D6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Tuesday December 26, 2000 TO PLACE AN AD CALL houses for sale OAKVILLE-Chartwell/Maple4 bedroom, 50'x150'lot, original owner of 31 years. Walk to Go, hospital, downtown. $289,000. Private sale 905-333-9692 C lassified > T he O akville Beaver BONUS! All classified ads appear @ w w woakvi I lebeaver. com The site you r com m unity clicks on! 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Circulation: 845-9742 Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 5 5 $1,300./M 0. Executive Freehold, 2 bedroom townhome. 2-1/2 baths, Main floor laundry. F/P. En-suite with whirlpool tub. Large deck. C/A. Available im mediately. 639-4317 1988 PARK Avenue. $1,500, as is uncertified. Call (905) 633-8283 1989 Cadillac Sedan DeVille Body in excellent condition. Runs well. Call 844-9976 1 111 trucks for sale 1988 Dodge RAM 1500V-8, Short bed. Red. Im maculate. 905-845-5310 1999 Ford Ranger. XLT, Supercab, Sport, 4L, 4x2, loaded. 62K. $18,400. 319-2174 ATTENTION If you are a Licensed Sales Rep , or currently enrolled in PHASE 1, 2 or 3 of pre-licensing program... WE NEED TO TALK! Royal LePage offers ... COMMISSIONS-UP TO 90% NON-COMPETITIVE MANAGEMENT NO DESK FEES OTRAINING For More Information contact a Royal LePage Office: WE specialize in Condo minium Sales. Call Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 191 m VI housing wanted to rent Coimunity Notices Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS r ff you are a... Young professional! · Couple starting out! Senior... needing to join a community! U INEXPENSIVE warehouse space: Unheated 1000'. Heated, sprinklered, truck level doors, 60,000' or less c/w 3 overhead cranes. 2100' & 1400'. Joe Luyk, (905)8457597, Ext.242 business $$ Government Funds $$. Grants and loans informa tion to start and expand your business or farm. 1800-505-8866____________ ||{ V | mortgage, loans FURNISHED room required by quiet working woman, moving to the area. Required from Jan. 2 to Feb 15 Please call Jennifer (613)-542-7775 after 6pm rooms for rent & wanted YOU DESERVE A B C LEAN furnished room near O akville P lace/ Sheridan College, on bus route. Laundry, kitchen, parking fa c ilitie s . From: $310. Ken. (905)842-0789 OLDE O akville co m fo rt able , furnished room, sep arate entrance, shared bath and kitchen, air, walkin closet, parking, $106. w eekly. Ladies only. (905)338-7492. shared I garage* storage space Rebecca Ryder, Area Sales Manager, Associate Broker 3060 Mainway, Burlington · 335-3042 Duncan McLeod, Area Manager, Associate Broker 2072 Lakeshore, Burlington · 634-7755 Adrienne Lake, Area Sales Manager, Associate Broker 251 North Service Rd. W ., Oakville · 338-3737 Laurie Panchyshyn, Area Manager, Associate Broker 326 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville · 845-4267 M lllllllllllllllllll IN THE ESTATE OF RITA MARY KANE All persons having claim s against the Es tate of Rita Mary Kane, late of the Town of O a kville , in th e R egional M u n icip a lity of Halton, who died on or about August 27, 2000, are hereby notified to send particu lars of same to the undersigned on or be fo re the 15th day of January, 2001 after which date the assets of the Estate shall be d is trib u te d w ith re g a rd o n ly to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Oakville, this 6th day of December, 2000, Raymond Kane Estate Trustee, by his solicitor P. William Perras Jr. Barrister & Solicitor Suite 610 1275 North Service Road West Oakville, Ontario L6M 3LG4 (905) 827-2700 Magnificent Indoor Pool & I · Utilities & Parking Included · STORAGE units available starting at $15. Clean, dry safe, 24-hr accessibility, call Shurguard Self Stor age, 905-842-4590 5_ s i 194 STOP N' CASH Approved by phone APPLEBY/ New Street. Share house, non-smoker. Full use of facilities. $375/ mo. inclusive. 637-2287. LOOKING for female to share 3-bdrm townhouse, close to Sheridan. $5507 mo. Immediate. 905-8159348 or 519-674-1494 BRANT Hills, Burlington, to share lower basement. Suite with 1 other. Avail able Jan. 1. $400 inclu sive. Please call 905-3318799 or 905-616-0290 items under $100. ASSUMPTION kilt, size: small. Excellent condition, $25.631-8231 _ _ GIRL'S figure skates (Jackson), size 3-1/2, mint condition, paid $250, ask ing $75. obo 632-3954 SKATES, men's size 8, >16. (905)634-9538_______ SKIS, downhill, kids, boots, poles, good condition, $95. 331-9540 ______ SKIS, downhill, adult, boots, poles, good condition, $95. 331-9540 SUPER single waterbed. Complete with bookcase headboard. $90. Call 905631-6805 WATERBED queensize frame, solid wood headboard, drawers. Excellent condition. $50/obo. (905)333-8229 NO Fee! Career Explorations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan your career. Funded by HRDC. For infor mation/ to register call Grace (905)333-3499/ (905)8781240- ROYAL LEPAGE ^ H llllllllllllllllllll How You Find a Great Real Estate Agent. EVERY DAY IS PAYDAY WHEN YOU NEED CASH! We hold your personal cheque 'til payday No credit check! 310-CASH (2274) Oakville Burlington Towers The H o tel A lte n u itiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · · · · Furnished Designer Apartments Fully Equipped Kitchens Magnificent Indoor Pool Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. TECHNICAL WRITER On-site cofnputer service company seeks individual to.document internet processes and publish manuals. Posi tion requires previous writing experience in the technology sector. Please e-mail resume & salary expectations to: resume@cancable.com FIXED OPERATORS MANAGER For local importer deal ership. Experience necessary. Must be customer service oriented, motivational, proven track record. Reply in confidence to Box 1811, c/oBurlington Post, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, On L7R 2E3 RECEPTIONIST required fulltime immediately Mon. to Thurs., Noon to 8:30pm & Sat. 9am to 5pm. Must be mature, reliable, have excellent communication skills and pleasant telephone manner. Apply to: X Miss Gilbertson, 9am to 4pm, at Deaths HUGHES, Bill (Santa) Peacefully after a lengthy illness at Oakville T ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H o s p ita l on F riday, D e ce m b e r 22, 2 000 at 80 ye a rs of age. B eloved husband of Jean. Loving father of Ann (Mrs. J. Girard) and Heather (Mrs. T. Dixon). Dear pop-pop of Jaime, Andrew, Clint, Carlie and Emily. Brother of Bernie a n d R o d d y. V is ita tio n a t th e O a k v ie w Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West, (O ne b lo ck East of K e rr St) O akville, on W ednesday, from 2:00-4:00pm and 7:009:00pm. A funeral mass will be held at St. A n d re w 's R o m a n C a th o lic C h u rc h , 47 Reynolds Street, on Thursday at 11:00am, o ffic ia te d by Fr. P e te r W aters. In lieu of flowers donations to the OakvHle Trafalgar M e m o ria l H o s p ita l o r VO N w o u ld be appreciated by the family. BUDDS1 BMW OF OAKVILLE 2400 South Service Rd W, Oakville Fax: (905) 825-9887 Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW 1-Bdnu (rom $829* 2- Bdrm trom S949* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 '(2% disc, included) 639·8583 Open 7 Days per Week w w w .o n tim .c o m · btow ers@ lara.on .ca 205 Queen Mary Drive, Oakville. Near all ameni ties. 2-bedroom & 3-bedrooms ($1,195./mo.+ park ing) available immediately. Utilities included. (905)8449670 OLD Oakville- Beautifully maintained quiet building, No lease. 1-bedroom $960/mo.; 2-bedroom, $1225/mo.; 2-bedroom + den, $1385/mo. inclusive. Step out to shop. Lots of seniors. Call (905)8458254, message BEHIND Sheridan Col lege. 1-bdrm. apt. Private entrance, utilities, parking, bus stop. $550. Imme diate. Steve 845-9981 COZY 1-bedroom or 3 bedroom, 4pce bath. Fresh paint/ carpet. Dundas/ Hwy25. $750.-$1,100./ month. Immediately, 905465-2105 GEORGIAN Apartments. 1.2&3 Bedrooms. Immed./ Jan./ Feb. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm BRONTE on the Lake. Large 1-bedroom, hardwood, ceramics, insuite storage. Pool, tennis. One under ground parking. $935/mo. Jan.1st. Call to view: (905) 827-9169, Sir Richard Tower, www.ontim.com HISTORIC building, down town Burlington near lake. 1bedroom apartment $825/ mo. Parking, laundry included, utilities extra, Feb.1st. (905)031-7788, (905)467-0963 75 Stewart: 1&2 bedroom apartments available. Near downtown Oakville/ QEW. W ell-m aintained, clean building. Call (905)8444294 BRONTE on the Lake. Large 1-bedroom , hard wood, ceram ics, insuite storage. Pool, tennis. One underground parking. $935/mo. Jan. 1st. Call to view: (905)827-9169, Sir Richard Tower, www.ontim.com__________________ condominiums for rent n fffi 1 1 » I I I omce-ciencai a m iia A u to P a rts All The Advantages o f Qondo Living 1-BDRM & 2-BDRM SUITES w/solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! January & February Trafalgar Heights EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE COUNTER SALES STAFF 5-yrs plus experience required in a automo tivejobbersetting. Apply in person or by tax to: BOOKKEEPERPart-, time- AccPac- 1-2 daysy weekly at my home office. Fax resume 905-825-9009, t email: johnc@lara.on.ca REAL Estate Secretary re quired part-time weekends for Oakville Real Estate of fice. Will pay top dollar. Call Gary Reed 905-8257777. Fax 905-825-3593 Community Y Notices d e a th s BURRITT, John Grindlay O n T h u rs d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 0 0 a t Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 89th year. John, beloved husband of the late Hazel. Loved father of Frank and his wife Sharon. Dear grandfather of Daniel and A m anda. John is su rvived by his siste r Margaret Burritt. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 24pm and 7-9pm Friday: Funeral Service was held 5:00pm Saturday, December 23, 2000. Crem ation. Those who w ish may m ake m e m o ria l c o n trib u tio n s to th e Alzheimers Association of Ontario. "M * Very Large 2-Bedroom Suites in Well Maintained Bldgs Private, landscaped courtyard. Bicycle and jogging paths nearby. Close to schools & pro fessional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 844-2646/845-0987 Park Property Mgmt. O A K V ILLE - Kerr St 1bedroom apartment, $800/ mo../ parking included, available Feb.1.; 2-bedroom, $900./mo. parking included, available Jan.1/ Feb.1.905-339-2437 APARTMENTS Available: 1,2&3 bedrooms from $875./mo. Indoor pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area. (906)644-1106____________ OAKVILLE. 2-bedroom apartment main floor tri plex. All amenities, laun dry, parking. Immediate. $925./mo+ electricity. (905)845-9088 * 2-BEDROOMS: $790 J mo. (U tilities included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Office Open 9-4pm, Mon.-Sat (905)639-5761 GHENT Ave., Burlington: Spacious, clean apart ments: 1-bedroom, Jan.1st; 2-bedroom, Feb. 1st. Fridge, stove, parking. Newly reno vated. Central, quiet. (905)639-0354 after 5pm BURLINGTON- Large 2bedroom apartment in clean quiet building. Park ing. Call Sandra (905)6345604____________________ TWO Bedroom apartments available Jan/Feb. from $795/mo. +parking. Con veniently located Wood ward/ Guelph Line, Burlington. (905)632-4265________ LARGE 3-bedroom, 1-1/2 bath apartment with lake view. Blocks away from downtown Oakville! Pool. Available Feb. 1st. $1350./ mo. inclusive. Lots of seniors! (905)844-1934 OAKVILLE. Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: 1-bedroom, available January. $760./mo plus parking. (905)844-9006 LAKEFRONT Burlington! Large clean 2-bedroom apartments Feb. 1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call (905)637-3447____________ NORTHSHORE Towers, 2-Bedroom, February, $850. Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am-7pm. 681-1307* Burl. 2-BDRM available imme diately, Burlington (near IKEA) $800/mo. utilities in cluded. Call Brian or Mat at (905)631-8523 Funeral Directors =416-390-6279= I houses for rent ALDERSHOT- 2 bedroom. Feb.1st., parklike setting, close to all amenities, appliances included. $975/ month +utilities. 905-7193915____________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Mike Traina, Sales Representative, (905) 639-5258 Re/Max Escarp ment Realty Inc., Realtor EXECUTIVE home. Oak ville, 5-mo. or 17-mo. lease. River Oaks. 3500 sq.ft. 4bedrooms, ensuite, walk-in closets, 4 bathrooms, A/C. 2-car garage, openers, fenced backyard. Com plete, newly finished lower level, 1-bedroom nanny su ite. $2400/mo. plus utilities Feb.1st. Maple Leaf HMC Inc. (905)842-8383 A P P LIA N C E S - fridge. 2 door; Stove; Maytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under War ranty. (905)637-8328 BEDS, New- Complete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496 CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stafnmaster & 100% nyton car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)6392902 CHRISTMAS trees, dec orations, ski's, poles, skates, bicycles, exer. equipment, cribs, playpens, highchairs, changetables, roller blades, records, books, and electronics. Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/ Th/F-12-8pm ;Sat-9-5pm ; Sun-12-4pm. COUCH and m atching chair, $150. Double brass bed, incl. box spring, mattress, $150. Call (905) 633-8283 DIRECTV Satellite systems $800. Latino & Mandarin Channels & Card program ming available. Call 416991-2761 or 905-867-7277 FRIDGES and stoves, washer & dryers. Like new Delivered. 5 4 9 -1 9 ^ HEINTZMAN Upright Pia no. $2,000. call (905)8277824 LEATHER chesterfield and loveseat, beige, good condition. First $450. Phone Steve or Mary, 6323586 PIANO Sale Dec. 27-30 taxes included on all uprights. 1-888-PI ANO-81 w w w .p ia n o h o u s e b u rlin g to n .c o m UAP/NAPA Auto Parts 1290 Speers Rd. Unit #3. Oakville Phone: (905)847-0244 Fax: (905)847-0248 $300., $500. or more per week assembling jewellery at home. No .experience needed. Send a self ad dressed stamped envelope to: Bucci, 6-2Q5 Queen St.E., Suite 274. Ref. 120, Brampton. ON L6W 4S6 FULL time packaging/ as sembly workers required by automotive/ industrial .parts manufacturer in Burlington. $8.00/ hpur to start, plus benefits. Must have own transportation. Opportuni ties for advancement. Fax resume to 333-1972. JOIN our team at The Fit ness Firm. Upbeat, motivat ing & enthusiastic group fit ness instructors wanted. Call Diana at (905)6379220 PHARMACY Technician required fulltime. Fortino's Pharmacy, Waterdown. Call (905)690-4469 or Fax: (905)690-4471 RN, alternate weekends; RPN, part-time nights; HCA, part-time, for luxury retire ment residence in Burling ton. January start. Qualified applicants fax resume: Mary Turnbull, General Manager, (905)333-0596 RECEPTIONIST/ Secre tary for busy two doctor Opthomology medical office in Oakville. 30- 35 hours weekly. Medical office ex perience a must. Fax 8496990. O akview FUNERAL H O M E O ur fa m ily se rvin g y o u r fa m ily 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral D irectors · D o n Clarke ·G regory Sidora ·Tina Q uenneville ·John M urphy · Patrick M cDerm ott WINCHESTER Arms re quire part-time experienced Bartender. Apply with re sume to: Carole, 2371 Lakeshore Rd.W., Bronte. BUSSERS & Dishwash ers, full & part-time, for fine dining restaurant, down town Oakville. Call (905)339-0688________ ____ COOK required immediate ly. Call Peter at (905)6812727 FULLER, Vera Rose (RN) of Victoria, B.C. Died peacefully on Dec. 18, 2000 aged 83. Born in E n g la n d . Long tim e re s id e n t of O akville, Freeport, Baham as and Victoria, B.C. Beloved w ife of Leonard, m other of N ig e l & W ife A n n of O tta w a , M ic h a e l & Donna of Oakville. David & Cathy of B.C. and Gillian of Vic-toria. Loving grandm other ot J u lie , M atth e w , B a rry, J e s s ic a , N a ta le e , Elizabeth and Samuel. She will also be sadly missed by her brother Doug in Australia and sister Joan of England and extended family and friends. Private m em orial service in Victoria, B.C. 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, th at's yo u r business If you w ant to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 www.sickofrenting.com ECE teacher with experi ence, full time to cover ma ternity leave effective Jan 8. 2001. C indy C apstick (905)847-5832 O A KVILLE- 4-Bedroom townhouses available im mediately. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336____________ LARGE 3&4 bedrooms, Feb.1st. From $1129./mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 BLUEFIELDS. Burlington. 2 Bedroom townhouse, hard wood, fenced yard, laundry. No dogs. Feb. 1. $840/mo. (905)336-7207. _________ BURLINGTON. Luxury 3& 4 bedroom townhouses with familyroom and 3 ap pliances, 1300 & 1600 sq.ft. + basement, fenced in backyard, Jan.1/01. $1135. & $1235. + utilities. Parking $40. (905)639-0950 EXECUTIVE Condo townhouse, North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, familyroom, 5 appl iances, fireplace, air, garage. Jan.1st or Feb.1st. $1675 mo.+ utilities. Trafalgar Property Management, Warren Hill, (905)338-1130 GUELPH Line/ QEW, Bur lington.- 3-bedroom townhouse condo, 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, C/A, fire place, garage, fenced rear, near GO. $1090/mo.+ utili ties. Jan.1st. Call Warren Hill, Trafalgar Property Management, (905)3381130 SHORT-TERM East Oak ville w alk to go, 2 bedro o m /p a rk in g /la u n d ry . Suite p rofessional singe/couple non-smoker. $1,300/mo incl. (905)3378426 The Body Shaping Fitness Studio For Women Requires: · Kinesiologist/ Personal Trainer · ECE (Child Care, mornings) · Pilates Instructor · Sales Person 183 Lakeshore Rd. Oakville L6K2E7 HOUSEKEEPER needed daily from 3pm-6pm. Mon Fri. starting January. Call after 6pm 336-2479. hayrides HAY/ Sleigh Rides, Horsedrawn. Groups, Birthdays, Families, Party Room. Un cle Porky's, 1/2-Hr. from Burlington. 1-800-203-9093. i S V u a lost & found FOUNDtoboggan in Wedgewood Creek. Call to identify 845-1425 Announcement Announcement M i Tel: 849-1919 Fax:842-0780 WANT to make MONEY? The YMCA can help you find a job. Call 681-1140 FULL time help available at Mrs. Vanelli's Pizza & Italian Food in Mapleview Mall. Please apply in per son or drop off resume. DAYCARE Assistant re quired by Headstart Child ren's Centre. Previous ex perience an asset. Please fax resume to (905)3335651. Attention Michelle Baxter. No phone calls please I A IR U Q U I D E BURLINGTON. Main lev el duplex, 2-bedrooms, di ningroom, 4 appliances, large backyard. Feb.1st. $925./mo. plus utilities. No pets. 637-5548____________ PLAYSTATION 2 New, boxed. $750. Playstation 1, controllers. $175. Sega Genesis, 43 games $75. 825-1270 1000'S of yards of carpet for sale. Call Scott (905)639-2200 SKATES/ Skis/ Christmas trees. Great deals! Reuse Centre. 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F-12-8pm; Sat9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm. SOFA'S dressers, easy chairs, kitchen tables/ chairs, building supplies, hardware, glasses, coffee pot, mugs and lamps. Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F-12-8pm;Sat-9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm. THE Waterbed Gallery Store Closing Dec 31st. 3350 Fairview Street, Bur lington, Everything Must Go 639-5600 PRO Movers. Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777 RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional movers, truck and in surance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733 W w A f1 V II ^ condominiums for rent Knowledge, Innovation and Technology "STONEBOAT Quay* Su per Bronte Harbour area, 1bedroom 5 appliances, C/A, balcony. No pets or smok ing. $1000/mo. Feb.1st. Call L.Davies R.E., (905)333-4347____________ NEW Condo, W alker's/ Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, 2 baths, lower level, gas fireplace, 5 appliances, gym. No pets. Non-smoker preferred. Furnished or un furnished. Rent negotiable. Jan. 1st. (416)568-3202 e appreciate the opportunity the Holiday Season brings to say daycare wanted W Thank You and to wish you A Happy and Prosperous N ew Year Class AZ Driver required for afternoon shift. Full benefit package. Good starting hourly rate. Call Greg Crase (905)331-3518 or fax resume to (905)-335-0301. FULL Time Experienced wait staff. Bartender, Chinese cooks, dim sum & BBQ cooks. Part time food packers/ helpers & delivery driver. Call 827-3119 after 5pm. Red Chillie Seafood House___________________ LOOKING for better hours? Work M onday-Friday no nights, no weekends. Join the M olly Maid team of housecleaning profession als. G reat incentives. Transportation provided. 905-681-7484 LIVE-OUT caregiver wanted for 2 boys in our home. Car an asset. Lome Park. 905-403-9673_______ BABYSITTER required in my home for 2 children 3:30 pm to 6 pm. Monday to Friday. Students w el com e. Bronte area. (905)815-0017 ext.454 K now ledge - AMEC's clients benefit from our knowledge management processes and the understanding of their business sectors. Innovation - AMEC's innovative client partnerships help to deliver significant cost savings and long-term asset value to our customers. Technology - AMEC utilizes innovative technology to unlock value for our customers L.T. Greenwin offers 1&2 Bdrm Suites Avail, trom $795. at Prime Burlington Locations: Penthouse Overlooking Oakville Marina "Platinum Quality Residence" Over 1500 sq.ft. Large eat-in kitchen with window 5 appliances 2 lull baths Brand new wall- towall broadloom Central Air 3-Bedrooms 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Call 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 SHORT-TERM rental. 3bedroom end unit with a host of upgrades in a small central Burlington enclave. Jan.1/01 possession. $1300/mo.+ utilities. Gerry Hourigan, Sales Repre sentative, Advantage Plus Realty Inc., (905)634-6500 PARK like setting. 3-bedroom townhouse near Tyandaga Golf Course, Burlington. 1-1/2 baths, fireplace, finished base ment, hardwood floors, fridge, stove. Available Feto.1t. (905)335-3001. THREE bedroom, Milton. Garage 2-1/2 baths, avail able January 1. Call for details (905)-878-7274. 511 Guelph Line (at New St.) 637-9725, and 505 Locust St. (at Brant & Ontario) 333-9008 BRONTEArea, 2-bedroom in duplex. January 1. $915. Heat, parking included. (905)-847-1138 ___ OAKVILLE, large 1-bdrm bsmt. apt. All amenities. Non-smoker. No pets. $750. January 1. 827-3445. ONE bedroom/ ground floor of home. Includes all utilities, central air, central vac, cable, parking, nice yard, North Burlington. $8507mth. Call 336-7292 O A K V IL LE . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: 1-bedroom, available January. $760./m o plus parking. (905(644-9006 · · · · · · · WANTED All-China. Sil ver, Crystal, sewing ma chines... Doulton, Moorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, camera/ audio equipment dolls, paintings, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 BABYSITTER required in our Oakville home. To care for 3 & 5 year old boy & girl. Mon-Fri. 8:45-5:15pm. $10.4*. Live-out. Car a must. No housekeeping duties. Ford Dr area. Jan-Sept. call Althea 905-829-3281. LIVE-IN Nanny required ASAP. School aged child ren. Experienced caregiver with references. Non-smoker. Legal only. (905)466-1704 ENERGETIC fun loving ECE/ Nanny to care for 3 children (5, 3-1/2, 18months) in our Millcroft home. 30-40hrs/wk. Non-smoker, car. references. Call Angela 336-8664 A M E C is a leading provider of services and engineering solutions to the world's infrastructure, manufacturing and process industries. Local service. Global solutions. Applied imagination. GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. ' Ontario's lar gest Firewood retail. Marc's Quality Firewood, (905)-257-6366____________ ^ I l l l l cars for sale 1996 Volkswagon Jetta, 5speed, 40K, immaculate condition. Car/radio alarm. C ertified. $11,500 obo. Call 637-2284 1990 Toyota Camry LE, 4dr, one owner, dealer serviced. Passed emissions test. $3000. 338-5760 Monenco ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS AGRA M onenco w ill adopt the AMEC identity at the beginning o f 2001 www.am ec.com (905)845-4751 "OAKRIDGE Heights' Brand new 1-bedroom + den. 5 appliances, C/A, balcony. Near QEW & GO Station. No pets, no smoking. $1200/mo. Available Ja n .1st. Call fc.Davies R.E., (905)3334347 l MECHANIC required im mediately $12/hr to start. Needed for machine as sembly and trouble-shoot ing. 3-5 years experience preferred. Friendly work environment. Full benefits offered. Please fax resume (905)3^5-8505. a m e c y MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 A M E C E&C S ervices 2010 W in sto n P ark D rive, O akville. O n ta rio L6H 6A3 Phone: 9 0 5 -8 29 -54 0 0 Fax: 905 -8 29 -56 2 5