3 | Friday O ctober 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com F a r e w e ll f o o t p a in Our foot care starts w ith education. We tre a t all foot issues so you can live w ithout pain & improve mobility. B e s tC h iro p o d is t / C lin ic / O rth o tic s p ro v id e r since 2004 · W e p u t ca re; & service first! ^ 905 6321414 9 728 B u r lo a k (S o u th o f t h e Q E W ) Foot & Health C linic com Prim e M iniste r Justin Trudeau visited th e YMCA E m ploym ent S ervices B urlington and delivered brief rem arks follow ed by a m edia availability. Joining him were O akville N orth-B urlington MP Pam D am off, left, and O akville MP John Oliver, right. | Riziero Vertolli/Metroland Oakville MPs welcome Trudeau by John Bkila Metroland Media West C h eck o u t w e e k ly fly e rs A 2019 federal investment of $500 million to the income tax benefit can help address the is sue of affordable housing, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during an announcement in Burl ington Thursday, Oct. 26. Trudeau paid a visit to YMCA Employment Services Burlington, on Drury Lane, to see how the centre assists residents in searching for a job or going back to school -- and to make the an nouncement. "Housing is a fundamental building block to success.... We're seeing the pressures around housing crises in various places around the country and we know that' s something we have to work on together," he said. He said the Working Income Tax Benefit (WITB) will see the federal government spend ing $500 million every year starting in 2019 -- the same year as the next federal election. The Canadian prime minister also said his gov ernment will bring forward a national housing strategy soon to address the "housing pressure" challenges "far too many Canadians are facing." P n D SAVE! B rsw se flye rs frsm ysu r fnvcuripennpicnnl n n d lc c n l repnilers v is it = · · .C Q flyers. cou pons. d e a ls . s a v in g s tips. k y B o o t fo r g rea ter p erfo rm a n ce kyBoot H a p p y H a llo w e e n ! Let us get you to and from your Halloween get-togethers. W e can ta k e you b a c k & from : Medical & Dental Appointments Errands, Social Visits, Meetings · Alzheimer's Transportation · Lowest Airport Rates 267 Lakeshore Rd. E., O akville M on.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 9-1 r; o Trains the back o Strengthens the jo in ts 1 o Improves your fitness in your everyday life w w w .k y b o o t .c o m R ich ard P rice P harm acist/O w ner O u r d rivers a re all First A id C P R Trained A Trusted name in Oakville for over 20 years! w w w .k y b u n .c o m www.oakvilleunitedtaxi. com 9 0 5 .8 4 2 .2 7 7 0