2380 I personals AFTERNOON massage for the busy gentleman. Mon.-Sat. 10-5pm Call (905)312-4945 ticket winners WINNERS of raffle at St. Aidan's Bazaar SaturdayNov 25/00. (1) Festive Bas ket - Ken Park-ticket #1052,(2) Theatre TicketsRichard Brait-ticket #1118, (3) Doll House-Gordon Taylor-Ticket #763 I lost & found FOUND: Black & white male cat in the Kingswood area. We call Buddy. Call 637-7325________ FOUND: Black adult cat in the Fairview/Guelph Line area. We call Lonestar. Please call 637-7325 FOUND: Black and white female cat in the Walkers Line, New St. area. We call Sidney. Please call 6377325__________________ FOUND: large female, grey, long-haired, spayed, declawed cat, 3-5 years old. Walkers/Hwy. 5. 3324014. FAX: 632-8165 TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL KYM (905)-849-8808 515 I skilled & . -- l .-- :-- i ne,p l .1lecnnicai 515 skilled& technical help u M n n w iii M R ,L U B g .[ NOW HIRING FULL-TIME SERVICE TECHNICIANS I Director of Advertising, Premier Consumer Shows 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 o r fax (905) 337-5571 For our dynamic and fast growing company Applicants must be cheerful and aggressive people who possess a mechanical interest We otter comprehensive training START YOUR CAREER WITH THE WINNING TEAM. ADVERTISING SALES POSITION D o n 't Forget C la s s ifie d D e a d lin e s Mon., 6 pm for Wednesday paper Wed., 6 pm for Friday paper Thurs., 6 pm for Sunday paper Please apply in person to; 345 Speers Road (Speers and Dorval) Your responsibilities include 60% of your time spent on the road in M ilton and the balance of your time spent in telephone sales and preparation. PLUS... W EEKENDS OFF ! (all of th e m ) ANZER BUSINESS system s TRAINING Provided. Great working conditions. Part-time. Could suite stay at home mom's. Call Thai Satay & More- Fine Dining(905)-338-7934, or apply #7-187 Cross Ave., Oakvile. RUDE Native Bistro re quires experienced Line Cooks Full-time for our downtown Burlington loca tion. S10./hr. Fax resumes (905) 465-0681 or in per son 399 John Str., Burling ton COOKS: part-time, nights & weekends. Nickels Res taurant. 2345 Trafalgar (Hwy.5), Oakville. Phone (905)-257-9888, Fax 905257-1615.___________ / CHEFS, Waiters/ Wai tresses, Bartenders re quired full and part time for Italian cusine in Oakville, Dorval/ Speers. 815-9689. Dishwasher- F&P/T. Line & Grill Cook, full-time. Please call Mark or Shane bet ween 2-5pm, 333-9463. Sonoma County Wine Bar. PRO G RA M M ER DELPHI C ontract and Ju n io r Program m ing P ositions TECHNICAL A D M IN . CLERK P rovide reception/adm in. support in high -tech office. A b ility to m ulti-ta sk and w ork in team environm ent. Knowledge of com puter parts an asset. Fax (905) 844-0347, in Oakville, or e-mail to: resume@anzer.com office-clerical S e U in g a d v e rtis in g d ire c tly to lo c a l b u sin e ss y o u 'll g a in v a lu a b le e x p e rie n c e b u ild in g c o n fid e n c e a n d a tten d in g to d etails. * 2 0 , 1 5 0 " salary / car-allow ance BETTER House by Leo. Home improvements / ren ovations ` Bathrooms *Rec/ Rooms ` Drywall ·Interior/ Exterior Painting -Decks ·Fences 'Ceramic Tiles ·Plumbing. Call Leo: (905) 844-3471 Ho ft e Y oU,r t-M Y D '* office-clerical E m p lo y m e n t o p p o r t u n i t y w i t h i n t e r n a t io n a l c o m p a n y . O ffic e lo c a te d in B u r lin g to n . F u lltim e p o s itio n a v a ila b le f o r to start plus com m ission on everything you sell. T H E S H O P P IN G N E W S FAX (905) 878-6389 attention: Carleen Finch PRO Movers. Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777__________________ RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional movers, truck and in surance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733 A d m in istrative Support MUST BE FULLY BILINGUAL ( E n g lis h / F r e n c h o r a l & w r it te n ) in o r d e r t o p e r fo r m jo b d u tie s . C re ate in v o ic in g / s a le s o rd e rs , c u s to m e r s u p p o r t, a n s w e r p h o n e s , d a ta e n try , g e n e ra l o ffic e d u tie s . P le a s e se n d CV by fa x to (9 0 5 ) 6 3 9 -8 6 3 9 , Attn: Human Resources You are required to have a reliable vehicle and valid driver's licence. I DAYCARE Supervisor & ECE teacher seeking op portunities for professional growth required. Competi tive salary, benefits. Happy Beginnings Daycare. Bur lington, Fax 631-9226 CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, bed/ table/ chair co-ordinates, fabrics. Sherry- 634-6706, morganinteriors@home.com 4

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