Tuesday December 26, 2000 -1 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER The Body Shapmg Fitness Studio For Women. yea r -end W R A P -U P 48 MONTH PURCHASE FINANCING FORD M O TO R CO M PAN Y PAYS TH E INTEREST INTEREST Dirk Gebhardt Maria Kinlough Maria, Dirk, Bessie, Krista, Rachelle, Jen, Cindy, Sue & Sue would like to wish everyone a Healthy and H appy Holiday Season. PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS DOWN PAYMENT On New In-Stock 2000 Ford Cars, SUVs, Windstar, Ranger and F-150 Trucks. D o n t w orry ab o u t th e turkey, p o ta to latkes o r th e rich desserts. E njoy th e H olidays! W e w ill be .here to help get you back in shape fo r th e N ew Year. All vehicles M arket Value Priced in W in d o w s.M a rk e t Value Price includes freight, air, tax, p ro te cto r plus anti-theft. N O ch a rg e PD I, N O adm in, fees. H U R R Y IN NOW !! L IM IT E D T IM E CwrVy&'V /v y \. i tm * K / n u Instock at 183 Lakeshore Road West, O akville, Ontario L6K 1E 7 (Just East of Dorval Drive) 9 0 5 *8 4 9 *1 9 1 9 FORD LINCOLN OAK-LAND EXCLUSIVE BOXING WEEK Amazing . Boxing Week $199 Regular in-store price - $100 Instant rebate - $100 Programming credit $0 V. .. ... . SALE The 4500 includes: · UHF remote · Event Timers · S-Video output · Multi-function controls on front of receiver Bell ExpressV u offers C anada's largest channel lineup w ith over 200 channels! f o r o n ly I NET PRICE -- \ -~ lv -V ' ~ c A, - - v *V 4 A S. .- Get a 2nd receiver Bell E xp re ssV u 4500 satellite system for only 99 00 SAVE $299! (R eg.$199) Heartland Pow er Centre 5935 M avis R d. M ississauga, (905) 502-5919 W insto n Gate S h o pp ing Centre W insto n C h u rch ill at D undas M ississauga (905) 855-2220 A ncaster M eadow lands Pow er Centre 821 G o lf Lin k s R d,, Ancaster. (905) 304-6611 Trinity C o m m o n s Pow er Centre 59 First G u lf B lvd B ram pton (9 05)301-2355 Bell ExpressVu 2700 receiver ·Pnce on the Bell ExpressVu 4SO O refurbistssd system is befcre taxes Programming credit must be applied towards "The Works" Cost to consumer $199 95 before ail applicable rebates and credits. System must be purchased by December 31,2000 and activated by January 31, 2001 Customer must active for 6 months or $100 00 Hobday Rebate will be billed beck on final account statement Bell ExpressVu is a limited partnership w V