44 m ovm g A storage THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, December 10, 1999 Wal-Mart Pharmacy has an opportunity for a 1 11 AA A Movers. Packing and S to ra ge . Local/long distance. W eekly trips to U S and coast to cast. Free estim a tes. F re e boxes. (905)634-3721_____________ O A K V IL L E Movers. Experi enced, licensed, insured. T w o w eeks free storage. Free estim ates. S enior's dis-count. Quality Service. 337-9063 G O IN G to M o ve? C a ll M ove-R ight Moving. Best se rvice in the area. Call Tho-mas, 847-0178. R E L O C A T O R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in clud es 2 professional m o ve rs. truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. L O V IN G in home daycare available. Stimulating envi ronment, nutritious meals. Outdoor activities. CPR, re ceipts, references. 3 3 3 3937 P R O F E S S IO N A L L Y built hom e daycare . ECE T e a c h e r. 4 languages. School setting. O pening Jan. 4th. Winston Churchill & Q E W 905-823-1212 C H IL D C A R E available, any age welcome. Hot meals, fun, games. Upper Middle/ 8th Line area. (905)842-0619. P R E F E R A B L Y live in- S E Oakville, Loving non-smok ing n an ny to care for 1 school aged child. Drivers Lie an asset. Some nights/ w eekends. R eferences. (905)-8299414___________ N A N N Y required Mon.-Fri. 2 :3 0 -6 p m . in our Glen A b be y hom e. Som e e ve nin gs. N o n-sm ok er. M ust have experience, references. 825-8413. L O V IN G N a n ny required for 5yr old & 7 month old. South Burlington, 5 days/ week. 905-333-0053 E X P E R IE N C E D Nannies/ housekeepers in Philippines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina. (416)699-6931.___________ N A N N Y or home daycarepart-time. January 2000. 10 month old girl, non-smoker, references. If homecare, no more then 3 children. Aldershot area. 634-0495 L IV E -O U T Nanny/ House keeper full-time January, Care for 18-mos. old child. E C E an asset. References. Must drive. 331-5693. U V E -O U T - start Jan. 2000 to care for 1 1/2 year old boy and 3 year old girl. 38 hrs. per week. My nome. non-smoker. Appleby Line/ Lakeshore area. Fax re sume. references to: 7037093767 deadline Dec. 17th CommunityNotices Deaths WINROW, France* Eileen (Former Employer of Canadian Arsenals U d .) Passed away peacefully on W ednesday, December 8, 1999 at the Oakville Trafal gar Memorial Hospital. Beloved wife of Jam es for 62 years. Sadly missed by all her relatives in E n g la n d . A M em orial Service will be held at the W ard Funeral Hom e `Oakville C h a p e l- , 109 Reynolds Street, on Friday, December 17, 1999, at 7 p.m . In m em ory of Eileen, doantions may be made to a charity of your choice. FULL-TIME PHARMACY TECHNICIAN in our OAKVILLE location. JOIN WAL-MARTTHE PHARMACY OF THE 21ST CENTURY Fax your resume in confidence to: Prayers Prayer to St. Jude. May the sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world, now and forever. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. Help er of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day, by the eighth day, prayer will be an swered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. H aresh G u p ta - P h arm acy M anager Fax (905) 257-0287 REGISTERED NURSE required for upscale Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. M ust b e v ery flexible, p re v io u s surgical experience required, references necessary. C A R E G IV E R for 2 year old approx. 3 days/w k., A l dershot area, your home or ours. 633-8219. P A R T -T I M E babysitter needed in m y hom e for after school. 2 children aged 10 & 8. Walkers/New $10/hr. 639-5468. S A F E , nurturing childcare p ro vid er w/references needed for happy 8-m os. old, my home/ yours, parttime. 469-1228. 746 W A N T E D : Man with small truck, 1 trip to dump. Call (905)842-7330____________ C A R P E T steam and 2-step cleaned. 4 rooms $65, ad ditional $12. sofa $60. deo dorizing, scotchguard, 416657-2002 SALVATORE, Gidio (Glno) Santo S u d d e n ly on M o n d a y D e c e m b e r 6 , 1 9 9 9 w h ile on b u s in e s s in V a n c o u v e r , B ritis h C o lu m b ia a t 4 0 y e a rs o f a g e . B e lo v e d h u s b a n d o f M a r y (n e e M a z z o n e ) L o v in g fa th e r of M ic h e lle a n d P a u l. D e a r son of A ntonio and Liduina Salvatore (M ississau g a) and b ro th e r of P e te r and his w ife Fremette (T o ro n to ), Bernie and his wife M arcy (Oakville) and John and his w ife J anice (J a c k so n v ille Florida). Loved grandson of M aria Salvatore (Arpino Italy). Gino will be fondly rem em bered by his parents in law Arturo and Bruna Mazzone (T o r o n to ) and b ro th e rs and s is te rs in law Carmela and Fortuna to Zavaglia (Scarborough) Vince and Filomena M azzone (C oncord) Frank and Claudia Mazzone (Toronto) and Linda and Frank M u s ta c a to (M a p le ). B eloved by his m any nieces, nephews and godchildren. Also dearly missed by his aunts and cousins in Italy. Visitation will be held at the Oakview Funeral H om e 5 6 Lakeshore Road W e s t (one block east of Kerr) Oakville on Friday (today) form 14 and 6 -9 p.m . A Funeral M ass will be held at S t . M ic h a e ls C h u rc h (S e w e ll D riv e ) on Saturday at 10 a.m . Entom bm ent Glen Oaks M em orial Gardens. P lea se se n d resu m e to: Box# 6223, T h e O a k v ille B eaver 469 S p eers Rd. O a k v ille, O ntario L6K 3S4 Prayer to St. Jude. May the sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world, now and forever. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. Help er of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day, by the eighth day, prayer will be an swered. It has never been known to tail. Publication must be promised. 780 H Y G I E N I S T Our growing dental practice in Oakville is seeking an experienced Hygienist with preference to previous management and perio training . We need an enthu siastic team player who shares our vision of 'excel lence In dentistry. You will have effective communi cation and hygiene skills and be able to assume responsibilities. We offer opportunities for growth through continuing education. Please send resume by Fax: (905) 827-6023 · Attn: Dr. David Brown m other's helpers/nannies E X P E R IE N C E D nanny available to baby-sit New Y e a rs eve. R eferences a vailable. C a ll Maria (905)845-9398. After 6pm. F U L L Tmrie caregiver want ed for Happy 13 month old twins. Lakeshore Trafalgar area. Call 844-0666 LIV E - IN nanny to start in January, with good refer ences. Call 339-1114 S E E K IN G live-out caregiver in our home for 6 month old infant. Willing to share with parents in similiar situation. Weekdays starting January. West Oak area. (905)4694814. U V E -IN nanny required to look after 2 children starting im m ediately. Please call 332-6791 LIV E -IN nanny for 3 pre schoolers required to work also some nights and wee kends. Minimum wage. Call Jackie (905)319-0114 bet ween 12pm-5pm. Funeral Directors o a k v ie w M O D ER N and effective ad vertising: prom otional materials, packaging labels, custom d esignin g. C a ll A B S O LU TE D E S IG N (905)338-1067.___________ C O M P L E T E P C for Inter net-fax & business loaded with needed software. MS Word. Excel. accounting...& b usiness an/or personal training at you premise in cluding reports A Taxes. M. Noia. Acco un ta n t. (9 0 5 ) 845-3256 FUNERAL HOME Our fam ily serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral D irectors · Don Clarke · John Murphy · Gregory Sidora · Duncan W ay PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER To care lo r vibrant senior in Burlington lam ily home · Tin a Quenneville Q ualifications: · Energetic, Caring, organized · Experienced · O w n transportion · P S W certified · Able to adapt to home environment. D A Y C A R E available, my home-- hot meals, snacks. English/French speaking. Playground. Holy Family School area. Very experi e nced . Ex ce llen t refer ences. 849-8119. 842-2252 We O ile r: · $12.00/hr, 35hr. work week · Fun loving home environment M O N E Y Problem s? G a r nishees? T o o m any p ay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee (905) 6 3 1 0600 InMemoriams Consider The Ripple Effect In memory of a loved one or as a bequest, please make a donation to the Canadian Diabetes Asso ciation. Each dollar has a rippling effect toward ur gently needed research for a cure, education, serv ice, advocacy and most importantly, hope. Call your local branch 338-0214 or 1-800-993-9466 W A R D F uneral H o m e s H ELP IN G T O M AKE IT P E R S O N A L 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville Qualified applicants: 333-0204 Need extra money fo r Christmas'? Now is the perfect time to sell those unused items in your garage or basement fo r only: E X P E R IE N C E D , bonded, insured lady will clean your home, office. Reasonable prices. refere nces. (905)643-6016____________ C O M P L E T E H om e C a re and Cleaning Services. A more personalized service offered to our customers. Insured, bonded. Weekly, bi-weekly. Residential. Ref erences. Serving Oakville for 7 years. 465-0691. L O S T : b ra c e le t, gold, la dies. M a p leview Mall area. Dec.7th. Sentimental value. Reward. Please call. 336-5952. L O S T : R ou nd diam ond pendant set in white gold. C a m e off stainless steel band necklace, also lost. Oakville area. Sat. Dec. 4th Reward. 844-6696 F O U N D - change purse in River Oaks area. (905)8423310. 905 - 844-3221 Ann Further Charles Gibbs Oafqtille` Beaver S p e cia C M em oriam s for loved ones -family relatives andfriends to appear on a specialpage is a c c e p tin g 685 L IF E wasn't meant to be lived alone...don't you de se rve to have so m eo ne special in your life? Call Misty River IntroductionsToronto's traditional match maker. 416-777-6302 700 A B L E Renovations. Base ments. Additions. Kitchens. B ath roo m s. C e ra m ic s . Fences. Decks. Free Esti m ates. Jo h n , (9 0 5 )6 3 7 5340. Pgr. (905)847-4392 P LU M B IN G Repairs. New Installations, alterations. B ase m e nt drains, b a th rooms. drywall. framing, til ing. No J o b T o o S m all. Frank. 639-3874 Simply call Classified at V jv h "M Christmas, We ` Remmbef rv fiic A iv itta p p e a r o n 696 L O S T : Man's white and yel low gold bracelet lost at Tim Horton's on Guelph Line on M o nd a y. R e w a rd !! 637-6168 f to place your adX · Items must be priced at $100. or less · Private Party ads only (no commercial ads) · 1 item per ad · Up to 12 words per at · Ads will appear in Wednesday and Friday issues (based on spa · Ads must be prep; For your ` Ihursday, ` December23,1999. C o st: $20. (+ Q S I) (mar^40 words) V E S W L H J & : M C M fp S V y, V IC . 2 0 Example Only: i S T IL L M issing since Nov. 12, black & white male cat. N elson Park area. If yo u have seen ' Felix* please call 637-5494 F O U N D : Blacky white cat, Guelph Line/ Palmer area. We call ' Tuxedo' . 637-7325. FO U N D : Brown tabby. 3/4yrs., male cat. King/ Falcon. We call ' Brodie' . 6 3 7 7325. F O U N D : cat. black/ white female, Plains Rd./ King. We call ' Stasia' . 637-7325. I handyman V A N M A N . O d d Jo b s . Sm all M oves, Deliveries. Pickups, Rem ovals. R ea sonable rates. 339-3717. T O T A L Rubbish Removaldemolitions clean-ups, dis posals. bobcat/ mini exca va tin g s e rvic e s. Ted (9 0 5 )4 6 9 -2 9 6 2 , m obile 905-78-2-JUN K (5065) Call Loraine or Linda 845-3824 Fax: 337-5568 S m it h , J o h n E . I n m e m o r y o f a lo v in g h u s b a n d w h o passed a w a y o n J a n u a r y 1, 1999. N o t h in g c a n e v e r ta ke a w a y T h e lo ve a h e a rt h o ld s d e a r. F o n d m e m o rie s lin g e r e v e ry d a y R e m e m b r a n c e k eeps h im n e a r. A lw a y s re m e m b e re d , y o u r lo v e d ones } t