Oakville Beaver, 15 Sep 2017, p. 1

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FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 KVILLE · · m etro lan d m ed ia O A K V IL L E · dentistoakviMe.com 905-842-6030 $ 1 .0 0 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM 32 pages Suicide an `emeigency' and `crisis' for too long: Dr. Dawe by M arta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff estateF a rm Rob Demille, Agent 905-849-3050 www.robdemille.ca Real Local People 2 0 1 7 TIFF STIFF NET Oakville Suicide is an `emergency,' a `crisis' -- that's been going on for years. That's what Dr. Ian Dawe, program chief and medical director of Mental Health at Trillium Health Partners, told a crowd at a suicide p r e v e n tio n d isc u ssio n at Oakville's Holy Trin ity Catholic Seco n d ary School Mon day, Sept. 11. The event was held to re c o g n iz e Dr. Ian Dawe World Sui | Trillium Health Partner cide Preven tion Day (Sept. 10). see It's on p.3 FYI: Your N onna found G eorge and told him he w asn't eating enough. G eorge C looney at the ^T IF F i 10:03 PM - Sep 9 , 2017 402 Tra giclo sse s Pages 8 ,1 0 S U 0U R B IC O N prem iere O 1,050 Oakville's Elfriede Wolf becam e an overnight sensation after her close encounter w ith actor George Clooney a t the Toronto Interna tional Film Festival (TIFF) Sept. 9. Clooney was in Toronto for the screening of his film Surburbicon. During a red carpet walk-about, Clooney made contact with Wolf. ATIFF photographer captured the m om ent and the photo, tweeted by TIFF went viral on the Internet. "Within hours, the City of Toronto was searching for `Nona' and the photo w ent viral worldwide," said Wolf's daughter, and Clooney fan, Brigitte Aston, who works at Sheridan College in Oakville. | Tw itter/TIFF E xp e ct a w arm fa ll Page 9 W ag Jag S iy t 't ip O n lin e DEALS YOU LOVE FOR LESS · WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S eptem ber 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 2 Get the most out o f the Samsung Galaxy S8. Put it on Canada's best national netw ork1 . The G a la x y S 8 an d G a la x y S 8 + a r e m a s te r p ie c e s in te c h n o lo g y . And they b elo n g on a n etw o rk th a t is a lso a tec h n o lo g ic al m arv el - a n etw ork with the fa s t e s t ran k ed s p e e d s (PCM ag 2016) an d the la r g e s t c o v e r a g e ? You'll love fe a tu r e s like th ese: · IN F IN IT Y D IS P L A Y -S E E TH E W H O L E PICTURE S e a m le ssly w atc h v id e o s in stunn ing clarity in an im m ersive view in g e x p e rie n c e . · F A C IA L R E C O G N IT IO N A N D IRIS S C A N N E R Unlock y o u r p h o n e with ju s t a look. · A M A Z IN G C A M E R A S h a r e in credible p ic tu re s an d a w e s o m e v id e o s quickly on the blazing f a s t netw ork. G a la x y S8+ G a la x y S8 s m a rtp h o n e s ju s t g o t E xp erien ce y o u r G a la x y S 8 to the fullest with Bell. b e tte r For e x p e rt a d vice and an in c re d ib le se le ctio n visit: OAKVILLE 478 Dundas St West OAKVILLE Oakville Place 905 829-9001 905 845-3080 C u rrentas o fM a y 4,2017. Available w ith com patible d e vice sw ith in n etw ork coverage areas available from Bell M obility, see bell.ca/covera g e.T a xese xtra . O therconditions apply. If you end y o urC om m itm e nt P e rio d e a rly,a Cancellation Fee a pplies;see y o u rA g re e m e n tfo rd e ta ils . S u b je ctto ch a n g e w ith o u t notice, n otcom binable w ith o th e ro ffe rs. (1) Based o n a th ird p a rtysco re (Global W ire less Solutions OneScoreTM) calculated using w ireless n etw ork testing in Canada a g a in sto th e rn a tio n a lw ire le s s networks of combined d ata ,vo ice , re lia b ilitya nd n etw ork coverage. (2) As ranked by PCMag. Reprinted from w w w .p cm a g .co m w ith permission. ©2016 Ziff Davis, LLC. All Rights Reserved. L a rge stne tw ork based o n to ta ls q u a re km o f coverage o n th e shared LTE netw o rka vailab le from B e llvs. Rogers' LTE network. See bell.ca/LTE fo rd e ta ils. Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung G alaxyS 8+are tradem arks o fS am sung Electronics Co., Ltd., used in Canada under license. 3 | Friday S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com `It's high tim e to do something about suicide' - Dawe continued from p.1 Last year in Canada, 4,300 people died by suicide, approximately more than double the number who died from an opioid overdose, said Dawe. "It's an emergency It's a crisis and its been going on for decades," said Dawe, keynote speaker at the Halton Suicide Prevention Coalition-hosted event. This year marked the 15th World Suicide Prevention Day, an initiative of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, which has been endorsed by the World Health Organization. World Suicide Prevention Day takes place Sept. 10. This year's theme, said Dawe is: "Take a minute, change a life." Dawe, who also chairs the Ontario Hospital Association's (OHA) Task Force on Suicide Prevention Standards, leads a group of provincial experts to bring standards to Ontario's hospitals in the area of suicide prevention. While much has been written and said about Canada's opioid crisis, Dawe told the audience of about 75 people that suicide has not yet received the same kind of attention. "In this country, we don't think about suicide as a crisis," said Dawe, adding that suicide rates in Canada have not changed in the past 15 years. not what we need." Sam Fiorella, who was part of a panel discussion during the evening, lost his son to suicide. Fiorella said his son, like the vast majority of youths, didn't talk about suicide. "I lost my son to suicide and we nev er had a conversation (about suicide)," Fiorella said. Many people blame televi sion shows like 13 Reasons Why, about a young woman who takes her own life. "The responsibility is on the parent," he added. In an effort to change that, Fiorella helped found the Lucas Fiorella Friend ship Bench, created in memory of his son, a second-year university student who took his own life after silently bat tling with depression. The Lucas Fiorella Friendship Bench was created to create a physical place where people who can't ask for help may still receive assistance. Fiorella speaks to students and teach ers to raise awareness of the stressors that exist, highlighting methods for pre vention, and encouraging greater dia logue in order to remove the stigma as sociated with mental health challenges. Halton Regional Police Constable Kristopher Elliott, who also spoke dur ing the panel discussion, said that 10 years ago police were not at the table, responding to calls about mental health. "We're dealing with mental health calls every hour," Elliott added. "We've evolved greatly on how we (police) re spond." Halton Regional Police have devel oped a mental health care initiative, in partnership with St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton, called the Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team. Elliott said specially trained police officers work with mental health coun cillors to come up with a plan to help people cope -- rather than removing people from their homes. Dawe pointed out that access to mental health care services varies with regions and provinces -- with some people waiting up to 100 days to receive care. That's why he became involved with the OHA task force. "There's a lot to improve." Dawe said Trillium Health Partners is working in partnership with the Peel District School Board, the Peel Chil dren' s Centre, the Mississauga Halton Health Integration Network, Region of Peel and Province of Ontario to reduce suicide to zero by 2027. "I think it' s high time to do some thing about suicide," Dawe added. Sam Fiorella helped found the Lucas Fiorella Friendship Bench, created in m em ory of his son, a second-year university student who to ok his own life after silently battling with depression. | Metroland M edia file photo Every year, more than 800,000 peo ple die by suicide, and up to 25 times more people try to suicide attempt, ac cording to the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Dawe, who has 25 years experience working in suicide prevention, admits the subject is a difficult topic to dis cuss. Part of the problem is that previ ous research believed that talking about suicide could influence people to start thinking about it. "I've changed my mind completely about that," he added. Dawe said suicide is a public health issue and health care providers need to elevate the conversation about it. "We need to do something different," Dawe, an Oakville resident, added. "Silence is T" W n n u r s% i s SSff ADVENTURE A W A IT S . B UT O U R R E M A IN IN G 2017s W O N 'T C o n fid e n c e in M otion 2 .5 T O U R IN G W IT H T E C H F R O M $29,01 5+h t 2017 L E G A C Y G R E A T RATES FR O M LEASE P A Y M E N T O F 0 .5 % * TM B I-W EEKLY F O R 4 8 M O N T H S $ 1 7 4 H I UL c> I f W-rnisN- 2 4 7 4 SO U TH S e r v i c e Ro a d W ., O A K v ILLE, O N L6L 5 M 9 · 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .2 8 0 0 v ISIT w w w .B u d d sS u b a ru .c o m "P ric e s a d ve rtise d on 2017 S ubaru L egacy 2.5 Touring w ith Te chn o log y packa ge . V e h ic le in clu d e s S ym m e trica l A W D , EyeSight®: P re -c o llis io n b ra k in g , p re -c o llis io n bra ke a ssist, p re -c o llis io n th ro ttle m anagem ent, a da ptive c ru is e c o n tro l, lane dep arture w a rn in g , lane sw a y w a rn in g , lane keep a ssist and lead v e h ic le sta rt a lert, S ubaru Rear/Side V e h icle D e tectio n S ystem (SRVD): B lin d sp ot d e te ctio n , lane change a ssist, re a r cro ss tra ffic a le rt, 7 -in ch In fo ta in m e n tS y s te m :A M /F M /C D /M P 3 /W M A a u d io s y s te m w ith h ig h -re s o lu tio n c a p a c itiv e to u c h -s c re e n d is p la y ,S T A R L IN K TM s m a rtp h o n e in te g ra tio n , Bluetooth®. "Price includes delivery and destination, fees, levies, charges and all applicable taxes (Excluding HST). Licence and registration extra. See dealer for complete details. All incentives have been included (Alternate Cash Credit Applied to quote of $2500). Based on New 2017Subaru Legacy Touring w ith Technology Package 2.5 CVT HA2TPE. ""Lease based on 48 month lease w ith 20,000km per year, $0.10/ km for excess mileage. $2899.99 Due at delivery. Stakable credit of $750 applied to quote. Price includes delivery and destination, fees, levies, charges and all applicable taxes (Excluding HST). Licence and registration extra. See dealer for complete d e ta ils . Offer available OAC. Cost of borrowing is $2337.42. APR 3.12% Based on New 2017 Subaru Legacy Touring w ith Technology Package 2.5 CVT HA2TPE. Prices valid on Date of publication and are subject to change without notice/' f Ratings are awarded by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IlHS). Please visit w w w iihs.org for testing methods. o EyeSight is a driver-assist system which may not operate optim ally under all driving conditions. The driver is always responsible for safe and attentive driving. w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S eptem ber 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 4 JOHN WILLMOTT ARCHITECT, INC. presents J a ib lio P O C D e s i9 n a c o m m u n it y ii b r a r y f o r O a k v ille ' s o o k s h a r in < M an charged after coffee thrown a t TO parking cop A young man has been charged with assaulting a Toronto parking officer in the Wellington Place area. According to police, a parking officer was issuing tickets in the area of Queen and Portland streets at approximately 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12. A man who had been issued a ticket reportedly became upset and followed the officer's vehicle. "The man then accelerated his vehicle at a high rate of speed, driving in oncoming traffic through busy downtown streets, and chased the Parking Enforcement Officer down in the Portland Street and King Street West area," police alleged in a statement. "The Parking Enforcement Officer was cornered at a traffic light. The man then threw a full cup of coffee at the Parking Enforcement Officer, hitting him in the face." Omar Darkhabani, 22, of Oakville, has been charged with dangerous driving and assaulting a peace officer with a weapon. Anyone with information about the investigation is asked to contact 14 Division police at 416-808-1400. Anonymous tips can be provided through Crime Stoppers at www.222tips.com or 416 222-8477. -- InsideToronto.com/Metroland u e n e r o u s iJ S p o n s o r e d B y: KH i t t r n e rtom .^s s G er-hdl G r l e te X 3 La Gro u p in S u r v e y tn9 L t d .^ V / A ' s s d C s f o r ^ t a k v i d e i -E 9 " lS ch o o ^ l S tU d e n tB ln G r a d e S | | & J 2 j tn te re s te d m or e d d e s |g n 1 P r ^ e s in c lu d e A p p le iP a d I B e a ts P illf G o P r o H e r o 5 a n d m o r e . F rn d d i e i n f o a ^^ w a r c h ?t e l l » c P m l i{ a :ifs i-a r b y a a p t a m b a r 2 i i , 2 0 1 7 . F a ifo v / £ j] ^ ju m u / L L im o tia rc iu la c t ,s* B e a v e r www.insideHALTON.com West o f the City Halton Calendar 20 1 7 Real Estate New Homes B ^^a i e Pu ic !ib r a r Yr O a k v ille s Editorial Artscene 6 23 Sports Classified 25 28 *All flyers not necessarily delivered to all homes For home delivery & customer service call 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 , 5 30 0 Harvester Rd., Burlington NEW suBscRIFTIONs call 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 or subscribe online @ www.oakvillebeaver.com Bhandari Family Dentistry returns to Oakville BRiNG iN YOUR FAMILY FOR A CHECK-UP AT OUR NEW MODERN CLiNIC D r. Bhandari is an advocate of oral health w ith 31 years of experience. He and his team pride them selves fo r th e ir professional and com prehensive approach to dentistry. Dr. Bhandari has pro ud ly w orked w ith a num ber of celebrities th ro u g h o u t his career, helping them m aintain th e ir red carpet w o rth y smiles! C ustom er care is ou r core concern. W hether you're looking fo r general m aintenance, reg ula r check-up tre a tm e n ts o r cosm etic dentistry, we can help. Give Dr. Bhandari a call to book y our ap po intm en t o r consultation. Authentic M ontessori at its Best - For Ages 18 m o.- 12 yrs. » An empowering curriculum that engages children > Individual focus to define your child's learning »Community atmosphere that makes students feel included and valued > Creative expression allows your child to explore their own interests and talents DR. Bh a n d a r i B S cD IH D D S This patient went from a consultation to finished teeth in just a couple weeks! We can change lives... Call us to set up your free consultation. OPEN H O U SE Sat. Oct. 21st. 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. DR. ViNEET B H ANDA Ri B S cD IH DDS M onday to Friday 7:30 - 5:00. Evening and Saturday appointments available. FA IR V IEW G L E N MONTESSORI SCHOOL 9 0 5 .6 3 4 .0 7 8 1 · f a i r v i e w g le n .c o m Palermo Professional Centre 2 5 2 5 Old Bronte Rd., Suite 4 7 0 Oakville (at Dundas Street) · www.bhandaridental.com AIRE ONE M ADNESS SALE! H IG H E F F IC IE N C Y F U R N A C E & C E N T R A L A IR PACKAGE INCLUDES: «95.5 % High Efficiency Gas Furnace ' High Efficiency Central A ir R 410A Refrigerant ·1 0 Year Factory W arranty *Call for details -> Lim ited Tim e O ffer 5 | Friday S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com CENTRAL AIR OR FURNACE DIAGNOSTIC SPECIAL www. CENTAL AIR OR FURNACE CLEANIN G BOOK YOURS TODAY! 9 LOCATiONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER AIKE ONE.c o m HEATING & COOLING OAKViLLE (905) 849-4998 Farewell foot pain A team participates in a plane pull as will be held to kick off the new campaign for the newly-amalgamated Halton and Hamilton United Way. | Halton and Hamilton United Way photo United Way Plane Pull Saturday by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff Our foot care starts with education. We treat all foot issues so you can live without pain &improve mobility. Best Chiropodist / Clinic / Orthotics provider since 2004 · We put care & service first! People interested in participating in a good cause -- and for whom the Oakville United Way Bus Pull w as not challenging enough -- are invited to try their luck with the newly-amalgamated United Way Halton & Hamilton cam paign kick-off and second annual UPS Plane Pull. The event will take place on Saturday (Sept. 16) at the John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Teams will compete to see who can pull a 200,000-pound Airbus A 300, 50 feet across the tarmac in the shortest am ount of time. The fastest three team s will go head-tohead in a pull-off. The team with the shortest com bined time wins bragging rights and great prizes. There is no registration fee, however, each team m ust fundraise at least $750 to be eligible for prizing. The United Way is hoping to raise $25,000. Tax receipts are automatically issued for all donations. Prizes will be awarded to the three fastest teams, the top team and individual fundraisers, and team s with the m ost spirit (costum es are encouraged). The event will also feature family-friendly activities including face painting, a bouncy castle, food trucks and more. Teams m ust have 15 people on them and all participants m ust be 18 years old or older. To sign up, donate or sponsor a team, visit bit.ly/2x2eeqm. The airport is located at 9300 Airport Rd., Suite 2206, M ount Hope, Ont. ^ 905 6321414 9 728 Burloak (South of the QEW) Foot & Heolth Clinic ill I N V E S T M E N T S W E A LTH M A N A G E M E N T IPeterW ctsqn Thinking of Retiring... Someday? Let's Talk. Visit our website to sign up for a free consultation. P e te r W atso n M B A , CFP, R.F.P., C IM , FCSI Jen n ifer W atson B.A. 2 2 0 R andall S treet, D o w n to w n O akville 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 1 0 0 p eterw ats o n in vestm en ts.co m w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S eptem ber 15, 2 0 1 7 | 6 EDITORIAL | OPINION ABOUT US For Terry, for Teagan As they say, you have to run your race. Terry Fox ran his. This Sunday Oakville residents will run -- or walk or ride -- in honour of Terry's legacy and importantly, to help young Oakville resident Teagan Walsh with her race against cancer. Teagan is being treated for osteosarcoma, the same cancer Fox had. A new surgical technique saved her leg and she is now undergoing chemotherapy. "We are so happy to have a brave Terry Fox-er like Teagan sound the horn to start the 2017 Terry Fox Run this year," said Oakville Run Chair and Oakville North-Burlington MP Pam Damoff earlier this week. "Her surgery is the type of breakthrough being made every day because of advances in cancer re search." Those who want to help win the race against can cer can do so by supporting the 37th annual Terry Fox Run, which will be held in Oakville this Sunday, Sept. 17. The charity event will begin in Coronation Park at 10 a.m., with registration taking place at 9 a.m. Former Toronto Argonaut Dan Ferrone will host the opening ceremonies and students from Sheridan College's Bachelor of Music Theatre Performance will sing O Canada. Participants can walk, bike, board, blade, run, push a stroller or walk the dog (on a leash, please) along a lakeside 500 metre, 5k, or 10k route. The run continues the legacy of Canadian icon, Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope. The British Columbia resident, who lost part of his leg to cancer at age 18, began a cross-country trek to raise cancer awareness and funds for cancer research on April 7, 1980. Fox came through Oakville on July 13, 1980. He was forced to stop his marathon on Sept. 1 that same year as cancer had spread to his lungs. Fox died on June 28, 1981, but not before chal lenging all of Canada to hnish his dream. This year's fundraising goal for the Oakville Terry Fox Run is $150,000. Over the years, members of this community have raised $4.8 million for the Terry Fox Foundation with the Oakville Terry Fox Run raising $2.1 mil lion. The money raised at the local event funds ground breaking research needed to treat people like Teagan. To register for the run or to make a donation visit www.terryfox.ca/terryfoxrun/oakville. Residents can also register as a team at wwwterryfox.org. Registration for teams and individuals will also be available on site the morning of the run. The Oakville Beaver, published every Thursday and Friday, is a division of the Metroland Media Group Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation. The Metroland family of newspapers is comprised of more than 100 community publications across Ontario. View our digital edition online at: Insidehalton.com under Print Editions found in the footer. ·* m e tro la n d m e d ia * " Connected to your community* The Oakville Beaver is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Complainants are urged to bring their concerns to the attention of the newspaper and, if not satisfied, write The National NewsMedia Council, Suite 200, 8 90 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4W 2H2. Phone: 4 1 6 -3 4 0 -1 9 8 1 Web: www.mediacouncil.ca ^ atio??1J ^ i NewsMedia Council nnc N ew s M e d ia C a n a d a M e d ia s d 'ln fo C a n a d a OO C n a Loca M edia association editor@oakvillebeaver.com E @OakvilleBeav |___| @oakvillebeaver insidehalton.com My View Staying safe when confronting a catastrophe C atastrophic weather events, such as forest fires, flooding and hur ricanes, have dom inated the news cycle lately. It is difficult to hear about the hard ship, despair, and loss of life and proper ty in the wake of these natural disasters. In Oakville, we experienced f ooding this year due to excessive rainfall and high water levels in the Great Lakes. These events underscore the need to be prepared for emergencies and know what to do when disaster strikes. The Halton Region website has exten sive information about how families can prepare for emergencies. At all times, you should have an emer gency kit at the ready so that you can be self-sufficient for at least three days. I urge all Oakville families to heed the region's advice so that you are prepared to evacuate your home and mitigate the impact to your health and safety if we are faced with an emergency situation. Before making travel plans or embark ing on international travel, visit travel. John Oliver Oakville MP gc.ca and review the Travel Advice and Advisories section for your destination. see We on p.7 £ Yo u r b a d w a l k i n g Pud by Steve Nease GROSS! -x o a K om v in m s UND ERW EAR a g a in ? w rp v E s HE D O W 4 1 ?/ CONTACT US The Oakville Beaver 5 0 4 6 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington ON L7L 5Z1 Phone 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 / Fax 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -5 5 6 8 Classified 1 -8 0 0 -263-6480 Digital/Flyers/Retail Advertising 2 8 9 -2 9 3 -0 6 2 4 Real Estate/Homefinder.ca Advertising Suzanne Trickey / 2 8 9 -2 9 3 -0 6 7 7 / strickey@oakvillebeaver.com WHO WE ARE Letters to the editor All letters must be fewer than 2 00 words and include your name and telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com Delivery For all delivery inquiries, please call Kim Mossman 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 or email kmossman@metroland.com Vice-President and Group Publisher of Metroland West Neil Oliver Advertising Director Daniel Baird / dbaird@metroland.com / 2 8 9 -2 93 -06 2 4 Managing Editor Angela Blackburn / ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com / 2 8 9 -2 93 -06 1 7 Regional General Manager Kelly Montague kmontague@metroland.com / 2 8 9 -2 93 -06 1 4 Director of Distribution Charlene Hall / chall@metroland.com / 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 7 | Friday S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Be part of our new "You Like Us" OAKVILLE'S LOWEST RATES! campaign launching in October You can be part our `You Like U s' campaign. We will be launching the testimonial cam paign in October and we are seeking readers who have had a good experience with their carrier or our products in print or online. We want to know why you like our prod ucts, what you like about them and what can we do better. Anyone interested in participat ing can contact Krystal London at klondon@ metroland.com. We must be prepared to respond continued from p.6 The risk levels for all countries are updated frequently. This information is provided so that you can avoid travel that m ay put your personal safety at risk for a variety of reasons. In addition to being personally prepared to meet your family's needs in the first few days of a natural disaster, you should seek out and follow the recommendations of local authori ties. Evacuation orders, for example, are put in place to ensure the public's safety and should not be questioned. Remember: Your property can be replaced, but your loved ones cannot. When faced with emergencies and natural disasters, we m ust all w ork together to ensure that no one, including first responders, is put in harm 's way unnecessarily. For the latest information about emergen cies within Canada, subscribe to provincial alert system s (such as Ontario's Red Alerts) and tune in to The Weather Network for weath er-related reports. When travelling, consult local government sources for guidance about evacuations and emergency shelters. If you find yourself in an emergency situa tion outside our borders, visit the Global Af fairs Canada website or follow @TravelGoC on Twitter for details about consular assistance. By all indications, catastrophic weather events are increasing in frequency and sever ity, so we m ust be prepared and learn how to respond appropriately to reduce the impacts on our families and our fellow citizens. Stay safe. -- John Oliver is proud to represent the riding o f Oakville as its Member o f Parliament. Con tact John through his office (301 Robinson St.), phone (905-338-2008), email (John.Oliver@ parl.gc.ca) or visit his website (johnoliver.mp). TRANSPORTATION 905.338.0044 / I I H flllR S H illfield Strathallan College Learn w ith Joy. Live w ith Purpose. Let Your Natural Beauty Shine Through At Any Age NON-SURGIGALOFFERS Laser Skin R eju ven a tio n Acne Treatment Laser Hair Removal Photofacial Skin Resurfacing In jectables: Botox Fillers/Juvederm Skin H e a lth M a n a g e m e n t: Facial Peels Latisse Comprehensive Skin Care Analysis Sclerotheropy ZO Skin Health Medical Grade Facials i J o in us a t o u r O p e n H o u s e o n O c to b e r 4 . N o n -S u rg ic al B ody C o n to u rin g T o learn m o re , visit hsc.on.ca. a Vanquish Exilis __________________ ' _ U , h e ___ Dr Douglas Grace B.SC. M.D. F.R.C.S.C Plastic, Reconstructive, & Laser Surgeon Students fro m 18-m onths to Grade 12 fin d jo y and explore potential at H illfield Strathallan College. Call 905-389-1367, o r v is it hsc.on.ca, to learn m ore. Vo t e d #1 Fa c i a l and GRACE C L IN IC PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE & LASER SURGERY 289 768-2683 | 200-481 JOHN ST., BURLINGTON jWWW.GRACECLINIC.CA Co s m e t i c Pl a s t ic Su r g e o n in Oa k v il l e , Bu r l i n g t o n and Ha m i l t o n www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, September 15, 2017 |8 Funeral details announced for officer killed in crash by Louie Rosella Metroland Media Group Tristan Kettles would've turned 26 today (Fri day, Sept. 15). But instead, his family is planning his fu neral after the young Peel Regional Police officer was one of two people killed in a sin gle-vehicle crash in south M ississauga on the m orning of Saturday, Sept. 9. Kettles was driving the vehicle. Police have released little information about the other person, a passenger in the vehicle, killed in the crash. An online obituary this week however identified him as Sean Seeber, 25 of Oakville (see p. 10). The Peel Regional Police Association said in a statement there are "no words to describe the devastating tragedy that took one of our young members this past weekend." Visitation for Kettles will be held today (Sept. 15), from 2-4 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. fol lowed by a funeral on Saturday, Sept. 16, at 11 a.m. at Portico Community Church, 1814 Barbertown Rd., Mississauga. Tristan Kettles | Facebook photo FREE ESTIM ATES ial Tree Dead Ash Removal Tree Spraying 24 HOUR Emergency Tree Service · Tree/Shrub Removal · Tree/ Shrub Pruning · Stump Removal · Deep Root Fertiliatio ISA CER TIFIED ARBORIST @ TAb 9 ® & 3 0 2 0 S 2 1 BmrffingtonB g®&©34°tTR[IE w w w .to w n e tre e s .c o m (8 7 3 3 )] s a v e m e fa ll H S T ! S P E C IA A ny tre e c a re L se r v ic e I O n e coupo n per custo m er. V alid only with this coupo n. N ot valid with a n y oth er sp ec ial offer. This coupo n has no cash v alu e. Lim ited o n e tim e offer. There will be a reception afterwards at Wyldewood Golf Club in Oakville. Kettles, an Oakville resident, has been with Peel police since 2011, according to an online obituary. He is the son of Peel police Staff Sgt. Jam es Kettles. One officer, who asked not to be named, described Kettles as "a great cop and a great person" who worked in 11 Division. Peel police have said an off-duty officer was the driver of the vehicle in the deadly acci dent in the area of Lakeshore Road West and Avonhead Road, near Lakeside Park and not far from the Oakville border. The officer and the passenger were both pronounced dead at the scene. Another passenger w as taken to a local hos pital with serious injuries. Police have not released the ages or the gen ders of the two passengers. It appears the vehicle rolled and ended up near som e trees off the road. "It is with heavy hearts and deep sadness that we learn of the death of one of fellow of ficers," Peel Police Chief Jennifer Evans said in a statement. "Our thoughts and prayers are with his fam ily and both other families impacted by this tragic event. The flags will now fly at half-mast out of respect for our fallen friend." Kettles w as also a piper and had a passion for playing bagpipes. He was with the Lorne Scots Regiment and led the official party that brought the Memo rial C u p, the m ost coveted prize in junior hockey, to M ississauga in 2011. The service has asked Toronto police to con duct the investigation due to "the far-reaching and deeply felt im pact this tragedy will have across the Peel Regional Police Service," said a news release issued Saturday afternoon. Anyone with information can call Toronto police traffic services at 416-808-1900. In Tristan's memory, donations may be made to Wounded Warriors Canada, 310 Byron St. S., Whitby, L1N 4P8, or to the Ontario Police Memorial Foundation, 200 -- 2075 Kennedy Road, Toronto, M1T 3V3. PROFESSIONAL TREE CARE Kotin/ W ca .co m SERVICING THE OAKVILLE COIM M UNITY FOR OVER 20 YEARS! Chosen #1 in Carpet /Area Rugs! And one of the best in Hardwood/Laminate Flooring T H I S W E E K 'S CGAFO RT Any Carpet Style B e r b e r · T w ist P lu sh · S h a g T e x tu re d B e rb e r 1/2 PRICE $2.99 /s q .ft. I n s t a l l e d w i t h U n d e r p a d 1 5 0 0 s q .f t , lim it 5 ' X 8 ' STARTING AT Pollard, a nam e you can trust Looking for windows and doors? Choose Pollard for your next project. Pollard offers products of exceptional value with the largest selection of design options. Expert advice, professional installation, and nearly 70 years of Canadian manufacturing - that's why Scott chose Pollard for his own home. A R EA RUGS F O L L O W IN G L O C A T IO N S O N L Y OPEN c a . co m TRAFALGAR VILLAGE, (across from Oakville Go Station) Oakville 905.849.4472 228 KING ST. E. Hamilton 905-546-1921 Call 1 . 8 0 0 . 5 8 5 . 5 5 6 1 POLLARDWINDOWS.COM I'm known for making smart investments which is why I chose Pollard for my home. SCOTT McGILLIVRAY HOST OF MOVING THE McGILLIVRAYS to Warm weather expected to predominate this fall: TWN cn by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff While autum n may be ju st around the corner, weather experts say the warm conditions w on't be disappearing anytime soon. The weather to come should please m ost people, according to meteorologist Nadine Powell, who released the fall forecast Wednesday, Sept. 13 for Oakville-based The Weather Network (TW N), a division of Pelmorex Media Inc. "We are expecting to see more of the warm weather we are experiencing now on a day like today (Sept. 13)," she said. On track "We are on track for seasonal or seasonably warm temperatures for us across the Oakville and western end of Take Ontario region. So we should be able to get out and enjoy som e nice fall weather heading through the next few w eeks." Powell said the next few weeks -- throughout the end of September -- will see temperatures sitting at around 21-22C. Temperatures will begin to drop with the arrival of October, however the first two or three weeks of that month should still be reasonably comfortable with temperatures hanging around the mid-teens. First frost Powell had good news for gardeners and bad news for allergy sufferers noting that the first ragweed-killing frost is not expected to arrive until November. Nor is this autumn expected to be particularly wet, she said. "We should have close to seasonal rainfall," said Powell. "We are not really seeing any amplified pattern that would suggest we will be very wet or very dry." The meterologist added an early snowfall in early to mid-November isn't likely. a CD CD cr CD 3 cn ro R o r -v l O > C O N C R ETE iJ i£ EXPOSED AGGREGATE (P ebble) m 00 m 30 c n d o D CD 91 i--K IT [D R IV E W A Y S · I* f r e n c S iT iE R S ·*W A LKW A YS · GARAGE FLO O RS B 3 . CU RBS ,W M l f i h * P A T I O S uality At Its Best! Call Fernando BBB d F R E E E S T IM A T E S Nadine Powell | The W eather Network photo 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -5 5 1 8 -8 8 8 -9 4 4 -5 5 1 8 www.concretetrimmings.com HHave You Booked Your > f Fall Foot & Nail Care ra Check Up Yet? Exceptional footcareforall ages. J.Richard Werkman D .C h., B.Sc., P odiatric M ed icin e Registered C h iro p o d is t T Comprehensive foot exams and treatment options Diabetic footcare, ulcers and wounds Custom -m ade Rx orthotics for sports and every day Ingrown nail surgery · Cortisone injections Thick/fungal nails · Flat feet · H igh arches Kaitlin V. Werkman Registered Chiropodist B.Sc. (Hons) Podiatry MSc Diabetes A referral is not required! Call today and experience focussed footcare for people of all ages! -- 1495 Cornwall Road, Suite 33, Oakville located on the north/west corner o f Maple Grove Dr. and Cornwall Road T: 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -4 8 1 7 w w w .w e r k m a n .c a 1 6not M w n a n s $ l l 5/ d a y ^ 12 Foot Ex-Cargo Vans $85/day Y angAccou nting.ca CRA Tax Disputes Dispute with Sold Rental Property Dispute with Business Operation Losses Experienced Professional Services for Individual Business & Corporation y y O pen7days aw eekfor trucks ALL INCLUSIVE prices, include HST, insurance and 1 5 0F R E EK M 8P E RDll!! @ Y a n g A c c o u n tin g .c a H -H 55 N o rthS e rv iceRd. W ,O a k v ille (2 8 9 ) 2 91 -39 2 4 Ying (Kimberley) Yang lgthF lo o r, 2St ClairA v e .W ,T o r o n to (6 4 7 )2 5 5 -8 0 4 9 Weekly rates available, also 20 and 24-foot BOX trucks & 8 foot bed Pick-Up's. Begins Septem ber 5th 2017, valid to Decem ber 31st 2017 w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 10 Seeber was passenger killed with Peel officer in crash by Louie Rosella Metroland Media Group (( Oakville's Sean Seeber had yet to begin his policing career whereas Peel police Const. Tristan Kettles of Oakville was well into his. The two friends were killed Saturday Sept. 9 when the car they were in veered off the road and crashed in south Mississauga. Until now, the identity of the 25-yearold Seeber, an Oakville resident who was a passenger in the car, w asn't made public. "Sean was struck down in the best years of his life," according to an online obituary "Sean was an incredibly vibrant, ambitious and compassionate young man, with a hunger for life. He possessed a smile and personality that would light up the room." An honours graduate of the Humber College Police Foundation Program, Seeber was actively pursuing his dream to be a police officer with Halton Regional Police. "Although only a young man, he had already grown a wide and caring circle of friends, all of whom will m iss him dearly, who are providing support to Sean's family in this difficult time," according to the online tribute. "Sean w as a `big brother' and an active member of his community, volunteering his time and energy to many causes." Seeber, the only child of Scott and Tara Seeber of Oakville, also worked as a mental Sean was struck down in the best years of his life. Sean was an incredibly vibrant, ambitious and compassionate young man, with a hunger for life. He possessed a smile and personality that would light up the room. Although only a young man, he had already grown a wide and caring circle of friends, all of whom will miss him dearly, who are providing support to Sean's family in this difficult time. Sean was a `big brother' and an active member of his community, volunteering his time and energy to many causes. Sean Seeber online obituary tribute Sean Seeber health assistant at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH). "There are no words sufficient to express the depth of our family's loss," reads his obituary. Kettles was driving the vehicle while Seeber was his passenger. The crash left another passenger in the car injured. Kettles, an Oakville resident, has been with Peel police since 2011, according to an online obituary. He was the son of Peel police Staff Sgt. Jam es Kettles. He was also piper and had a passion for playing bagpipes. He was with the Lorne Scots Regiment. Peel police have said an off-duty officer was the driver of the vehicle in the deadly 3 a.m. accident in the area of Lakeshore Road West and Avonhead Road, near Lakeside Park and not far from the Oakville border. The officer and the passenger were both pronounced dead at the scene. It appears the vehicle rolled and ended up near som e trees off the road. Peel police have asked Toronto police to conduct the investigation due to "the farreaching and deeply felt im pact this tragedy will have across the Peel Regional Police Service," said a news release issued Saturday afternoon. Anyone with information can call Toronto police traffic services at 416-808-1900. In Kettles' memory, donations may be made to Wounded Warriors Canada, 310 Byron St. S., Whitby, L1N 4P8, or to the Ontario Police Memorial Foundation, 200 -- 2075 Kennedy Road, Toronto, M 1T 3V3. Visitation for Kettles is to be held today (Friday, Sept. 15), from 2-4 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. followed by a funeral on Saturday, Sept. 16, at 11 a.m. at Portico Community Church, 1814 Barbertown Rd. There will be a reception afterwards at Wyldewood Golf Club in Oakville. Seeber' s online tribute indicates there will be no formal service. In keeping with his character, there will be a Celebration of Life to be scheduled at a later date. Seeber' s family is asking that donations be made to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada. Arrangements have been entrusted with Kopriva Taylor funeral home, Oakville. H e a lth M ©Sense E D I C A L f lro m P ? Proud Nominee of the 2015 Oakville Awards for Business Excellence FAMILY DOCTORS W a lk -In C lin ic Family Doctors accepting new patients. Walk-ins; welcome. Shiort w ait times. Travel Clinic & Pharmacy on-site. Convenient location at Westoak Trails Plaza. ff' | | s 'll' ; | A. P* FREE 1 INSTALLATION j ON CABINETRY ON NEW PURCHASES ONLY Purchase $5,000 or more before taxes. Please see showroom for details. _ OFFER ENDS ^ ^ EPI ^ / i T t i ^ \ p y ______n -W S i! i!o m 1 Short: wait times! 905-825-D0CF (3627) 2983 WtDtoak Trails Blvd Fotth of Dtndas, at Bronte Rd info@CtDltCstnctmtdicDl.cD www.CtDltCstnstmtdicDl.cD HOURF Mon - Fri 8:30am to 8:00pm Saturday 9:00doi to 2:00pm C u s t o m m a d e K i t c h e n a n d B a t h r o o m C a b i n e tr y | C l o s e t S y s t e m s E n t e r t a i n m e n t U n its | B a s e m e n t R e n o v a t i o n s | F u ll R e n o s a n d M o r e ! Create Your Dream Look 100% Canadian Made Cabinetry Quality Craftsmanship 20+ Years Experience Visit our 6000 sqft Design Centre Call us for a FREE in Home Consultation Units 2-3 333 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville T 905.844.3332 F 905.844.3334 www.aromakitchens.ca | info@aromakitchens.ca PharmaWSense H e a lth © S en se MEDICAL F a m ily D o c t o r s · W a l k - I n C lin ic Id e a l P r o t e in · P h a r m a c y · T r a v e l C lin ic 11 | Friday S eptem ber 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com b r itis h g r o c e r w h o le s a le .c o m Grand Opening Special! Y O U 'LL N EV ER P A Y R E T A IL A G A IN !!! 2 0 % O f f E v e ry th in g In T h e S to re Saturday Sept. 16 - Thursday Sept. 21 [tis h G ro c& r B a k e d G, io o d s , < yisps&Britisj PicWedOr ^OOSWMMK W * ts iSUSK iiw ®** CXX>TTBn c kk 'L P o l i s h cm ^ t'U J T T E u i'R ^ K JM iU H tlfU *- M o n d a y - T h u rs d a y 10 a .m . u n til 5 p .m ., F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y 10 a .m . u n til 6 p .m . a n d S u n d a y 11 a .m . u n til 5 p .m . L o c a te d a t 3420 R e b e c c a Street (c o rn e r o f R e b e c c a St & G re a t Lakes Blvd) 905-825-5225 · w w w . b r it is h g r o c e r w h o le s a le . c o m w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 12 ^ ii- imim - m ik ' Appetite for Perfection July 1 to September 30, 2017 P urchase 4 o r m o re eligible^ Jenn-Air® appliances and receive P u rch ase 2 or 3 eligible0 Jenn-Air® appliances and receive PLUS when you purchase 4 or more select eligible** appliances RECEIVE UP TO 15 % INSTANT SAVINGS* 10 % INSTANT SAVINGS * $1,750 B O N U S IN INSTANT SAVINGS0 0 je n n a ir.c a See Sales Associate in-store for details and available qualifying models. * instant savings equal to 15% of total retail price of four or more eligible Jenn-Air® major appliances (before taxes). Multiple purchases must be made at the same time from the same participating authorized Canadian Jenn-Air® appliance dealer between July 1 and September 30,2017 to be eligible. Instant savings will be deducted attime of purchase. GST/HST/QST and provincial sales tax (where applicable) are included in the BONUS instant savings amount. "In sta n t savings equal to 10% of total retail purchase price (before taxes) based on purchase of two or three eligible Jenn-Air® major appliances. Eligible major appliances include Jenn-Air® Refrigerators, Wall Ovens, Cooktops, Dishwashers and Ventilation hoods (excluding blowers), Under-Counter Refrigerators and Warming Drawers. See Sales Associate for qualifying models. Refrigerator panels, accessories and cartridges are excluded. One claim per household. Offer is not cumulative and cannot be combined with any other offer. Some conditions may apply. Open to Canadian residents only. Offer is not available to dealers, builders or contractors. B Channel products are not eligible. Offer is available on retail purchases only. All models may not be available at all dealers. No substitutes qualify. See Sales Associate for Details. Bonus instant savings with the purchase of 4 or more eligible appliances, shall be applied after taxes and can be combined with the 15% instant savings (before taxes) on the following models-$750 Bonus models: JB36NXFXL/RE; JF36NXFXDE; JF42NXFXDE; JS42SSDUDE;JS42PPDUDE;JS48SSDUDE; JS48PPDUDE; JS42NXFXDE; JS48NXFXDE; JDRP548WP; JGRP548WP; JLRP548WP; $600 Bonus models: JGRP436WP; JLRP436WP; JGRP536WP; JLRP536WP; JDRP436WP; JDRP536WP; $500 Bonus models: JXD7836BS; JGRP430WP; JLRP430WP; JDRP430WP; JMW340DB/S/P; $350 Bonus models: JJW3830D; JGCP548WP; JID4436ES; $250 Bonus models: JJW3430D; JGCP436WP; JGCP536WP; $150 Bonus models: JIC4430X; JIC4536X; JED4430W; JED4536W; JGD3430B; JGD3536BS; JGCP430WP; JBS7524BS, JBC7624BS; JED4430G; JED4536G; JGD3430G; JGD3536GS; $100 Bonus models: JEC4430B; JEC4536B; JGC7530B; JGC7636B. ® /T M © 2017 Jenn-Air. Used under license in Canada. A ll rights reserved. VISA GAS & E L E C T R IC A P P L IA N C E A p p l ia n c e C e n t r e S P E C IA L IS T S Miele Chartered Agency 4 7 6 K err S tre e t (just south of Speers Road) 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -2 9 3 3 · w w w .o a k v iM e a p p lia n c e .c o m Best Quality. Best Service. Guaranteed by Miele. H alton's firs t Early Years Child and Family C entre a t Oakwood by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff CO Cl Oakwood Public School will soon feature the first permanent Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre in Halton following the renovation of two of its existing classrooms. The future centre, which will be made possible through a $720,000 grant from Omtario's Ministry of Education, was announced during an open house at the school last Friday, Sept. 8. The registered charity Oakville Parent-Child Centre (OPCC) will operate the centre and offer programs for families and children as well as parent education and support and information on community services and outreach. "This is an exciting time for Ontario. We are in the middle of a major transformation in our child care system to better reflect the challenges, demands, and realities of our modern-day life," said Halton MPP Indira Naidoo-Harris, Minister Responsible for Early Years and Child Care and Minister of Womens Issues. "Whether it is your own children or the children you care for or the children in your community, we all want the same thing. We want to give them the best and strongest start in life and we want to help them reach their full potential. We want to put them on a firm lifelong path to success." Naidoo-Harris noted she has seen the positive impact high-quality child care and early-years programs can have on a child's future, and Halton MPP Indira Naidoo-Harris, M inister Responsible for Early Years and Child Care and Minister of Women's Issues, speaks at a presentation announcing the future establishm ent of an Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre at Oakwood Public School. | David Lea/M etroland emphasized this work is crucial. "This space will serve as an important gathering place for parents and caregivers," she said."It is a place where children can play, learn, and grow together. It is a place where families can access valuable information and support." The centre will be created through the retrofitting of two unused classrooms at Oakwood, which will create a facility about 2,100 square feet in size. Preliminary construction work has already begun, with the centre expected to be up and running in February 2018. Halton District School Board Director of Education Stuart Miller said the board believes in early intervention and supports for families. He said it has been known for a long time that the earlier schools can offer parents and children rich learning experiences, the better the outcome. "This means offering parents and caregivers support within our schools well before children reach Kindergarten," said Miller. "The expansion of Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centres into our schools is another step forward in this work and I cannot think of a better community to start than here at Oakwood." Miller said other improvements the board has made to early-years supports have included the introduction of full-day Kindergarten and the expansion of its before- and after-school programs at all its elementary schools. This announcement is part of a three-year bilateral agreement that will see the federal and provincial governments invest $435 million in increasing the accessibility and affordability of high-quality licensed child care and quality learning opportunities within the province. Some Oakwood parents have voiced concerns that the school's already congested parking lot will not be able to handle the additional traffic the centre will bring once it opens. An expansion of the parking lot is scheduled to take place; however, some do not believe it will be enough. Halton District School Board Superintendent Scott Podrebarac said the proposed parking lot expansion is not set in stone and noted the board would be in touch with parents to discuss their views on the subject. CO "O CD CD cr CD -- s 3 r pi K> O R -vl o > m P w Cl CD c --H 91 o o o 3 YMCA of Oakville W IN D O W S & D O O R S S H U TTER S & BLINDS S in ce 1 9 9 9 B ronte & Dundas, Oakville Fall program s now availab le. V isit o n lin e to register today! HunterDouglas 0 Gallery iiTRUBILT y m c a o fo a k v ille .o r g | 905- 845-3417 w w w .insidehalton.com | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | Friday, S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 11 4 N O f f % T O X i *In stock merchandise only gg]g en d s Some restrictions apply SOOn! Nevar heads Oakville Cham ber by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff ELEG ANT S E L E C T IO N O F U PH O LSTER ED HEADBOARDS F IR E P L A C E U N IT S MANY STY LES & FABRICS AVAILABLE MANY DIFFERENT ARTW ORKS (G R O U P O F S E V E N ) Come see why we have been chosen th e Be s t ! SOUTH OAKViLLE CENTRE (fo r m e r lyH o p e d a le M a lI ) BURLINGTON MALL N e w lo c a tio n(d o setoH u d s o nB a y ) Cooper Construction President Ken Nevar will serve as the Oakville Chamber of Commerce next board chair. Oakville Mayor Rob Burton swore in Nevar during the Oakville Chamber's Annual General Meeting on Thursday (Sept. 7). He will replace outgoing Chair Caroline Hughes. Nevar has served as a member of the Chamber's board since 20 fO and has served on the Oakville Chamber's Executive Committee as vice-chair since 2013. Chamber staff said Nevar joined Cooper Construction in 1979 and played a pivotal role in transforming the company into one of the leading design builders and industrial land developers in the GTA. Nevar leads all strategic initiatives of the company and is responsible for development activities, including land acquisition, site servicing, design/build construction, marketing, and tenant selection activities. "Ken brings a wealth of business experience and knowledge to his new role that will contribute to the ongoing success of the Oakville Chamber," said Hughes. "Ken has provided his expertise to the board as a director for seven years and has chaired the Oakville Chamber' s Government see Dodge on p.19 Ken Nevar | Oakville Chamber of Commerce photo 9 0 5 .8 4 7 .2 9 7 5 9 0 5 .6 3 5 .8 7 7 9 Classique-Decor.com C O N FID E N C E Alasdair, who suddenly lost his job and couldn't afford food, visited a United Way drop-in meal prog ram. Thanks to people like you, he has a new job and is volunteering in the same kitchen that helped him turn his life around. AyA KITCHENS OF OAKVILLE 1195 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST KITCHENS O F O A K V IL L E A Y A O A K V IL L E .C O M 15 | Friday S eptem ber 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com 1 % 1 CONSUMER n CH O ICE A W A R D 1 o 2017 i1 The Oakville Academy for the Arts M USIC VOCAL |PIANO |GUITAR |BASS |DRUMS SAXOPHONE |VIOLIN |FLUTE |AND MORE! BEGINNER TO ADVANCED (INFANT-ADULT) PRIVATE & GROUP INSTRUCTION & KIN D ER G AR TEN PREK, JK, SK HALF DAY 9:00AM - 11:30AM FULL DAY 9:00AM - 3:30PM BEFORE AND AFTER CARE AVAIL. 7:30AM-6:00PM RECEIVED THE PRIME MINISTER'S AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AND CONTINUOUSLY VOTED ONE OF THE TOP PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS IN OAKVILLE t P R ES C H O O L Oakville Academy S ch o o l fo r the A rts M U SIC A L TH E A TR E DANCING |SINGING |ACTING |YEAR END SHOW! PERFORMERS DIVIDED BY AGE (AGES 5-16) IT'S NOT TOO LATE - REGISTER TODAY! ALL OF OUR CLASSES ARE OFFERED 7 DAYS PER WEEK 905.844.2787 admin@oakvilleacademy.com © f i a W W W . O a k v ille a c a d e m y . c o m 1011 U pper M iddle Rd Oakville, O N L6H 4L5 Open for Registration Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm, Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm, Sunday 9:00am - 2:00pm wvw v.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S ep tem b e r 15, 2 0 1 7 11 6 Oakville: now known as the town of the Rangers For more than 50 years the Oakville Rangers Hockey Club (formerly known as the Minor Oaks Hockey Association - MOHA) has been a place where kids have come to learn the fundamentals of the game, celebrate victories, learn from de feats, and create memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. Over the last year, the Club has gone through some significant changes. Some of these chang es have been behind-the-scenes such as right-siz ing the board; bench-marking best-in-class bylaws and rewriting current ones; establishing an exter nal dispute resolution process and committee; improving on the expertise of the executive - not flashy changes but certainly important. Other changes have been more evident such as a new online parent survey; a new coach selection process; an improved Rep tryout process; the ad dition of Rep and Select teams; an outreach effort to bring players back to Oakville; and a renewed focus on skills development. While there have been many changes; none have been more obvious, and to some, more controversial then the decision to change the name of the club. "This name allows everyone to be a Ranger," said John Verdon, president of the Oakville Rangers Hockey Club. "We had almost 4,000 players in the hockey club, but only 700 or 800 could call themselves a Ranger because they play Rep. Now, no mat ter what, if you play for our club, you're a Ranger." ing some exciting new changes including a AAA Centre of Excellence designed to create an elite AAA program, the addition of more Rep and Select teams for the 2018-19 season, a renewed focus on house league and goalie development, and the introduction of spring/summer programming. "Whatever we do, it's designed to keep players in Oakville and have some ex-players come back to Oakville, that's everything we're doing from the bottom, up." said Verdon. To celebrate the changes to the club and to of ficially launch the 2017-18 season as the Oakville Rangers Hockey Club, the Rangers will be hosting Rangers' Day in Oakville on Saturday, Sept. 30 at Sixteen Mile Sports Complex. The day is designed to launch the new brand, recognize the fact that all players are now Rang ers and to celebrate everything that is great about hockey. The festivities will run from approximately 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. and will include the following - Hockey Hall of Fame exhibits, interactive games and NHL trophies; more than 25 regular season games from house league to AAA - from Novice to Midget to a Junior A Oakville Blades game; exhibits and games from Maple Leaf Sports and En tertainment; special guests including Ron MacLean, Paul Henderson, Adam Graves, Vic Hadfield and Mayor Rob Bur ton plus food, drink and tons of fun. For more information and to get involved with the club please visit www.oakvillerangers.ca. In addition to unifying the membership, the changing of the name was also motivated by the marketing and brand ing perspective. While the former name, " Minor Oaks Hock ey Association" held some level of historical significance, the name itself was vague and confusing. Not having the word `Oakville' or `Rangers' in the name made it difficult for people to make a connection. It also made it difficult to search on the internet and is not easy to market aggressively which is something the Club has begun to do recently via social media, print and inter net advertising. The Club is also researching and consider Photos by Riziero Vertolli | M etroland M edia Canadian Dance Company gets a fresh new start After two years of building from the ground up, the Cana dian Dance Company's grand opening was held on Saturday, with past and present clients joining the celebration. The new facility is quite a step up, 16,000 square feet of space with six dance spaces between two floors, a large lobby, and study area for dance students to eat lunches, do homework and gather together, a boardroom for faculty meetings and planning, and four change rooms. " People were amazed by how modern looking and spa cious the facility is," said Karly Monaghan, assistant to di rector Allain Lupien at the Canadian Dance Company. "A big draw for people is the vast amount of programs we have running is due to having ample space to accommodate ev eryone." More people showed up to the grand opening than ex pected, with many new clients who were interested in see ing the facilities and getting registered. "We have the ability to involve far more students now than ever before," said Monaghan. "Our goal is to offer the same quality standard to double the amount of students. Both Oakville Mayor Rob Burton and Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie joined Canadian Dance Company owners Dawn and Allain Lupien at the celebration to give speeches and assist in the ribbon cutting ceremony. 1 7 | Friday S ep tem b e r 1 5, 2 0 1 7 | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | w w w .insidehalton.com G oodnight Goodm orning: Feel good no m atter w hat tim e it is Just like a summer without sun, your perfect outfit may feel or look like it's lacking without the proper undergarments. Goodnight Good morning's experienced and passion ate bra fitters are always available to help get you into your perfect fit. Just as you keep different types of shoes and bags to suit various occasions, different styles of bras are just as important but often overlooked. Located at 100 Bronte Rd. Unit 3 in Oakville, Goodnight Goodmorn ing's staff members come from vari ous backgrounds; from working in fashion and styling, to long-time jobs as fitters with education in fashion design and tailoring. Their passions, and their motto, "fashion, style, and proper fit" , is what makes them such a great team. Although their styles may vary, their love of lingerie and helping women to look and feel their best is what brings them to gether. A proper fitting bra can lift both your body and your spirit, and make or break your out Lise Charmel. A bra that might do wonders for one, may be lackluster for another. For this reason, their passionate team has learned how to meet every customer's various needs and requirements. After many continuous years of being voted best lingerie store in Oakville, Goodnight Goodmorning has expanded into cup-sized swim wear. Customers loved the fit of their bras so much that they kept request ing swimwear that fit as well as their bras. The store now carries many differ ent lines of swimwear in bikini, tan kini, and one-piece, accommodating Photos by N ikki W esley | M etroland M edia styles that will suit every body type and shape. With the specialty fitted such as work, sport, and play. The staff members, through years of ex pieces, customers can expect the same perience, have learned what shapes and type of uplift and fit they would from their styles will best fit the many different body favourite bra. Swimwear lines include Prima types they cater to. Bras are offered in Donna, Rosa Faia, Charmline, Lidea, Maryan sizes 30-52 A-K, and they carry many dif Mehlhorn, and more. For more information, call 905-847-1512 ferent brands and styles from Chantelle, Simone Perele, Prima Donna, Marie Jo, and or visit www.goodnightgoodmorning.ca fit. For example, a fancy padded or lacy bra might be great for special occasions, but will create lots of lumps and bumps in a t-shirt. Likewise, a full coverage or minimiz ing bra might create wardrobe complica tions with your favourite date night dress. The key is versatility, and having multiple pieces to pair with different occasions Kick back, relax and take in M ilestones' new look Whether you're taking the whole family out for a nice dinner, or you're going out on a fancy date, there's a place you can go that offers not only amazing food and drinks, but an atmosphere that anyone will be able to enjoy. The newly renovated Milestones, located at 3529 Wyecroft Rd. in Oakville, had its grand re-opening on August 17, with mayor Rob Burton and ward council lor Sean O'Meara kicking it off with the ribbon cutting ceremony. The evening was filled with live music, a silent auc tion, and food and drinks for people to enjoy while tak ing in the atmosphere that the new look created. " It now showcases an industrial chic ambiance that personifies the future look and feel of M ilestones," said Roxanne Ronczka, community ambassador of Milestones Bar and Grill. Featuring an open concept, the dining room has been opened up to give a brighter look and no matter where you're sitting in the restaurant, there are fun vibes all around. The bar has also been opened up to look onto the patio and the furniture has been fully updated. Visit www.milestonesrestaurants.com for more infor mation. www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, September 15, 2017 |18 Every week we show case topics about local youths. SEND US YOUR NEWS: If you are a youth and you have a story or photo to share, we'll do our best to publish it on this page. Email it to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver. com, along with your name and a brief paragraph about why you want to share it with our readers. H e lp in gth o s einn e e dinU g a n d a - Mf Rotaract Club of Oakville (a service group for young people aged 18-30) member Scott Noble travelled to the Kawolo Hospital in Uganda in mid August to assist in stage three of a water filtration project at the hospital. The project helps provide clean water to the hospital and a safe water tap for the local area. He travelled with the Oakville-based organization H20 For All. The Rotaract Club hosted Band Night at Drafted in early June to fundraise for Noble's efforts, raising $2,140. | submitted photos 1 u' , ·~ i :|^ ceo THRO u 'ST L'S °e8t swab, ^E P u B ucorU G ;H D 4 IS j-- CON STR U CTIO N LTD pqvomai.jMMUGmn. & TM «isrR V KAIVOLO HOSPITAL P.O.BOX 210, CALLjTOLl FREE ; 0414660438 BUIKWB DISTRICT J JOHN PALADINO LAW OFFICE w w w .jp la w .c a Buying? Selling? Re-financing? Call us fo r a q u o te at Jameson Glas 'SIb Q · REAL ESTATE · WILLS & ESTATES COMMERCIAL LEASING · CORPORATE 447 Speers Road, Suite 200B, Oakville, ON L6K 3S7 Phone: 905.842.3311 ; 905-845-0767 ext. 223 /r\ n . n o . . n ... Q ilS Se t t e e at ^!sT Fax: 905.8 42 .7 43 3 1276 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville Ontario, L6J 7W5 T :905-845-0767· F: 905-845-5552 ·w w w .h a x e llla w .c o m · la w y e rs @ h a x e llla w .c o m 19 | Friday S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Dodge to speak a t annual gala Opioids case heads to pretrial continued from p.14 Relations and Advocacy Committee for two years. I look forward to working closely with Ken and to his leadership throughout the coming year." Oakville Chamber of Commerce President John Sawyer said Hughes did an outstanding job during her term as chair. "Caroline's background and experience helped frame our research comments and recommendations throughout her term as chair," he said. "A significant achievement during her term was the Oakville Chamber membership reaching a milestone of over 1,200 organizations. We are very proud of this achievement and look forward to continuing the momentum in the coming year." Hughes, who is vice president of government relations at Ford Motor Company of Canada, will be recognized for her contributions to the Chamber during the 63rd annual Chair's Dinner. The Wednesday (Sept. 20) event will also see Nevar and the incoming board of directors introduced to the community. The dinner will take place at the Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre, 2515 Wyecroft Rd., and begin with a networking session at 5 p.m. and a dinner gala at 6 p.m. The keynote speaker will be former Governor of the Bank of Canada and senior advisor at Bennett Jones, David Dodge. "We are excited to host David Dodge," said Sawyer. "The economy and interest rates are the top issues on the minds of our members and Canadians at large. It will be very interesting to hear Mr. Dodge' s perspective on the Bank of Canada's increasing interest rates and its effect on our economy." Tickets cost $125 for Chamber members and $175 for non-members. For information visit, www.oakvillechamber.com. The case of a Halton police officer accused of stealing opioid drugs from an evidence locker is going to a pretrial. The case of Staff-Sgt. Brad Murray was back in Milton court Tuesday, Sept. 12. Murray is a former Halton drug squad officer accused of stealing opioids from the Oakville station's evidence lock-up in 2016. The 16-year policing veteran is charged with two counts of theft under $5,000, two counts of breach of trust and one count of obstructing justice. He is suspended with pay. Murray was not in the courtroom for his latest date. A representative of his legal counsel was seeking additional evidence disclosure for the case from the Halton Crown Attorney' s office. A special prosecutor out of the Toronto Crown Attorney's office has been assigned to the case. A judicial pretrial involving a judge, Crown and defence counsel is slated for Oct. 13 in Milton court. Judicial pretrials address case resolution options, including charge withdrawals or guilty pleas, an estimate of the length of a possible trial as well as procedural and evidentiary issues. Thank2 0 1 7 Diamond Award W inner for Best Home Health Care I x J rr T T a l We're not just for the birds! f * F I * * h, c , Your Next Purchase of $50 or more. Special Savings! $10 OFF t t /m I D IA M O N D / o n i-7 0ak "il,e W lO *Valid only at the participating store listed. Offer not valid on bird food, previous purchases, optics or DSC membership. Please present this ad or picture of to store employee to redeem. Expires: 09/18/2017 Come in and see our gift collection WE BRING PEOPLE & NATURE TOGETHER ro iSales 8 Service S Rentals a Events Walkers · W heelchairs · Lift C hairs · S tair Lifts · Porch Lifts >Aids for D aily Living A djustable B eds · Com pression Stockings ______ · In c o n tin en ce · B athroom Safety · C P A P & M ore _________ Nature Shop 3350 F A IR V IE W S T R E E T , B U R L IN G T O N 905-634-7700 · E M A IL : w bu 1 @ b elln et.ca < a ib iliiries I 1 Your ability store. Our passion. info@ accessabilities.ca www.accessabilities.ca Licensed Medical Devices Establishment A uthorized ADPIWSIBI VAC Vendor Need help with house-cleaning? Let us do it for you --Discover cleaning service that's affordable, reliable, and convenient. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will help with your mobility a accessibility needs. PayPal i-Trom fer BBB 549 Bronte Rd I Oakville 905-825-5335 1800-580-9972 Like us o r Facebook Follow us on T w itter- Sunrise Cleaning Services C a ll u s to d a y f o r a fre e e s tim a te ! Check out weekly Ayers 9 0 5 -5 6 7 -1 1 9 9 C jQ B J C h e c k o u t o u r c u rre n t s p e c ia ls a t: pnD Servicing Oakville for over 20 years! www.Sunrise-Cleaning.ca * " Browse flyeis from your favourite national a id local retailers r . r «! - ' V is it -- · · .CO flyers. co u p o n s. d e a ls . s av in g s tips. Enjoy your life and leave the cleaning to us! w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 20 =TQVe.CQ · · FLYERS · COUPONS · SHOPPING LISTS Community Update Forward announcements o f non-profit lo cal events fo r Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5Z1; email mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com or call 289-293 0661. Free. BULLETIN Ladies Marathon Bridge Club o f Oakville in support of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Halton meet at each other's hom es twice a m onth from Septem ber to April. New m em bers welcome. Call Ju n e Karbow iak at 905 469-0087. Appleby United Community Bridge , Burl ington, is looking for players, Septem ber and May, with two social dessert gam es to begin and end with. Great for players who have re cently taken lessons or returning to bridge. For info call Marilyn 905-336-1994. Table fo r 12 at the W om en's Centre of Halton for w om en looking to build friendships and community. Meet regularly with a sm all group of diverse w om en, have discussions and activities. Call 905-847-5520 for more information. Jon e s St., Bronte, serves fish fr y , $10, F ri days 5-8 p.m. Karaoke is free 7:30-11:30 p.m. All welcome. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Hope in High Heels fundraiser for Halton W omen's Place will be held in three loca tions in the region: Sept. 16, at Troy's Diner in M ilton; Sept. 23, at Em m a's Back Porch in Burlington; and, Sept. 24, at Centennial Square in Oakville. Registration fee $40 for adults, $10 for students. Visit www.haltonw o m e n sp la c e .c o m /e v e n ts/h o p e -in -h ig h heels/. manageAmadness Shop smart and save on BACK TO SCHOOL essentials at Open house fo r beginner classes in Tao ist Tai Chi at St. Paul's United Church, 2464 Lakeshore Rd. W , Oakville, 11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. and on M onday from 8-9:30 p.m. C lasses start Sept. 23 9-11 a.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Free docum entary film screening -- the Phenomenon Bruno Groening -- at Quality Suites, 754 Bronte Rd., Oakville. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Voluntary donation appreciated. Con tact: 647-834-3074 or doc-film @ rogers.com . The 34th British C ar Day® at Bronte Creek Provincial P ark in Oakville starting 9 a.m. with awards ceremony 2 p.m. Visit www.BritishCarDay.com for information. All p ark gate receipts go to Bronte Creek Pro vincial Park. see Community on p. 22 Save.ca/back-to-school FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Branch 114 Royal Canadian Legion, 36 U pper Middle Rd., Oakville, serves fish and chips , $10, with coleslaw and bread, 4:30 p.m. Branch 486 Royal Canadian Legion, 79 umbro SOCCER SHOES MEN'S, LADIES & KIDS OUTDOOR SHOES & KIDS INDOOR SHOES W almart August 3-17 August 9-16 BA C K TO SCHOOL H udson's Bay August 11-17 JYSK August 10-16 SALE - «5E fK C T = f DOWNLOAD THE FREE Save.ca MOBILE APP mAppStore D o w n lo a d on th e FACTORY SHOE OUTLET Google Play Monday-Frlday 9am to 9 pm Saturday 9 am to 6 pm Sunday 10 am to 6 pm 2 3 9 4 FAIRVIEW ST R E E T , BURLINGTON www . f a c t o r y sh o e o u t l e t . ca 21 | Friday S eptem ber 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com W a g Ja g F o l l o w u s & G e t d e a ls o n t h e g o @ w agjag facebook.com /wagjag iPhone app Android app $ 5 5 FOR A 1-HOUR GOLF LESSON AT THE GOLFERS ACADEMY (A $ 1 1 0 VALUE) 50% o ff 50% off pub f a r e a t t h e s l y e f o x in Bu r l i n g t o n u p TO 59% OFF OIL CHANGEs & A 5 5 -p O IN T VEHICLE INspEC TIO N IN AT TOTAL A uTOM OTIVE & TIRE $5 for $10 t o w a r d s in f r o z e n y o g u r t a t m e n c h ie s Bu r l i n g t o n 50% o ff $12.50 44% o ff $25. 50% o ff GINOSTRIZ-Z£fr $ 3 9 9 FOR A 1-YEAR TAEKW ON-DO M E M B E R s H ip W ITH INCLuDED uN IFO R M AT HORIZON TAEKWON-DO 50% OFF L u x u R Y FLOORING AT IN s piR E D FLOORING $ 7 FOR A LARGE p iZ Z A W IT H 5 TO ppiN G s (A $14 VALuE) AT GINO's piZZA IN OAKVILLE 50% o ff $399.00 50% o ff $500. 50% o ff 2003 Norco Sasquatch 50% OFF HYBRID BIK Es AT p A R A M O uN T sp O R T s $ 2 ,2 6 5 FOR A 2014 spECIA LIZED VENGE E xp E R T ROAD BIKE AT p A R A M O uN T s p O R T s (A $ 4 ,5 3 0 VALuE) 50% OFF MO uNTAIN BIK Es AT p A R A M O uN T BIKEs 50% o ff $385.00 50% o ff $2,265 50% o ff $390. w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 22 Call: 289-293-0661 email: mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com continued from p. 20 W alton Alton Church silent art auction with paintings, plaques and prints on open display from Sept. 17-Oct. 2 in Bronte Hall, 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W Community Update MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 inform ation call 905-847-5308. Tots and Us Program for preschoolers, Support group fo r spouses o f persons with babies and their caregivers held at St. Paul's dementia held every other M onday 1:30 United Church, 4 5 4 Rebecca St., 10-11 a.m. 3:30 p.m. at St. Paul's United Church 454 Playtime, singing, stories and snacks. For Rebecca St. Call Acclaim Health Alzheimer Services at 905-847-9559 for m ore inform a tion. English a s a second language classes of fered M onday and W ednesday 9:30-11:30 a.m. starting today at 4 8 4 Kerr St. All lev els of students are welcome. Ju st show up or contact Lesley H enshaw at 905-844-0787 or email lesleyhenshaw @ sym patico.ca. Monday evening legal clinic at the Wom en's Centre, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free family law legal guidance and advice. First com e first serve. W omen only. Call 905-847-5520. "Connected to your Community " to Sept. 19, Dorval Drive and North Service Road at Boston Pizza. Antiques, hot rods, classics and sports cars. Nostalgic m usic, door prizes and 50/50 draw Proceeds to lo cal charities. Free. www.oakvillelions.org. Beginner classes in Taoist Tai Chi be gin at St. 2464 Lakeshore Rd. W. unit 1, in Oakville, 10 a.m.-noon. AAA Mention Promo Code WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Oakville-M ississauga prostate cancer support group m eets third W ednesday of the m onth, 7 p.m. at W ellspring Birmingham Gilgan H ouse, 2545 Sixth Line. Free. Call 905-691-5100 or w alter.eadie@ cogeco.ca. Assertiveness workshop at the W omen's Centre helping w om en build confidence and learn skills to set healthy boundaries W ednesdays for three weeks 10 a.m .-12 p.m. Call 905-847-5520 to register. DISPOSAL SERVICES Oakville Beaver and receive 10 % OFF the Price of Your All Commercial and Residential BIN RENTAL* O FF 10 % TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Annual spaghetti supper at Walton Me m orial United Church, 5-7 p.m ., in Bronte Hall, 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. Free will do nation. Proceeds to I Care International, so bring your unw anted eye glasses to dinner. Four week self-esteem workshop at the W om en's Centre, beginning Sept. 19, 10 a.m .-12 p.m. Explore your self-worth and boost your self-esteem in this supportive group w orkshop. N o fee. Call 905-847-5520 to register. Oakville Cruze Night , 6-9 p.m ., Tuesdays THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Codependent No More at the W omen's Centre, 10 a.m.-noon. Co-dependency is an emotional/behavioral condition that effects a person's ability to have a healthy relationship. Free. Call 905-847-5520 to register. Targeting Resumes and Cover Letters with em ploym ent specialist Peter Lesser, 1 -4 p.m. at Goodwill - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5. Free event. Call 905-257-8856. Serving Oakville, Burlington, Milton & Mississauga 586 Third Line, Oakville www.aaadisposal.org 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -8 6 8 6 L O N G L A S T IN G · E A S Y T O M A IN T A IN · IN S T A L L E D B Y P R O F E S S IO N A L S · A N T IB A C T E R IA L C O O L E R T H A N C O N C R E T E · R E D U C E S S L IP & FALL A C C ID E N T S · C U S T O M M IX E S & D E S IG N S 8*4 BOUNCES LIKE 20thAnnual FA S H ia l if e s T y l WEARS LIKE RUBBER ROCK WE HAv E NOW O p e n e d O uR n e w l o c a t i o n in p i c k e r i n g SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 17th2 0 1 7 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE 6900 AIRPORT RD, MISSISSAUGA (HALL 3) DOORS OPEN 11A M - 6:30 PM FASHION SHOWS 1.30 & 4.30 PM 416.716.5793 / 416.876.9779 WWW.SUHAAG.COM · GRAND PRIZE: All inclusive, 7 nights land stay to Occidental Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. (Barcelo Group) · Fashionshow byToronto's top 10 boutiques · Numerous stage giveaways · Get your copy o f the 2017 edition o f Suhaag magazine and much more... jm i%1® *V S 2 4 1 V' 905.689.9911 Call today for a FREE Q U O TE email: info@ rubaroc.com · 1.855.766.7822 N orth A m erica's Largest Bridal South Asian Fashion COMPLIMENTARY GIFTS FOR THE FIRST 300|BRIDES( VT h Am B I Our supporters: E vent www.rubarac.com W PIC 23 | F rid a y S e p te m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m Marta Marychuk Reporter mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Artscene "Connected to your Community" Sheridan College grad from Oakville w ins Emmy by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff Craig Henighan, a 1995 graduate of Sheridan's M edia Arts program , has won an Em m y for Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series for his w ork on the Netflix dram a Stranger Things. Henighan received his award during the pre sentation of the Creative Arts Em m ys on Sept. 10. Henighan was part of the team recognized for its w ork on the episode entitled Chapter Eight: The Upside Down, the final installm ent of the Netflix series' first season. Set in the 1980s, the show centres on the m ysterious disappear ance of a young boy and his m other's efforts to find him. Henighan was one of five Sheridan graduates nom inated for Em m ys in the casting, sound editing and special visual effects categories. Henighan has also worked on sound for m any other productions, including the 2017 film mother!, which was screened during this year's Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Henighan's win dem onstrates how a Sheri dan education provides a foundation for suc cess in the film and television industry, said Sheridan's President and Vice Chancellor Mary Preece. Craig Henighan was awarded during the presentation of the Creative Arts Emmys on Sept. 10. | submitted image "Congratulations to Craig, and all our alumni who were nom inated for Em m ys," Preece said in a m edia release. "Their suc cess is an inspiration to our current stu dents, who will follow in our graduates' footsteps and carve out their own accom plishm ents." Alumni from Sheridan's program s in the Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design are re nowned for their expertise, innovation and creativity. Fast year three Sheridan gradu ates w on a Daytime Creative Arts Em m y Award for a children's program called N iko and the Sword of Light . In 2015, alumni won an Em m y for Out standing Creative Achievement for a virtual reality project, and in 2014 alumna Stepha nie Gorin w as honoured for best casting. LeaseBusters.com is th e la rg e s t v e h ic le lease m a rk e tp la c e in C an a d a . W e 'll u n lo ck y o u fr o m y o u r v e h ic le lease c o m m itm e n t... sav e tim e , e a rly te rm in a tio n fe e s an d p e n a ltie s . Call n o w for a free consultation 1-888-357-2678 or visit us at w w w .LeaseBusters.com Finding y o u r next used c a r is as easy as pie. 1. G o to a u to c atch .c o m TB I EASE d USTERS .COM Qautocatch The Car Buyers' Network .com Th e b e s t w a y to fin d y o u r n ext used car. A aftxafch n n Wheels^ m s il. · {jp n fs O CM LO I"vH Local talent of all ages to perform in Autumn Serenade Herb Williams will accom pany Oakville's young multi-instru m entalist and com poser Leslie Ashworth at the Oakville C ham ber Orchestra's fundraiser A utum n Serenade on Sunday, Sept. 24 at the Josh u a Creek Art Centre. "My life has been a very diverse voyage to the present, which is now so focused on m usic," says Williams. "I have starred in TV shows, m ovies, documentaries, and live audience perform ances and con tinue to perform on the piano, in diverse venues. I'm a great support er of the OCO (Oakville Chamber Orchestra)." Ashworth is a violin, viola, pi ano, m usic theory and m usic his tory teacher at the Oakville School of Music and Performing Arts. She has perform ed with num erous or chestras across Canada and in such celebrated venues as Carnegie Hall, Koerner Hall, Vancouver Conven tion Centre and Rolston Hall in the Banff Centre. Ashworth has won the Grand Prize in the Canadian Music C om petition and was a gold m edalist in the Passion of Music International Com petition held in New York City. Also m aking an appearance at the A utum n Serenade will be Linda Ruan, recently nam ed am ong C BC s Top 30 Classical Musicians under 30. Jerem y Ledbetter and Eliana Cue vas will be offering up som e jazz, and a num ber o f past winners of the O CO 's respected Youth Con certo Competition. A silent auction and refresh ments will round off this elegant Sunday afternoon event supporting vH .Q CD £ CD CO CD Q. ffT ;o Lt DC LU O Q LU < o £ o q d o CD WE GET RESULTS... .E PERIOD! g CD Leslie Ashworth and Herb W illiam s will perform in Autumn Serenade Sunday, Sept. 24. | submitted photo A , AWARDS O a k ville Beaver readerschoice .oakvillebeaver.com the O CO 's ongoing youth initiatives. A limited num ber of tickets are available for purchase online via Eventbrite at www.oakvillechamber.org. A charitable donation tax receipts will be issued for a portion of the ticket value. Join Canada's first subscription based investing service. N e s t W e a lth e lim in a te s th e h ig h fe e s th a n c o u ld b e c o s tin g y o u u p to 3 0 % o f y o u r p o te n tia l w e a lth .* Learn m ore at n estw e a lth .co m TORONTO STAR . BRIDAL SH&W The M o s t Inclusive a n d Inspiring W edding Experience! if Septem ber 1 5- 17,2017 International Centre, H all 11 FREE PARKING N e s t W e a lth / \ ,' ~V --------------------------1 G et as n a p s h o t ofyo u r w ed d in gat th e B u ilt E v e n tsL o u n g e . S h o ph om em ade, lo c a l p ro d u c tsat theW edding A rtisan al M arket J / I f I \ I I - - I L ) "" E x c lu s iv eG o w nS ale b ro u g h t toy o ub y S o p h ie 'sG o w nS h o p p e 1 C u s to mS napchat filte rs b ro u g h t toy o ub y S napY o u rF ilter »____________________________________________A USE CODE NBF17 TO SAVE $3 OFF ONLINE TICKETS w w w .nationalbridalshow .com FUJIfILM @ N atio n alB rid al w e d d in g b e lls instOX GAY WEDDINGS 25 | Friday S eptem ber 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Kevin Nagel, Oakville Beaver Sports Editor, knagel@burlingtonpost.com Sports "Connected to your Community " OJHL Blades tie, lose vs. defending champs to start '17-18 season Oakville Blades goalie Chris Elliot m ade 40 saves in the team 's 2-2 opening-game tie with Georgetown Raiders last Friday in Ontario Junior H ockey League play at the Sixteen Mile Sports Com plex. It w as the only point the Blades picked up in a homeand-home series with the defending OJHL cham pions. Georgetown won the rematch, 4-2, Saturday night at home. Georgetown opened the scoring ju st two minutes into Friday's game. That w ould be the only goal of the opening period, but Oakville tied the gam e on Garrett Pyke's goal early in the second. An drew McIntyre gave Oakville the lead eight m inutes later. The lead held up until m id way through the third when Georgetown's Andrew Court tied the game with 8:21 to play. Elliot m ade eight saves in overtime, six of them in the second five-minute period when the Blades had to kill a tripping penalty The next night Zach Bramwell put the Blades up 2-0 before the first period was half over, but the Raid ers tied the game by the end of the period on goals by Brendan D 'Agostino and Jonathan H am pton and added single goals in the second (Ham pton) and third (Derek McVery, into an empty net). Peyton Reeves, Spencer Kersten, Bailey Newton and N ick Boehmer of the Blades and Austin Cho, Ja cob Payette and Justin Paul of the Raiders all earned m isconduct penalties for various infractions with 22 seconds remaining in the game. Elliot suffered the loss in goal, stopping 32 of 35 shots while Mario Cavaliere w as 32 for 34 to gain the victory in the Georgetown net. The Blades are back in action tonight (Friday) against the Milton IceHawks at 7:30 p.m. at Milton Memorial Arena. Stephen Ademolu (25) of the Oakville Blue Devils fights off Mohamed Alhilo (left) and Marco Polancec-Marin of the ProStars FC during last Sunday's Leaguel Ontario men's soccer game at Bronte Athletic Field. Ademolu maintained possession of the ball and set up the Blue Devils' second goal in a 3-2 Oakville win. | Photo by Graham Paine - Oakville Beaver Late goal gives Blue Devils a victory over ProStars After letting a 2-0 lead slip away, the Oakville Blue Devils m anaged to edge winless ProStars FC 3-2 in a L eagu el Ontario m atch Sunday at Bronte Athletic Field. The three points puts the Blue Devils (16 2) eight points ahead of second-place Sigma FC in the Men' s West Division standings. Stephen Adem olu scored the winner in the 82nd m inute after Taylor M cNam ara and Mathew Santos scored in the first and 58th minute, respectively. The Pro Stars scored two goals six m in utes apart in the second half to get back in the game. "We expected a battle because we think a lot of the teams in the lower part of the division are excited to come play us and Pro Stars put on a very competitive per form ance," said Blue Devils head coach Duncan Wilde of the 0-17-1 ProStars. Oakville's next gam e is on the road against Toronto FC III on Sunday, Sept. 17 at 1 p.m. + First-step quickness * Reaction skills ·k Puck control * Power & acceleration Lifejacket * Explosiveness * Puckwork implemented throughout the program S E P T - N O V T IM E S L O T S AG E & LEVELS * An excellent studentto-instructor ratio T IM E S P R IC E DAYS 8-12 HL 8-12 Rep 13-15 Rep 10-13 Rep Fri Fri Sat Sun 5:30pm 6:30pm 9:00am 9:30am $320 +tax $320 +tax $320 +tax $288 +tax ***** 10-12 H L& Rep Sat 10:00am $320 +tax Visit www.Tradyo.com V AppStore I > ~ Google-play WWW.WAVEH0CKEY.CA Register 905-336-3434 x10 or programs@wavehockey.net Buy a n d sell in y o u r n e ig h b o u rh o o d . trad uo w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 26 Oakville teen Punongbayan top bantam at taekwondo Pan Ams Carl Adrian Punongbayan of Oakville, representing Canada at the Pan Am Taekwondo cadet and junior cham pionships in Costa Rica, dom inated his American op ponent in the gold-medal match. Punongbayan, 14, took a 10-4 decision over Gabriel Bonsol of the U .S. to win the male bantam weight division. "It w as with great honour when they played the Canadian national anthem on my behalf at the awarding ceremony," Pu nongbayan said. "I could not describe the feeling when I w as at the podium . This has been my greatest achievement so far as a delegate of Team C anada." To get to the cham pionship match, Punongbayan had to manoeuvre through eight m atches, defeating Alejandro Vega from Panam a 32-23 in the quarter-finals and Luis Gonzalez Cam pos of Puerto Rico 10-4 in the semifinals. He also fought com petitors from C osta Rica, E c uador, Guatem ala and Peru. Punongbayan w as one of nine Canadi an gold m edallists as Team Canada came home from the meet, held Aug. 29-31, with 41 m edals overall. His coach is seventh-degree black belt Master In Kyung Kim , a four-time world taekwondo cham pion representing Korea. Punongbayan trains two hours at least four times a w eek at Sport-TKD dojang, or taekw ondo school, in Toronto. He started taekw ondo as an eight-yearold, gaining his black belt at age 10. A bronze m edal followed at his first interna tional competition in 2013, the Canadian Open cham pionships. At the 2015 Cadet world taekwondo ) SOCCER ACADEMY 2017-18 SEASON F R E E S A T U R D A Y TR YO U TS @ Berton Park, Burlington BURLOAK SEPTEMBER 16 & 23 SEEKING ELITE LEVEL PLAYERS FOR THE FOLLOWING AGE GROUPS: GIRLS U1Z (2006) 12PM GIRLS U13 (2005) 1PM GIRLS U10 (2008) 10AM GIRLS U14 (2004) 2PM filDI Q 1 1 1 ycvvij 11AM *Registration at the field. Show up 20 uiHL a 1 uu urtiTi m jn u te sp rjo rtoy o u rtry o u td a tet0s ig njn B urloak S o c c e r A c a d e m y P ro g ram is e q u iv alen t to th e R e p program and is desig n ed for th e Elite so cc er player. T h rou gh techn ical and tactical training sessions a s w ell a s com p etitive g a m e s , each p lay er will d eve lo p th e ir skills and kn o w led g e o f th e g a m e to th e ir fullest potential. Carl Adrian Punongbayan of Oakville holds up the Canadian flag on the podium after defeating Gabriel Bonsol (left) of the U.S. in the gold-medal match in the bantam boys division at the Pan Am taekwondo championships in Costa Rica Aug. 29-31.| GIRLS U8 (2010) 9AM GIRLS U9 (2009) 9AM photo submitted cham pionship in South Korea, Punongbayan w as Team Canada's youngest del egate at 12. He has won silver m edals at the 2015 Pan American Cadet & Junior Taekwon do Cham pionships in M exico, the U.S. Open and Pan Am Open in Mexico. Punongbayan's next goal is to compete at the 2018 world junior cham pionships in Tunisia. He also has Olym pic aspirations, hop ing to com pete as early as 2020 in Tokyo. B U R L O A K S P O R T S C E N T R E .C A Contact Paul Saliba at psaliba8@yahoo.com or 905-299-4527 b u iib b e r Bria wins fiist game as Sheridan's rugby head coach Jad H amade scored a pair of tries as the Sheri dan Bruins opened the Ontario college rugby season with a record-setting 38-7 win over Conestoga on Tuesday. Sheridan established team records for m ost points in a gam e, m ost tries (six), and biggest m argin of victory (31). It also gave Rick Bria a win in his debut as the Bruins' head coach. "I'm incredibly happy with the way the boys have been practising and developing," said Bria, an assistant coach with Sheridan since the program was established six years ago. Owen Schimpl scored a try and connected on four converts for Sheridan, which finished last season with a 2-4 record. Justin Tota, Matt D aC osta and Tristian Hylton also had tries for the Bruins. Sheridan will play Seneca in its Ontario Colleges Athletic Association hom e opener Sunday, Sept. 17 at 1 p.m. at the Trafalgar Road cam pus. "We need to get better on our lineouts," Bria said. "Our running lines in the backs need to get a little better, and even though we played fairly good defence, we need to w ork on that as w ell." Please jo in us fo r a spectacular evening showcasing the talents o f people who have a developm ental disability. JRLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2017 T O B U Y T IC K E T S : w w w .c lb u r lin g to n .c a /Y E S W E D O CONTACT: E m ily H u a n g 3 3 6 -2 2 2 5 x 3 2 0 D IN N E R & S H O W ( V IP ) D o o rs o p e n 5 : 0 0 p m S h o w starts 7 :3 0 p m $ 79 To our Generous Sponsors From the Oakville Angels Mite Girls Softball Team! SHO W O NLY D o o rs o p e n 7 : 0 0 p m S h o w starts 7 :3 0 p m H osts: Rainer Noack & Joseph In S u p p o r t of: Co m m u n it y BURLINGTON L iv in g ^ ^ ALEX IRISH & Associates F o r m o r e in f o rm a t io n , p le a s e v is it w w w .c lb u r lin g to n .c a 27 | Friday S eptem ber 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Help u s commemorate the launch of our new brand that makes EVERYONE a Ranger and celebrate all that is great about the game of hockey. Everyone is welcome to join the festivities which include; Hockey Hall o f Fame exhibits Interactive games and NHL trophies Over 25 regular season games from house league to A A A - from Novice to M idget · A Junior A Oakville Blades game · Special guests including: Ron MacLean, Paul Henderson, Adam Graves, Vic Hadfield and Mayor Rob Burton · PLUS food, drink and tons o f fu n! · Exhibits and games from Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainm ent Septem ber 30 from 8:00am - 10:00pm Sixteen M ile Sports Com plex, O akville For more information and to get involved with the club please visit oakvillerangers.ca fCjfeYC V ' M O H A is a m e m b e r association o f t h e O n tario M inor Hockey A sso ciatio n and H o ckey Can ad a. A ll coaches are O M H A ce rtifie d w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S ep te m b er 15, 2 0 1 7 | 28 save up to 2 5 % O FF! 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Metroland will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: classifieds@metroland.com CUMBERLAND ViLLAGE Tow nhom e |$ 1 5 0 0 / m p l u s u t i l i t i e s T o w n h o m e (W ith G a r a g e ) I $ 1 6 0 0 / m p lu s u t ilit ie s C lo s e to B u r lin g to n M a ll, S c h o o ls & T ra n s it · 4 a p p ls - E a t-in K itc h e n · B a s e m e n t · P a rk in g BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls W E B U Y IT A L L ! C h in a, Silver, C rystal, C o in s, G old & C o s tu m e Je w elle ry, A rt, D o u lto n s S w aro v ski, A n tiq u e s , C o lle ctib les, D o w n sizin g & E state E xp erts C all A p p ra is e rs : J o h n /D a rc ie /K ris ta FIGURINES. LLADRO, Humell, Carousel Hors es. $50. Dhannough@ hotmail.com FILE CABINETS. busi ness quality, hanging files included. Legal size $50. 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Reply via email to Bfinlayson@clublink.ca Or MStone@clublink.ca RATTLE $ SNAXE po F j t find us online at yourclassifieds.ca Place FREE ADS in your local newspaper and online at YourClassifieds.ca For household articles priced at $100 or less Email classifieds@metroland.com or post it on yourclassifieds.ca Or just fill out this coupon and: Or: Place b y phone at 1-800-263-6480 or 905-527-5555 for only $7.99 + H S T Inclu de s g u a ra n te e d p la ce m e n t, free gra p h ic in p rin t & online e n h a n ce m e n ts for 30 days on yourclassifieds.ca Retirement £ We are seeking customer-focused and caring individuals for: Weekend & Evening ~ Servers (Students Welcome) A1 LICENSED CARPENTER 30 years experience, Custom cabinets, baths kitchens,drywall,paint, masonry, tilesetter, plumbing and electric Call Dana 905-599-2463 ACCURATE RENO & HANDYMAN SERVICE Drywall Taping Painting and Finish Carpentry Small Job No problem Call 416-417-9151. 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For ALL masonry jobs: Bricks, stones, chimneys, etc. Remove basement metal window frames & install bigger windows, no flashing. All jobs guaranteed. 35 years of experience. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -0 9 4 5 garagesalesshows-bazaars Burlington news c o ANNIVERSARIES Downsizing Sale Sat., Sept. 16 ~ 8 am - 2 pm 3175 Lakeshore Road (and Pomona) Clearing out many great things, lots of decor, household items, outdoor furniture, Oakville l Obituaries FERGUSON, William Alexander July 10, 1931 - S e p te m b e r 12, 2017 Passed aw ay p e a c e fu lly w ith his fa m ily by his side. B e loved h u sb a n d o f June. B e lo v e d fa th e r o f E ileen (deceased) a n d G le n n a . V e ry special g ra n d p a to A le x a n d e r. C re m a tio n has ta k e n place. For th o s e w h o w is h , m e m o ria l c o n trib u tio n s to th e A lz h e im e rs S ocie ty w o u ld be w e lc o m e d . V is it o u r g u e s t b o o k th r o u g h w w w .k o p riv a ta y lo r.c o m l Obituaries M. R ILE Y TREE CARE · · · · C h im n e y s P o rc h e s S id e w a lk s B lo c k a n d S to n e w o r k Free Est.~Licensed 25 Years Experience T ree P runing & R em oval, H edge & S hrub T rim m ing, S tu m p R em oval, Fully Insured. GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 16 ~ 9 am 510 Valley Drive Christmas tree 12 feet, decorations, Royal Mattress double, picture frame, large dress shirt, women's shoes 8.5, men shoes size 9, kids clothing, lawn chair, more... Oakville W e a re p ro u d t o a n n o u n c e th e 5 0 th W e d d in g A n n iv e rs a ry o f o u r p a re n ts , G e o rg e a n d C a ro l L yo n M a rrie d in O a k v ille o n Sept. 1 6 th , 1967 Love a lw a ys, M elissa (K e v in ) K irs te n , E th a n a n d R ic h a rd (Bess) Foster, Eva a n d Bosco Senior Discounts Certified Arborist 9 0 5 -4 8 3 -2 9 3 0 CALL ROB 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -8 9 4 3 EXTEND THE L IF E O F Y O U R D R IV E W A Y O il B ased A sh p h a lt S e a le r R ubberized crack filler, hot ashphalt repair. 25 years experience. Free estim ates. W ork guaranteed. Sam's MOVING & DELIVERIES Big or Small Moves Physical Help Also Donation Trips & Decluttering 20 Yrs Experience Glen Abbey Garage Sale Sat. Sept 16th 9 a.m. -4:30 p.m. 1396 Merrybrook Lane Furniture, household items, electronics, assorted tools, collectibles, glassware, boating, sports and golf gear, books, prints, paintings and much more! Rain or Shine Oakville KELLY, Daniel Leo Passed a w a y s u d d e n ly o n Tuesday S e p te m b e r 12, 2017. V is ita tio n w ill be h e ld o n S unday, S e p te m b e r 17, 2017 fro m 5-9 p .m . a t G len O aks F u n e ra l H o m e , 3 1 6 4 N in th Line, O a k v ille . A F u n e ra l Service w ill ta k e place o n M o n d a y , S e p te m b e r 18, 2017 a t 11 a.m . in th e C ha pel a t G len O aks. A d d itio n a l d e ta ils an d g u e s tb o o k can be fo u n d a t w w w . g le n o a k s.ca SHAUGHNESSY, Carl (S e p te m b e r 26, 1929 - Tuesday S e p te m b e r 12, 2017) I t is w ith g re a t sadness th a t w e a n n o u n c e th e passing o f Carl John S haughnessy (k n o w n t o us all as " C h u c k ") o n Tuesday S e p te m b e r 1 2 th , 2017, ju s t tw o w e e k s shy o f his 8 8 th b irth d a y . C huck, lo v in g h u sb a n d o f 60 years t o Joan, an d dear fa th e r of C arla, S te p h e n (C ath y), Jo h n (Ja ne t), B arb (Steve), a n d T im (C arrie). C he rish ed Papa to M e a g a n (D e a n ), Erin (Ian), G illia n , Ian, C o lin , A n d re w , K ayla, Julia, L a u ra , Jack a n d C h a rlie , a n d g re a t g ra n d fa th e r t o S cott. C hu ck w as b o rn a n d raised in his b e lo v e d h o m e to w n o f P e te rb o ro u g h , O n ta rio a n d m o v e d t o O a k v ille in 1953 to s ta rt his 3 5 y e a r ca re e r w it h F o rd C anada. H e w ill be re m e m b e re d fo r his lo ve o f h o ck e y a n d b a se ba ll e sp e cia lly th e P e te rb o ro u g h Petes, T o ro n to M a p le Leafs a n d B lu e Jays, re a d in g , th e S tock M a rk e t, tra v e llin g a n d s p e n d in g tim e w ith his fa m ily , e sp e cia lly his g ra n d c h ild re n . He live d each d a y w ith p a tie n c e , kind ness a n d a p o s itiv e a ttitu d e . V is ita tio n s fo r C hu ck w ill be h e ld o n S unday S e p te m b e r 1 7 th fro m 2:00 p.m . 4:00 p.m . a n d 7:00 p.m . - 9:00 p.m . a t Kopriva Taylor Funeral Home (64 L a ke sh ore Rd. W e st). A fu n e ra l mass w ill also be h e ld on M onday S e p te m b e r 1 8 th a t 10:30 a.m . a t St. A n d re w R om an C a th o lic C hu rch (47 R eynolds St. O a k v ille , O n ta rio ) fo llo w e d by a re c e p tio n in th e a d ja c e n t b u ild in g . If d e sired, d o n a tio n s in lie u o f flo w e rs can be m a d e t o c h a ritie s th a t C huck a n d his fa m ily s u p p o rt in c lu d in g th e A u tis m S ocie ty o f O n ta rio , H e a rt a n d S tro ke F o u n d a tio n a n d D ia b e te s C anada. CALL or TEXT 905-633-6880 289-838-8205 HARDWOOD FLOOR INSTALLER $1 per sq. ft. r Oakville Also does stair work. 25 Years Experience Call 416- 906-7528 To book your classified ad call 9 0 5 .6 3 2 .4 4 4 0 Downsizing Yard Sale Sat. & Sun. 8am - 6pm 122 Cross Ave Artwork, music & NHL autographs, old car parts, m ini bikes, antiques, Pool table, foosball table. Lots of parking! Oakville Moving Sale/ Multi-Family Yard Sale Sat. Sept. 16 Sun. Sept. 17 7 am - 1 pm 333 and 335 Ulric Cres. Furniture, toys, clothes, household items, frames, decor, and much M UC H MORE! l Obituaries J Honour the memory o f a LOVED ONE... Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. .Call 905-632-4440 or ,. _ email classified^ mctrolandwcxt.co co m m u n ity notices OAKVILLE 'he Beaver. IS CALLING ALL KIDS! Downsizing Garage Sale Sat. Sept 16th (rain date) Sun Sept 17th 8am - 1pm 185 Walby Dr. (Third Line and Hixon) Brass bed, day bed, tools, antiques, furniture, snow blower, household items and much more! Oakville South East Oakville Annual Adair Cres. Garage Sale Sat, Sept. 16 8:30am -12pm Household item's, furniture, Something for everyone!!!!!!!! CARREIRA, Edgar May 24, 1962 - September 9, 2017 It is w ith s u d d e n a n d g re a t sadness t o a n n o u n c e th e passing o f E dg ar o n S aturda y, S e p te m b e r 9, 2017 a t Ju ra v in sk i H o s p ita l in H a m ilto n , a t th e a g e o f 55. B e lo v e d h u sb a n d o f Tanya K a re yra a n d son o f Jack R e b e lo C a rre ira a n d M a ria Isabel C osta, s u rv iv e d by his son B ra n d o n C arreira. He w ill be g re a tly missed by his fa m ily , frie n d s a n d co lle a g u e s. Friends a n d fa m ily w ill be re ce ive d a t K o p riv a T a ylo r C o m m u n ity Funeral H o m e , 6 4 L a ke sh o re Rd W e s t in O a k v ille , o n S aturda y, S e p te m b e r 16, 2017 a t 1:00 p .m . A m e m o ria l service w ill c o m m e n c e a t 2:00 p.m . in th e c h a p e l w ith re c e p tio n t o fo llo w . D o n a tio n s in lie u o f flo w e rs can be m ade to th e C a n a d ia n C ancer S ocie ty o r Ian A n d e rs o n H ouse. V is it o u r g u e s t b o o k th r o u g h w w w .k o p riv a ta y lo r.c o m The O akville B e ave r J4 w o u ld like to express sin cere a n d he a rt-fe lt co n d o le n c e s to those w ho have lo s t their lo v e d ones. find us online at yourclassifieds.ca We are currently hiring Carriers! C a ll u s to s e e if y o u r s tr e e t is a v a ila b le - it ju s t m ig h t be! L6H Strawfield Crt, Owen Crt, Ridge Rd, Howell Rd, Kristie Crt, Avondale Dr, Edgeware Rd, River Glen Blvd, Eighth Line, Towne Bl, Grand Bl L6J Gable Dr, Wakehurst Cres, Sir David Dr, Caradoc Lane, Chedboro Cres, Bishopstoke Way, Hazel McCleary, Greenaus Rd, Teak Cres, Beechnut Rd. Sheridan Garden Dr. L6L Seabrook, Saxon, Vyner, Sandlewood, Warwick, Maplehurst, Sovereign, Stanfield, Worthington, Honeyvale, Trowbridge HUGE Garage Sale Sat.16, Sun.17 9am - 3pm 265 Nottingham Drive Furniture, house ware, and books! Rain date: Saturday,23 Sunday,24 L6M: Kaiting Trail, Colton Way, Culp Trail, Masterman Cres, Sixteen Mile Dr, Skyvalley Births, Birthdays, Anniversaries Obituaries and Memoriams. Life News Call: 1-800-263-6480 ·905-632-4440 ·classifieds@metroland.com Call Circulation 905-631-6095 31 | Friday S ep tem b e r 1 5, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com 0 i D A * I f you'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature i U i U U please call J E N N IF E R G O U L D 289 -2 9 3 -0 6 8 3 PENTECOSTAL U N IT E D PRESBYTERIAN i# V SUNDAY Bible Teaching & Worship Service, 12:30-2:30pm (SOUTH RIDGE ROOM) IROQUOIS RIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE 1051 Glenashton Dr. Glenashton & Eighth Line FRIDAY Teaching & Youth Service 7-8:30pm Tel: 416-892-8123 Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Pastor: Elder M.J. Brissett Email: mjbrisse@yahoo.ca JESUS IS LORD Sunday, September 17th Worship 10:00 am O n Wednesday September 20, join us for a dinner service of worship and fellowship. Doors open at 6:00. Visit our website www.knoxoakville.com to find out more about our programs and services. G LEN ABBEY U N IT E D C H U R C H REV.TED VANCE TIME TO GET BACK TO CHURCH! SUNDAY SEPT. 17TH 10AM WORSHIP SERVICE and Su n d a y school MESSAGE: HAR D TO FORGiVE MATTHEW 18: 21-35 Here you will find Church the way you wished it could be! H | Friendly people, Great music, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit! 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville 905-825-5292 DDD.glenabbeyunitedchurch.com A Knox O A K V IL L E Lakeshore 8 Dunn 905.844.3472 KnoxO akville.com Looking to rent or buy? We can help. Find th o u s a n d s o f n e w listin g s d a ily at YourClassifieds.ca w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, S ep tem b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 32 % Financing for 72 Months CLEARANCE! CLASSIC FALL on th e c o m p le te lin e -u p o f 2 0 1 7 C a d illa c s With the perfect com bination of Sophistication, Functionality & Technology! Now, it's time to CLEAR THEM OUT Call to book your Budds' VIP appointment or to arrange for our Cadillac Specialist to come to you. 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