Wednesdsay October 27, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D7 Business KnitFor Kids program sponsored by Lewiscraft Knitters across the country have donated more than 165,000 hand-knit items to needy Canadian children over the past 13 years in the Lewiscraft Knit For Kids program. What began as a community project in Ottawa has grown into an annual countryw ide cam paign. Lewiscraft joined forces with the Salvation Army to gath er and distribute the hats, scarves, and mittens knit by vol unteers every Christmas. Lillian Shoihet, who in 1986 was a craft consultant for the Ottawa Rideau Centre Lewiscraft store, started the pro ject when she decided to knit and donate some mittens to the local Salvation Army for distribution before Christmas. Today, staffers and customers at all 75 stores across Canada donate their time and talent to the annual Salvation Army/Lewiscraft Knit For Kids program. Participants purchase their yam from a Lewiscraft store, knit the articles with patterns provid ed free o f charge by Patons Yams, and return them to the Lewiscraft store with their sales receipt for a full refund. Many stores collect well over 200 hand-knitted items each year. Lewiscraft has refunded more than $100,000 since the program began in 1987. Last year alone, customers and staff provided over 15,000 assorted mittens, hats, scarves, sweaters, and more, all lovingly hand-knit for Canadian Kids. Many people see this as a perfect opportunity to make a worth while contribution to the com munity. Anyone who knits is invited to participate in this year's "Knit For Kids" program. All contribu tions are welcome. The cam paign runs from October to early December. More information is available at the Oakville Lewiscraft store, 2501 Hyde Park Gate, 829-3226. 1 Innovation Centre gives customers tools to learn about products (Continued from page D8) At the heart of the store is a com puterized "Innovation Centre" where custom ers can plug into all of the inform ation available on the full range o f prod ucts. In the future, it will also be possible to order parts on-line as well. "W e're trying to make this anything but a typical shopping experience," says A lm eida. " A pproxim ately every q u arter w e'll be show casing a new, innova tive product." The M aytag Store also has its own parts depart ment and has created its ow n d eliv ery service as w ell, D ependable Care Delivery, which is staffed by factory-trained person nel w ho know how to install and operate the appliances. "D elivery is the last opp o rtu n ity we have to rem ind custom ers o f what this com pany is all about," says A lm eida, "so it's im portant that it be done properly. Photos by Peter C. McCusker Ward 3 Councillor Tedd Smith, Leo Andrade co-owner, OF Lonely (Gordon Jump) and co owner Tony Almeida open The Maytag Store at Hampshire Gate. Below, a portion of the new store. Business Development Centre adds staffers The H alton Region Business D evelopm ent Centre in association w ith H um an R esources D evelopm ent Canada, Industry Canada, and the M inistry o f E conom ic Developm ent and Trade have pooled resources to further enhance access to exporting programs and information that entrepreneurs need to succeed in the global marketplace. Tony Khani has been appointed for the role o f Export D evelopm ent Advisor. He is available to work with busi nesses in Halton to help -them start exporting or broaden their export m arket. He will provide services such as export aw are ness, education, 1 99 2 BUICK REGAL 4 -D R . training, export Loaded. Mag Wheels. readiness assess ments, develop OVER 40 USED VEHICLES ment, and im ple T O CHOO SE FROM! m entation of 827-07771 export plans to both en trep re neurs and small businesses in Halton. K hani's back ground is in business d ev el opm ent, p lan ning, co-ordinat ing negotiations '95 NISSAN PATHFINDER TRAIL BOSS and foreig in Fully loaded, auto., sun roof, exchange in heated seats. dom estic and Only offshore m ar OcxUville yV\otot*s Q 4 Q - Q Q 4 Q kets. He has rep S A L E S A L E A S IN G IN C U "T ^ J resented the m anufacturers and distributors of fluid and elec tronic com po nents into the overseas market. The C entre has also hired M a r i a n n e C raw ford as a '9 5 SAAB AERO new 5-speed turbo, Sm all 79.000 kms. B u s i n e s C onsultant, thanks to fund ing from the 0 c X S £ h £ £ ^ o rS 8 4 9 - 9 9 4 9 | Ontario M inistry of Econom ic D evelopm ent and Trade. Crawford was a small business consultant at the A 1 g o m a B usiness SelfHelp O ffice in Sault Ste. Marie '9 5 B M W 5301 5-speed, sport model, fully loaded, and managed the 84,000 kms. local econom ic developm ent office in Oc»l<ville yVAotor-s Q4Q_ S A L E S A LE A S IN G IN C W M anitouwadge. She w ill be m eeting with clients from M on.-Fri. 8:30 a.m .-4:30 p.m. Oakville. lAse.J Car $ ·r-' » L & TO RUN ON THIS PAGE CALL NOW! Wj- w a 1992 CAVALIER 4-DR. 1994 CAVALIER 2-DR. 1988 CAVALIER Z24 ^7,995 1989 SPRINT Only 72,000 kms. Auto. OVER 40 USED VEHICLES T O C H O O S E FR O M ! 1992 CARAVAN ES Loaded. OVER 40 USED VEHICLES T O CH O O SE FROM ! O VER 4 0 USED VEHICLES T O C H O O S E F R O M ! *d L KYLIE'S VANS IS tS S S KYUE'S VANS S lS s S i 827-07771 KYUE'S VANS ffiS S S i 827-07771 KYUE'S VANS S S S S S 827-0777 '9 7 SU BAR U LEGACY GT Fully loaded, 5-speed, 4WD, power roof, alloys, spoiler pkg., only 50,000 kms. 1 9 9 8 FORD ESCORT ZX2 l owner, 2.0L 16-valve Zetec 4 cyl enaine, A/C, p.w., p i , dual air bags, tinted glass, 5 spd, Oakland quali- 1 9 9 4 MERCURY SABLE GS Auto, 3.0L, EFIV-6, A/C, cruise control, p.w p i, dual air bags, cruise control, tilt steering, Oakland certified. *20,500 J Ocxl<ville AAotors Q 4 Q . S A L E S A LE A S IN G IN C " Oak-land Lincoln Mercury 844-3273 SI *1L995 Stk. #9A304A / (-- Oak-land Lincoln Mercury 844-3273 W An r~ li= -- '96 CADILLAC STS Only 68,000 kms, fully loaded. Black on black leather. 1 9 9 8 MERCURY MYSTIQUE l owner A/C cruise control^ tilt steering, eering, p.w., p.l, AM/FM/cas:, alloy sette, , wneels, dual air. Oakland quality certified, only 30,000 kms. *22,900 *29.900 8 4 9 -9 9 4 9 wheels, block heater, pwr grp, warranty up to 80,000 km ind. Oaldand 1 9 9 9 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4X4,20 000kms,4.01 SOHCV-6,runningboankontflodcbrakes okm Six. #A0529 || Oakland Lincoln Mercury 844*3273 | Oak-land Lincoln Merwry 844-3273 '97 CUTLASS SUPREM E 4-door, loaded, with leather. Like new. 1 9 9 4 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 7-passenger seating, p.w., A/C, p.l.. privacy glass, cruise control, tilt steering, dual air bags, AM/FM/cassette, rear wiper, 3.0L EFl-6 engine, very dean. Oakland c e r tifi^ jp i /£& ^ 7 /-- 1 9 9 7 TO YO TA COROLLA Automatic A/C, air bag, remote trunk & fuel release, 58,000 kms. Excellent condition. *28,900 *16400 11 Stk. #P10880 * ° ° y ] ^ ° +cn s 8 4 9 - 9 9 4 9 *»k-land U"<oln Mercury 844-3273 | Oak-land Umoln Merwry 844-3273 S e r v i c e s Advertise Your * H e r e F o r O n ly offered include business start-up information and assistance with the preparation o f a business plan, financial planning, m ar keting research, advertising and promotion. P re -O w |e d « Car or Truck * Call Rick or Al at