Oakville Beaver, 20 Jul 2017, p. 21

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2 1 | Thursday July 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com M ax and Ruby le ft w ith wom an by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff Halton D c rm u REGION halton.ca (j 311 in YnuiifflB What was supposed to be temporary care of two rabbits has become a job to bnd them a new home for Oakville' s Laura Walsh. Max and Ruby a brother and sister pair of rab bits, were dropped off to Walsh in April -- for two weeks. But they never left-- leaving Walsh to rehome the rabbits, she told the Oakville Beaver. Walsh, 20, lives near the Oakville hospital and works at the Cornwall Animal Hospital as a veterinary assistant and receptionist. "As an owner and lover of pocket pets, as well as being an ACA (animal care attendant), I felt this was a chance to give these young rabbits a second chance. They deserve a second chance," said Walsh, noting they are part of a group of pets that aren' t always treated well. "These two rabbits are just one example of the way small pets are treated and seen by the public." When Walsh began taking care of them, they were six months old, she said, and since then, she has ensured "these little ones have received the best care possible." A veterinarian has checked out Max and Ruby, with the former being neutered. "They are super sweet rabbits. They are very friendly, attention-driven, love cuddles, love treats and enjoying playing. They get along with dogs, cats, other pocket pets and children," said Walsh. NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION Second Feederm ain to the W ashburn Reservoir and Booster Station, City o f B urlington Max and Ruby | Laura Walsh photo "My boyfriend and I have been caring for them for some time now and feel that it' s time to find them a good home." This isn' t the first time the Oakville woman has seen "pocket pets" in trouble. "I have been told by many people, that because I have small pets, I don' t have a real pet and that I should get a real pet, instead of keeping my small pets," said Walsh. "I personally believe all pets, no matter what size, should be cared for and that one is not worth more because of their size." Walsh can be reached at lwalshca@gmail.com. O A K V IL L E 'S B iG G E S T & B EST B R IT IS H STO R E The biggest & BEST selection of all your favorite British products and hand made, award winning butchery & bakery items in store! * C o n tra c t N u m b e r : S c h e d u le d S ta r t D a te : S c h e d u le d C o m p le tio n D a te : C o n tra c to r: P ro je c t M a n a g e r : W -2 931D -1 6 A u g u s t 2017 D e ce m b e r 2019 C &M M c N a lly E n g in e e rin g C orp. Jacek Pawlus 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 e xt. 7204 Jacek.P aw lus@ halton.ca ^Building v CONSTRUCTION^ a Better H alto n M a in ta in in g a s tro n g fin a n c ia l p o s itio n fo r a b rig h t fu tu re O nce ag a in , S&P G lo b a l R atings has a ffirm e d its A A A c re d it ra tin g fo r H a lto n R egion, p la c in g us a t th e to p e n d o f C anadian m u n ic ip a litie s . The to p ra tin g a llo w s H a lto n an d its Local M u n ic ip a litie s to fin a n c e m a jo r p ro je c ts a t th e lo w e s t p o ssib le lo n g -te rm costs b y p ro v id in g c o n tin u e d access to th e b e s t c a p ita l fin a n c in g rates a va ilable. It has Gary Carr been th e fo u n d a tio n o f o u r s tro n g fin a n c ia l p o s itio n fo r th e past 29 years, a n d th is p o s itio n is also s u p p o rte d b y th e re c e n tly a p p ro v e d 2018 Regional Chair B u d g e t D ire c tio n s R e p o rt an d u p c o m in g 2016 A n n u a l Financial R eport. To learn m ore, v is it h a lto n .c a /fin a n c e s . Meetings at Halton Region, 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville, L6M 3L1 Visit halton.ca/meetings for full schedule. CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSiTE! m y b r itis h g r o c e r .c o m Find all your favourites online! Like us on Facebook! Special offers & much more! facebook.com/britishgrocer1 db Like t t i Like Seniors Day! 10% d i s c o u n t every M o n d a y if you a re o v e r 60! Monday to Saturday 10am- 5:30pm, Sunday 11am - 5pm · (905) 845 2748 259 Lakeshore Road East (Opposite the Church), Oakville, ON L6J 1H9 mybritishgrocer.com No Regional Council or Standing Com m itee meetings in August. P le a se c o n ta c t us, as s o o n as p o s s ib le , if y o u h a v e a n y a c c e s s ib ility n e e d s a t H a lto n R e g io n e v e n ts o r m e e tin g s .

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