Oakville Beaver, 8 Dec 1999, D4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, December 8, 1999 C lassified houm for u h IMMACULATE 3 bedroom home- 2313 Headon Rd.. premium lot 50x137. profes sionally landscaped, inground sprinklers, eat-in kitchen. ceramics, hardwood in livingroom & diningroom. Gas FP. C/A. C/V. finished lower level, large cedar deck w/hot tub. Visit us: www.attcenad a.net/-overton4 or call 332-1513 BY Owner * 3 bedroom Bungalow, finished inlaw suite, near downtown and GO. $196,900.00. (905)844-6875. Open House Saturday and Sun day 2 · 4 pm 287 Maurice Drive. Oakville. TheO akville Beaver BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ WWW. HaltonSea PIANOS- 50 great used pianos- Yamaha Kawai 8 oth-ers. www pianohouse burlington.com 5205 Harvester Rd.. Burlington. 631-9259________________ PING Pong table, mint con dition. Canadian Tire top-of -the-lme model, $250. Call Jim 332-3090.___________ PRE-XM AS Sale- Save $$$$ on exquisite cherry/ m ahogany D iningroom suites w/large breakfronts/ banquet tables. Ready for your hom e/ castle 9I2pces Only $2,600. 8 up. Also odd Decorator pieces. Delivery Available 905820-8884________________ RECTANGULAR table. 4 chairs, single drawer con sole. hutch. Hunter green base, butcher block top. $400. Firm. 905-845-4589 after 6pm________________ RESTAURANT equipment 8 furniture. Reasonable prices, good condition. Call for more info. 827-2442. 827-7775.________________ REUPHOLSTERY Sale! No PST/ GST. December only Free pick-up. deliv ery, e stim ates. Q uality workmanship. Full Guar antee 141 Plains Rd. W. (Burlington). Pat or Benny 546-0655, 308-9592 SMALL portable fridge, like new, $140. Call 634-3905. TOYS, records, wine glass es. W lndow-5'x10`- $85 ; Doors- screen/ storms, etc.; Books. Aquariums. Xmas m ugs, Dog/ Bird cages. Fum- sofa's, chairs, dress ers. Reasonable prices. The Reuse Centre. 3335 N .S ervice, B urlington. Wed/Thurs/Fri-12-8pm; Sat9-5pm; Sun-1-4pm._______ WASHER 8 dryer. Inglis, good w orking condition, new tim er sw itch, $200/both. 632-4173. WASHER 8 dryer- white; $100 for both. 844-7843 The site yo u r co m m u n ity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON . - FRI. 8 :3 0 a.m . - 6p.m . : Real Estate 100-165 - Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 2 0 0 -2 6 5 · Merchandise 3 0 0-3 75 - Auto 4 0 0 -4 6 5 · Help Wanted 5 0 0 -5 9 9 - Announcements 6 0 0 -6 7 5 ·Services 700-800 B urlington Towers T h e H o te l A lte r n a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · Furnished Designer Apartments · Fully Equipped Kitchens · Magnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. Home ^ tie H oftdatfs/ STATIONARY bike, compu terized. excellent condition, barely used. Paid $250, asking $75.631-8231. STEP 2 pedal truck- great condRion. $90. 637-1585 TREADLE sewing machine. Singer, good condition. $99 Cell 336-1154.___________ TW O-PIECE ski suit · men's WHITE STAG, size large. $25. (905)339-0103. TWO-PIECE ski suit · La dies DITRANI . size 16. $25. (905)339-0103. FREE M offat heavy duty washer.(needs motor) with purchase of Moffat heavy duly dryer Excellent condition. $100, 335-3578 WASHING m achine, antique wooden, Dowsweii Mfng.. Hamilton. $99. Call 336-1154. CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited EXECUTIVE Condo townhouse. North O akville, 2300 sq.ft.. 3-bedrooms. 21/2 baths, familyroom. 5 appliances, fireplace, air, garage. Jan. $l6 5 0 /m o Trafalgar P roperty Man agement. Warren Hill. 3381130____________________ EAST BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom condo townhouse Rec-room $949/mo.. cable included. Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor. 905-6325690.____________________ BURLINGTON: Jan 1st..: 2-bedroom from $892.85/ mo.-f utilities. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths, near schools, shopping. Park-like setting; 333-1190. BUZZAK SW15 on rims. 1 year old. excellent condi tion. P185/70R-14. $349. Call (905)847-3514. (905)467-5685___________ SIT On It- Don't Sit In Itl R eplacem ent foam for cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery. 9-9. 7 days/ weekl 6 3 2 9090____________________ FREE E stim ates... Got w obbly chairs., weak springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Custom wood refinlshing/ fu rn itu re repairs. Fields Custom F urniture. 9-9, daily! 632-9090__________ CARPETS, Hundreds ot Colours/ styles. Including "Stainmaster" Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ installation. 90S510-0589________________ CHILDREN'S Bunk bed in cluding mattresses, ladder. $ 275.080. 905-331-8586 COMPUTER FACTORY B low outl Am azing one year no paym entsl $16./wk. (O.A.C). 350 MHZ. loaded, printer, monitor, in ternet. software and more. Free scanner, delivery and set-up. 1-800-515-5545 DININGROOM chairs. 6. pine, highback. light green upholstery. $450.; kingsize cannonball bed. custom m attress, trip le dresse r/ minor, armoire. dark pine. $600 All excellent! 319-0100 DISHWASHER, built-in. Frigidaire/ Gibson, quiet clean 1 '96. $350. Like new Call 331-4688._______________ FRIDGE. 2-door; Stove, 30"; Autom atic Washer. Dryer. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)549-1911 GENTLY used- Perego classic stroller. Fisher Prioe car seat 8 toy kitchen, baby m onitor, feeding chair, white lacquer crib with mat tress. dresser/ change table combo. G lide r/ rocking chair, ottoman Little Tykes toy high chair 8 beauty sa lon. more 338-9417. 7-9pm FINAL GARAGE 6 FIXTURE SALE in the form er CANADIAN TIRE STORE 3230 Fairview St., Burlington Sale starts 8am Sat. Dec. 11 LOTS OF NEW ITEMS! +++ Cash or major credit card +++ (no debit available) cart tor sale 1997 Nissan Maxima One owner, new brakes, tires. Immacuate 6-mo. lease take-over or purchase. (905)845-5353___________ 1992 BMW 325. 5 spd. 125K. black on black, fully loaded. $15,000.332-6397 1991 Mercury Topazw hile. 160K, well maintained- $2.550 639-7297 1989 PONTIAC Bonneville SE p/w . p/b . p/!.. AM/FM cassette, tat. cruise, p/sunroot C f e d $3400 637-0270 1989 LINCOLN Towncar Want to enjoy the safety and comfori that only a lux ury car can provide then don't miss this excellent carlt Lots of options includ ing A/C Call: (905)8258660 mornings or after 6:30 pm.________________ 1993 DOOGE Shadow. $3,500 obo. one owner. Call 827-6813____________ 1986 CHRYSLER New Yorker- Mechanics Spe cial. very little rust, runs but needs work $ 35 0 /0 8 0 . (905)844-4723.___________ 1995 JEEP Gr Cherokee V8 Mint condition Loaded One owner Complete serv ice record Snow's com*>g you need this 4X41 $18,000. (905)607-7642___________ CARS from $500. Govern ment seized 8 surplus. Sold locally. Call for listings. 1800-297-0727 ext.30. F m I U I cars wanted WANTED Cars 8 Trucks. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Free Towing. Licensed Aulo Wrecker We sell auto parts too! 827-6015 (Oakville) 639 · 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-7pm Sat.: 10am-5pm Sun: llam -5pm www.ontim.com · btowersOlara.on.ca Rams under $100. CHRISTMAS quilted table runner, $24.99. 336-3030 CHRISTMAS quilted place mats. $2899 set o 14.336-3030 COFFEE table, solid walnut. 60* long, with drawer. $95. 632-4688. CRAFTSMAN childs pedal tractor 8 trailer, excellent condition. $40. 825-2714 DEEP FREEZER, white $100. almost new . Please call (905) 829-0597 DESK, light wood. 4 draw ers. chair, good condition. $50/both. Jacky. 842-7765. DOGLOO brand dog house with entrance flap. $80 338-1147________________ DOUBLE size boxspring 8 m attress. Simmons orthopedic, good condition. $100. 339-1316.__________ DRESSER, girfs. white. 48* with mirror. 6 drawers. $55. 632-4688_______________ DRESSER, triple, ladies. goodoonetton. $40.319-1797 EXERCISE Stationery bike $50. (905)339-0103 FREE - Piano, you pick up. Excellent condition. (905 465-0541.________________ FURNACE four speed blower motor for Lennox or similar gas furnace, new $40(905)844-6271. OPEN House 1160 Bellview St.. #32. Sunday i-4pm . Bungaloft. nearly new. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, master, laundry on main floor, ceramics. Private, exclusive area of detached & semi-detached homes, wak to Spencer Smith, lots of green space, walkways $233,000. 631-7837 artidet wanted QUICK cash for Christmas Antiques, furniture, old toys, dishes, sngfe item to entire estate (416)725-3472 PAINTINGS Wanted* An tiques of all kinds: furniture, glass, china, collectibles. A ddison radios from 1930s Estates purchased Karl (905)681-6939 Burlinqton.__________________ WANTED* Sewing machine w anted-. (Singer) older portable m odel. Call (905)6597547 · 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted S tu d io s · 1 & 2 B e d ro o m I · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 lull baths Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, ulililies, cable incl.' · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. acces? BURUNGTON. 3-bedroom condo, ensuite storage, pool, security, shaded balcony. Near shops, transit. Early possession possible $134,000. (905) 664-4746_______________ WE specialize in Condo minium Sales Linda Da vies Real Estate Ltd.. Real tor. 333-4347. 827-7728 BURLINGTON SQUARE (9 0 5 )6 3 » -4 6 7 7 CHRISTMAS SALESave$$$. Antiques, solid Cherry/Mahogany 8-10pce D/R's... Professionally Re finished $ 2 ,4 5 0 .up.; 1930's M ahogany china cabinet. (905)-465-i493 A P P LIA N C E S /R econdiHoned- Fridges. Stoves, W ashers, Dryers; With warranties. Parts/ Service also available (905)6343093 anytime. We'll beat anyone* Prices! Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm Inquire about our BRAND NEW, DELUXE CARDEN APARTMENTS Includes 9'6` ceilings. Jacuzzi, double vanity sinks + more! AVAILABLE JANUARY 15TH. 1 bedroom apartment- big living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen and bath Big deck across from Spencer Smith Park. Avail able Jan. 31st. $820/mo. 639-6312________________ TOP F lo o r- B eautifully maintained quiet building. 2-bedrooms, lake view, lots of seniors. $1150/mo. inelusive. (905)845-8254 2-BEDROQM A p a rt ments $760A(Utllities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 2-Bedroom Suite among refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington Mall. Call "The Princess", 639-8009________________ BURUNGTON 2 bedroom$685./mo utilities included. Jan. 8 Feb. Quiet, near lake. 634-8089 (3-6pm) SPENCER Smith. Large bachelor, newly decorated. Large 2-bedroom , hardwood flo ors, eat-in kitchen. Jan. 1st. Laundry. 639-1466.________________ 1-BEDROOM, From $755/ mo.+ $30/car, 2-bedroom. $850/mo.-t- $30/car; Avail able Jan./Feb. Sunken liv ingroom, eat-in kitchens. Quick QEW access. Guelph Line near New St.. Burlington, 637-9725_________ SPACIOUS 1.283 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. C om petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. (9 0 5 )3 3 3-9 8 4 6. Noon-8pm_______________ OLD Oakville in beautifully maintained, quiet building dow ntow n, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 2bedroom. $ i 080/m o.; 1bedroom: $925/mo. Inclu sive. Please leave message (905)845-8254, O A K V ILLE Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2bedroom, (above stores). 4 appliances. parking. Dec. 15th. $995/mo+ hydro. (905)842-3196____________ DOWNTOWN Burlington. 2bedroom s. $945/m o.+ A vailable J a n .1st. C all Forbes (416)420-3952 or (905)842-9275___________ BURLINGTON Downtown. W ellington Place. 478 Pearl Streel. Newly deco rated 1,283 Bedroom Apartm ents with scenic views 632-1643__________ BURLINGTON- Avail Jan 1st/2000. 2-bedroom. $846/ mo inclusive + 1 parking. Call 335-7929____________ GEORGIAN Apartments. Jan./Feb./Mar 1.283 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro Includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington. 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm 8 6:30-8pm DOWNTOWN Oakville. 1bedroom self-contained basement apartment, sepa rate entrance, eat-in kitchen, parking. Jan. 1st. $750/mo. inclusive. 844-1669._______________ BASEMENT apartment in quiet area. Quiet main floor tenants. Fully furnished, utilities included. Yard, patio 8 laundry facilities, close to Oakville Place. Immediate. $775. (416)201-6982. leave message.________________ DOWNTOWN Oakville. 2bedrooms. 5 appliances, fireplace. C/A. Jan 1st/ Im mediate. $i.295/mo. inclu sive. Call F.orbes, (416)4203952; (905)842-9275 DOWNTOWN O akville. Nice, clean building: 2bedrooms, $900/mo.-f hy dro (includes parking). Jan.lst./Feb.lst (905)849 8453____________________ DOWNTOWN O akville. Spacious 2 bedroom, tri plex, wood deck for BBQ. $1150 plus hydro. Call (905)844-8581 9am-5pm BROCK Lakeshore 3 bed room, 1.5 baths, garage, air. 5 appliances, avail im mediately $1250. 905 8039267 " HOME away from home" perlact for student, close to Sheridan collage Bus route, sm oker in house. Available immediately. Call 844-1818________________ UPPER M iddle/ D orval, Glen Abbey. Large fu r nished room. 2nd floor. Share bath. $400. Immediate First/lest. 847-5040 NEAR Upper O akville Shopping M all. Share house. Pool. A/C. $350./ month. Jan. 1st (905)-3373846 or (905)-338-1S02 NEEDED furnished/ unfur nished room in Burlington use of kitchen/ bathroom. D ec.13th. on bus route 333-4253. WANTED Late model appliances 7 yrs or newer, w hite/alm ond. 905-3198484 # t f APPLIANCES Fridges, stoves, washers/dryers. INEXPENSIVE warehouse space for lease 18.000 sq.ft, or less, also 2,100. Truck level access Oak ville. Joe Luyk. (905)8457597 ATTENTIO N snow birds: apartment/house needed lo rent/house-sit short term or long-term by legal executive, single nonsmoker. (905)847-6826. BEST PRICES New & Re-conditioned DRY SPLIT 100% H ard wood. Satisfaction guar anteed. K arl's Firewood Supply. Burlington (905)388-9287. Oakville- 905301-0170 Speedy Delivery! GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. "Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we re O ntario's Best". Marc's Quality Firewood. (905)257-6366 INDIVIDUAL offices for rent from $450- 51000/mo. available immediately on short-term leases and flexi ble terms; desirable pro fessional centre in prime downtown O akville loca tion; tenant and client p a c ing included; boardroom, fax. photocoping and re ception area available. Call Paul (905)338-2300. OAKVILLE Downtown. Re ta il/ office/ com m ercial units. 1100 sq.ft. & 1200 sq.ft. (905)845-6160. (416)746-9494___________ OFFICE plus storage Space- 1,600sqft Speers Rd/ 3rd Line O akville. $800./month 905-6319895. 905-465-1493 905-319-8484 Open Sundays BURUNGTON Core arearegistered 2-bedroom duplex. Double carport, backyard, laundry. A va ila b le im m ediately. $845/mo -futilities. (905) 634-2646._______________ CHARMING 2 bedroom. Burlington core apartment. Ground floor level. Nice decor. Large kitchen. Big backyard. Near Spencer Smith Park. Available im mediately. $950./month. call Jett (905)-719-1757 WATERDOWN core. 2-bedroom duplex, parking, avail able Dec. 15th, $625/mo. utilities. Call 689-3577. Need extra mo Now is the unused items in Christmas ? e to sell those garage or p rice d at $100. o r less Private P arty ad s only (no commercial ads) · 1 item p e r ad a r in Wednesday & Friday issues m ust be p re p aid #1 G row ers 3'-15* Huge Pine. Spruce. Balsam. 9am-9pm (lighted). Sugarbush Lane. 1123 Brock Rd.. Flamborough, 6kms North of Clappisons. left on 6th Cone. West. (5kms). k F / | 1 pets, su pplies LAB, chocolate. 10-mons old. Female, spayed. Pur ebred. CKC registered. Seeks good home- new baby 333-5696__________ W ir iT ll cars for sale r (III trucks for sale 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Ltd. Green, loaded, tan leather. Non-smoker, excel lent condition. 631-8718 (all day 24hr) or 6349929(days) ___________ CAN A DIANA.Quiet, well maintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 2-bedrooms. Jan./ Feb. 5220 Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington. (905)632-5486 All The Advantages of Condo Living 1BDRM + DEN & 2- BDRM SUITES With solarium! Rec. lac., 24-hr security & more. Conveniently located in the Mapleview area! «416-390-6279» 1993 Mazda MPV- immacu late condition. 2 owners. FSH. P/S. P/B. Dual air. C ham pagne color. 147.000km. $7,500. 905337-3940________________ 1994 Ford Tempo 4cyl., auto.. 106,000kms., ladydriven. excellent condition. 4-door. $2,000. firm, as is. 844-2427._______________ 1985 Mercury Grand Mar quis, Black. C ertified. $1,200. Call Rick Pager 416-612-5515. or 905-8259055____________________ 1991 Ford Explorer 4x4- 2 door sport, auto, green w/ tan leather, CD. 230Km $5,950. OBO 905-335-8990 1989 Cutlass Supreme-V6. 3.1 litre. 173K. great shape, new brakes $2200.639-4863 Northshore Towers 1&2 Bedroom Apt. Avail. Dec./Jan./Feb. $75(Jmo. lo $850/mo. Ulililies incl · No Pels Quiet Building Diane, 9am-7pm 1995 Deluxe Chevy Subur ban- top condition Used only In summer. 48K. list price $29,900. asking $28.000. 845-2367 1988 PLYMOUTH Voyageur - 7 passenger, cruise. Tilt. $500.00 as is OBO. (905)465-0541. your convenience I houses for rent IN the heart of Bronte- 3bedroom house, residen tial or commercial. Newly renovated. Immediate. Asking $1,300. 847-3564 DETACHED 3 bedroom house. 6 appliances, ample parking. QEW 8 Trafalgar, no pels, references. Feb. 1st/2000. $1400 (inclusive). 416-715-7270 (pager. leave message).__________ O AKVILLE- Glen Abbey Luxury executive home, 2storey. 3-bedroom, finished basement w/bedroom. recroom 8 kitchenette. 7 ap pliances. spacious ravine lot. $2500/month. Jan. 1/ 2000. (905)501-1675 BUNGALOW- 2 bedroom, garage. 5 appliances, fenced yard. Lakeshore. walk downtown Burlington. $1.295.. N ow /Jan.1sl., 333-5506 ext. .50. Active Management_____________ HOMES lo rent w/option to buy. or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep. (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor 681-1307 ·Burl. DOWNTOWN, Burlington. 2-bedroom. D e c .is t/ Jan.1st.; 1-bedroom.Jan. 1st. Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping. Hospital. Lake. 637-0321 SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ months. Spacious One Bedrooms. Utilities. Indoor Pool. Work-out Room. Bur lington Towers. 639-8583 WANTED storage space for mid size car tor De cember through April. Call (905)631-9201 evenings. GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED ·Private Party Rates S ` Prepayment Necessary TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors Irom $689." 1-Bdrm trom $779.' Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 815-9502 ` (2% disc, included) FREE. Apartment Locator. Save time and money. One Stop Apartment Shop. All areas and p rice s..... (905)331-5700___________ OAKVILLE. QEW/ Trafal gar. Large, clean 2-bed room from $879/mo. Park ing included. Jan. 1st. Well maintained building. (905)338-2276.___________ R E F U R B I S H E D Apartments Downtown Burlington. Elizabeth Manor. 477 Elizabeth Street. 1.283 Bedroom Apartments with spectacular view. 6 3 4 9374___________________ aders e areas HWY#5/ Guelph. Share 3bedroom home with non sm oking fem ale. Private bathroom, fireplace. BBQ. furnished, parking. $500/ mo. 319-7556____________ M ATURE, non-sm oking male to share b eautiful home in River Oaks. Up stairs bedroom, full house privileges. D ec.ist. $500/ mo. 905-257-1428________ BRIGHT- newly painted, room in cozy apartment. B urlington. Im m ediate. $ 4 2 5 /u tilitie s included. Non-sm oker. First/ Last. 905-637-7073 FURRARRI brand dog crate, x-large, $70. 338- 1147_____________ KID'S bikes with training wheels, excellent condition. $50. 637-1585___________ KITCHEN table, and chairs, large, yellow w/black trim. $100. 844-0478__________ LITTLE Tykes Push 8 Ride Coupe, excellent condition. $40. 825-2714___________ LITTLE TYKES tree house, excellent condition. $55. Call 332-4759.___________ MATERNITY clothes- pants 8 suites. Size small, all for $100. Rachel. 631-6239. QUEEN Anne coffee tablemaple. $75. call 905- 639 3326____________________ SKI boots "Raichle". size 7 1/2. $50. 336-9318_______ SKI Boots - SALOMON SX 60. women's size 9. $50. (905)339*0103.___________ SKI Boots - SALOMON SX 70. m en's size 11. $50 (905)339-0103.___________ 4 snow tires. I3in.. Honda rims, still good, odd wear. all four $25. 645-4585 ACCESSORY Sidetable. dark wood, oval top. Brand new. flaw less. $95. (905)847-3820.___________ ARMCHAIR, huntergreen and burgundy. 4 yrs old, ex cellent condition $80. 6311876.____________________ BABY crib. Jenny Lynn style w /m attress. large drawer, $99. Meets standards. 825-0111. BARBIE doll dress, handknitted. great as gift. $2.50/ ea 319-1797,____________ BEANIE Babies- full set of M cDonald's collectibles, unopened. Call Mark 3193266____________________ BEANIE Baby · "Maple* $80.00. (905)465-0541, CHANGE table white with 2 drawers and double cup board mint condition, $75. 332-3150 SKIS · Downhill. ATOMIC HV6. 190cm with LOOK HP99 bindings and alumi num poles. $100. (905) 339- 0103._____________ SKIS · D ow nhill. HEAD TURBO ST 170 cm with LOOK HP99 bindings and alum inum poles. $100. (905)339-0103.___________ SKIS - X-country: NORVIK 205cm glass, toe clips 8 poles. $50. (905)339-0103. SKI equipm ent, adults, good condition, (includes skiis. boots, poles). $100. 331-9540________________ SKI equipment, kids, good condition, (includes skiis. boots, poles). $100. 3319540____________________ SLIDING mirror door, oak trim. 48 x 80 opening $50. ObQ. 637-9481___________ SNOW board boots "Mer cury" size 11, $50. 336-9318 AMANA side-by-side refridgerator, almond, with icemaker, like new. $1,000. Call (905)646-6673. AN TIQ UE S ... Awesome selection unique accesso ries for Home 8 G ardenG ifts. Golf M em orabilia. IIINo GST or PSTIII Open Daily until Dec.24th 10am* 5pm, Cafe Open. (Closed January) Rock Chapel An tiques 8 Statuary. Hwy#5 at Rock Chapel Golf, 1-mi. west of Hwy#6. (905)6393639____________________ ARCADE games. Classic full-size. "Pole e position positio II" great shape; "S.T.U.N. Run ner" sit-dow n game. $750/ea. obo. Also. 1956 MGA car parts; new/ used. (905)849-4263.__________ BEDS, New- C om plete. Double. $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame; Washer 8 dryer, excellentlike new. $370/pr.; Free Delivery. (905)681-9496. BERNHARDT dining room set- table. 6 chairs, and server. $2000. 335-5504 BLACK Dufferin Regent 4 x 8 pool table. Crated wth accessories/ $900. 3 3 7 2352 MAIL machine Ascom Hasler Systems 220. take over discounted lease to Nov. 2002. Metal file storage, shelving, 135 shelf feet. Secretary desks, computer tables, monitors. 842-5526 MOTORIZED scooter for apartm ent/ house/ outdoors. 1999 Sundancer Pride, a djustable seats, arm rests, w/2 batteries, under w arranty. $2,800 obo. 332-9041___________ OIL furnaces 200.000BTU. galvanized hoods. $900/ea . oil-fired Napanee B oiler 80hp.. like new. $5000; hot water unit heaters. no m otors. $150/ea., propane heaters $75/ea; 200ft. 1-1/4" fin pipe $2/ft.; 7ft. ro to tille r PTO-driven. new. $3,000; 4-furrow 14" John Deere plow $400, (90S) 878-1855. ONE Blue Fox jacket, size 12-14. $250. 1 full legnth Persian Lamb coat, size 1214. $250. 1 Mink stole. $30.. several fur hats, white 8 brown. $30. each. Cash only. 849-7690___________ PENTIUM 200 MMX- 32 mega bites of ram. 3.2 giga bite hard drive. 3D voodoo video card. 56K modem. 15in SVGA monitor. $650. 319-2086 WASHER/DRYER $300.. 2 antique beds $100 each excellent condition. Many o ther item s, please call 844-0568________________ WHEELCHAIR, black. Envacara 9100. rarely used. $400 negotiable; 4 Pirelli w inter tire s, suit Ford A erostar. used only 1 w inter, $175; older refridgerator. works wellgreat for drinks, free 319-1103._______________ YEAR End Sale- Fantastic Savings! Save up fo 50% on our great fabric selec tion. Sofa 8 matching chair from $788.; Loveseats from $448.; Chairs from $198 Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Custom U pholstering. (9 0 5 )6 3 2 9090. Daily 9-9 G errie Electric, O ntario's largest independent e le c tric a l d is tr ib u to r has an op e n in g fo r a m otivated individual to join our growing team. This p o s itio n is in the B u rlin g to n / H am ilton area: INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT MANAGER You w ill be responsible for effective sales effort of a ll p ro d u c ts sold to in d u s tria l and OEM accounts. Electrical/ technical sales experience required. W e o ffe r b e n e fit p a cka g e , base plu s com m ission rem uneration, car allowance and opportunities fo r advancement. H ighly motivated last learners with knowledge of the electrical distribution industry would be id e a l. P le ase in d ic a te p o s itio n nam e and lo c a tio n on y o u r a p p lic a tio n . In te re s te d a p p lic a n ts please fo rw a rd y o u r resum e in confidence to: Human Resources · Gerrie Electric Fax: (519) 883-8613 or email: jobs@gerrie.com www.gerrie.com BURLINGTON. 3-bedroom M aisonette w ith sm all backyard. QEW/ Brant. $7507mo. (utilities). Avail able Jan. 1st/2000. C all 332-9865________________ BROW NSTONES townhome- Burlington 2-bed room s, F/P, C/A. 5 ap pliances. garage. Jan. 1st. $1050./mo.^ (416)462-3800 BRANT/ Mount Forest. 3bedroom townhouse maiso nette. laundry facilities. 1parking. Feb 1st. $800/mo> utilities. (905)319-9104. AT G eorgian C ourt Es tates. 611 Surrey Lane. Burlington, 283 bedrooms. P a rk-like setting. Near shopping, schools. GO. Hwy. Pool. Tennis. Utilities included. 905-632-6547 BRONTE Harbour- Walk to Lake! Spacious 3-bedroom, appliances included. Im mediate. $l150/m o.+ utili ties. Jeff Pearcy. Sales As sociate. Prudential Town Centre Realty. (905)3386550____________________ O A K V IL LE - Spacious 3 bedroom tow nhouse available December 31st. Washer 8 dryer, cable 8 all utilities included. Balcony o ff m aster bedroom. $106G/mo. Call Joe (905) 689-9922________________ BURLINGTON. Executive large. 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths. 5 appliances, o a rage. Great location. Refer ences. $1300/mo.+. Immedlately. 905-689-5357 NORTH Burlington; Headon Forest. 2-bedroom s, white kitchen w/breakfast bar. 5 appliances. C/A, at tached garage, master 2-pc ensuite. $1200./mo. Imme diate L. D avies R.E.. (905)333-4347 336-0015 or 336-0016: Tyandaga Terrace. Burling ton. Freshly decorated 182 bedrooms. November. Lowrise building. Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios.__________________ BURLINGTON- 1 bedroom2nd floor, small building, in cludes heat/ parking/ 2 ap pliances/ laundry, $65Q/mo. (905)637-0903___________ BURUNGTON. t -bedroom, suitable for one. Above dental office in older home downtown. $680/mo. incusive. No pets. Feb. 1st. 6376195 after 7pm.__________ ATTENTION Skiers! Ellicottville, NY. 3-bedroom townhouse a vailable for weekends plus. $125/night (Can.) Sleeps 6. Suit family or groups. New Years Weekend still available 0 $200/night (C an.) (905) 847-6391. Services tfNeed Extra $$$ for Xmas! NOW HIRING * W areho use W K E L L Y o r k e r s `i ANTIQUES. China Want ed. Best cash.... Doulton, Moorcroft. Beswick. Watch es. dolls, estates. Collecti bles. John/ Tracy (905)331-9100._______________ ANTIQUES wanted- furni ture. glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes, etc. Best cashl (905)-522-4727 * S ecretarial / C lerical / R eception * D ata E ntry O perators * A ccounting for leading companies in Burlington/Oakville/Milton 1 D ro p by anytime OAKVILLE- 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated Suites 182 Bedrooms from $775. Cal Linda 844-5474 OAKVILLE. 199 Queen Mary Drive..... near all amenities. 3-bedrooms. Utilities included. $1150/ mo+ parking. Immediate/ Dec/Jan, (905)844-9006 BURLINGTON 2-bedroom apartment in lowrise apart ment building. Quiet ten ants and no pets. $6l0/mo. Cal 388-5236____________ LAKESHORE. Burlington182 Bedrooms Available February. Call 681-7126 Professionally managed by L.T. Greenwin Property Management N e w A r r iv a ls I f you haven't p faced your baby' s` B irth Announcement in the O afviffe Beaver, now is the time to do so. Our N ew Arrivals supplement is a popular and cherishedfeature hstin listing birth announcements (some ishedfea i pictures!) of the babies born in 1939. ivitn p u Jor information on how to g e t your Baby's Birth Announcement in the January, 2000 N ew Arrivals 'Edition please call Classified ` D epartment Oakville Beaver 8:30am-2pm Mon.-Fri. 710 D orval Dr., Suite 105 Oakville (Dorval & QEW) Resume/References/ SIN card/ Void cheque YYYYY FURNISHED Luxuryl 1-3 Bdrm Corporate. Executive Homes. Condos. 1-2 baths. 6 appliances. Central Air, Jacuzzi, recreation centre, pool, security. TV. VCR. stereo, from $1295-2795 month. 681-RENT (7368) l or call 1-888-G0-4-KELLY 1-888-464-5355 S erv ice Advisor/ Parts M an ager Required For New Car Dealership. Ideal opportunity/career move for an experienced individual to join an aggressive & rapidly growing company. Call (905)330-4450, for an interview EXECUTIVE furnished 1bedroom apartment: private entrance, gas fireplace. 6 appliances, completely selfcontained in 1-storey home. South Burlington. $l350/mo. inclusive. L.Da vies R E.. (905)333-4347 845-3824

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