Oakville Beaver, 25 Dec 1999, B6

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1 Hfc U A K V lL L h BEA V E R Saturday December 25, 1999 ax BOXING WEEK I BLO W O UT!! E N T I R E S T O C K of CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE, FASHION VELVETS & VELVETEENS, FASHION POLYESTER SOLIDS & PRINTS METALLIC & LACE FABRICS, RAYON SOLIDS & PRINTS! (Ends and Promotional goods not included) Entire In-Store Stock! Entire In-Store Stock! McCALLS, VOGUE, BUTTERICK & BURDA PATTERNS Otter valid 1 Dec.27-31, 1999 only. ' (Dec26some locations) Not valid I SIMPLICITY & NEW LOOK PATTERNS Otter valid 0ec27-31, 1999 only. (Dec26 some locations) PRICE other discount otters. EA. Not valid I with an y' other discount otters. Photo By Christine Smyth Sale in effect Dec.27-31 / 9 9 (some locations open Dec.26th), on in-stock m erchandise only. M ost items a va ila b le in most stores. Look fo r the red sale tags. W h e re com petitive p ricin g in effect, the advertised savings w ill be o ff our regular chain-store price. R EA LTO R F O O D / T O Y D R IVE: Rick Kedzior, Oakville, Milton & District Real Estate Board president, along with other members of the Executive, Heather Fenton, Shireen Preksta and past president, Helen Lightbody, hold just some of the donations to the Salvation Army from the OREB's annual Food/Toy Drive for Christmas Drive. S U N D A Y S12-5 140 Rebecca St. OAKVILLE 844-7728 Looking for som ething to do on N e w Y e a r's E v e? C h e c k out th e celebration in dow ntow n O a k v ille a s th e M illen n iu m C lo c k is unveiled a t Tow n S q u a re on L a k e s h o re R o a d . m HOUDAY RATE BREAK CHEVROLET CAVAUER COUPE 20 0 0 / j THE OFFERS YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. WITH A PURCHASE FINANCING RATE THAT'S TOUGH TO BEAT. B(lT YOU HAVE TO HURRY. CAVALIER 2 0 0 0 VALUE PACKAGE S-SPEED G ETRAG TRAN SM ISSIO N · AM /FM STER EO W ITH C D PLAYER Upgraded 15* W heels * 2 ^ Litre 115 HP Engine · AnD-Lock Braking System · Tinted Glass · Full Folding R ear Seat · R ear SpoAer Puts You In Complete Control With Up-front Full Dlsdosurt Pricing WHh Mo Aftershock. Last Call! H appy New Year from CHEVROLET CAVAUER SEDAN 2 0 0 0 CAVAUER 2 0 0 0 VALUE PACKAGE REM O TE KEYLESS ENTRY W ITH AUD IB LE/ VISIBLE CO NTENT THEFT SYSTEM · POW ER DO O R LOCKS · C R U IS E CO NTRO L 4-Speed Autom atic Transm ission with Enhanced Traction System · Anti-Lock Braking System · AM /FM Stereo Cassette · Air Conditioning AIR CONDITIO NING FOR ONLY $ 1 5 MORE A M ONTH S188H per month/36 months Down Payment of $2,000 Required which includes Freight of $680 up to 36 months. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT $16,435 Includes Freight o, 1680 (Licence. Insurance and Taxes extra.) P U R C H A S EP M C E je r month/36 months. Down Payment of $2,000 Required which includes Freight of jl otrsiof $680 and Air Tax of$100 NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 1.9% $18,845 up to 36 months P U R C H A S EP M C E Includes Freight of $680 and Air Tax ol $100. (Licence. Insurance and Taxes extra.) l y d l a A !Lcotina Fine Dining Restaurant & Bar featuring Authentic Italian Cuisine by our Chef, Adriano. Join us New Year's Eve for a Fabulous Five Course Dinner DOWN PAYMENT PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS PLUS INTEREST FOR 90 DAYS (GENERAL MOTORS PAYS THE INTEREST) CHEVROLET M A U B U 2 0 0 0 1.9 I % PURCHASE RNANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS ON MOST 2000s % PURCHASE RNANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS ON MOST REMAINING'99s CHEVROLET IM PA LA 2 0 0 0 Call now for reservations. 39 95 person S 2 6 8 H piucmasi met 2467 Lakeshore Rd. West h ist o f Winston Churchill Bird. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT $22298 3.1 Litre 170 H P V6 Engine · 4-Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive · Anti-Lock Braking System · Next Generation Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags · A M /FM Stereo with CD · Air Conditioning · Tilt-W heelTM Steering 0LD S M 0B ILE INTRIGUE 2 0 0 0 inctudn Froghl ol J720 ino k» T*» ol 1100 (licnct. insurmc* in) Tuts extra.) (905) 823-7986 Licensed under L.L.B.O. FEATURES: FEATURES: 3.4 Litre 180 HP V6 Engine · Largest 4-W heel Disc Brakes in Class · Power Windows/Mirrors/Door Locks · Remote Keyless Entry · A M /FM Stereo with CD Player · Tilt-W heelTM Steering $328 per moi*V36 m onth* Down Paym ent (X S 4.150 NO SECURITY DEPOSIT PURCHASE PfltCf $28,498 3.5 Litre 215 H P Twin Cam V 6 Engine · 4-Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive and Traction Control 4-W heel Disc Brakes with ABS · Rem ote Keyless Entry 7 ' with M Trunk Release Power W indows/Door Locks · A M /FM Stereo Cassette with CD indudes Fteignt o 4SS35 end Ax Tu ol S100 (licence, insurance and Taxes extra) 2 FEATURES: 1 So*3 7 n CHEVROLET O ldsm obile y /o a n ever krn xv lo /ia tx jo u '///in d ... Thank Y o u ^ j 1999! Q P Out W ith a Bang S p e c i a l s ^ » ( | B | OFFERS ALSO APPLY TO ALERO, ASTRO, BLAZER, MONTE CARLO, SILVERADO, S-10, TRACKER, VENTURE AND SILHOUETTE Red T a g s M c o .d o s e d Tor Lunch 50% off 3 56 Kerr St., Oakville t® We d like V O II to know more: C o m e visit us at your local d ealer, on o u r w ebsite at WWW.gmcanada.com o r call us at 1 -8 0 0 -6 M -M IV E All lea s e s h a v e a n n u a l kilo m etre lim it of 2 0 ,0 0 0 km . $ 0 .1 2 p e r e x ce ss kilo m elre. P S T . G S T . licen ce an d in surance extra . All leas es h a v e an annua l cost of borrow ing of 1 .9 % /1 .9 % /5 .9 % /6 .9 % /5 .9 % p e r a n n u m fo r C a v a lie r C o u p e R 7 Z /C a v a lie r S e d a n R 7 Z /M a iib u R 7 Z /Im p a la R 7 Z /ln trig u e R 7 Z . O th e r lea s e options availab le. tE in a n c in g on ap p ro ved G M A C cred it only. E xam p le: $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 at 0 .9 9 % /1 .9 % A P R . the m onth ly p a y m e n t is $ 2 1 2 .5 7 /$ 2 1 6 .5 2 for 4 8 m onth s. C o st of borrow ing is $ 2 0 3 .3 6 /$ 3 9 2 .9 6 . Total obligation is $ 1 0 ,2 0 3 .3 6 /$ 1 0 .3 9 2 .9 6 . M o nthly paym en t an d cost of borrow ing will vary d ep e n d in g on am o u n t borrow ed and d ow n p ay m e n t/tra d e . O ffers a p p ly as indicated to n e w or d em o n strato r 1 9 9 9 and 2 0 0 0 m odels of C a v a lie r C o u p e R 7 Z /C a v a lie r S e d a n R 7 Z /M a lib u R 7 Z /Im p a la R 7 Z /ln trig u e R 7 Z eq u ip p ed as desc rib ed . O ffers ap ply to qualified retail custo m ers in the O n tario C h ev ro let O ld s m o b ile D e a le r M ark etin g A ssociation a re a only. D e a le r o rd er o r trad e m a y b e n ecessary. Lim ited quantities of 1 9 9 9 m odels availa b le . Lim ited tim e offer w hich m ay not b e co m b in ed w ith oth er offers. D e a le rs a re fre e to set individual prices. S e e your d e a le r for conditions or details 495 Brant St. Burlington TrTC'f- C 1 - 1:30 JT/T M o n .- W e d . So*. 10-6 T h o r i.-F r i. 10-8

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