Friday October 29, 1999 TH E O A K V IL LE BEAVER New column has focus on young people This is the first column of Youth Views that will carry submissions from various schools in Oakville. By Laura A. Thissen (Grade 8) I belong to a very talented student body, particularly in music. For the past five years I have been a member of the Holy Family School Choir. To the out side observer, our choir is a number of students bringing joy and laughter through song. But it is much more. Members of Holy Family's choir are encouraged to reach inside and find a part of themselves that can be revealed through song. They leam how working together can, piece by piece, unfold the true beauty of music. Being a member of the Holy Family choir helps all ages become friends because they are bond ed by the music they make. Every since I can remember, our choir has performed Christmas carols at Oakville Place and Trafalgar Village, it is uplifting for young and old as we experience the joy and magic in the music of Christmas. Last year, the 95 members of the choir were drawn from grades three through eight. Under the direction of Mrs. Hryhorsky and Mrs. Quenneville, this talented group would meet once or twice a week for practice. Everyone enjoyed the music, friendship and humour of these sessions. The choir is actually divided into four separate units. We have an all-girls choir, and all grade eight choir and two Holy Family school choirs. Last year all four participated in the Hamilton Kiwanis Music Festival. All four left with first places and a mark of first place honours. In addition to community events and competition, the choir sings at school mass. This new school year sees us with out Mrs. Quenneville, but the piano will be played by Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Dougherty and grade eight student Carmen Radojkovic. This year's plans include participat ing in the Hamilton Kiwanis Music Festival sponsored by the Oakville Children's Choir. In addition, we aim to venture into the community and enter tain at senior citizen and those in hospital. Of course, we hope to return to the malls during the busy Christmas sea son. The success of our choir and the rea son we have accomplished so much is due to the support and dedication of many teachers, parents and student vol unteers. We hope to continue providing our Holy Family choral tradition for many years to come. ...from Holy Family News or story idea? Call us at 845-3824 The Leavee Aren't The Only T h in g s NOTICE We are bankrupt. Tkha Persian Rug Company is holding an auction and selling all its quality rugs at 65% to 80% Below Market Price. Orders are being accepted. Tkke advantage of this golden opportunity before it is too late. PLACE: Dr. Flea's (stands 902 & 903) Q.E.W. & Trafalgar Rd. 125 Cross Avenue Oakville, Ontario Call the dance professionals at Fred Astaire Dance Studios and you'll be dancing and twirling, too! Ballroom dancing is fun and great exercise. What are you waiting for? Fall Special 5 hours of dance for $25* L a s t Chance. Call Today!! School band in key By Kathleen Houlahan (Grade 6) I think that everyone at Holy Family is proud to have so many students will ing to dedicate the time and leam to appreciate the school's band instru ments. And there is so much to choose from. Last year we had drums, wind and bras instruments, xylophone and piano/keyboard. (See `Band' page 15) Turning This Fall · M ffiE DANCE STUDIOS* M ED % TIME: 225 Lakeshore Road East, 2nd Floor Downtown Oakville 1 b lock w e s t o f T ra fa lga r R d. (Entrance from both Lakeshore Road and pariong lot o i Church Street} Saturdays & Sundays November 1st through December 30,1999 842-3797 w w w .fred ` New adult students only 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. T H E YOUR KEY ID fflE MILLENNIUM COMPUTE P ill SYSTEM The following is a list of components included in the system · Intel 440B X-2 System Board, ATX Design, U -D M A · 6 4 M B S D R A M System R A M · 1.44 Panasonic Floppy Drive · Quantum K A 9.1 G B 9ms, 5 1 2k cache, 7 2 0 0 RPM Hard Drive · ATI Expert @ Play 8 M B A G P Video Card · ViewSonic E651 .28 DPI Nl PnP Monitor · ATX Tower case 2 3 5 W Power Supply, CSA · Acer PS/2 104 W IN 9 5 Keyboard · Mitsumi PS/2 Mouse · W n d o w s 98 M S - O E M C D with manual · U S Robotics Sportster 5 6 K V 9 0 internal voice/fax/ modem · Toshiba 4 0 x IDE C D -R O M Drive · Creative Labs PCI 128 Sound Blaster PnP Card · 2 4 0 W Amplified Speakers, 3 D effect · 2 Year Parts and Labour Warranty BRONTE BUTTERFLY B u lle tin B o a rd Exciting Update! 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