Oakville Beaver, 16 Jul 2000, p. 2

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2 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday July 16, 2000 The Speech Junior & Language to G ra d e School ming for children. She has been a Speech Language Pathologist for the past twenty seven years and has worked in hospial and school board settings all across Canada. She has a Master's of Education Degree. TALC Academy will be su itin g its third year in September. For the past six years she has operated CAMP TALC which provides speech and language programming for children between the ages o f three and ten. Judy is also affiliated with McGill University where she super vises Master Level students in the Speech Pathology Program. " TALC Academy is in operation because parents asked for intensive and innovative speech and language services fo r their children" explains Judy Nathanson. " Parents of children with speech and language difficulties know that the resources are not available in the system to help their children reach their potential. TALC Academy is for parents seeking intensive individual programming and daily therapy for their children so that they will be ready to enter o r return to the school system with a firm foundation of speech and language skills. O ur program is very specialized and unique. The children we w ork w ith have intensive speech and language needs. We have a big job to do in order to meet their needs and we love doing it". K in d e rg a rte n T h re e Speech Pathologist and Academy Director Judy Nathanson is pleased to announce that TALC Academy is now accepting applications for the fall o f 2000.TALC Academy is for children with specif ic and intensive speech and language needs. Children with a history o f speech and language delay, expressive and receptive vocabulary difficul ties, auditory memory delay, weaknesses in the areas o f grammar skills, auditory processing, sequencing, severe phonological o r oral m otor dif ficulties would all benefit from the specialized pro gram. In addition, children in Grades One to Three experiencing difficulty with reading, spelling, written language, and the language of mathematics are appropriate candidates. TALC Academy is a foil year program for prima ry aged children. Junior and Senior Kindergarten classes as well as a Grades One, Two and Three program are offered at the Academy. Speech Language Pathologist and D irector Judy Nathanson explains that as well as individualized classroom programming and small class sizes students receive daily, individual one to one speech and language therapy. "There are many children with intensive speech and language needs who would benefit from daily one to one therapy", explains Nathanson. " Unfortunately, with the cut backs in the hospital and the school systems, daily one to one therapy o r small group support is not avail able fo r most children". TALC Academy's speech and language focussed curriculum will integrate the individual speech and language needs o f the students into the Kindergarten and Primary grade classrooms. The individual therapy goals o f each student will be monitored and enhanced within the language enriched classrooms o f TALC Academy. " O ur goal is to develop and enhance communication skills so that students will be able to success fully return to the regular school sys tem " states Nathanson. As well as intensive one to one daily Children with speech and lan therapy,TALC Academy also offers guage needs very often have a great intensive classroom support. deal o f difficulty acquiring reading and D irector of Academic written language skills. The Grade Operations David Fisher One to Three classroom programs · A c c e p t in g explains that the Kindergarten at TALC Academy are focussed on f o r t h e F a ll o f 2 0 0 0 classes at TALC Academy developing these skills. " Children have a maximum of eight-stu with speech and language needs · 6 F u ll T i m e dents. The Primary classes require a great deal of individual Speech Language have a maximum o f twelve programming and direct instruc P a t h o lo g is ts o n S t a f f students with a teacher and tion in the area of phonics. There educational assistant " In an envi f are many different types o f phonics · B u r lo a k & ronment with this much individq ' programs that we use for children" Q E W A re a ual assistance in the classroom we explains David Fisher. Fisher, who is a past nominee for TV. Ontario's Teacher of are able to program to meet individ ual needs" explains Fisher. the Year sates "that we have found that some chil dren master the Phonetic rules when they are The TALC Academy Kindergarten program will presented in the form of songs. O ther children use creative play in order to develop speech, oral need a more visual approach and for these chil language and socialization skills.The precursor dren we use a colour coded word family skills that are necessary for reading such as approach. W ith individualized programming, we can rhyming, phonemic awareness, letter and sound use the method that works best for each child". recognition and patterning are an integral part of The remainder o f the Primary program, including the Kindergarten program. The Kindergarten math, science, social studies, music and physical program will also focus on developing memory education is presented in a manner that empha skills, vocabulary development, grammar skills and sizes language skills. auditory processing. "These are vital skills for chil dren to develop" explains Nathanson. " A t TALC Academy we present these skills in a way that is fun and allows the students to achieve success at Director and Speech Language Pathologist Judy Nathanson has an extensive background with providing innovative speech and language program w their own level". Full and H a lf Day p ro g ra m s are available and p arents can choose fro m one to five days a w eek. " Many parents have also enrolled their children in their local school's kindergarten program as well" , explains Nathanson. In o rd e r to find o u t m o re a bo ut T A LC Academ y and h o w it can help m eet th e needs o f y o u r child, please call Judy a t (905) 3 19 -7 0 11. fternoorf/ 5 p ots { [{ ^ A v a ila b le . V / / I '1 - StUL, , M According to David Fisher and Judy Nathanson, if yo u r child is having speech, language o r academic difficulties, y our child needs to go to th e ir sum mer camp. Six years ago. Nathanson and Fisher w ere frustrated w ith the cutbacks and long waiting lists fo r Speech and Language services fo r children. T h e ir frustration led them t o estab lish a sum m er day camp fo r children w ith speech, language and academic difficulties. Cam p TA LC (Thinking, A rticulation, Language and C om m unication) offers children daily, individual, one t o one speech and language therapy. They may also receive individual and small group assistance fo r phonics, w ritte n language and math. Judy Nathanson is a Registered Speech Language Pathologist and David Fisher is an experienced prim a ry teacher. Together they have cre ated a program in which children w h o are having difficulty learning can be successful. David Fisher says " T h is is a e S u m m e r Ca m p Can Help Your Child th S p e e c h , L a n g u a g e & A c a d e m i c s INDIVIDUALIZED PROGRAMMING reading skills" state Nathanson and fisher. needs.The camp program can help make sure th a t students do n o t le t th e ir academic skills "slip" over the summer. Parents w h o are looking fo r enrichm ent opp ortunities in the areas o f mathematics, reading and w ritin g can have the camp design an individualized program fo r th e ir children. A t the end o f the camp session, parents w ill be given a speech and language sum mary re p o rt th a t can be shared w ith th e ir child's school in September to assist w ith p ro graming. Daily com m unication books are sent hom e each day fro m camp w ith games and fo llo w up activities. A t the end o f the sum m er Judy can help design a program so that parents can continue to w o rk w ith th e ir children. " W e believe that children need program ming designed to PLACEMENT SITE FOR McGILL UNIVERSITY m eet th e ir individual needs. That's w hy we screen all o f "T he success o f the camp is a result o f the fabulous peo o u r campers before the start o f camp" , says Judy ple we have w o rking w ith us", explains Judy Nathanson. As a result the camp program is Nathanson. Camp TA LC is one o f the clinical place intensive and offers all round speech and lan m ent sites fo r students at M cGILL U niversity guage stimulation. "Every p a rt o f w h o are in the Masters Program in o u r camp program is designed to Com m unication Sciences and Disorders. stimulate a child's language skills. The This year eleven Speech Pathology students one to one therapy that the children w ill be w o rking under Judy's supervi o -O n e T h e receive is reinforced by the sion and as a result we are able to o th e r program elements" . Each S ix th G r e a t S u m offer a one to tw o staff-student ratio. h a lf day ca m p p ro g ra m W e have found that when the students · B u r lo a k & Q E W includes one h o u r o f one L o c a tio n are given this much individual atten to one th e ra p y as w ell as tion, the academic gains can be quite · July & A u g u s t tw o hours o f reading and w ritte n remarkable." says David fisher. Some o f language programs, arts and crafts P ro g ra m s A vailable the staff has been w ith Camp TA LC fo r and music, drama and games. six years. "A ll o f the staff undergoes a m it e d E n ro lli A ll parts o f the camp program highly intensive speech and language :e s T h r e e t are language based. For example, in training before camp starts", says Judy Music, Dram a and Games, simple Nathanson. " As a result, the children receive children's games and songs are used intensive speech and language stim ulation and to reinforce such concepts as vocabulary, let m onitoring" . te r sounds and speech and language skills. du; SUMMER FUN The only thing th a t both Judy Nathanson and David Fisher are adamant about is th a t the camp program has to be fun. " Parents can tell th e ir children th a t are com ing to camp. It is n o t school.Too many o f o u r campers have been unsuccessful in school. W e do camp things, sing camp songs , and play camp games. It is ju st that o u r camp focuses on speech and language, reading and w ritin g and math. Kids learn these skills w h ile they are singing and playing and they don't even realize th a t they are learning." explains Judy Nathanson. " W ith all o f the cutbacks to school and hospital p ro grams. Camp T A LC is providing desperately needed services fo r children at risk. O v e r the past summers we have had fabulous feedback fro m parents regarding the camp program and th e ir children' g ro w th in all areas. W e are m ore than happy to p ro v id e pare n ts w ith u nique and c re a tiv e w ay o f d elive rin g speech and language services to c h ild re n in need. C h ild re n can receive one h o u r o f one to one th e ra p y in a fun fille d ca m p e n v iro n m e n t" . A cco rding to Judy Nathanson up to ten percent o f school age children can have speech o r language difficulties. These difficulties can im pact on a student's academic g ro w th in all areas o f th e school program . These difficulties may include reading and w ritte n language problems, articu lation problems, phonological disorders, difficulties process ing oral inform ation, m e m o ry difficulties, weak vocabulary skills, oral form ulation problem s, and social language difficul ties. " Early in terventio n and program m ing can ensure that a child w ith speech and language difficulties can be success ful a t school" , explains Judy Nathanson. O f course one o f the effects o f governm ent cutbacks to schools and hospitals has been th a t access to speech and language services fo r children have been reduced. "Parents are faced w ith long w aiting lists fo r speech and language services" , states David Fisher. " O u r purpose in starting Camp TA LC was to design an innovative speech and lan guage program w h ere learning is fun. This is o u r sixth sum m er operating a language camp" . The camp is located in the B u rio a k /Q E W area. H a lf and Full day p ro g ra m s READING A ND PHONICS Children w ith speech and language difficulties, typically have problems when they are learning to read. The Camp TA LC program has been very successful in teaching and reading skills. "W e offer a variety o f reading approaches fo r children and w ill use the approach that w o rks best fo r each child. W e believe strongly in the im portance o f phonics, but we have a num ber o f different m ethods o f teaching phon ics" , explains David Fisher. "Some children can acquire the phonics skills using music and songs. O th e r children may need a m ore visual approach that may include w o rd families and colour coding" . As w ell as the individual and small group phonics instruction, campers receive reading and w ritin g program ming each day in th e ir larger camp group. "C hildren can practice and use the skills that they are learning in the one to one sessions and in the group setting each day. O u r reading program has been so successful, that w e have a num ber o f children w h o do n o t have speech o r language difficulties register w ith us fo r specific help w ith JKJSK AND M ATH Camp TALC offers a Junior Kindergarten and a Senior Kindergarten program fo r children ages three to five. They receive individual speech and language therapy if needed, as well as a language rich Kindergarten program that w ill enable these children to develop the necessary precursory skills fo r reading and writing. Camp TA LC also offers Math Remediation. "W e have found th a t many o f o u r children experience difficulties in mathematics because they do n o t understand the language o f mathematics," explains Judy Nathanson. "W e are offering individual one to one assis tance and small group program ing th a t w ill use hands on materials in o rd e r to understand the language and concepts associated w ith mathematics." re fe ren ce s" says David Fisher. "W e are really proud o f o u r camp and the w o rk we do w ith the children. W e offer parents this pledge. L h REMEDIATION, EN RICH M EN T For the many parents w h o are looking fo r extra assis tance fo r th e ir children over the summer. Camp TALC, offers the perfect solution.The individualized programs and the |o w staff student ratio assists each camper w ith th e ir R egister y o u r c h ild w ith C a m p T A L C , and, i f a fte r th e fir s t w ee k you are n o t happy, w e w ill gladly refund y o u r m oney. In o rd e r to find o u t m o re about T A LC Academ y and h o w it can help m eet the needs o f yo u r child, please call . Jydy a t (905) 3 19 -70 11. are available in tw o w ee k blocks fro m July 3 to A u g u s t 11. - .............. ................. ............ . mi

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