Oakville Beaver, 19 Oct 2017, p. 29

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29 | Thursday October 19, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com Advertising Feature MacLachlan College: Building a strong foundation to m eet real-world expectations M acLachlan College is a dynam ic co-educational com m unity w here te a ch e rs provide an o u tsta n d in g ac adem ic founda tion w hile fa c ilita tin g real w orld connec tio n s to learning w ith a deep co m m itm e n t to stu d e n t success. M acLachlan's academ ic program engages s tu d e n ts a t all grade levels by providing relevant and m eaningful experiences both inside and o u tsid e the classroom . It is a learner driven environm ent where a tru e sense o f belonging nu rtu re s a growth m in d set and ignites curiosity, knowledge and understanding. C lassroom s have been tra n sfo rm e d school-wide into forward th in k in g creative hubs w here s tu d e n ts fu lly pa rticip a te and engage not only in th e ir coursework, but w ith th e ir peers, deepening th e ir intellectual inquiry and critical th in k in g a b ilitie s. These adaptive and dynam ic learning environm ents enable s tu d e n ts and te achers to collaborate, innovate and connect ex isting knowledge to new thinking. M acLachlan is th e only independent school in Oakville w ith th e International B accalaureate World School designation, offering th e highly-acclaim ed IB Primary Years Program m e in PK-Grade 6. The IB com bines th e be st research and practice from a range of system s adopted and adapted from around th e world to create a relevant, engaging, and global educational fram ew ork fo r all children. M acLachlan's Grade 7 through Grade 12 program delivers a rigorous academ ic curriculum enhanced w ith Advanced Placem ent courses, as well as a w ide range o f program s, a ctivities and clubs th a t su p p o rt leadership, character developm ent and com m unity service. A school th a t is sm all by design, M acLachlan pro vides each s tu d e n t w ith individual guidance and sup p o rt w hile challenging th e m to th in k critically and gain greater aw areness and understan ding o f who they are and encouraging them to reach th e ir educational and fu tu re goals. Join us a t our Fall Open House on Saturday, Oct. 2 1 from 1 0 a.m . to 2 p.m . MacLachlan College is located at 337 Trafalgar Rd. Call 905-844-0372 or email admissions@maclachlan. ca for more information. OPEN HOUSE FOR PROSPECTIVE FA M ILIES i ST SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21" Oakville 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Burlington 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM MacLachlan College Open House MacLachlan's sm all school approach em bodies a strong sense of com m unity and a warm fam ily atmosphere fo r students in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12. Preschool (Age 3) & JK K & Full day program s Phonic based reading Progressive m ath French & M an da rin M usic, Drama, A rt Lunch program s SK - Grade 5 Ind ivid ualize d learning Spelling, Cursive Self-paced m athe m atics A th le tic to u rn a m e n ts D ra m atic pe rfo rm an ces French & M a n d a rin Grade 6-8 G rade 9 cre d its M a th , French, Business Exams House captains In te rn a tio n a l tra ve l Leadership Hill provides an educational We invite you to attend our Open House on Saturday, October 21 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 905-844-0372 ext. 235 admissions@maclachlan.ca 337 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Learn about our innovative, engaging academ ic program s and school-w ide active learning classrooms. Recognized as one o f Canada's finest schools, Fern fou nda tion th a t allows ideas, thin kin g and confidence to flourish. Opening doors to a w orld o f opportunities. Inspiring young minds and unleashing unlim ited potential. www.m aclachlan.ca Burlington Campus - 801 North Service Rd, Burlington 905-634-8652 Oakville Campus - 3200 Ninth Line, Oakville 905-257-0022 www.fernhi11schoo1.com

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