S und ay, N o v e m b e r 2 1 , 1999 O a kville B e a ve r W eeken d O AKVILLE BLADES - 13 T t-rfl fh ?o /rf,r,s'. fjntAy OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOROF THE OAKVILLE BLADES rJ? ro u d ^S ponsor AS P E C IA LS E C T IO N S A L U T I N GT H E 1999/2000 O FO A K V IL L E ' S JU N IO RAH O C K EYF R A N C H IS E ! The Oakville Blades have traditionally been competitive, and they've managed to do it with a strong local base. "I don't think there's any other junior team that has ever used local kids as much as we have," said Blades General Manager George McDonald. Check centre spread for a run down on the entire Blades roster ... 1 2000 DODGE DURANGO J if Ftiliy ioaoed SLT Plus with 7 passenger seating, rear air conditk)fflflg,4,7L V8. leather seats. CD player. m ASS brakes, & ,, much ------- r more. YOU'RE IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT 1 2000 00DGE CARAVAN AT GLENLEVEN V6.7 passenger, power windows & locks, tut, , cruise. AM£M/ cassette, air jef* The most / versatile P . i -- rw1 j . A SO DOWN YOUR CHOICE $2500 DOWN $3500 DOWN G lenleven .\__ C h rysler v _ .- s570'2 `493s9 >462" LOJLL YOUR CHOICE $0 DOWN $2500 DOWN $3500 DOWN s35 T s283" $ 254M