Oakville Beaver - READER'S SELECTION Sunday N ovem ber 7 ,1 9 9 9 TOP Adjust-a-Drape Drapory cleaning proems * in the Floral B usiness HEAD OFFICE PHONE NUMBER 548-6060 or 549-7692 More ond more clothiers lik e A. Freeman, Jones of New York, Pendleton, Evan Picone, Eddie Bauer, Pierre Cardin,Stanley Blacker, (ricketeer and others trust our Sanitone drycleaning because your certified master drydeaner "Wright's Cleaners" has sanitone, the others don't. ' Ik e , 13eA t7< t9 /iA ^ C letw w , n o w k # b tk e , r H o u s i^ p i, n a w s r a i ' ' DRY CLEANING II (Drapes, Canrioi rrsmiTp. $ 25.00 Not valid with any other discount. Coupon must be Expires Nov. 30/ 99 in To «w n r _ -------------- - ~ 3 / / Tltdmeis Tlante 20% II II II II II II I I I I I I I_____________ _ J L p a g M ^ p ja aHP j ^ p i r i f v x p i nyii> ^ r - n r - " uTd e I I P" T T 5 oT 9°5 VtSTl l I I JACKET OR COAT I I 3 n7kjv~"i PANTS PLAIN FOR T hanks for your nom ination & continued support. ^ Make us \r r your # 1 Dud. TC527 Speers Rd., Oakville II N et void wit! ay other (feawt (D epot nest ke presetted w ith ieceeeeg orders $39.95 Ce^oeyW_D«.Jjkrw^ D«c.J9/W _ _IL L _ J OAKVILLE 2365 Lakeshore Rd., 827-4762 & Oakville GO Station (Cross Ave.) | | II II $ 1 0 .0 0 / J Thanks Oakville for nominating Thank You Oakville fo r nominating us again as a finalist fo r AUTO SERVICE 905 842-6761 TTTTTP7 B r o n te V illa g e · Best T ou rist A ttraction · B est Shopping Area ^ Best Furniture Store j 46 Years o f Continued Excellence in Service, Quality and Selection. s t p i s s IN T E R I O R S 217 Lakeshore Rd. E. ta b See you a t the Charity Challenge B oat Race Saturday Nov. 13/99 unvw. bro n te v illa g e . n e t L T b H arbouring Unique Shops & Services 844-3530 Repair Centre s Q.E.W. AUTO SERVICE S. SERVICE RD. | B R O N T E V ILLA G E off th e Q E W a t B ro n te Rd. (Hvvy. # 25) S o u th , Oakville 573 Chartwell Rd. magma OAKVILLE i{ -j ! (905)844-9641 · Visit Our Four Floors o f Showrooms · 4 e ! 5 1 SPEERS RD p 1 CORNWALL RO. ° M y Warmest Thank-You Oakville for your nomination Nominated as one of Oakville's Best... Alan Ogilvie CHARTERED ACCO UNTANT G A S FIREPLACE Experts · Gas & Electric Fireplaces · W ood Fireplace Accessories · Expert Installation Kathryn S Naumetz Barrister & Solicitor Is pleased to be nominated in the Best Accountant category fo r the second year in a row The Service You N eed To Grew. Serving Oakville's needs in... ·Auditing ·Corporate Tax ·Personal Tax ·Accounting · Consulting F A M IL Y LA W SEPARATION AGREEM ENTS ·D IV O R C E * CUSTODY · SUPPORT* MARRIAGE CONTRACTS/COMMON LAW AGREEMENTS REAL ESTATE, WILLS & ESTATES POWER OF ATTORNEY 263 Church Street Oakville (1 block from Lakeshore & Trafalgar) VISIT TODAY! B ar -B -Q G a s G rill & F ir ep la ce In c . 8 4 5 -2 2 4 1 www.bbqgasgrill.com 4 9 0 rSr^R *sa&oo-Mo Oakville d . _ _ 844-3224 STORE HOURS Morr-Thurs. 112 1Valleywood Court Oakville Ontario L6M 2C3 905 825-9950 · Fax 905 847-3347 · Emait oglvie@aoca.conn IM OM O