Oakville Beaver, 16 Jul 2000, p. 17

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Sunday, July 16, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 17 S A TU R N (£ § fe s A A B (u )lS U Z U ParaM f T) Come Join a Winner Visiting nursing program award o f CCAC contract HOME HEALTH CARE O F O A K V I L L E __________________ S U N W E A R EXPERT SEWERS For co n tra c t p iecew ork required A leading Canadian manufacturer of UV protective sportswear is seeking experienced sewers adept at high-quality workmanship. Mass production tech nique is an asset. Command of the English language is important. Own transportation is necessary. R equired Im m ed ia tely CLASS "A" LICENSED TECHNICIAN Top wages & benefits paid to top quality people . Registered Nurses & RPN's Mental Health & Pediatrics specialists & ET specialist, Continence adviser Also Shift Nures · Competitive salary · Employment benefits · Team environment · Skill development · Work in Halfon Region Community Notices D eaths BEST, Helmut. On Wednesday July 5,2000 at the age of 70 in the Ian Anderson House, Oakville. Loving husband of Kristina. Wonderful father ol twin daughters Kimberley and Tina and their husbands Louie and Paul. Proud grandpappa of Sidney Linnea and Brandon Alexan der. Great Brother-in-law of Peter and Caj. He lived his lile lo the fullest and was truly a 'gentleman' who will be very greatly missed. A private family service has taken place. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Ian Anderson House 430 Winston Churchill Blvd. Oakville L6J 4Z2 Call 1-800-565-0585 for an app't 'You will need to bring us a sample of your work. Contact Graham Phillips Budds' Saturn Saab Isuzu of O akville 507 Speers Road · OAKVILLE T e l: (9 0 5 )8 4 5 -1 6 1 0 HCA, HSW II & III PSW Certificates preferred, however consideration will be given to those with personal experience as caregivers. ·Free Training Course ·Reliable transportation required ·Staff who are client focused and enjoy working in a community setting. W ithington Transportation Inc. W A N TED "A Z " C om pany D rivers · · · · · · 2yrs. over the road experience U.S. experience Pay u p to 0.45/m i. Good benefits Average 3000 m i./w k Pleasant working atm osphere MECHANIC As the industry leader in the material handling indus try, JOHNSTON EQUIPMENT has four positions available in our Mississauga Service Shop. The suc cessful candidates must have: · PROVEN MECHANICAL ABILITY · MINIMUM GRADE T WELVE OR EQUIVALENT A strong electrical background would be an asset. Competitive wages and benefits. For an interview call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -1 0 2 5 or fax your resume to 9 0 5 -8 4 7-1 0 3 8 We are an equal opportunity employer Call 905-337-2812 or 877-853-9649 SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE for luxury highrise condominium. Duties include: cleaning, maintenance, repairs and general super vision. Weekend work and medical exam required. A competitive salary and apartment included. Couples with Condb experience preferred. Fax resume em ployment history & references to: W ils o n , B la n c h a rd M a n a g e m e n t Inc. 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -5 8 1 1 A tte n tio n : C .M . WEEKEND WORKERS A llia n c e L a b e lin g in O a k v ille is s e e k in g p e o p le to jo in o u r w e e k e n d c re w s . E a c h c re w w o rk s a 1 2 -h o u r s h ift o n S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y . A n o p p o r t u n it y f o r th o s e w a n t in g t o s u p p le m e n t t h e ir p r e s e n t in c o m e . A p p ly w ith in b e tw e e n 9 a .m . - 5 p .m . II you meet the above qualifications, please lax or forward your resume to: Robert Desjardins or Dave Herring G.N. JOHNSTON EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. 5990 Avebury Rd., Mississauga, On L5R 3R3 Tel: 905-712-6000, Fax: (905) 568-8240 201 Speers Rd, Oakville or fax you r resume to: (905)337-1204 RETAIL SALES Home Furnishings. High $$. Large, upscale Showroom in Mississauga Home/ Design Centre, requires Salesperson with above average track record in residential furniture sales. Fax resume to: Richway Furnishings (905)569-0153, Attn: General Manager For leading new-home sales pavilion in Oakville Working closely with the public; Must be personable, outgoing & knowledgeable. New home sales knowl edge would be an asset. Must be available lor Satur day and /or Sunday afternoons. Immediate place ments. Please fax work experience to: TEAM Weekend Hostesses Required D river/ P rod u ction Enthusiastic, mechanically inclined person full-time for deliveries pick-ups and to apprentice in all aspects of chocolate business. Ideal candidate w ill have class "D" license, be competent in minor repairs and able/ w illing to learn quickly. Send/ fax resume to: M ic h a l M u s io l 1 9 1 1 -2 0 0 0 MUSIOL, Michal - Passed away peacefully on T h u rs d a y , J u ly 13 a t O a k v ille -T ra fa lg a r M e m o rial H ospital. He leaves his w ife of 51 years, Renee, and fo u r children - Marie (Louis), M a d e le in e , P au l (M a rle n e ) a n d A n to in e . G randchildren M arisol, Coralie, O liver, Julien, A ria n a an d M a rtin . A fte r e m ig ra tin g fro m P o la n d to C an ada , he re m a in e d d e e p ly attached to his co m m u n ity. A Prayer Service w ill be held on Sunday, July 16 at 7:00 o'clock in the evening, fo llo w e d by v is ita tio n u n til 9 p .m . a t th e O a k v ie w F u n e ra l H o m e , 56 Lakeshore Road W est, Oakville, Ontario. (905842-2 252 ) The C om m em orative Mass w ill be celebrated Monday, July 17 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Anthony of Padua Parish Church, 40 John St., Oakville. Rebecca at (905) 257-7238 Walker's Chocolates, 4391 Harvester Rd., Burlington L7L 4X1 333-2859 Cashier/Receptionist Permanent P/T Presentable, pleasant, individual with top-notch telephone skills required evenings and Saturdays for busy automobile dealership. Please fax resume w ith hand-w ritten cover letter to Fairview Nissan. TIM HORTON S NOW HIRING has the following positions available HERBAL MAGIC Opening soon in Oakville F/T HEALTH COUNSELOR positions available Provide weigh! management counseling & sell herbal products in a clinic setting. Sales experience preferred, excellent opportunity for advancement. COUNTER HELP POSITIONS · Day Shift- 6am-2pm · Afternoons- 2pm-10pm · Night Shift- 10pm-6am EARLY MORNING DRIVER Sat/Sun & holidays, $8./hr to start, paid training (905) 333-6433 Apply in person 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville or phone/fax 338-1966 F a m il y · A c h i e v e m e n t · I n t e g r i t y · R e s p e c t W e've got great things in store for you! The Paper Factory Retail Party Store requires C all for further inform ation (905) 637-6019 ask for Lee. Funeral D irectors ·M atu re Help* All shifts REED S JEWELLERS Location: Burlington Mall Apply in person: O u r family serving your family © O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME S to re fro n t a n d T rain ers Paid train in g- e v e ry th in g y o u n e e d to d o a g re a t jo b . Valuable experience- e v e ry th in g y o u n e e d fo r a g re a t fu tu re . Great op p o rtu n itie s- fu ll-tim e / p a rt-tim e d a y s a n d a fte rn o o n s ·benefits ··staff functions · referral programs ·staff incentives ` flexible schedules ` interviews on location T h u r s d a y , J u ly 2 0 , 3 p m -8 p m 1 2 5 C r o s s A v e , O a k v i l l e (A c ro s s fro m G O s ta tio n ) THE PAPER FACTORY, 3455 Fairview St., Burlington. Not suitable for students! <> ASSISTANT MANAGER If you are a motivated individual who enjoys a learn setting & a challenging career, Reeds Jewellers will offer you a rewarding environment in retail manage ment of fine jewellery. Great incentives/benefit pkg. Experience: Retail jewellery experience an asset 56 LA K E S H O R E R O A D W EST O A K V IL L E F u n e ra l D ire c to rs · D o n C la rk e ·G re g o ry S id o ra ·T in a Q u e n n e v ille ·J o h n M u rp h y · P a tric k M c D e rm o tt Real Estate Transaction Secretary This challenging position requires an individual with excellent organizational skills who enjoys a fast paced office. Experience with Gui, Lone Wolfe and Quick Office Commander an asset. < SALES STAFF F/T P/T A responsible individual needed. No exp. necessary. Apply REEDS JEWELLERS- HEAD OFFICE 312 Dolomite Dr, Suite 215, Toronto, On M3J 2N1 Attn: Human Resources or Fax 416-663-9475 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 An employer you can count on T U n tfo tto tts. w w w .versru old .rom Fax resumes to: 905-684-1133 or mail to: No phone calls please! Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc. 720 Guelph Line. Burlington, Ontario L7R 4E2 Attention: Claudia Fannon Customer Service Representative Versacold G ro u p is C o n o d o 's largest public refrig era ted warehousing and distribution com pany as w ell as the sole national service provider. As a result o f business grow th at our fac ility in BR AM PTO N , w e require an experienced in dividual w h o w ill: · handle calls from customers, providing excellent customer service · create and prepare warehouse and delivery receipts · perform general office duties including order-entry. To be considered, you must have: · at least 1- 2 years' warehousing office experience in a custom er service environment · g o o d com puter skills · excellent interpersonal/co m m unication c a pa bilities · the a b ility to work independently. Experience with a W arehouse M anagem ent System ond W o r d / Excel w o uld be an asset, os w o uld college-level in ventory control, logistics or related business courses ! JvVletroland #4fi S p e a k 8 R ide Gamp Taking language and making it happen in a natural learning environment. Horseback riding, d a ily ranch duties, waterplay, arts & crafts and speech & language therapy with our qualified speech staff. 2 children: 1 staff ratio. 1 week full day camp July 24-28 2000 August 21-25 2000 For more information contact: Anderson Speech Consultants 905-639-9219 A ttention: Owner OperatorsBulk Division Successful, company looking for operators with your own trailers. We offer: · 83%of Gross Revue S a le s R e p re s e n ta tiv e M e tr o la n d N e w s p a p e r in M ilto n is s e e k in g a S a le s R e p re s e n ta tiv e w h o is h ig h ly m o tiv a te d a n d c a n a c h ie v e re s u lts in a n a g g re s s iv e s a le s a tm o s p h e re . B e p a rt o f a n a w a rd w in n in g te a m w ith a n a ttr a c t iv e c o m p e n s a t io n p a c k a g e in c lu d in g s a la ry , c o m m is s io n a n d c a r a llo w a n c e . Y o u r responsibilities in clude: · S e rvicing a n d g ro w in g existing a c c o u n ts . · P ros p e c tin g fo r an d a cqu iring n e w a c co u n ts. · P reparing form al, w ritte n a n d visual presentations. · P o st s e c o n d a ry sch o o l d ip lo m a o r 2 years e xpe rience in m arke ting. · Bi-monthly account settlements · Steady yearround work · Local Call Gus or Dan at 1-888-836-2653 CUSTOMER SERVICE E n try le v e l p o s itio n a v a ila b le in o u r O a k v ille O ffic e fo r a c o n s c ie n tio u s , fle x i b le a n d h a r d w o r k in g in d iv id u a l. M u s t h a v e g o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n skills , c u s to m e r s e r v ic e / o r d e r ta k in g e x p e r ie n c e a n d c o m p u te r s k ills . B ilin g u a l (F re n c h ) a n d k n o w le d g e o f b ic y c le s w o u ld b e a n a s se t. Fax resume: · A keen desire to succeed and advance. · The ability to m a nage several p ro d u c ts concurrently. · G o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n , o rganization and te a m skills. , P le a s e fo rw a rd re s u m e b y J u ly 31 to Family Services A lco ho lics A nonym ous If y o u d rin k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If y o u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! (4 1 6 ) 4 8 7 -5 5 9 1 (9 0 5 ) 6 3 1 -8 7 8 4 A com p etitive s a la r y / b e n e fits p a c k a g e is o ffe re d . P le a se send a re su m e b y Ju ly 2 1 ,2 0 0 0 to: H u m a n Reso u rces, V e rs a c o ld G ro u p , 107 W a lk e r D rive, B ram p to n , O N L6T 5K5 ; fa x 905.793.4918. m./. l . iM I 11 W. T l M l i ii. Ii I Versacold Canadian Champion A tte n tio n : B ill B e g in , G e n e ra l M a n a g e r 191 M a in S t. E. M ilto n , m 20290 9 0 5 -8 2 9 -4 5 6 7 ON L9T 4N9

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