Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 1999, A5

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Wednesdsay November 24, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 Jury wants coroner to report on findings (Continued from page 1) MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS * Many of the recommendations are similar to those developed by an Oakville Fire Department task force that studied the tragedy and the force's response following the blaze. The Oakville department has already implemented many of the task force's recommendations and will look closely at additional recommendations offered by the jury, said Fire Chief Wayne Gould. While many can or have been implemented at little or no cost to tax payers, a few carry large price tags. Gould noted that the 1996 Master Fire Plan called for a traffic pre-emp tion system, which could cost up to $1 million if implemented town-wide. So far that system has not made it into the town's capital budget forecast. The purchase of additional portable radios, valued at $3,000 to $4,000 each, would also have an impact on the department's budget. The inquest heard that the first two firefighters that entered the Fedoruk home did not have portable radios, as the department only issued them to officers at the time. The policy has since been changed to require at two portable radios per fire response vehicle, but the coroner's jury suggested all firefighters should have their own radio. Gould, whose department took some criticism during the inquest said he was pleased with the recommenda tions. "I think the ones dealing with public safety are the most important" he said. `The whole focus of this tragedy was the issue related to the lack of early detection and the inability to escape." The recommendations will be for warded to fire departments across the province, as well as to related agencies such as the Ontario Fire Marshal's office. The jury has also asked the Chief Coroner to provide annual progress reports on the implementation of the recommendations for the next two years. 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J · t B o o k y o u r b r e w tim e n o w ! 8 2 5 -B E E R (2337) Recommendations to avoid another fire tragedy The following are the recommenda tions from the Coroner' s Inquest study ing the Fedoruk house fire: istrative operations; immediately adjacent to heating and ventila tion ducts. b) all fire personnel should have their own 9) Consideration be given to expanding the personal portable radio and, preferably, a fixed Canadian Standards Association specifications remote microphone; to require that portable halogen lamps have c) and all self-contained breathing appara 1) Boards of Education consider fire safe automatic thermal cut off and heat shields. tus be equipped with speaking diaphragms to ty education to be a mandatory component of 10) In recognition of the 10-year service improve the quality of voice communication. curricula and that programs be targeted at stu life expectancy for smoke detectors and car 19) That the town of Oakville, Public dents from kindergarten through the final year bon monoxide alarms, the Fire Marshal should Works and the Oakville fire department study of high school. consider developing a strategy to encourage the feasibility of installing pre-emption sys 2) Community fire departments take an the public to record the installation date and tems at strategically-important intersections, active role in educating the public in their the expectant replacement date in a visible to reduce or eliminate the need for vehicles to community about fire safety, including smoke location on each unit stop for traffic lights. alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, home fire 11) Consideration be given to expanding 20) That fire departments review their (dis escape planning, home inspection programs the Canadian Standards Association specifica patch) "code" system for identifying the rela and seniors' safety. This public education role tions to require more fire retardant and non tive urgency of calls and consider establishing may include partnerships with local service toxic materials to be used in manufacturing a separate code to identify those call where it clubs, industry, media and Boards of furniture. is known that people are (or were) present in a Education. 12) Communities, through a 911 commit burning structure. 3a) Consideration be given to amending tee, review their existing 911 call taking and 21) That fire departments consider pur the Ontario Fire Code to make smoke alarms dispatching relationships between police, fire chasing an adequate number of thermal imag mandatory in all existing homes on all levels. and ambulance services to ensure the model in ing cameras to support search, rescue and fire AH interconnected smoke alarms in new place meets accepted response times. This fighting operations. homes should have battery back-up. review should include the communication nec 22) That the combined emergency services 3b) Consideration be given to amending essary for a tiered response. Police, fire and (ambulance, fire and police) in each communi the Ontario Fire Code to make a carbon ambulance should work together to continue ty participate in an annual workshop to pro monoxide detector mandatory on the sleeping to study the possibility of a 911 call centre. mote teamwork at emergency scenes, includ level(s) of all residences. 13) All fire departments consider obtaining ing an understanding of the role of each 4) Consideration be given to amending the a modem computer aided dispatching system agency and the importance of communication Ontario Building Code and the Ontario Fire that interfaces directly with 911, provides between agencies. , Code to require residential sprinkler protection printed information directly to fire fighting 23) That fire departments have access to mandatory in all new homes built. crews when they are dispatched and allows for fire training academies and provide continu 5) The residential insurance industry con an efficient station alerting system. ous training in emergency operations and inci sider premium incentives to promote the 14) That 911 agencies fully understand dent command, including simulator and live installation of residential sprinkler systems in their respective "ring back" responsibilities fire scenarios. all homes. and review their equipment and phone lines to 24) That fire departments consider use of 6) The Fire Marshal and the Fire Marshal's ensure that existing technology supports a light-weight air bottles with larger capacities Public Fire Safety Council, working together "ring back function. to provide additional working time for rescue with communities, consider evaluating the 15) That the Ontario Fire Marshal develop personnel in hazardous environments. effectiveness of various fire safety programs relevant curricula for fire services personnel 25) That fire departments consider the use and, where appropriate, develop recommenda involved in call taking and dispatching func of protective sleeves to be installed over cou tions for improvement and summarize these tions. pling sections of the hose to facilitate the changes annually for public awareness. 16) That, considering their pivotal role, advance of these hoses around and/or over 7a) The Fire Marshal develop a strategy to 911 communications personnel receive regular potential obstacles. better inform the public of the extreme heat (in training and updates on dealing with emer 26) That fire departments review the com excess of 700 degrees Celsius) that may be gency communications. plement assigned to first response teams and given off from halogen light bulbs and the 17) That fire departments develop appro associated potential risk of fire. priate protocols to ensure all pertinent infor consider deploying a separate vehicle to trans port the Fire Captain to the scene. Such a pos 7b) The Fire Marshal develop a strategy to mation received from 911 callers is forwarded sibility would free up a seat on the heavy inform the public of all revisions to the Fire to the incident commander at the scene of a equipment truck. Code for new construction that people may fire or other emergency. 27) That the outstanding items identified in want to retrofit into existing residences. 18) That fire departments review their the interim report of the Oakville Fire 8) Consideration be given to amending the radio communications to ensure: Department Task Group be followed through Ontario Building Code to restrict installation a) separate frequencies are available for of electrical and telephone wiring within or emergency operations, dispatching and admin to completion. 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