Friday, October 29, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Mayors see Hwy. 407 ETR as boost to local economy (Continued from page 1) V o lu n te e r ss o u g h t fo rp o lic ea u x ilia r y Halton Regional Police are look ing for mature and com m unityminded individuals to expand its Auxiliary Unit. A total of 20 auxiliary officers are needed to help meet the increas ing demands of the service. Training for the successful candidates begins in January 2000. An open house information ses sion has been scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 4th at 7 p.m. in the north auditorium of police head quarters, located at 1151 Bronte Rd. Command staff will be on hand to discuss what auxiliary policing with one of the most progressive police services in Ontario. Photo by Peter C. McCusker The dignitaries at Wednesday's groundbreaking of the West Extension of Hwy. 407 ETR through Halton included (from the left) SLF project manager Albert Sweetnam, Milton Mayor Gord Krantz, Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale, Halton Hills Mayor Marilyn Serjeanston, Regional Chair Joyce Savoline, Tourism Minister And Burlington MPP Cam Jackson, Burlington Mayor Rob Maclsaac and Jose Maria Lopez de Fuentes, president and CEO of 407 ETR Concession Company Limited. Jackson. "This is a world class project worthy of the people of Halton. We've had to wait 15 years and three governments to get this done." In 1983, the Region named the construction of Hwy. 407 its top provincial transportation priority. Since then, Halton's four munici palities have pressed, each provin cial government to have the high way built. "The word impossible does not exist in our boundaries," said Savoline, who explained that even though the 407 does not touch every Halton municipality it means a great deal to all their eco nomic development. "This is a day we have longed for. It is a day we have worked for," said Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale, who explained Queen's Park was made aware that Halton was already losing business due to traffic. "We really do need this road, and soon." While Burlington Mayor Rob Maclsaac said the 407 will be part of the viable transportation net work which help his city sell itself, the big picture is also significant. `Today is such an important day for the whole region," he said. Milton M ayor Gord Krantz explained that the 407 is the vital missing link in Halton's road infrastructure that will benefit everyone. "This has been a long time coming," he said. Halton Hills Mayor Marilyn Serjeanston, whose community will not come in physical contact with the 407, explained that the ability to move goods efficiently across "this vast economic region" can't help but be enhanced. "Without good traffic move ments we can't achieve our full economic potential," she said. According to Savoline, Halton Region was also the only GTA municipality to successfully secure commuter parking lots on the new extension. Savoline, who referred to traf fic congestion as a "sleeping giant," explained that without seri ous investments in the area's road infrastructure the GTA and Hamilton-Wentworth cannot com pete globally. To that end, she had nothing but praise for the unique private/public sector partnership assembled to see the 407 through to completion. Construction of the extension which includes seven interchanges and 17 bridges - is being carried out by SLF Joint Venture, a con sortium com prised o f SNCLavalin Inc. and FerrovialAgroman Intemacional S.A. The 407 ETR Concession Company Limited, the owner/operator of the 407 ETR, represents Grupo Ferrovial/Cintra of Spain, SNCLavalin and Capital D 'Amerique, the consortium that bought the 407 ETR from the Province of Ontario in May for $3.1 billion. "This is a state-of-the-art high way and the only one of its kind in the world," said SLF project man ager Albert Sweetnam, who said he's pleased Halton four munici palities and the province recognize the economic impact of the 407. Tourism Minister Cam Jackson also complimented the local municipalities on their persistence in pressing for the extension then working with the government to see it through. "This is a well planned, well thought out program ," said W ho D oes Y o u r H a ir ... r n t b F o i l Highlights (maximum 10 highlights) (With the purchase of a cut & blowdry with Tamara or Debbie) (O ile r e x p ire s N ov. 2 0 /9 9 ) 83 Reynolds St. (905) 844-2504 M M lM lU f Attention!! Creative kids, teens and adults... A R T S K O O L S T U D IO S is now offering fall evening courses. These classes will feature drawing, colour media, portfolio preparation and family class. It Is with great pleasure that we invite you to join us in celebration of having Dr. Kristina Pere and Dr. Michael Browning join our practice. In addition, we would like to welcome you to view our newly renovated office. 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