Oakville Beaver, 14 Nov 1999, p. 14

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14_________________________________________________ Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday November 14, 1999 G> O A K V ILLE C u re 845-6601 r e m a in s e lu s iv e fo r d ia b e te s s u ffe re rs -diabetes and its compli cations cost Canada more than $9 billion a year in healthcare, absenteeism and lost productivity -diabetes is the single most common reason for physician visits, use of hospi tal outpatient facilities and admissions to hospital For more information, call 1-877-CURE-JDF or visit the website at www.jdfc.ca YO U CAN M A K E A D IFFE R E N C E ! L o c a l g o v e rn m e n ts h a v e a lo n g -s ta n d in g re co rd o f in vo lv in g c itiz e n s in th e ir p o licy m a k in g p ro ce ss es . Traditionally, m unicipal councils h ave heard delegations s p ea k at co u n c il m e e tin g s on iss u e s o f im p o rtan c e, citizens h ave volu nteered or been asked to sit on advisory c o m m itte e s ; lo c a l c o u n c illo rs c o n s u lt w ith th e ir constituents, in o rd er to best represent their interests Notw ithstanding this history, several forces have been at work o ver the last d e c a d e which h ave altered the w ay in which local g o vernm ents interact with citizens. First o f all, th e v e ry n a tu re o f g o v e rn a n c e has been changing since the late 1 98 0's , chang es that have been p re c ip ita te d by th e fiscal crisis w h ich resulted in the dow nloading o f responsibilities for m any services to local governm ents and the voluntary sector. Local governm ents have had to undertake public participation in entirely new areas of policy: budgetting, econom ic developm ent service delivery and restructuring and reform in governing bodies. Secondly, the custom er service revolution has taught local g o v e r n m e n ts to b e e v e n m o re re s p o n s iv e to th e ir constituencies (c ustom ers) and seek their preferences on the fu n d a m e n ta l issues including choices of which services to continue to provide and w hich to elim inate, given the new fiscal restraints. Thirdly, local governm ent has increasingly developed new partnership relationships with com m unity groups as co producers o f service. In keeping with this g e n eral trend, O akville Tow n Council is a good e xa m p le o f m unicipal council reliance on input from the public on policy and service issues. O akville h a s a lw a y s m a in ta in e d a la rg e a d v is o ry c o m m itte e netw ork to assist council in decision-m aking. In addition to this very productive netw ork, in recent years, citizens h a v e b e e n a s k e d to sit on ta s k fo rces and s trategic plan ning c o m m itte e s , on w h ich th ey particip ated with in fo rm ed o p in io n s , in m a k in g s o m e tough decisions. E x a m p le s o f c it iz e n in p u t h a v e o c c u r re d in th e develo p m en t o f the Tow n's Inform ation Technology and the E conom ic D ev elo p m e n t Strategic Plans, the Harbours D e v e lo p m e n t A u th o r ity M a s t e r P la n , th e C o u n c il R em u n e ra tio n Study and location o f the Tow n's skate board park. C itizen input during the budget process has been invaluable. T h e results h ave been excellent, moving the Tow n through the present into the future. It is not s u rp ris in g th a t re su lts h a v e b e e n so good. O akville has a veritable bank o f learned and enthusiastic citizens o f all a g es, w h o h a ve given o f their expertise and tim e selflessly, to assist the com m unity, notwithstanding the dem an d s a lre a d y placed upon them by careers and fam ily. T h e ir contributions h a ve b e en invaluable to the developm ent and m aintenance o f the quality of life Oakville residents exp ect and enjoy. E very autum n (a n d th ro u g h o u t th e y e a r as vacancies arise), the Tow n o f O akville C lerk's D epartm ent advertises for m em b ers of the com m unity to apply for positions on Tow n boards and advisory com m ittees of Council. This year is no exception. Throughout October, advertisem ents w ere placed in local new spapers and citizens have again responded in a generous fashion. In D ecem ber, Council considered and approved new m em berships to the Tow n's advisory boards and com m ittees. Vacancies have occurred on fw o committees since Diabetes is the leading cause of death by disease in North America. Its complica tions kill more people each year than AIDS, breast can cer and lupus combined. More than 1.5 million Canadians are already affect ed by the disease and an additional 750,000 have not yet been diagnosed. November is Diabetes Month and its purpose is to create awareness about the seriousness of the disease and the need to find a cure. Some facts on diabetes: -more than 2.2 million W W W .H R B L O C K .C A Canadians have diabetes, many of them children -60,000 new cases are diagnosed every year -every year, twice as many women will die from diabetes as from breast can cer, AIDS and Lupus com bined -75% of stroke sufferers have diabetes -diabetes is the underly ing cause of 50% of all heart attacks Tax R efund before Christmas Some restrictions apply Get your CLEARANCE SALE 30% OFF all in s to c k fa b rics C o n ta c t o u r office. Y o u m a y be eligible fo r an e arly tax refund. 490 Speers Rd., Unit 5, Oakville, ON L6K 2G3 Mon.- Wed 9:30-6 · Thun. 9:30-8 · Fri. 9:30-6 · Sat 9:30-5 P re-C h ristm as CA SH BACK S e e us n o w ! Minimum Refund $ 100 905-338-8856 Fin a n cia l S to p 343 K e rr S tre e t 844-7986 oflcFREE ( y o n s u /ta tib n / f r o m Fa i r h o m e Fa b r i c s Expires December 30/99 I________________1 ________________________ _______1 W E'D LIKE TO PUT YOU O N Gome ce/eA rafe- f/e a/t/troacAofa /zero mi//c/i/inim, m i/A f/e- artint* o/ ` /(d/fez/on/ Gnjztfu/(/zzrizyj f/e « . /rfizu m -f*M tr»r o/\ (ttfnznzi$9 IC E Ice available for rent O akville P arks & Recreation D epartm ent W a ter fo r d * CRYSTAL 5-5989 r SPEERS ROAD ANIMAL HOSPITAL then. An invitation to apply for membership on these committees will appear in next Wednesday's edition of the Oakville Beaver in the Town's corporate ad. We ask you to give very serious consideration to serving in this capacity. Through this com m ittee process, Y O U , the citizen, are able to participate in the political decision-m aking process by advising Council on such m atters as recreational services, town facilities, the library, heritage, traffic issues, the Town's harbours, to n a m e a few . Y O U can contribute to the governance of this com m unity by providing your expertise and observations to advise council on those services and policies that affect your every day life. You will give alot; you will probably learn alot; and you m ay really enjo y it. M o s t o f all: Proudly Presents Our 5 th E x c lu s iv e M a ster C u tte r E V E N T _____ Meet Mr. William Pierce Waterford Cnjstal Master Cutter DR. HAZEL COLVIN Thursday, November 18/99 11am - 2pm & 3pm · 6pm Mr Pierce will he pleased to answer your questions on Waterford Crystal and i f you wish, personalize your Waterford Crystal purchases Reservations fo r these special Waterford Crystal purchases may he arranged in person o r h y phone. A t Dania Uniipie. we have a large selection i f all ytmr favourite Waterford Crystal pieces including Candlesticks. Bowls. Vases. Millennium Champagne Flutes 0 much more YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Q uestions or com m ents m ay be addressed to the Tow n C lerk, Judith M u n c a ste r at (p hone) 3 3 8 -4 1 7 8 , (fax) 8 1 5 2 0 2 5 , (e -m a il) jm u n c as te r@ to w n .o ak ville.o n .c a 1026 Speers Road, Oakville (Just W est of4th Line) Banra U nique 3fat. Gifts, China and Collectibles Est. Since 1978 | , 844-6786 New patients welcom e. House call service available. 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6 , 3350 FAIRVIEWST., BURLINGTON 681-0048 \ |

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