Oakville Beaver, 27 Oct 1999, D03

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Wednesday, October 27, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D3 nighseboo! power tumbling, a new and exciting sport sports recap v zr r The Halton field hockey champi onships were held Tuesday at Glenashton Park in Oakville which is entirely appropriate since they were allOakville affairs. And both the junior and senior finals featured the same schools -- Oakville Trafalgar High School (OTHS) and Appleby College. The winner of the senior final moves on to the Golden Horseshoe Athletic Conference (G-HAC) final (the final step before the provincials), slated for Thursday at Glenashton Park at 2:30 p.m. All around, it's proving to be a busy week for the Oakville Trafalgar senior girls team. Today (Wednesday), 3:30 p.m., they are hosting an international match against a visiting British field hockey touring team. Below are the final senior football standings along with this past Friday's season finale scores and this Friday's opening round playoff schedule. The junior standings, which were printed in the Oakville Beaver Weekend Edition, have been reprinted here, due to a slight revision. The girls basketball and boys vol leyball standings and scores were print ed in the Weekend Edition. FOO TBALL (SENIOR) Division one G W L T PF Imagine running full speed down a narrow runway, launching yourself into a series of acrobatic flips, twists, and aerial manoeuvres, soaring high enough to somersault three full rotations in the air in a straight body position before landing on your feet. Now imagine doing all this with only the aid of a foam strip no more than 2" to 4" thick and some fibreglass rods. Welcome to the dynamic sport of power tumbling, a new and very exciting sport. Despite being an organized sport for approximate ly 10 years, power tumbling's popularity has grown at a tremendous rate; in fact, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has recently confirmed it as an Olympic sport beginning with the 2004 games. Local athletes looking to train in this sport, referred to as `the snowboarding of gymnastics' can do so at the Oakville Gymnastic Centre. The OGC has been training athletes in Power Tumbling since 1992 and has been quick to accom modate the sport's growing popularity. An added emphasis on the sport was a key component of the club's recent program restructuring. Ten challenging skill levels have been implemented within the recreation program which focus on strength, flexibility, station work, trampoline work and power strip work. Recreational tumblers have the option to train oneand-a-half hours or more weekly. Classes are offered for both boys and girls, ages seven and up. The Centre's power tumbling program boasts expert trainers and a superb training facility. Coaches Andrew Deslippe, Ryan Webb and John Smyth offer numerous years of experience in the sport. Smyth recently accompanied the Canadian team to the world championships in Sun City, South Africa. Webb, himself, is still actively competing at the national level and is looking to represent Canada at the world championships. He has watched the sport evolve over the past few years and feels that its growth can be attributed to one key factor -- fun. As he points out, "power tumblers spend a lot of time flipping and flying through the air which the kids just love." Extensive time spent conditioning, stretching and developing techniques on the trampoline are also key components to the training and this adds to the fun of the sport. In addition to an exciting recreational program, the OGC offers very successful pre-competitive and com petitive programs. Last season's competitive team was among the strongest in the province. At the provincial champi onships in Burlington, several girls medaled. In the Level 1 category, Stephanie Moed placed third overall; in the Level 2 category, Cristin Stasiuk placed second; Leslie Ann Whitcomb placed first and was OGC's only provincial champion. While power tumbling has always drawn athletes with artistic gymnastic backgrounds, it's also proving popular to athletes in other disciplines. Dance, cheer leading, figure skating, diving, rhythmic gymnastics and acro-dance are all sports whose athletes utilize power tumbling to help enhance their skills. A limited number of openings are still available at all skill levels. For more information, contact the Oakville Gymnastics Centre at 847-7747 or fax at 8477722. Sign up for... ... baseball The hockey season may be barely under way, but it's already time to be thinking about baseball. Both of Oakville's youth hardball leagues are holding registration in November for the 2000 summer season. Oakville Little League holds its registration Nov. 6/13, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at White Oaks Secondary School (phone 8271831). The Oakville Minor Baseball Association holds its reg istration Nov. 6/22, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Iroquois Ridge High School (phone 416-443-6622). M inor Baseball Association 2 0 0 0 BASEBALL REGISTRATION A Complete Baseball Program For a ll Boys & Girls Bom 1979-1994 We offer 3 levels House League · Team PA P M.M.Robinson 5 5 0 0 168 52 10 Notre Dame 5 4 1 0 92 73 8 Nelson 5 3 2 0 150 101 6 Loyola 5 2 3 0 53 139 4 Assumption 5 1 4 0 64 117 2 Pearson 5 0 5 0 74 119 0 LAST FRIDAY: Assumption 15, Pearson 8; Nelson 40, Loyola 13. (Playoffs) Fri., Oct. 29 (all games at 2 p .m .)... LOYOLA at M.M. Robinson ... Nelson at Notre Dame. D ivision tw o Team G W L T PF PA P OakTrafalgar 6 6 0 0 173 49 12 Burt Central 6 5 1 0 92 30 10 Bishop Reding 6 5 1 0 102 39 10 Lord Elgin 6 4 2 0 149 42 8 Aquinas 6 3 3 0 101 109 6 Q.E. Park 6 2 4 0 91 106 4 Aldershot 6 1 5 0 75 141 2 Georgetown 6 1 5 0 26 182 2 Milton 6 0 6 0 43 157 0 LAST FRIDAY: Oak Trafalgar 28, Aldershot 6; Burt Central 28, Milton 0; Bishop Reding 14, Lord Elgin 13; Burt Central 9, Bishop Reding 6; Oak Trafalgar 21, Milton 7; Lord Elgin 29, Georgetown 0; Aquinas 21, Q.E. Park 13. (Playoffs) Fri., Oct. 29 (all games at 2 p.m.) ... Q.E. Park at Assumption (at Nelson Stadium); Aquinas at Pearson; Lord Elgin at Oak Trafalgar; Bishop Reding at Burlington Central. ... roller hockey The Oakville-based Halton Roller Hockey league is already gearing up for its 2000 spring/summer season. Registration will be held at River Oaks Arena next week, Thursday, Nov. 4 through Sunday, Nov. 7. Exact times are as follows ... Thursday, 7-9 p.m.; Friday, 7-9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m .-l p.m. and Sunday, 1-3 p.m. For info, call 332-1234 or visit the web page at www.rollerhockey.net H · · · · · · · · · Complete uniforms Rookie through Juvenile House League Tournament Season Starts May - Championship weekend September A Player Rating System for better team balance Special Development Clinics to improve player's skills Individual & team photos Family discounts (2 or more) Free Coaching and Umpire Clinics taught by qualified instructors Free indoor conditioning clinics Ages 8 -15 '$25 Worth of 0.M .BA Raffle Tickets Select · Travelling Tournament Teams from House League Players representing the Town of Oakville throughout Ontario Rep Oakville A' s W innipeg grand prix Melissa Nock came back with some hardware from the second national junior grand prix event of the badminton season this past weekend in Winnipeg. Although the draw was smaller than the opening event in Quebec City, there were a number of local players. Nock won the singles and mixed doubles events (with Gordon Chui from the Badminton and Racquet Club in Toronto) and was a finalist in ladies doubles (with local player Alex Snider), losing a close final in three games (15-13, 8-15, 15-10). With the win in singles, Nock moves into the number one position in points in the U-19 ladies singles ranking in Canada. Nock is slated to compete in the season's first senior grand prix tour nament in Calgary this weekend. · Teams representing Town of Oakville playing in the Central Ontario Baseball Association League · Provincial and possible international Tournaments D on't M iss The BalL..REGISTER NOW!! WHERE: WHEN: TIME: Team PA P 4 4 0 0 133 22 8 Notre Dame Nelson 4 3 1 0 135 54 6 Loyola 4 2 2 0 67 50 4 Assumption 4 2 2 0 65 84 2 Aquinas 4 1 3 0 54 138 2 M.M.Robinson 4 0 4 0 21 117 0 LAST WEEK: Assumption 29, M.M. Robinson 7; Aquinas 20, Loyola 13; Notre Dame 21, Nelson 15. (JUNIOR) Division one G W L T PF Iro q u o is R idge H igh S chool 1123 Glenashton Drive Saturday, November 6,1999 Saturday, November 20,1999 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. AGES: 6 to 21 C hildren m u s t reach 6 th b irth d a y d u rin g 2 0 0 0 ca len d a r year. N ew reg istra tio n s m u s t p ro vid e B irth C ertificate. Glenashton Upper 1 ---------------1 1 1 1 1 ·© c ,_i C C Middle Rd. 1 S> -d 3 2 £ Iroquois Shore Rd. O) LU Division two Team G W L T PF PA P White Oaks 4 4 0 0 123 12 8 Iroquois Ridge 4 3 1 0 109 63 6 Blakelock 4 3 1 0 54 43 6 Milton 4 2 2 0 68 43 4 Burt Central 4 2 2 0 76 66 4 Pearson 4 1 3 0 59 74 2 Lord Elgin 4 1 3 0 34 158 2 Aldershot 4 0 4 0 41 156 0 LAST WEEK: Burt Central 19, Pearson 13; White Oaks 21, Iroquois Ridge 6; Blakelock 7, Milton 6; Iroquois Ridge 42, Aldershot 21; Milton 27, Burt Central 10; White Oaks 33, Lord Elgin 0; Blakelock 21, Pearson 0. Q.E.W. REGISTER ON THE ABOVE DATES & SAVE $ 2 5 RATES T-BALL ages 6-7 (includes Town o f Oakville user fee for outdoor sportsfields) FEE $100 $155 AFTER NOV. 2 0 /9 9 $125 $180 ROOKIE-JUNIOR ages 8-21 (includes Town o f Oakville user fee for outdoor sportsfields) Outstanding athletes honoured O a k v ille 's o u ts ta n d in g a th le te s w ill be h o n o u re d b y th e T o w n o n T h u rsd a y , O c to b e r 28. A w a rd s w ill b e p r e s e n te d by O a k v ille M a y o r A n n M u lv a le a n d O a k v ille O ly m p ic g o ld m e d a lis t a n d C a n a d ia n S p o rts H a ll o f F a m e m e m b e r L a rry C a in , w h o w ill a ls o b e th e k e y n o te sp e a k er. T h e a n n u a l c e re m o n y re c o g n iz e s the to w n 's o u ts ta n d in g a th le te s w h o h a v e w o n p ro v in c ia l, n a tio n a l o r in te rn a tio n al c o m p e titio n s , g a m e s o r to u rn a m e n ts . T h is y e ar, m o re th a n 100 a th le te s, re c o g n iz in g n in e lo c a l sp o rts a s s o c ia tio n s , w ill b e re c o g n iz e d . Melissa Nock, pictured here at the recent Quebec grand prix, competed last weekend in Winnipeg. *Reduce Registration Costs by an additional $25. How: A t Registration you receive a book o f 25 Tickets worth $25. Sell the tickets and return ticket stubs to your Coach before June 14,2000 and keep the CASH. For more information please call (416) 443-6622 Catch The E xcitem ent P lay O.M .RA. B aseball in 2 0 0 0 Providing Quality Programs in our Community for over 40 Years United Way of Oakville 7 th A nnual "W ill C ampaign '1 November 1-6,1999 P resented by Jo n a th a n M a rle r The United Way of Oakville would like to say Thank You the fo llo w in g b u sin e sse s w h o helped m a k e p o ssib le the First A n n u a l z o < Have your will professionally prepared for a donation of only $100* (powers of attorney $50) All proceeds to United Way of Oakville Portidpcrting Lawyers: William B. Kerr · Larry S. Gangbar Daniel C. Baricheflo Jonathan H. Marler Rondd Van der Steen L Rulhanne Bowker John P.H. Ford Q.C. Thomas H. Marshall Q.C. Stuart W. Henderson Karen A. Thompson PaulR. Davidson Alex Kyle RichardB. Day Scott Aird GL s < o Phone Number: 842-8600 842-8030 842-1148 338-2300 842-2222 844-0381 849-1689 844-0464 844-3218 338-7941 842-8600 338-2300 844-8581 844-0381 338-8481 465-1811 338-6968 338-2300 Dates: Nov. 1 (12pm - 4pm) Nov. 2 (9am - 12:30pm) Nov 2 (2pm - 5pm) Nov. 2 (4pm - 8pm) Nov. 2 (4pm - 8 pm) Nov. 2 (10am - 4 pm) Nov. 5 |9am - 12pm| Nov. 2,3,4 (5pm - 7pm) Nov. 3 |9am- 5pm) Nov. 3 (3pm- 6pm) Nov. 3 (2pm- 5pm) Nov. 3 (4pm - 8pm) Call for an appointment Nov. 4 (2pm - 4:30 pm) Nov. 5 (9am -12 pm) Nov. 5 ( 9am - 12pm) Nov. 6 (10am - 1pm) Nov. 9 (4pm- 8pm) A WORLD WITHIN OAKVILLE a wonderful success! Premier Sponsor: E U R O U N IT E D C O R P O R A T I O N L O N D O N i N E T W O R K CoruuLs lUd fa r Ie * i DiiUove Centpory < 3 Keith Nelson Andrew Bonar Wayne Gray James W. Andrew a different plastics company Gold Sponsors: CB Richard Ellis ^ TELEC O M » M V IL L f P L A C E SPACES ARE LIMITED, CALL THE LAWYER OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY FOR A N APPOINTMENT l n u c d \V ..v OF O A K V ILL E T h e O akville B ea v er Silver Sponsors: · Morguard Investment Limited · Pattern Concrete · Pro Concrete Official Media Sponsor *No further fee. GST is included H ELP& HQPE IN OUR COMMUNITY Cable & Wireless HKT Imperial Travel & Tours Concrete Trimmings Guinness

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