Oakville Beaver, 3 Nov 1999, A05

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* Instructional assistants only going to severely handicapped students Instructional assistants will be placed where they're real ly needed, but it will cost, says the Halton District School Board's education director. Dusty Papke told trustees recently, the assistants are being placed with student with severe needs, to ensure they can attend school. The neighbouring Hamilton-Wentworth board has made a controversial decision to keep 23 special needs students from classes because of an instructional assistant shortage. Staffing levels required in this area are greater than the provincial funding provided, Papke said at Wednesday's board meeting. "The IAs are being placed primarily for health and safety reasons," he told the board meeting. "That's not what we'd like to do, but that's what we have to do." He noted there's no funding available for kindergarten pupils or students joining the board in mid-year who'd require instructional assistants. "The ministry expectations for special education require another $300-$500 million for school boards," said Papke. "The government has allocated $30 million more, but we're going to work with them to have them do some tinkering." The board will have to work to determine soon how to pay for the instructional assistants that are needed. "It will really strain our budget," he said. In April 1998, the board issued layoff notices to 273 instructional assistants, but many were later recalled after provincial funding was acquired. A media release outlining how the province's special edu cation funding model is seriously flawed was issued by the board last week. "The current funding model does not recognize or address the current and growing needs of special education stu dents," said Frances McKenna, president of the Ontario Public Supervisory Officials' Association (OPSOA). "Our members face this mismatch daily, as needs and expectations of parents and students exceed the resources school districts can commit." A tte n tio n A r th r itis S u ffe re rs Do yo u ta k e an ti-in flam m ato ry drugs fo r a rth ritis? We a re looking fo r v o lu n te e rs w h o su ffer from a rth ritis to ta k e p a rt in a re se a rc h stu d y o f a m ed icatio n d esig n ed to re d u c e sto m a c h irritatio n o r u lc e rs c a u se d by an ti-inflam m atory drugs. C o m p en satio n available fo r y o u r tim e. (U p to $1500.00 if yo u c o m p le te th e stu d y ) F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n call: C indy H am ilton RN, at: ( 9 0 5 ) 5 6 9 -8 1 0 0 e x t 26 A llie d C lin ic a l R e s e a r c h In c . HIVES STUDY H ave yo u h a d h i v e s / u r t i c a r i a fo r 6 w eek s o r longer? We a re looking fo r p a tie n ts 12 y e a rs an d o ld e r w ith c h ro n ic h iv es to ta k e p a rt in a 6 w eek clinical trial w ith an in v estig atio n al tre a tm e n t fo r hives. F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n call: S an th ira at: ( 9 0 5 ) 5 6 9 -8 1 0 0 e x t 30 C o m p en satio n up to $175.00 A L L IE D C L IN IC A L R E S E A R C H IN C . www. alliedclinical. com · N a tu r a l S o u r c e s · P re m iu m Q u a li ty · V ita m in s · N a tu r a l S o u rc e s « Photo by Peter C. McCusker TIMELY GIFT: The American Women's Club of Oakville has donate $5,000. to the Oakville Millennium Committee's clock project. Chair of fundraising Deb Sliwinski, Service chair Joyce Leach and club President Carol Nicolai made the presentation to Nancy O'Dea, Chair of Oakville 2000. The 115 member AWC also contributed to the Trillium Foundation, Ian Anderson House and local foodbanks this year. ealth-wise \J N u tr itio n9 While Supplies Last Vitamin £& Sale Ginkgo Biloba `999 \ m m a. 1st Tan Free (in snnhetl) W " " It W a k e u p w ith t h e SUN a n d SAVE! TTOmg 24% Flavoglycosides Reg. $ C 99 T r ip le S t r e n g t h G a r lic Odourless Reg. $ J 9 9 'g 9p 90 caps DISTINCTIVE LADIES FASHIO NS EG G Y'S 3 0 " OFF a 2 v 0 en tire sto c k en tire sto s ck k vr sto c O Fr F s AH Sales Final 45 caps MORNING MADNESS SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH 8A M -10A M 500nig Sodium Free Reg0 9 9 sl*'ialPrill16.99 O ISO caps Glucosamine Sulfate $ Glucosam ine/ Chondroitin Sulfate Combination 900mg Reg/ Q 99 `29.99 ± y 120 caps $ Vitamin E 400iu 100% Natural Reg. $ 0 9 9 `13.99 CJ 90 caps T i m e R e le a s e d C lO O O m g <999 Reg. $ S 9 9 J 90 caps WER io a m i 2n o on 10A M--12N 00N Entertainment NEWS & SPORTS Three Times a Week INC. B est Prices · B est Tan 77 Bronte R oad · 465-2294 Discount applies to regular priced merchandise. No extensions on time lim its. P E R FE C T BALANCE 4 0 7 S p e e r s R o a d , O a k v iU e 8 4 4 -4 1 4 8 · N a tu r a l S o u r c e s · P r e m iu m Q u a lity · V ita m in s · N a tu r a l S o u r c e s 1 ASSORTED FALL FASHIONS UP TO 50% OFF A ll Sales Final Trafalgar Village · 844-5361 . B R A N D N A M E A P P A R E L · B O O K S · T O Y S · B R A N D NA M E A P P A R E L · B O O K S · TO YS GIVE YOUR KIPS A10T OF JOY FOR NOT A LOT OF MONEY Customer Appreciation Days* NOVEM BER 6 & 7 ( n o b u y s o r h o ld s N o v . 6 & 7 .) N e w M ig r a in e S o lu t io n ...a ls o R e ju v e n a te s Botulism toxin, commonly known as Botox, has been used to ease wrinkles and frown lines in patients at cosmetic medical clinics for years. Botox works by paralyzing individual muscles, relaxing them and in the process stopping tremors and spasms. Recently however, many patients have noticed a pleasant side effect. As recently featured on CNN and over newswires like the Associated Press, patients that received bolox injections in their foreheads for cos metic purposes have documented thal they did not experience any migraines, and none of the debilitating symp toms that go with them -no light sensitivity, nausea, or vomiting for the 4 months the treatments last. Dr. Robert G. Jones, medical director of the Laser Rejuvenation Clinics, states that he is finding similiar results with his patients in Oakville. Botox has almost no negative side effects and costs about the same as most other migraine treatments. For more informa tion or to book a personal consultation call 905-842-8346 or 416-923-0092. JUST MOVED? % -r BRDE-TO-BE? NEW For free information and gifts. CALL 1. SOUTH EAST Anne Phillips 842-2385 2. SOUTH WEST Carol Hagen .338-3456 3. NORTH EAST Pat Fairfield 842-1560 4. 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W a » » S IlN Mc CaI n S 1930 m A N eigh b ou rh ood Tradition Since 1930 A uth or Linda Granfield will be signing her beautiful new book' High Flight: A S to ry o f World W ar II. (Tundra 10.99) U n ite d W a y O F OA K V 1L L E M A D E L IN E 2:00 - 3:00 Celebrate Madeline's 6 0 t h Birthday. Balloons, Cake, Fun! 15% off everything Madeline. MADELINE WILL BE HEREI A t Woodside Library P a cesetters The Oakville Beaver joins United Way of Oakville In saluting Royal l Sunalllaiice financial for Increasing their corporate donations by more than 20 %. Sales Representative from: S Advent Feeding Products S Kooshies S Daphne Bath Seats SARAH ELLIS 2:00 - 3:30 Sarah Ellis award-winning a uthor of The Young Writer's Companion \ (Groundwood 12.95) will lead a Creative Writing workshop for ages 10-16 a t 1274 Rebecca S tre e t. Free but registration suggested. Call 0 4 4 -5 3 6 3 Kid's Stuff with Previous ExperienceTM ten*ac h ild MISSISSAUGA 2555 Dixie Rd. Unit #4, (905) 270-4679 Store Hours: M on.Jues., Wed., Sat. 10 am -6 pm. Thurs.-Fri. 10 am -8 pm, Sun 12-4 pm. Royal S. SunAlliance financial is a member o f the Royal i. SunAliiance OAKVILLE 2423 Trafalgar Rd. Unit # 1 (905) 257-5775 Store Hours: M on.Jues., W ed., Sat. 9:30 a m -5:30 pm. Thurs.-Fri. 9:30 am -9 pm , Sun 11-5 pm. Saturday 6 November to Friday 12 November Insurance Group, one o f the largest insurance groups in the world. Royal A SunAlliance financial offers Canadian consumers a broad and com pet itive portfolio o f high quality life insurance, savings. Investment and retirement income products. PLAYMOBIL WEEK 15% off all Playmobil in stock and ordered. 15% off specially priced promotional items while supplies last! ^ * Specials not valid with any other discount. GAM ES · LAM PS · O U T D O O R P L A Y E Q U IP M E N T · G A M E S · L A M P S t B 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST D O W N TO W N OAKVILLE 844-5363 To find out how your company can play a role in helping to achieve United Way of Oakville's $3.1 Million Campaign, please contact the United Way office at (905)845-5571. U n ib e d W ^ y OF O A K V I L L E HELP& I N OU R C O M M U N IT Y This message courtesy of The Oakville Beaver. HQPE

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