Friday, April 28, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 23 Some Factors To Be Considered When Replacing A Liner When replacing a liner, it is important to understand all of the potential setbacks that can occur during this process. Listed below are a few of the factors that must be con sidered when replacing your liner. · The Weather. For safety reasons, we cannot install a liner in the rain. The slopes in the bottom of your pool become slippery and a safety hazard to the crew. In addi tion, the use of electrical equipment is mandatory in hanging a liner. · Coping. Over time, your coping can become old and brittle, or the track widens in certain areas which cause the liner to pop out! Unfortunately, now is the time to replace your coping as you do not want to install a brand new liner and have the cop ing give out in 5 years time! · Damaged Bottom. In 1 out of 75 pools, we find a pool that has a badly dam aged concrete bottom. The concrete has either chipped away or cracked and buck led in several areas. Again, we cannot determine the extent of the damage until the pool has been pumped down and the old liner has been removed. · Time of Year. During peak times of the spring and summer, it can take up to 5-6 weeks to get a new liner installed. Each replacement liner is custom made to fit your pool. Which means, we have to mea sure it and the manufacturer has to make it specifically for you. Thus, the manufactur ers tend to get backed up during peak peri ods as this product is not a stock item! In 9 out of every 10 pools we do, we encounter no problems what soever. However, we want you to be as informed as possible about some of the potential pitfalls we've encountered over the last 9 years. Feel free to call Total Tech Pools at 825-1389 or come by our store at 1428 Speers Rd., Unit 4 to discuss any poolrelated subject of your interest. Hom e Fashi< our d o u r f l y e r f o r sacnuis ott s o fa s , cl dinettes, leather! (S' m ore! What is "Gibbard Furniture"? And why is it so popular? The selection of furniture today is bigger than ever and the choices can be almost overwhelming. In the expanding selection of import furniture, it is interesting to see one constant in the Canadian furniture scene. Gibbard Furniture Shops of Napanee, Ontario is 100 per cent Canadian. The fac tory has been in operation since 1835, mak ing it Canada's oldest furniture manufactur er. Although the marketplace has changed drastically, the quality of furniture crafted by Gibbard has never been compromised. The majority of items are made of solid mahogany and solid cherry woods which are dried in the company's own kilns in order to better control quality. The finishing process consists of 25 different steps to accent the beautiful graining of the wood. Gibbard continually adds extra items to their existing collections to stay abreast of trends such as computers and largers TVs. The company has also introduced the "Loyalist Collection" which leans towards a more casual look while maintaining a time less elegance. The largest selection of Gibbard Furniture in the area is at Swiss Interiors in downtown Oakville. ^ § 1 SQ H S S IN reR IO R S L T D 1 217 Lakeshore Rd. E. 844-3530 I D O W N T O W N O A K V IL L E S IN C E 1953 1 HOURS: Mon.-Thuxs, 9:30 a.m. - 6 pan. ly 9:30 a.m. - 9 p m , Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.1 WEED CONTROL The number one lawn spoiler is weeds. W ith as many as 150 seeds ready to germinate throughout the entire season for every square foot o f soil, the potential for weeds is tremendous. In feet, in the top six inches o f the top soil, over 1,000 square feet, there may be as many as 3,000 viable weed seeds. These seeds remain viable for many years.J u st a slight weakness in the turf can allow a weed seed to gem in ate and become established. Weeds are opportunistic plants. They com pete w ith desirable plants Tor space, water, nutrients and sunlight. Cultural practices that help ^maintain health and vigor o f the grass in com bination w ith judicious use o f herbicides should end door 30 Rif® CRASHER! ech Pools Inc. SPRING , CHLORINE l i q u i d OPENING A P R IL 2 9 T H 9 A J V I-5 P J V I $ 24 5 Ms»* £01- white eupirtte* KREEPY KRAULYS DRASTICAL ^ ^ T REDUCED! m iz e r s t ic k s HUGE B R O M IN E DISCOUNTSj BIG c REDUCTION " t& k pumps, Filters, Heaters O u r knowledgeable staff will assist you with all your needs with no unnecessary sales. Ple as e E n j o y our FR EE BBQ! 1428 SPEERS RD, UNIT 4 OAKVILLE 905-825-1389 " Q EW Line "O i-- CO * a: SP EE R S 1 . -- m m m -