Oakville Beaver, 22 Sep 2017, p. 14

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H rvH O C M c m " C M E t s y M a d e in C a n a d a s h o w f e a t u r e s w o r k o f H a lt o n a r t is t s by Julie Slack Metroland Media Group Region team , said they are com m itted to de veloping and exp and ing the handm ade co m munity. "W e aim to su p p o rt and p rom ote arti sans by providing m ark et opportunities and events in H alton reg ion ," she said. "W e are excited to highlight and foster the growing artisan m o v em en t." In Low ry's case, h er specialty is needle felting and sew n dolls. Self-taught, thanks to YouTube, she said it's a rew arding process that takes patience. N eedle felters use barbed needles to felt/ tangle on e piece o f w ool to another. They eventually form a m ore con den sed m aterial, called felt. U sers can m ake m an y different shapes and the o u tco m e is usually a sm aller object that hts in the palm of yo u r hand. "It is very tim e con su m in g, b u t oth er than that, you have a vision o f w h at you w an t to create and that is rew arding," she said. She creates all kinds o f anim als, b u t hnds penguins are the biggest sellers year-round, while reindeer and m oose b eco m e m ore p opular over the C hristm as season. She also takes special requests. M u ch o f h er w ork is show n on makeology. ca, h er ow n b rand and an online com m u n ity of o th er area crafters. To learn m o re, go to w w w .etsyhaltonreg io n .ca, or visit Low ry's Instagram page at https://w w w .in stagram .com /m iloand ben /. Q . W h a t started as a hobby to d istract h er from C D C O a stressful profession has led to a full-time >; C D career. T3 M ilton's Melissa L ow ry has never been happier w ith h er decision. As a busy m o m to twin boys, three years old, the graphic designer decided crafting full tim e was dehnitely for her. Now, she is bringing som e 3 0 fellowm inded artisans together for a local craft event that is p art o f a larger national one that has been ru n nin g for a few years. E tsy M ade in C anada will be held at the A rt G allery of B urlington on Saturday, Sept. 23 from 11 a.m .-5 p.m . She said 3 2 ven d ors will be there w ith things su ch as cro ch et, baby accessories, w ine, jellies, handm ade dolls, clothing, jew elry and C hristm as item s. She en courages people to attend the show to su p p o rt the local talented artists that are taking part. Fundraiser for Oakville's ArtHouse As well, 5 0 per cen t o f the $ 2 adm ission goes to A rtH ouse in Oakville, w h ich is a H alton-based charitable organization that of fers free arts program s to children and y o u th ages seven to 17 and seniors. Melissa Lowry left a hectic full-tim e jo b in graphic arts to create neddlefelt dolls and anim als th at are selling like hotcakes online. | submitted photo E tsy M ade in Canada is a national in - 2 ,0 0 0 E tsy sellers. M ore than 9 0 ,0 0 0 shopp erson m ark et that takes place in m o re than pers have attended these show s. 4 0 locations across the country, w ith som e Lowry, w ho is the captain o f the H alton WagJag ___ _* Sign up O nline <ouit WagJag.com SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 · · > . w . . . ........................................ ^ ^ III II =z ^ S ; 7:00PM;|:BM OFIE LD VS * . ' presented by ' 1 . \ V / ?urotator · ** , ' . `TackleHuhger' THIS IS ARGOS FOOTBALL T IC K E T Sa t .argonauts.ca: · · · · · · · · · · · t W O R LD FIN A N C IA L G R O U P O F F I C I A L S E A S O N S P O N S O R B uy O nline: ThePost. BURLINGTON 71% off B e co m e a s u b s c rib e r to th e p a pe r and receive 2 tic k e ts to an u p c o m in g A rgo's gam e. Call (905) 6 3 2 -4 4 4 4 to sign up! $19 FOR ONE OIL CHANGE PACKAGE WITH PREMIUM FILTER, 5L o f p r e m iu m o il , 26- p t in s p e c t io n , a n d o p t io n a l t ir e r o t a t io n a t QUIK OIL CHANGE IN o AK v ILLE (A $65 vALuE) FLAMBOROUGH MLTON · * metrolandmedia The Review. Canadian Champion.

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