Oakville Beaver, 19 Oct 2017, p. 33

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33 |Thursday October 19, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Rotherglen School: Building community, building opportunity On th e 2 0 th a n n ive rsa ry o f our O akville E lem entary C am pus, Rother glen School is excited to annou nce th e c o m m e n c e m e n t o f a bu ild in g proj e c t th a t w ill provide new te a c h in g and learning sp a c e s fo r our s tu d e n ts and fa cu lty to create, grow, e xp e rim e n t and explore. The projected co m p le tio n date fo r th is p ro je ct is S e p te m b e r 2018. This new expansio n w ill include tw o new state-of-the-a rt science labs, ex pansive and lig h t fi lled a rt and m u sic room s, a seco n d g ym n a siu m , a d e m o n s tra tio n kitch e n , a w e lln e s s /m in d fu ln e s s room and a new and larger space fo r our Learning S u cce ss Cen tre. The need fo r state-of-the-a rt fa c ilitie s to de live r a d iffe re n tia te d and enriched cu rricu lu m , and th e desire to enhance o p p o rtu n itie s fo r o u r s tu d e n ts academ ically, so cia lly and e m o tionally, have been th e driving fo rce s behind o u r d e cision fo r th is expan sion. In a d d itio n to our new build, we have planned a second playing field w ith artifi cial tu rf, as well a s a cu sto m de signed play area fo r our s tu d e n ts to explore and enjoy th e natural beauty o f our ca m p u s grounds. We are excited to engage in th is new ven tu re w ith our com m unity, and we are c o n fid e n t th a t cre a tin g new places fo r learning w ill b e n e fit our s tu d e n ts ' e xperiences both in and o u t o f th e cla ssro om a t Rotherglen. P lease jo in us on Saturday, O ctober 2 1 from 1 0 a.m . to 2 p.m . to to u r our ca m p u s and learn m ore a b o u t th e ex c itin g grow th a t Rotherglen School. Halton Music Academy In s tr u c tio n I n Y o u r H o m e M usic * * * * Piano/Keyboard Guitar Vocal Theory * * * * S c h o o l S u b je c ts Mathematics History, Geography English (Grammar & Literacy) Art and Design Association Rotherglen is located at 2045 Sixth Line. Call 905-338-3528 for more in formation. * Ages 3 to 93 * For Fun, Credits and Careers * For "Regular", "Advanced", "Excelled" and "Special Needs" Students Using Medical Music Research to Enhance the Brain & Learning 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -0 3 8 8 OPEN S a t u r d a y , HOUSE O c t o b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 1 0 : 0 0 a. m. to 2 : 0 0 p. m. Rotherglen is so much more than a vibrant learning community. It's a place where curiosity is fostered, challenges are faced and achievements are celebrated. It's where students grow, become inspired, discover their talents and develop a love of learning. It's where every child's individual educational journey and experiences are nurtured and encouraged. Seeing is believing! Please join us on Saturday, October 21, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to learn how a Rotherglen education can be part of your child's bright future and path to success. R o th e r g le n , w h a t s c h o o l s h o u ld be. Oakville Primary Campus M o n te sso ri: A g e 3 to G rad e 1 2045 Sixth Line, O akville, O N 905-338-3528 | mwilliamson@rotherglen.com Oakville Elementary Campus Grade 1 to 8 2050 Neyagawa Blvd., Oakville, O N 905-849-1897 | tdupreez@rotherglen.com W W W . R O T H E R G L E N . C O M

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