Oakville Beaver, 29 Dec 2000, A12

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A12 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, December 29, 2000 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Change your decor monthly by renting art Next week is a good time to buy an annual membership to your favourite arts or enter tainment organization. For example, only members of Oakville Galleries can rent the variety of paintings available through its art rental program. A membership is only $25 a year and includes other perks. For more details, call Oakville Galleries Volunteer Association's Art Rental and Sales at 338-0117. G> OAKVILLE TRANSIT Holiday Season Schedule Monday, Jan. 1: No Service Happy Holidays from Oakville Transit Bus Information 815-2020 www.oakvne1ransit.com TEA AND TALES: Kira Kowalchuk read Three Little Pigs for parents at S t Luke's Roman Catholic School's Young Authors Tea. The tea was part o f the Grade 1 young authors reading program at the school, focusing on storybook publishing. Photo by Peter C. McCusker -- Wood Roo lu tcto rp B A P T IST CALVARY B A P T IS T C H U R C H 1215 Lakeshore Rd. W. 827-4157 Senior Pastor Rev. Don Brubacher UNFINISHED FURNITURE Specializing in Solid Oak. Pine. Maple Birch · · · · · · · TABLES & CHAIRS JELLY CUPBOARDS MIRRORS & PANTRIES CHINA CABINETS ROCKING CHAIRS SHELVES · WALL UNITS j COFFEE & END TABLES 484 PLAINS RD. E: BURLINGTON UNITED M U N N 'S U N IT E D C H U R C H Minister: Rev. Meg Grieve Director of Music: Rita Lampiugh Dundas Hwv. & 6th Line 257-8434 P R ES B Y TER IA N KNOX P R E S B Y T E R IA N Lakeshore Rd. at Dunn St. Downtown Oakville 844-3472 Rev. Harry McWilliams BRETHREN IN CHRIST S O M E T H IN G N E W U N D E R T H E SU N !... HOURS: TUI.. WED.. FRI. 19-5:30 THUR. 104 SAT. 94 CLOSED SUM MON 681-6075j Connection) · DESKS & HUTCHES · DRESSERS i ARMOIRES · TV/VCR UNITS >BAR STOOLS · MICROWAVE STANDS >TOY CHESTS I · HIGH CHAIRS · MINWAX PRODUCTS · FINISHING SUPPUES · HOMESTEAD HOUSE PAINT The Meeting House (Form erly U pper O aks Com munity Church) Pastor Bruxy Cavey in vites you to co m e jo in us at Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Praise and Worship Service Message SUNDAY W O R SH IP 1 0 :0 0 a .m . Join Us In Worship D ecem ber 31 10:30 a.m . R egular W orship Service Nursery and Church School fo r children and youth "a church fo r people w ho a re n ' t into church! " Sunday Services 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Iroquois R idge H igh School 1123 G lenashton Dr. at E ighth Line, O akville W eekly sm all groups for Youth & Adults F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n c a ll 8 2 7 -3 2 6 6 o r v is it us a t w w w .th e m e e tin g h o u s e o n lin e .o rg N u rs e ry F a c ilitie s C h ild re n & Y o u th P ro g ra m s "Wonder Revisited" New Year's Eve Worship Leader: Joan Graham Sunday School & Nursery Provided DeNui e Tours a l l ^ Britain & Europe 1 800 668-6859 - 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service Concurrent Children's Program & Nursery Care Ib e sd a y Fam ily N ight starting again on We provide support & . caring in times o f need through Stephen Ministries. Weekly Small Groups fo r Youths & Adults Call for a free brochure. January 9, at 6:45 p.m. Prayer M eeting: Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. M APLE GROVE UNITED C H URCH 346 M aple G rove Dr. 845-5721 Rev. M o r a r M u rra y -H a y e s D irec to r o f M u sic : D a n H y n e k Youth: Sr. High IMPACT January 7, at 7; 15 p jn . E v ery o n e W elcom e E -m aii: knoxoakville@ on.aibn.com W eb site: w w w .knoxoakville.com _ THEATRES KNOX P R E S B Y T E R IA N S IX T E E N 1150 Dundas St., W. (Dundas & Lions Valley Park Rd.) Rev. G. W alter Read am c rram n ^ STUDtNt- a a p J u s \ jK s & i. _ S 6 00 M O W SF R O M (48,T P M ,'I *C N K >«S D .S C O U 9 4 T J (80*1801tTIW VT 1 1C 4 Tm a Changing The Way Canada See* M ovies » TM FAITH B A P T IST C H U R C H 1415 Trafalgar Rd. 842-0938 D e c e m b e r 31 A dvent V 9:30 a.m. Worship Service only Sunday School at 10:30 am . Service PEN TEC OSTAL ·HOLIDAY PRICING IN EFFECT FOR MONDAY JANUARY 1/2001 Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11:00 a.m. Morning Service The Ministry of Ed Hoey P a s to r G o r d o n H . P h illip s P a s to r M ic h a e l F letch er ST. PA U L'S U N IT E D 454 Rebecca S t 845-3427 O A K V ILLE CHRISTIA N CENTRE 146 Trafalgar Road Pastor Jameel Ali - 842-8211 Tac.c. H. Welcomes You WINSTON CHURCHILL 1U QEW & Winston Chruchill Blvd 1905) 829-0915 0WHERE BROTHER, ART THOU? (PS| (2 SCREENS) (NO PASSES) FRI 200, (5:00), 735,10:10 SAT-SUN200,538 735,1810 MON 200,500,735,10:10 RJE-THU 200, (530), 7:35,10:10 MBS C0NG89AUTY (P G ) (2 SCREENS) (NO PASSES FRI-SUN) FR112:10,1:50,245, (430), (520), 7:15,830,1035.10.40 SAT-SUN 12:10,1:50,2:45.4:30 520,7:15,830,1035,1840 MON 1210,130,245,430,520, 7:15,830,1035,10:40 TUE-THU 1210,1:50,245, (4:30). (520), 715,830,1035,1040 W E SC R AVEN 'S MACULA 2000 |AA) (2 SCREENS) FR11245,130,330,3:40, (5:15). (630), 730,8:15,835,1025 SAT-MON 12:45.130,330.3:40. 5:15,630,730,815.935,1025 TUE-THU 1245,1:30,330, 3:40, (5:15), (6:00), 7:30,815, 235.1025 TBB, (PS) FR11:30, (435), 7:15,1200 SAT-SUN130,435,7:15,10:00 MON 130.435,7:15,1800 TUE-THU 1:30, (435), 7:15,1030 FIN D IN G FORREilth (P 6J m l 125,200,(420), (5:00), 7:15; 7:45.10:10,10:45 SAT-MON125,200 420,5:00, 7:15,7:45,10:10,1(145 TUE125,230. (420U530), -:15.7:45.10:10,10:45 WEtHHU 125,230, (420). (53017:15.7:45,'1 C nO, 1845 C H0C0LAT (P C ) (2 SCREENS)JN0 PASSES FRPTUE) ml 1235.21J5,2:40, (4:301, (5:15), 7:i0,7:S0,245,1230 SAT-MON 1205,235,240,4:30, 5:15.710.7 50. 9:45,1836 TUE 12:05,2:05.2:40.(4:301. (5:15(7:16.7:50,24fe, 10:30 WED-tHU 1235,235.2:40. (430). (5:15), 7:10,7i0, 245.1030 {2 SCREENS) (NO PASSES FRUUE) FR11200.125.230, (4:101, VERTVAfUMT (PCI (3 SCREENS) (5:15), 730, BO O . 825,250.1030 SAT-M0N1200,125,230,4:10, 5:15,730,830,825.250.1030 TUE-THU1210,125,230, (4:10), (515), 7.30,830,825, FR11210,2:35, 5!>, 1035 SAT-MON 121/ 535, 735.1035 TUE-THU 1210.235, (535), 735.1035 FR11230.230U?35), 730,1235 SAT-MON 1236,230,535, 7:50.1235 TUE-THU 1230,230, (535), 7321235______________ IN V IT E S Y O U T O SUNDAY W ORSHIP 10:15 a.m Su n d ay S ch o o l Ju n io r C h o ir N u rsery available Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m . & 6:00 p.m . W ednesday B ible Study - 7:30 p.m. Friday Intercessory Prayer - 7:30 p.m. G o & Tell T he W ord M inistries - FCA All tK HETTY H O R SE S(A A ) ` PASSES FRt-TUE ) . ..J 120. (4:50), 730J035 SAT-MON 120' 4:50, V:30,1035 TUE 120. (436), 7:30,1035 WED-THU 120. (4:50). 7:30,1205 SURE C H R B T T 4A S (F ) (2 SCREENS) FR11230.105,2:40.330.(5:10), (5:50), 7:40.1815 SAT-MON 1200,135,240,230, 5:10,530,7:40,1815 TUE-THU 1230,135,240,230, (5:10), (5:50), 7:40,1815 I B Of H O N O R |AA) NO PASSES) FRPTHU 730,250___________ FR112:45,3:15, (s5o). 810,1235 SAT-MON 12:45,3:15,5:40. 810,1035 TUE-THU 1245,215, (5:40), 810,1235 __________ FR1130.255, (530) SAT-MON 1:06,255,530 TUE-THU 130,255, (530) f P O / ^ T r . mall avant^ms INDEPENDENT BAPTIST N e w Y e a r 's E v e 10:30 a m . Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday W orship The Little Church With The Big Welcome 9 For You' M e etin g : Minister: Rev. Paul Crittenden M inister Rev. Lexie Chamberlain C.D. Assoc. Allison Playfair Dir. Music -Michal Rozycki 10:30 pan. W atchnight Service Morning Worship, Junior Church E very S unday 10:30 a.m . 6 :0 0 p .m . Evening Service TRAFALGAR P R E S B Y T E R IA N 354 Upper Middle Rd. at Trafalgar (Enter from Trafalgar to White Oaks Blvd. E., N. on Litchfield) Rev. Ferne Reeve WALTON U NITED 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. 827-1643 C o m er of Bronte & Lakeshore Rds. w w w .w alton m em orial.com 135,1:45,245, 315 4 30.5 00.525.73C 725 820,2.10,235,1236,11:15 TUE-THU L . 245,3:15,(4: 730.725,82 n o b . 11:15 MMXS (R ) (NO PASSES) FRI205/(435), 720,1( ( 0:00 u-. 20.1C.W 5 w S » t-w ) M, '-4. w » . 720 J 030 TUE-THU 235, (42j), 726,1030 P L E H T V OF FREE P A R K IN G COM M UNITY C H U R C H E very W ednesday 7:00 p.m . School O f The Bible (Nursery Always Provided) Walton Welcomes You New Year's Sunday, December 31 842-2800 NEW YEAR'S EVE 10:00 a m . W orship C elebration "Nursery & Children's Ministry" Meeting At: Heritage Glen Public School 1641 Heritage Way 9:30 a.m. Larger Family Service Full Sunday School & Nursery Care Sunday Service 10:00 a.m . 847-3530 School o f the Bible C lasses begin 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service Message: C hurch School N ursery provided 8:00 pan. Fam ily M ovie 10:30 pan. C oncert with "Absolute" January 10/01 @ 7:00 p.m. C .L .A .S .S . 2 1 0 - H o w T o S h a re Y o u r F a ith C .L .A .S .S . 301 - C o rn e rs to n e s O f F a ith "Go in Search in 2001 " RevG ill S A LV A T IO N A R M Y "A C h u rc h in Your C o m m u n it y - 2435 M u n n 's Ave. E. (at Sixth Line V UpperMiddle Rd. 31113 u t o e u a t r ijv All Welcome (905) 25 7-386 4 1225 R eb ecca S t. - A ffiliated w ith the P entecostal A ssem blies o f Canada. \ P lea se c a ll fo r fu r th e r inform ation. , UNITED $ ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH D unn SL & C hurch St. 905-845-0551 LORD'S DAY - DECEM BER 31 N o Sunday School W orship & Praise 11:00 a.m . N o E vening Serice We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who enabled The Salvation Army, again this year, to make a difference in so many family's Christmas Day. To the donors, the volunteers and those who prayed fo r us... Thank you, Oakville, fo r your trust. May God' s richest blessing be yours in 2001 as you continue to seek a n and do His will fo r your lives. (between 3rd & 4th Line) 8 2 7 -5 3 2 4 Our Warehouse Sale is back! | And we're stacked to the ceiling with super savings and outstanding values on quality home furnishings! Celebrate the New year with a New Look from Ennisclare! Don't miss out on this great opportunity to ( O W I l M T V ( I II RCII O A K R ID G E B IB L E C H A P E L 2250 Eighth Line · 849-0567 N ew Year's E ve D ay 10:00 a.m. Organ Recital Sacram ent o f Holy Baptism >Jaa while quantities last December 31 N e w Y e a r 's E v e Season's Greetings Ennisclare will be Closed Dec. 31, Jan. 1 N ew Year's Eve 7:00 p.m. Sermon: Rev. Jim McKnight Ministers: Rev. Jim McKnight-Rev. David Walker Youth Leader -Kim Belanger Dir. of Music - Brian L. Turnbull 11:00 a.m. N e w Y e a r 's S e r v ic e L o o k for the E n n i s c l a r e In t e r i o r s W A R E H O U S E S A L E FLYER in S e l e c t e d E d i t i o n s o f T o d a y 's O a k v i l l e B e a v e r %

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