Oakville Beaver, 26 Dec 2000, C8

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v / ru v * l / X ji &v 1_<AV i u v d u a jf iy v v u iu A / 1 l u , t u u u HERITAGE GLEN DONATION: The children at Heritage Glen School helped make sure others enjoy Christmas by bringing donations of food, toys, and clothing, plus pet food, toys and blankets to school on Dec. 4th to 15th. The items were picked up by the Oakville Humane Society and Fareshare Foodbank. The drive was organized by the school's student council, representing Grade 6, 7 and 8 students. Photo by Barrie Erskine Telephone support Help is just a phone call away. The Oakville Distress Centre is a United Way Member Agency that connects callers with empathetic volunteers trained to listen and help explore options. Dial 849-4541 from noon to midnight, seven days a week. All calls are confidential. dvtrc For information call 905-878-8455 OR check out our new stuff www.gleneden.on.ca Monday-Saturday 8:30am-10pm/Sundays 8:30am-4:30pm DIRECTIONS TO WINTER'S HOTTEST PLACE: from hwy. 401, take exit 320 (Hwy. 25) north to Campbellville Rd. west to Tremaine Rd. south to Kelso Rd. 9AM TUESDAY DECEMBER 26TH & WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27TH UNTIL 6PM products and much more. Dr. Robert Jones (905) 842-8346 Oakville (416) 923-0092 Toronto www.laserdinics.com Q ) O A K V IL L E 845 -6 60 1 50 1% O ff ALL CLOTHING Cexcept jeans) O a k v ille G a lle r ie s P re s e n ts W hat Canadian hasn't experienced wind-blasted, bitter cold snowstorms? Oakville Galleries presents Tania Kitchell: White Out from December 9 to January 28 at Oakville Galleries at Centennial Square. Tania Kitchell is one artist who has an anti-freeze solution to frigid w inter weather. She has created playful, amusing, and altogether absurd garments to rebuff the icy chill. For example, her colourful cozy head gear prevents those "ice-cream headaches," while cuffs, coils and collars seal out snow, wind and drafts. Fuzzy, felt snowsuits are designed to hug the body for dexterity and warmth. For comfort and coping, she has crafted "mitts with splits" and multi-coloured protection for the single pinkie and index fingers. This artist leaves no body part neglected. Kitchell su bve rts w in te r c h ill- w h a t m any th in k o f as unpleasant-and gives it a defiant twist providing humourous "toasters" and "defrosters." The exhibition also includes a number of photographs that have a performative aspect-the artist frolicking in the snow, and hugging a huge snowball while scantily dressed. In them she exhibits no sign o f discomfort, as play and animation dispel the sobriety of reality. We see her exhibiting bodily pleasure in snow as well as searching for a way to defend herself against its pain. Kitchell articulates ideas and then sets them in motion creating a space o f slipped categories and subverted meanings, which potentially lead us to question our own awareness of climate. Join Tania Kitchell for an artist talk on Tuesday, January 16 at 7:30 p.m. W hy not take tim e out from Christmas shopping to participate in a workshop on Saturday, December 16 from 1 to 3 p.m.? W hether you fight or revel in winter elements use the sensations of the season to make art This programme is for groups and individuals of all ages. On view concurrently at Oakville Galleries in Gairioch Gardens is Christian Marclay: Cinema. Marclay is an artist and musician whose practice explores the relations between sound and image in the visual arts. The exhibition curator Ben Portis will speak on the work of Christian Marclay on Tuesday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. at Oakville Galleries at Gairioch Gardens. This talk will expand on the discussion by the artist that took place on September 26 in the context o f the lecture series "Sensing Art Through Sound." Drop-in and discuss the exhibition with our "on-the-spot" docents or explore the exhibition through a formal tour on Saturdays, December 9, January 6 and 20 and February 3 at 2 p.m. at Gairioch Gardens. Explore the art of montage through eyes and ears. Bring your fam ily to a workshop from 1 to 3 p.m. Picture Papa rtjp /e rim a g e m offm off JEMIS G IFTW ARE * N ew A r r i v a l s a n d J e w e l l e r y n o t o n S a le **A11 S a l e s a r e F i n a l . NO R e t u r n s . Regular Priced Merchandise (some exceptions apply) 389 B ra n t St. · 430 Peart street 639-8414 Christmas hours: Mon-wed 9-8, Thurs & Fri 9-9, Sat 9-6, Sun 12-5 1 b lo c k n o r th o f L a k esh o re 3 3 3 -1 0 6 6 Open December 26 · 8am - 7pm with any P ric e s in effect u n til D e c e m b e r 31, 2000 o r w h ile q u a n titie s last! G ift Certificate Microsoft, , purchase! M o re G re a t Samsung CD-Recordable · 80 M in . · 700 M B · 8x c o m p a tib le ^Lim ite d q u a n titie s . P a rtic ip a tin g lo c a tio n s on ly. S e e in -s to re fo r de ta ils . ials fo r O n ly $1.99 SOHOware Fast 10/100 P C I F a s t E th e rn e t C a rd P e rso n a l S eries H ig h -s p e e d , H ig h -p e r fo r m a n c e n e tw o rk in g . 7 outlets protected from li< spikes and surges up to 3 < Gravis PC Game Pad B a s ic g a m e p a d w ith fo u r b u tto n s a n d 8 -w a y s D -p a d S O H O w a re Fast L im it 1 p e r c u s to m e r 29.99 before $28 mail-in rebate L im it 1 p e r c u s to m e r 9.99 before $8 mail-in rebate 19 .99 b e fo re $15 m a il-in reb ate FREE S o ftw a re ! Assorted Video Game Titles! Large Selection For Pia yS tation, Nintendo 64, Oreamcast and Game Bor Coiouo. O v e r 15 titles to c h o o s e from : PlayStation: · N H L Rock T h e Rink · W W F Attitude · N H L Faceoff 2000 · To m b Raider: Th a Last Revelation · Form ula O n e Cham pionship · W W F Sm ackdow n · Need Fo r Speed: P orsche Unleashed · X-M en Mutant Academ y r Corel Gallery Magic 1 M illion Clipart Images Nintendo 64: · Pokemon Snap · Pok6mon Puzzle League · W W F Wrestlemania 2000 Dreamcast: · Flag To Flag Cart racing · Ready to Rum ble · To m b Raider: Th a Last Revelation · W W F Attitude CtCOREI `1 9 .99 b e fo re S 1 0 ^ ^ m a il-in reb ate Limit 1 per customer o e«w 3 9 .99 b e fo re $40 m a il-in reb ate Game Boy Colour: · Dragon W arrior Monsters · Star Wars Episode 1 YM Digital .Makeover Magic 15 sheets per package 8.5" x 11" High Gloss on Saturday, January 20 at Gairioch Gardens. Parents and students! Ask teachers to get in touch with Oakville Galleries to leam about our innovative new programme offerings for area schools. 19.99 b e fo re $20 m a il-in reb ate Please note that Oakville Galleries will be closed December24,25,26,31 and January 1. Providing Canadians with computer products since 1976 E a m P U E E S lT P iE COM PUCENTRE is a registered Trademark of Multimicro Inc We Make f l Simple 8 4 9 -1 2 9 1 For more information on hours of operation, location and programmes please call 844-4402. O A K V IL L E P L A C E M A L L , 2 4 0 L e ig h la n d A v e n u e 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, O NTARIO · L6J 5A6

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