Friday, October 29, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 7 Internet breaks down Pild barriers: Francis (Continued from page4) by Steve Nease gy what the telephone did to the telegram -- its simplicity will make it more accessible for people Discoveries in the biotech industry. In food reproduction biotechnology will replace pharmaceutical and chemical companies and give answers to medical science which will lead to engineering applications. Medical advances in heart disease and cancer. It's esti mated in 15 years heart disease will be a problem of the past, and one-third of all cancers will be cured or preventable. The "democratization o f informa tion" which propelled many recent his torical turning points, such as the dis mantling of the Berlin wall 10 years ago, the end of the cold war, and the bankruptcy of corrupt government sys tems, will also benefit business. Francis credited the Internet with breaking down the barriers which previ ously prohibited entrepreneurialism. She pointed to the runaway success of the low budget film Blair Witch Project, which proved to Hollywood moguls there is another route to million dollar prosperity. E-commerce, which grabbed 14% of the Christmas sales last year, is also putting a dent in retail shopping sales. Politically, M innesota governor, and former wrestler Jesse Ventura proved the Internet is an alternate and less cost ly means toward winning an election. Instead of recruiting masses of people and money, and travelling extensively, Ventura simply put up a website to increase his public presence. Removing sexist barriers provides the "ultimate competitive advantage" in societies which allow educational and financial parity to women, she said. "When society allows women to partic ipate, it has doubled its collective eco nomic IQ," she added. Overall, optimism will guide Canadians toward economic success. "We can't do better than to be Canadian now. Anyone bom at this time in our history will be guaranteed to live 100 years, and will be healthier and wealthier," said Francis. g m e n E KV Eftrrl n ES m «I m in .£Bl ro ra m rin a 1 A n d c h e c k o u t o u r lo w , lo w l e a s e r a t e s o n 2 0 0 0 m o d e ls ! Looking to loose? Our showroom is bursting at the seams with a super new lineup of ready-to-lease 2000 models. Drop by today and sample this exciting new selection. O u r low down payments and affordable monthly rates make leasing with us a dream come true. And the cost isn't the only thing that'll take your breath aw ay! W e ' v e o o t t he p e r f e c t c or f o r v o u l ( C h e c k t h e m o u t o n l i n e qt w w w . k e n n e d Y f o r d . c o ); 2000 Ranger XL (Auto/Air) 2000 Explorer 2-Door Sport (Loaded) $297.60 per month! $2,995 dow n paym ent (24 months/ 40,000 Ians) STK# R6763 $389.07 per month $3,995 dow n pay m en t (24 months/40,000 Ians) STK# EX6789 2000 Windstar LX (4-door with Quads) 2000 FI SO Super Cab XLT (Auto/Air) $298.07 per month $3,450 dow n paym ent (36 months/60,000 Ians) STK# 6696 $398.82 per month $3,450 dow n paym ent (24 months/40,000 kms) STK# F6803 L a u r ie M c L a c h la n J e w e l l e r y A V L .1 r J W i n n i n g Designer Miller Mews, U nit 10, 129 Reynolds St., Oakville Tel/Fax: (905) 338-8475 HlHlfl'ife Original in Ford C ountry 280 South Service Road West, Oakville 16K 3X5, (90S) 845-1646. Ad disclaimer hotline: (905) 845-1646 ext 210 Visit us online at