30 TOPPICKS -" S P E E R S '---------- SINCE 1962 ---------- Oakville Beaver - READER'S SELECTION ·» Sunday N ovem ber 7, 1999 Congratulations nomine&s HANNA HENDERSON BARICH ELLO BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS ESTABLISHED 1975 C /(T (/uin/i^joa, OaAviUe n o n im a t m n f o /* ; ( / v ' P A IN T & F L O O R IN G BEST GARDEN CENTRE the ORI Your one stop showroom for paint, ceramic, hardwood & laminate flooring Introducing P a ra ' s D esig n L in e 3. The n ew est co lo u r system settin g h ig h er standards in design. GARDEN , V · REAL ESTATE · CORPORATE - COMMERCIAL · WILLS/ESTATE Brian J. Hanna {The one on top of the hill} £ PA R A P A I N T S iank You Oakville for nominating me as a finalist under the category o f lawyer. It has been a pleasure to serve the Oakville com m unity for over 24 years. T h an ks O a k ville for your nomination on being your "Best Paint & Decorating Store" O p e n 7 D ays a W e e k V is it us this season fo r fire w o o d , Xm as tre e s , w re a th s , fo u n tain s an d g ift store item s. 9 842-1148 303 ROBINSON ST. OAKVILLE ini**® FOR THE NOMINATION W e A ppreciate Your Confidence McGowan Insurance Services cf^hank you Oakville for your nominations and for trusting me with all your insurance needs. Thank-you for nominating us as one of the finalists under Security! We take pleasure in looking after your security needs. YO U R E Q U IP M E N T S P E C IA L IS T LA W N & GARDEN ICE & S N O W C O N T R O L D on M cG o w an A ttend the G ala Show & Reception at the O akville C entre & help su p p o rt the Jin g le Bell F u n d . For ticket information, please call (905) 815-2021 844-4304 4 8 8 Morden Rd. Sales · Service · Rentals Serving Your Needs Since 1 9 8 2 Active Lock & Safe ( ( 905) 257-1600 905 ) 827-8401 £ 75iks^Y p, Oakville for your support. It definitely is a great compliment to receive this nomination. cribs Ti more YO UR BABY SUPERSTO RE headers' Selection liner 3 Hears In a Boor / / Thank you Oakville for nominating us as one of the finalists under the category of Children's Furniture. Thanks, Oakville for nominating us in the Best Driving Instruction Category. Young Drivers of Canada Golleye T&ark Sfaza U p p e rmiddle R o a d (between Trafalgar fid. & 6th lire) 5 For ALL your baby needs! Furniture, beddings, strollers, car seats, gifts & clothing and 11 individual room settings. Come in and see our floor model specials! Your licence to survive. P H : 8 2 9 -B A B Y (2 2 2 9 ) HYDE PARK GATE, OAKVILLE H w y 5 ,1 km. w. of W in sto n C h u rch ill Blvd. 845-7200