Friday, October 29, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 27 Arts & Entertainment An Oakville Beaver Feature Editor CAROL BALDWIN, 845-3824 (Extension 254) Fax: 337-5567 Book reveals Oakville's resident ghosts As' told to the author by those who witnessed their presence By Sandra Omand SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Footsteps in an empty hallway, objects mysteriously moving, pianos that play by themselves late at night, doors that become locked, and beds that shake. These are just a few o f the unexplained happenings recorded by Joyce Burnell in her new book G hosts o f O akville which was launched with a celebratory cocktail party at the Oakville Historical Society (OHS). Approximately 50 people, some o f whom contributed to the book, crammed into the O H S's 53-year-old house. Flickering candles cast a warm glow over the walls as guests swapped ghostly stories and snapped up copies of the newly published book. Outside, in the crisp October night, a bright sliver of moon shone in the blackness while gusts of wind scattered leaves from overhanging trees onto the darkened, empty streets, providing a suitably spooky backdrop for the book launch. The only ghost who made an appearance, however, clad in a white sheet with a rope around its neck, was def initely of this world. The 79-year-old Burnell, who smiled mischievously when asked if she was behind the ghostly appearance, said she never intended to put together a book on ghosts, but one ghost story kept leading to another. "I didn't start out to write ghost stories, they are other people's stories that they shared with me," said BurnelL who admitted she has never seen a ghost herself. "The book just evolved." Encouraged by fellow seniors in her Scribblers Group and by her teacher Alma Johnson, Burnell began to com pile the firsthand accounts of Oakville hauntings even though she did not know a thing about writing a book. With her anything-is-possible-at-any-age attitude, Bur nell, who has lived in Oakville since 1951, put together the 36-page book in six months. When asked if she believes in ghosts, Burnell answers with a resounding `yes' pointing out that Christianity is (See `Haunted' on page 32) Photo by Ron Kuzyk Joyce Burnell, author o f the book G hosts o f O akville, is seen here with her book, along with a tangible representa tion of the main characters that she reveals in her book. m wM THEATRES £ im c m g lp WINSTON CHURCHILL THEATRES O EW i W ln tto n C h u rc h ill B J v d ChangingTheW ayCanadaSees M o vies h 1 8 ^ 8 AMERICAN BEAUTY (AA) (3 SCREENS) Fffl 145 2X1435), (500) (5:15). 7X. 7X, BX, OX, O X 1045,11X FIGHT C U B (R) SAT 1 15,1X 2 X (435), (54)5). (525), (2 SC8EENS) (NOPASSES) 7 X 7 45, OX, OX, 1025,1040,12X0 FH145,200. (4 45). (5215). 755,535. 1050,1135 SUN 1:15,145,2.X, (435), (5X). (52S|, SAT145.300, (4:15), 515.7:55.910,1100, 7.X, 7:45, BX, 0.30,1015 1210 MON-THU 145.2X, (435), (5X), (515). SUN 145.300, (4:45), 6:15 735,910.1025 7 X 7 X 8 X .O X .O X ____________ M0N-TMJ145 2 « l (4 45). (555). 735. 820,1025______________________ THRH KINGS (R) (3 SOWS) FB 225 (440), (5X), 7:10 7 X 9 X 0 4 0 . CRAZY M ALABAMA (PG) X11X1210 FH-SAT155 (*X), 7G0 945 SAT1X.3X (4:40),(535) 7:10 7 X .9 X SUN-fflU 15514301,7 X 030 9.40,10X, 11X1210 BATS (AA) (2 SCREENS) SUN I X 3X. (440). (535), 710,745 F» 155.225, (5201, (540), 725,750.940. 9X0X1015 100611:40,1215 SAT 105.125.3:10 330. (5:20). (5:40), 725, MON-THU225 (4:40), (525). 7:10,7:45, 9 X O X 1015___________________ 7.50,040,1005,11:40,12:15 SUN 105,125 3:10.330, (520), (5:40), BOOT SHOTS (AA) 725.750,025,055 FRI-SAT238 (5:40), 8 X 1035 MON-THU 1:55 225 620), (040), 725, SUN 2X. (5 40). 8X1025 750,925,1005___________________ MON-THU 2X15.40), 8X1025 T K STORY OF US (AA) (2 SCRHNS) RANDOM KARTS (AA) F« 1.55,230, (0151,(540), 7 X B X 0 5 5 (2 SCREENS) 1020.12X SAT 1 X 2X3X15:15), (5:40|, 7X, O X FR) 145,2:10, (420), (545) 7 X 8:45,945 (R) (2 SCREENS) HM150.2J0. (535), (6t»), 7:«. &15. 9:55,1035,12,t» SAT 100,230,120, (5:35), (6110), 7:45, 815,955.1(335,1135 SUN 1X , 230,330, (535) (600), 7.45, 815955.1920 M0W-THU150,230, (5:35), (600), / 45, 515 9551920 nisi n i-n is DRIVE ME CRAZY (PG) (2 SCREENS) (NO PASSES) Fffl 1:50,2:15, (5001.7X. 720,9 X 11:15 SAT2:15 3:15. (5® , 7X,7X,9X11:15 SUN 215,315, (500). 7X, 7X. 9:05 MON-THU I X 215, (5001(514). 7 X 720J X _______________________ AUSTIN THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME (PG) FRI-SAT 7:159X11:45 SUN 7:15, OX MON-THU 7:15, OX ELMO IN GROUCHLAND (F) FRI1:X,(5:10) SAT-SUN115,310, (5:101 MON-THU 150. (510) BUIE STREAK (AA) (2 SCREENS) now I BIG MOVIES NEW FILM HOTLINE: fa 2XI5O0), (53). 7:45, OX 10X. U f lX 1 2 0 ,a X (5:15), (535), 7:45,O X 1000.1135 SIM 1X . 120,3 X (515). (535). 7:45, 025, OX M0NTHU2X (5X1.(535), (7.45), 9 X 950__________________________ THE 13TH WARRIOR (AA) Fffl-SAT730.925.1120 SUNTHU 7 X 025__________ THE RON GIANT (PG) Fffl 155, (535) SAT-SUN1X , 325, (5X) MONTHU155 [5251 INSPECTOR GADGET (PG) Fffl 145, (525) SAT-SUN 145,33. (525) MONTHU 145 (525) STAR WARS EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE (PG) I smallprices | 310-FILM 310-FILM 0 0 5 0 ANY FILM »L ANY TIME CINEPLEX ODEON O A K V IL L EM E W S THE 13TH WARRIOR F r i. - T h u r s . 9 :3 0 C H I L L F A C T O R (A A ) F r i., M o n . - T h u r s . 7 :3 0 S a t - S u n . (1 :3 0 ), 7 :3 0 PLAYING THE 5 DRIVE-IN ja TWIN THEATRES On Ninth Line - North of Q.E.W. & South of Highway 5. Phone 257-8272 1 0 Encore Plaza Cinemas 131 Speers Rd. ( a t K e r r st) Oakville w w w .e n c o r e c in e m a s .c o m CINEMAGUIDE Showlimes effective Oct. 29-Nm. 4.1999 171 SPEERS AT KERR 844-4840 ^ ^ FrL, Oct 29 to Thurs., Nov. 4 Blue Streak ( a a ) Fri.-Thurs. 7:00 Sat. & Sun, Mat 1:15 STAR WARS: EPISODE 1 - THE PHA (P G ) F r i., M o n . - T h u r s . 6 :5 0 , 9 : 2 0 S a t - S u n . ( 1 : 0 0 ) , 6 : 5 0 , 9 : 2 0 _______________________ (A A ) Three Kings ( r ) Fri.-Thurs. 8:45 Sat. & Sun. Mat 3:15 H O U SEO NH AUNTEDHILL R| pas THR EETOTA N G O PG eT AA BATS __:·* |fU 5 AUSTIN POWERS THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME pg | Gates Open & 3 0 PM M O V IE S T A R T S A T D U S K TH E 5 DRIVE-IN - your best in entertainment 2 first-run features! FM stereo sound' Children Un der 13 admitted FREE! N o babysitting costs L O W E S T P R I C E IN T H E A R E A ! T U E S ., $ 4 .2 3 ; FR L., S A T ., S U N ., $ 8 . 5 0 O P E N F R I., S A T ., S U N . & T U E S 055,1020,12X SUN 1X, 2X 3X 1515), (5:40), 7X, 8X 9X 1015 MON-THU 1 X 2X, (5:15), (540), 730, 8X. 955,1015 11 X AUSTIN POWERS: THE SPY WHO SHA (PG) F r i., M o n . - T h u r s . 7 : 1 0 , 9 :0 0 S a t .- S u n .(1 :1 0 ),7 :1 0 ,9 :0 0 SAT 1C, 2:10, (420). (530), 7X. B X O ft 113 -SAT 145 (4:40), 7X1020 SUN 1 X ,2 X .(4 X ), (530), 7X, 8:45,945 SUN 1 45, (4:401,7X MON-THU 2 X, (4X), (5 45), 7X, 8 30,045 MONTH) 145, (4:40), 7 X Sixth Sense ( a a ) Fri.-Thurs. 7:00, 9:00 Sat. & Sun. Mat 1:00, 3:00 Lowest prices In seefirst run movies in Ontario! Admission S4.C0 Senioiis/Chiliirc n $2 50 Matinees $2.50 ______________ Tuesday all seats S2 00 $ 5 . 7 5 M O V I E S F R O M ( 4 - 6 P M ) E V E R Y D A Y AT T W I L I T E MICKEY BLUE EYES (P G ) F r i., M o n . - T h u r s . 7 :0 0 , 9 :1 0 S a t - S u n , (1 :2 0 ), 7 :0 0 ,9 :1 0 STIR OF ECHOES (A A ) F r i., M o n . - T h u r s . 7 :2 0 , 9 :4 0 S a t.-S u n .(1 > 4 0 L 7 i2 S ,S M a . 4 1 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING JDDJSSE ' in' all auditorium s `