Oakville Beaver, 29 Oct 1999, p. 43

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Friday, October 29, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 43 ^ ana> D A N A CANADA INC. @ · SALES/ MARKETING SECRETARY Rexdale area company seeking 3-5 years support to Sales & Marketing. MS Office, 60 wpm, S30-35K. "People a C cttci O P P O R T U N I T Y I personals CHECK out the new home page www.haltonhills.com/ personals. Register now and bring in the millenium with someone special. MEMBERS wanted to join a Novel writers critique group. Meeting 1 night every other week. If inter ested call Kelly 905-8454806____________________ A B D O U L IE : Renowned, African medium clairvoyant. Heredity gift, 27yrs. experi ence. Love specialist Re solve hopeless cases: Romance, marriage, ca reer, spells, health, protec tion. (Amazing results). One visit will convince you. 416-784-1322 W HAT are you missing by being alone? Misty River In troductions can help you find that special someone. Toronto's traditional matchmaker (416)777-6302 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST OR TECHNICIAN Required lo supervise the prototyping lab o t a lead ing heat exchanger m anufacturer. In d iv id u a ls w ith two years production plant experience, possessing a knowledge of alum inum fabrication and brazing tech niques, com bined w ith excellent co m m u ncation and team b u ild in g s k ills are preferred. · A/R CASH APPLICATIONS Airport area, 6 mo. contract. A/R, invoicing, cash ap plications exp. Maternity leave. $12-12.50/hr. · BILLING/ DATA ENTRY East Oakville, East & accurate numeric data entry, 2-3years office or b illing experience. · SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST Temporary staff to assist with assignments in Mississauga, Brampton, Etobicoke, Oakville! W ith m a n a g e d assets in excess o f $ 7 0 b illio n , The Associates is the w o r ld ' s la rg est p u b lic ly tr a d e d fin a n c e c om pany. C a n a d ia n s fr o m coast-to-coast rely on o u r fr ie n d ly s t a f f to assist them w ith affordable fin a n c in g . W orking h a rd fo r o u r custom ers a n d being good neighbours in o u r w orkplace a n d o u r c o m m u n ity m akes us the lender o f choice f o r c re d it w o rth y people. I f y o u w a n t to j o i n a w in n in g team w ith a passion f o r service a n d results, j o in us a t The Associates. We have an exciting opportunity in our B urlington leasing location fo r a: O A K V IL LE Condominium Corporation requires indi- ~ vidual for snow removal/clearing of private walk ways and driveways. (905)844-6941.___________ S N O W Plowing/Blowing Oak/Bur. Reasonable Rates. Residential/ Commercial. Call Now to guarantee your spot. Brian 842-4651 message________ daycare I t f l » l available A BBEY Woods area. Day care available for 6 year, olds & up. Low rates. Call 847-0815._______________ BILINGUAL ECE mom has space available in quality home Day Care 18 months + West Oakville 469-0671 E .C .E . N.N .E.B Mom. My home. Lunch and snacks. Creative, sensory, music and walks. West Oakville 338-0360________________ W A TC H me grow. E.C.E. mom offering quality day care. Daily activities, nutri- Dana Corporation-Long Manufacturing Human Resources Department 1400 Advance Rd., Oakville,On L6L 6L6 Fax: (905) 825-8425 No phone calls please!. Only those selected lor an Interview will contacted. A p ro g re s s iv e A lu m in u m /Z in c Die Casting Co. in B a rrie is s e e k in g : · ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (30AYS/WEEK) Airport Area, 8:30am-4:30pm, A/P experience with fast & accurate data entry speed. Part-Time · OTHER JOBS AVAILABLE! Financial Services Representative In this highly challenging position, you'll deal with clients and merchants one-on-one concerning loan applications, introductory sales calls and payment plans. You will be involved in all aspects of the credit and sales process; from soliciting prospective clients to loan administration and closing. A high school or community college graduate, you are highly motivated and ready to take on the challenges of sales and account management. Excellent communication skills combined with strong analytical and problem solving abilities round out your qualifications. You have prior experience in a credit, sales or customer service role. You must be flexible to work evenings and Saturdays. If you're interested in joining an industry leader and being part of a progressive, growth-oriented company, please forward your resume, quoting fde #FSR-W, to: The Associates, 760 Brant St., Suite 30, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4B8. Fax: (905) 639-7854. An Equal O pportunity Employer. Wc thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will he contacted. THE SELECTION GROUP R E C R U IT M E N T SE R V IC E S MAINTENANCE MILLWRIGHT · M u s t ha ve e x te n s iv e k n o w le d g e o f h y d ra u lic , e le c tric a l a n d m e c h a n ic a l b a c k g ro u n d . (905)238-1300 or Fax(905)238-0753 OFFICE HELP M a ture person re q uire d fo r busy o ffic e in Oakville. Duties include: reception, telephone, order processing and support for the account ing department. M ust be accurate and able to m u lti-task. P roficiant in AccPac, Corel W ord Perfect 7 and knowledge of M S Word. Fax resume detailing experience & salary expectations (905) 844-0023 sales help PRODUCTION MANAGERS · M u s t h a ve 5 y e a rs m a n a g in g o r s u p e r v is o r y b a c k g ro u n d in d ie c a s tin g . 696 lost & found Top Wages & Benefits with relocation package. LO ST: Large black & white long hair female cat. "Grade" pink collar tags, microchip, missing Oct. 24th. Maple Grove/ Devon area. 842-8790 daycare wanted I A FTER school care for 7yr. old girl, 3:30-7pm. Meal preparation, own vehicle required. 681-8892_______ H O M E daycare provider needs experienced full-time (temporary) assistant If in terested. please call 6317256.____________________ D A Y C A R E required parttime, 2 girls, 16-mos. & 4 years. My home or yours, Glen Abbey. 847-9217 CAREGIVER required, one infant, before/ after school care for older child. Our home, North Burlington. (905319-2082 776 Please fax resume to: 705-726-0408 OFFICE POSITION Our fast expanding store requires addi tional office staff! R esponsibilities will inch Payroll Processing Cash Balancing Handling Phone Calls Filing and General Office Duties Word processing, com puter and book keeping experience will be an asset. Excellent benefit package & profit shar ing plan. Apply in writing to: Mrs. H. Line LARGE or small repairs & renovations, drywalling, plumbing, electrical, much more. Ouality work. Frank, (905)637-5570___________ SPECIAL on D/R, Bedroom suites, Piano s. 40yrs ex perience. Best Rates, Good service. Toll free- 1800-810-5738____________ A B LE Renovations. Base ments, Additions, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Ceramics, Fences, Decks. Free Esti mates. John, (905)6375340, Pgr: (905)847-4392 2 EXPERIENCED NEW CAR SALESPERSONS required immediately For rapidly expanding dealership located in Oakville. M ust be h igh ly m otivated and eager to succeed. A · · · · · · The Associates. .. C O O K Wanted for busy catering company in 403/ Hwy.5 area. Mon - Fri., Days, 7:30-3:30. Experi enced only need apply. Start $10.50/hr. Car required. Call before or after lunch only, (905)820-9944____________ W A T E R S T R E E T Cooker and Emma's Back Porch are looking for high energy Servers, full & part-time. Top wages, great place to work. Apply in person to: Manager, 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd., Burlington S O U S Chef, Apprentice, Grill Cooks. with experience, required for our busy, award winning French Continental restaurant..... Jonathans of Oakville. Call Chris between 2-5pm, 8424254 We offer: ·A b o v e average earning potential ·C o m p a n y ca r/ car allowance ·G ro u p benefit plan For you personal interview please contact: RAMADA INN & CONVENTION CENTRE Oakville Our newly renovated hotel ts currently seeking h o spi tality professionals lo fill the fo llo w ing positions: PART-TIM E caregiver, late afternoons. Vehicle re quired. Student/ seniors welcome. Call days, ask for Esther (905)825-8040. B A B Y S IT T E R required Mature responsible teen ager to care for 2-yr okj in my southeast Oakville home. Occasional evenings/ weekends. 337- 2433._______________ E X P ER IE N C E D Nannies/ housekeepers in Philippines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931.___________ P A R T -T IM E Nanny re quired Mon.-Fri.. 3pm-6pm., in our River Oaks home for 2 school-aged children. Vehicle required. Nonsmoker. Senior/ student welcome. (905)257-6813. NANNY to help Mom with 5 & 1-1/2 year olds + triplets due January. River Oaks. 338- 5417________________ NANNY, full-time. 6-yrs & 6 month old boys, River Oaks. Legal non-smoker, driving required. 905257-0720. OAKVILLE DODGE JEEP CHRYSLER Michael George 905-845-4211 Fax 905-845-5772 646 Fourth Line (at Speers Road), Oakville Canadian Tire 777 Guelph Line Burlington, On L7R 3N2 MODULAR Telephone In te rfa c e Lim ited, a p ro g ressive ra p id ly g ro w in g O a k ville based T elecom m unications C om pany, cu rre n tly has im m e diate em ploym ent o p portu nity in the fo llo w in g areas: ilk LUMBER SALESPERSON Guest Services Representatives F/T Banquet Servers Bartenders / Servers 1st Cooks Dishwasher Housekeepers F/T Please subm it resumes to: Attn: Human Resources, 360 Oakville Place D r,, Oakville, On L 6 H 6 K 8 or CHRISTOPHER S TV Serv ice- We repair TV's/ VCR's/ Stereo's. Free pick-up and delivery. 505 Pinegrove Plaza. Oakville. 337-2459 I handyman TO T A L Rubbish Removaldemolition clean-ups, dispo sals. tree cutting and bobcat services. Call Ted's mobile (905)469-2962. H A N D Y M A N - JA M E S Full Yard Clean up's, Leaf Blowing and small odd jobs 274-8989.Reason able Rates F u ll tim e p o s itio n fo r a m a tu re in d iv id u a l w ith b u ild in g s u p p ly s a le s e x p e rie n c e . M u s t be c u s to m e r s e rv ic e o rie n te d , n e a t a n d w e ll g r o o m e d . F u ll b e n e fit p a c k a g e a v a ila b le . F a x o r d r o p -in y o u r re s u m e a p p lic a tio n to : Fax (905)-845-9450 Customer Service Representative The successful candidate m ust have M icro soft O ffice experience, go o d in te rp e rs o n a l and o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills . A dem onstrated track record o l im peccable custom er service is required to step up th the chal lenges of this entry-level p o sition. Core re sp o n sib ili ties focus on fron t lin e support of M TI's service C on tr o l C e n tre , in c lu d in g h a n d lin g in c o m in g a n d o u tg o in g c a lls re la tin g to s e rv ic e s is s u e s and to provide tim e ly and co n siste n t cu stom er assistance. University o f C ollege degree. Telecom experience as asset. Reporting to Supervisor, C ustom er Care Centre. Position 0447 S c h u y le r H o m e H a rd w a re 385 S te e le s A v e . E M ilton (9 0 5 ) 878-9222 F a x : (9 0 5 ) 878-4049 WE RE BUSY. WE RE HIRING! SERVERS Full & Part-time · Experience preferred. Apply in person with resume 2pm-4pm at ECE Teachers & Assistants required full and part-time. Fax resume to: BJ's Day care, (905)331-4585, Bur lington__________________ ^| A P/T French Instructor needed to teach adults inMilton. Please reply by fax: (416)332-1603 or email: linguas@idirect.com 100% Ouality Pro Painters = 100% satisfaction guar anteed. Interior. Exterior. 905-277-1793 or toll free 1877-724-6847. I painting & decorating SALES PERSON required fo r 2429 Fairview St., Burlington Warehouse Requires a self-m otivated person tor o u r refurbishing depadm ent. Successful applicant w ill possess good c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills and a p o s itiv e g o a l-o rie n te d w ork ethic. 4 0 h rs / week w ith com prehensive benefit package after 90 day p ro b a tio n . R e p o rtin g to the Supervisor, W arehouse. Position 0449 OAKVILLE NISSAN N e w /U s e d cars. Exp. a definite asset but we w ill train. Fax 905-8 27-234 9, or call 90 5-8 2 7 -1 1 7 7 RNs.RPNs Needed Immediately fo r local hospital relief. All Shifts. New grads welcome. WILLIAMS Coffee Pub re quires kitchen and Cashier/ Servers. Apply in person to: 2070 Appleby Line (Millcroft Shopping Centre). TOP WAGES FOR Please fax resume: (905) 338-5616 Insta-Care Nursing Service Exp. Cooks MTI otters the successful candidates a strong m an agement team, training and advancement op po rtu n i tie s , an d a ttra c tiv e s a la ry a n d b e n e fits pa cka ge. Please fax resumes, in confidence, to 90 5-3 3 9 -4 3 8 8 Ask for Kevin INSIDE Sales Representa tive needed to qualify leads and make appointments. Must be out-going, friendly, sales-oriented. $10.00/hr. Full-time or part-time days. To apply call Diane at 905827-8230________________ SALES person required for new Product during Christ mas season in Burlington Mall. High energy re quired, huge commission potential. Plase call 416424-1525 Busers Hosteses/ Hosts Kitchen Help A pply in person: POSITIONS of Bartender/ Servers, Buspersons, Host/ Hostess. Available imme diately for right individual with strong sense of team concept. Must have ex perience. Call now Q.B. Sports Eatery, 4460 Fairview (Appleby Ln), or call905-637-9797____________ PURE Gold needs imme diately D.J.'s, bartenders, wait and shooter staff. Call Lola (905)822-1525 or apply in person at 2630 Royal Windsor Dr. Mississauga. 10:30am7:00pm W A IT Staff, experienced; Hostess/ Host, part-time, student welcome. Apply in person: First Choice Kitch en, 2405 Fairview. Burling ton. G O IN G to Move? Call Move-Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas, 847-0178. R E LO C A TO R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional movers, truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. HO U SEK EEPER required for large executive home. 12 days per week. Cathy Fallis please call me, lost your number. Stephanie (905)849-7137 Please Quote Position Number PERSON Friday required immediately in Oakville. Must have experience in MS Word, Excel and MYOB. Please fax resume to 905-827-5987 CDA High energy CDA for busy Oakville fam ily practice. M ust be a self- starter w illin g to w ork as a team member. New grads welcome. Please call: 844-4445 7am -3:30, M on-Thur. to arrange an interview DENTAL Assistant/ Recep tionist. HARP certified for our Oakville office. Parttime hours could lead to fulltime. We are seeking a team member who is selfmotivated with great com munication skiffs. Please fax resume: (905)842-3601 CHAPS 3315 Fairview Burlington (Future Shop Plaza) E U R O P E A N ladies will clean your house to perfection! Free estimate. Call 681-2907____________ R E S P O N S IB L E , experi enced European cleaning lady will clean your house, apartment or office, low prices. Zofia, 639-3490 TE A M of two ladies will clean your house. 10% off for Monday and Tuesday. Free estimates. Good references. (905)844-5712. E X P E R T Alterations and Repairs. Dressmaking and Designing for all occasions. Custom home decor. Jean, 845-2499 N E E D help getting your product to market? Estab lished organization market ing product, wishes to add other consumer/ industrial lines. Services include ad vertising, mailings, e:mail campaigns. 800#, shipping, invoicing, importing, ex porting, accounting. Visa & master card available. In formation: 905-634-9211, after 5pm. 905-333-5614 Oflice Manager/ Bookkeeper Required by B urlin gto n com pany in construction industry. C om puter exp. w ith Lotus 123 required. Please send resum e to: OFFICE HELP Full-time Entry level position Reception, order processing, etc. M ust have w orking know ledge of M S W ord. Fax resume lo: SOUS CHEF/ CHEF fo r sm all upscale D ining restaurant in Oakville. A pply at: DRUM lessons- 1 hour lessons, experienced in structor & performer. Be ginners welcome (free drunsticks with 1st lesson). Learn, jam your favourite songs. Bass guitar accopaniment. Derek Wiegand 331-5058 ____________ M O N E Y Problems? G ar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 905-847-6255 B O O K K E E P E R , experienced, required part-time for our Burlington law office. Must know PC Law Jr. Fax resume to: (905)333-0575 COM PUTER company, lo cated in Burlington, re quires fulltime Receptionist. QaU (905)631-5786; Fax resume: (906)631-5789 The Burlington Post Box #1712, 2321 Fairview St. Burlington, Ontario L7R 2E3 DISPATCHER Wanted: Ex perienced U.S. Dispatcher for Oakville based brokerage firm. Please fax resume to (905)-842-8689 R E G IS T E R E D Massage Therapist required for clinic in downtown Oakville. Fax resume to: Bonnie at (905)339-3986 134 Lakeshore Rd. E. (Navy St) o r c a ll G e o rg e (9 0 5 )-5 1 0 -0 6 7 6 K ITC H E N Manager and LINE Cook requried for British Pub. Salary to be negotiated. Send resume Box 1711, Burlington Post. 2321 Fairview St., Burlington L7R 2E3_____________ Denninger's Deli Requires Cashier Sales Clerk Apply in person to: 2410 Lakeshore Road, Bronte 9 0 5 - 827-3717 GOLDEN AGE SERVICES For senior citizens ·B a s ic health ca reser. ·H o u se h o ld management ·S h o p p in g ·C le a n in g (Neg rates) Attention: Stay-At-Home Moms! Urgently seeking Providers in Oakville IMMEDIATE START · · · · · · F/T & P/T Hours Paid Stat & child sick days Stollers/ highchairs/ playpens supplied Support Workshops · Training Newsletters · Craft Supplies CALL NOW TM P r t» MomrltaTC aw * FT n DENTAL HYGIENIST REQ UIRED FOR O R TH O D O N TIC PRACTICE. Chris Please send resume to: D r. B . H u r d 7 2 0 G u e lp h L in e , S u ite 203 B u r lin g t o n , O n t a r io L 7 R 4 E 3 Classified No phone calls please! W A IT Staff; Buspersons; Part-time evening Dish washers; Fulltime Dish washer/ Prep Person.... B A R TE N D ER / W A IT Apply with resume to: The STAFFfull/ Part-time -for Harrop Restaurant, 345 Oakville restaurant. Call for Steeles Ave East, Milton. appointment 338-0804 ask Attn: Denise, Tel: for Bemie/ Sabina i (905)878-8161 ' - f - r (905) 876-0136 M E TIC U L O U S equipped cleaning. Many years experience w/fastidious clientelle. Custom service for weekly clients. Louha, 634-4871. 847-8060 < :uV>

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